Interview with Galen Gering and Lamon Archey

TV Interview!

Lamon Archey (Eli) on Days of Our Lives on NBC; photo from NBC Galen Gering DAYS OF OUR LIVES -- Season: 55 -- Fifty Fifth Anniversary Portrait -- Pictured: Galen Gering as Rafe Hernandez -- (Photo by: Chris Haston/NBC)

 Interview with Lamon Archey and Galen Gering of “Days of Our Lives” by Suzanne 2/20/22

This was an online fan event called, “Days Of Our Lives Q&A Zoom Salem’s Hottest Cops Lamon Archey & Galen Gering.” Although I’m a journalist, I’m also a fan of “Days of Our Lives” and other soaps, so I was happy to pay a small fee (which goes to charity, anyway) to see these two and ask them a question. It was a lot of fun. I wish I had the chance to ask more questions. Maybe someday I will!

Here is the video of my question. You can’t hear me because of the way it was recorded (you can see me at the top, in the little box, asking it). I asked them what they would like to see their character do that they haven’t done before. They gave great answers! Then, below is the transcript of the entire chat. Thane is also another contributor to our site there, and he asks a question as well.  It was very funny to listen to the actors joke around with each other and the fans, and about their characters.

Moderator:   Okay women, behave.

Woman:   Never.

Woman:   It’s funny the majority of the people that I’m doing the other thing with is mostly female, one guy who’s the lawyer

Woman:   Galen. Hello.

Galen:   Hey, everybody.


Woman:   I think he’s driving.

Galen:   He is driving. Is this legal? I don’t know.

Moderator:   Okay, good. We’re just waiting for Lamon.

Galen:   Oh, we could be waiting a long time

Woman:   The last time I saw you on Instagram with Tamara, you were in a car.

Galen:   Oh, my god. That’s so true. By the way, those are the only two times I’ve ever been in a car… on one of these, that is.

Woman:   Are you gonna drink while you’re in your car?

Galen:   I think it’s tequila from yesterday.

Woman:   You’ve been playing golf?

Galen:   Yeah, I went out and played nine holes. I have this big tournament this weekend. So, I had to practice a little bit.

Woman:   You throw any shoes at anybody while they’re trying to make a buck?

Galen:   Oh, you saw that video. You know what’s funny is that was on my birthday last year. Yeah, it was right around my birthday last year. So, not far from that, a year ago today.

Women:   Happy belated birthday.

Galen:   Thank you. Yeah, that’s my buddy [unintelligible] he’s a super funny writer. He’s a stand up comedian, too. But man, he’s the slowest golfer on the planet. And we’re like, “Dude, come on!” He said something like, “You guys. You’ve got to be quiet so I can golf straight.” And then I was like, “Oh, do we?”

Woman:   Congratulations on your Rams winning the Super Bowl.

Galen:   Oh, my god. Thanks. I know. You know, what’s funny is –

Woman:   I wasn’t rooting for them.

Woman:   I was; I rooted for them.

Galen:   I know you were. My 49er girl.

Woman:   Yeah, because they knocked them out of the Super Bowl.

Galen:   I know, what a crazy game. Right?

Woman:   Right. Right. Yeah.

Galen:   Honestly, you know I’ve got love for the 49ers. I lived in Northern California. So, if the Rams weren’t in it, I would totally have been rooting for them. In fact, I was rooting for them when they lost in the Super Bowl a couple years ago. Remember that?

Woman:   Right. Right.

Galen:   That’s two heartbreaks.

Woman:   Yeah, I know. Right? Now, we’re gonna lose Jimmy Garoppolo.

Galen:   Yeah. I mean –

Woman:   He’s gonna go follow Brady.

Woman:   Well, the Niners… they want him to come out of retirement.

Galen:   Oh.

Woman:   Because he’s from here. So, you know, he’s from San Mateo. So, he wouldn’t do that.

Galen:   What do you think the chances of that are?

Woman:   I mean, the sky’s the limit for the guy. I mean, he can do whatever he wants. He can go play with the Niners for a year. Well, I’m sure Giselle wants him home.

Galen:   Oh, yeah. How old are his kids?

Woman:   They’re like 12 and 10, or something like that. They’re young.

Galen:   How many years in the league? 22 is it?

Woman:   Yeah, he’s 22 years. Yeah.

Galen:   I mean, that guy.

Woman:   He’s like a machine. He’s like a machine. He’s amazing.

Galen:   He is a machine.

Woman:   He’s a machine. He’s probably not human. We’re gonna find out he’s a Terminator.

Galen:   I don’t know. I don’t think he’s gonna come back.

Woman:   Well, you never know… you might get bored after you know, a year.

Galen:   Yeah, that’s true. Sorry, I’m just looking for headphones. Ill-prepared. Oh, well.

Woman:   I’d like to talk to and see what Lamon’s thoughts are on it, too, because he’s from San Mateo.

Galen:   He’s from where? San Mateo?

Woman:   He’s from San Mateo.

Galen:   Where is that?

Woman:   It’s It’s near San Francisco. We’re 30 minutes South.

Galen:   No, I mean, where’s Lamon?


Woman:   Yeah, I messaged him and haven’t heard anything back yet. Do you want to get started?

Moderator:   Yeah. So we’ll get started and see what happens when Lamon comes on. So, on behalf of Penny and Star Image Entertainment, we would like to thank Galen for taking the time to do this today, especially fresh off the golf course. We really appreciate it. So, first, we’re going to bring up Francis. Francis, tell us where you’re from and ask your question.

Woman:   Hey, Galen, it’s nice to see you again. I was here the last time you were here.

Galen:   Thank you so much.

Woman:   I actually don’t have a question. I just wanted to say I’m enjoying the storyline. They’re giving you a little bit more storyline lately. So, I’m enjoying it. I’m enjoying it. But yeah, I just wanted to say hi and say thank you for doing this. I remember way back when in your Passions days, that wasn’t yesterday. So, I just want to wish you all the best and just say hi, just basically all I wanted to do was to say hi to you, and thank you for taking the time to do this.


Galen:   I know you have a question for me.

Woman:   No, I don’t. You can ask me if you want. You can ask me if you want. I got nothing, honestly, I don’t.

Galen:   Where are you?

Woman:   I’m in Montreal.

Galen:   Okay. Wow. Is it freezing there right now?

Woman:   Oh, yeah. It’s starting to go down, isn’t it, Penny, starting to go down again? It’s starting to go down again. It’s gotten cold. It was like a cold weekend or cold a few days ago. Then it got warm again. Now it’s cold again. So it’s up and down like a yo-yo.

Galen:   Well, thank you for for being here today. It’s so great. I love to see all familiar faces out there. Truly.

Woman:   Yeah. Well, thank you for taking the time to do this. It’s nice that you guys actually take the time to do this.

Galen:   My pleasure.

Woman:   So, you have a good week.

Galen:   Okay.

Moderator:   Thanks, Francis. Next, we’re going to bring up Michelle Liebowitz. Michelle, tell us where you’re from and ask your question.

Woman:   Hey, Galen, I’m Michelle, I live in Florida. I know you are a big blooper person. What is your most memorable blooper that you could tell us about?

Galen:   That I could tell you about? Well, I’ll tell you guys anything. I feel like the one that’s my favorite one – I’ve told the story of… but I’ll tell you again. And if you’ve heard it, I’ll think of another one. And to be honest with you, the kind of sad part about the whole thing is, I mean, now on Days, so the best bloopers were on Passions. On Passions, we were just out of control. Like, we even have, like, a full-on vendetta against one another as cast mates all the time and against the crew. So, it was crazy.  Like, there was a time I came into my dressing room in the mornings, like seven in the morning. No furniture, nothing. nada, nothing. It was just gone. Didn’t even know where it was. And it was really funny at first… until I was, like, sitting there for, like, two hours on the floor, like, “This is not cool.” But I will say one of my favorite pranks that I pulled was on Chris Douglas. This was on Passions, and he played my brother, Antonio, and he was in a coma for a long time. So, like they always put us in comas on that show, especially if you’ve done something wrong, which we were kind of doing all the time. So, then they would write you in a coma. So, he’s in a coma, and I….. just saw my bike here. – By the way, I have to pick up my bike; remind me when we get off, if anyone has a good memory, to get my bike. – So, at lunchtime, I snuck into the studio, and I put in this thing , it’s called a scat mat, which is designed to keep pets off furniture. So, what happens is the pet would jump up on the furniture, and then it would sense it, and then it would ramp up, and then, I mean, it’s a pretty good shock, like it’s pretty good. So, I put that in his coma bed, and then he got into the bed and was lying there, and all of a sudden he’s like, “Ahhh! You son of a bitch!” I was in the studio laughing, and they had to put these EKG things [on him], you know what I mean? He ripped them off and started chasing me around the studio. That was one of my favorites, just because it was pretty unique. We see all kinds of crazy stuff. We would steal the producer’s car, executive producer Carly’s, and we’d move her car, but somewhere we would fill people’s cars full of fake snow. [It was] just insane. We’re kind of out of control, but it was a lot of fun.

Woman:   That’s awesome.

Galen:   Now we can barely even make a joke. There’s just not time, you know?

Moderator:   Great question, Michelle. Thank you. Next we’re going to bring up Ina. Ina, tell us where you’re from and ask your question.

Woman:   Hey, Galen.

Galen:   Hey, how are you?

Woman:   Good to see you too. I’m from Staten Island, New York. I guess my question is, I just thought of it, actually, since you’re in the car. What is your favorite car?

Galen:   Ooh, that’s a good question. I don’t have one favorite car per se, but like my son, one of my older sons, he’s super into cars. He’s like, “Dad, why don’t you just have this truck?”…Like he’s really into cars, and so he asked me the same question. He’s like, “Well, what if you could get [your] own sports car or something like that?” For me, I would think something like a really cool vintage – I actually was just looking at this old Ferrari you know, kind of like the Magnum PI, a little different, but just a little kind of like 80s funky style, or even a much older one. Or an all Porsche something like kind of classic like that. My friend was going to borrow my car the other day to go to Mammoth, and he has a McLaren. You guys know what that is? Crazy sports car. The doors opening up on the side. Like they go vertically. It’s like a little rocket ship. And I was like, “Oh, this is pretty cool,” but then I ended up going up there and meeting them and taking my car. So, I didn’t have a car for the weekend, but that would have been fun. But I don’t know. Maybe. Maybe we’ll get something soon.

Woman:   I actually like SUVs. I like trucks.

Galen:   Yeah, me too. I have two boys. And we’re just always throwing bikes, and I’m like, I have to get my bike and throw it in right now.

Moderator:   Thank you. Next we’re gonna bring up Sue [unintelligible]. So, tell us where you’re from and ask your question.

Woman:   Hi, Galen. What’s up? I’m from Mineola Island New York. [unintelligible] you can’t really see, because I have my picture in the background. That’s my leg by the way, Galen. You can’t really see it, but i have a Days tattoo.

Galen:   Where’s your leg? Oh.

Woman:   So yeah, I’ve been watching the show since I was like seven, eight years old, and I’m going to be 42 on Mother’s Day. So, you know, I can’t help it. I’ve loved the show all my life. I had a question that just left my brain. Okay, I remember now. What’s it been like working like working off between Tamara and Ari, because, I mean, I the storyline’s been, like, killer, between Ava and Nicole and Rafe and stuff? And I really love how you guys are doing it. I know that Soap Opera Digest says that next week or something in the next like week or so they actually come clean to Ava, so I’m wondering, what’s it been like between the two of them and stuff? How’s it been like working with the two of them and everything?

Galen:   Sure. Good question. Honestly, they’re amazing. Like, they’re both very different as people, but great and obviously very talented. I really liked working with Tamara, and, like the Rafe/Ava story. I don’t think that they thought that the couple or sort of like pseudo-couple, for those two was going to work as well as it did. Then, I felt like they thought they were like, “Oh, let’s keep this going for a while and see how it goes,” because it seemed like it was just going to be this like quick thing that was gonna explode, and then ended up staying together for quite a while. So, it was great. And she’s so volatile and she kind of scares the crap out of me. Honestly. I told her she just has this look. She’s like, “[unintelligible].” I’m like, “Yeah, you’re freaking scary. I feel like you would totally stab me in the neck with a pencil or something.” Hilarious. And then Ari, you know, she’s just kind of wild and funny, and Tamara is a little bit more sort of reserved, whatever, but both really fun and talented, and I love when the three of us actually also have scenes together and –

Woman:   It’s a lot of fun watching you guys work off each other it really is.

Galen:   Thanks. Thanks. Yeah.

Woman:   And you do have some time for for bloopers, because [unintelligible] posted a blooper while back of you fucking with Brock Kelly like the whole like David thing. “Where’s David?” You’re like, “It’s the popo!” You guys mess with Brock so bad.

Galen:   That’s right; I do remember that.

Woman:   You kept laughing. But you have some time for jokes. I like when [unintelligible] posts a little bloopers sometimes between all of you. Like, it makes it real for us. Like, you do like mess around; you do have fun. You do mess up every now and again. But it’s cool.

Galen:   Boy, you know, it’s easy. Actually, there are times when I’m not even meaning to do it. I saw some the other day that haven’t aired yet, with Billy Flynn. He and I are just like, it’s like our work. We always just connect with one another on the sort of like, where’s the honesty level, and I was just thinking something. I wasn’t even thinking something funny. So, he has this really intense scene, and he’s coming in to me, to the police station, and then I’m just looking at him, and I’m just checking, and he’s like, “Bro, don’t do that.” And then I’m like, “I’m not even doing anything.” I’m like, “Don’t you do that.” You know? So, then, now he’s got me thinking that I’m doing something to him and accusing me of it now on camera. So, I’m like, maybe I should do something. I don’t really do much of anything. But then he started laughing, and he’s freaking out on set, and then I started laughing. So, I guess we still do have fun, and we just don’t really set up like elaborate pranks, you know what I mean? Before it was like crazy.

Woman:   Yeah Eric Martsolf had mentioned that to me. He’s like, “On Passions, we could just do whatever the hell we wanted to. We’d screw with each other all the time.”

Galen:   Oh, yeah. We would be 5, 6, 7, 8 takes in, and then the producers would get on the microphone, and they’re like yelling at us. “Come on. We’re gonna move your scenes to another day.” And we’d be like, “Okay.” Now it’s like, “Oh, sorry, sorry.” You like mess up once or twice and you feel like you’re holding up the whole day. It’s just different. Well, we still have fun. It’s just different.

Woman:   I really been enjoying your scenes lately. And I can’t thank you enough. I’m sure Rafe gets off from the trumped charges that Ava was set up on him. I know you can’t say anything, but yeah, I’m really enjoying this. I mean, I know I can’t wait for it to come back tomorrow. It’s like, oh, thank God.

Galen:   Oh, yeah. The Olympics are over.

Woman:   Tomorrow. Finally. Thank God. I’m excited. Yay. All right, cool.

Galen:   It’s the closing ceremony tonight.

Woman:   Yeah, it’s it’s great. I’m waiting, and I’m excited to see what you guys have in store for us the next.

Moderator:   Thank you, Susie.

Woman:   Thank you.

Galen:   Thank you.

Moderator:   Next we’re going to bring up Betty Jean. Betty Jean, tell us where you’re from and ask your question.

Woman:   Hey, Galen. I’m from New Jersey, but I live up here in Nevada City.

Galen:   Yeah, you do.

Woman:   You remember?

Galen:   I do. You’re in your back yard right now?

Woman:   That’s actually my front yard. That’s the water feature in our front yard.

Woman:   Okay. Hold one second Betty Jean, Lamon is here.

Woman:   About time.

Woman:   There he is.

Lamon:   Hello, hello. My apologies for being late. Hi. Hello. I turned off my –

Galen:   Brain?

Lamon:   The whole Wi-Fi, I had turned it off, because it was going so slow. Then, I couldn’t get it back on, but now I’m here.

Woman:   Welcome, Lamon.

Galen:   You must have been panicking.

Lamon:   I was. I was, I was calling Spectrum and everything.

Moderator:   Go ahead, Betty Jean.

Woman:   Galen knows that I live up here in Nevada City. Have you been up in this area at all since you’ve moved away?

Galen:   Oh, yeah, I’ve been there. Man. It’s been a minute though. I’d say probably like, well, you know, time flies. I’d say like, 10 years, but it’s probably more like 15. I’ve been close to there are a lot, but no. I love to see it, though. I bet it’s so quaint and charming as ever, right?

Woman:   Yeah, yeah. Christmas card. Yeah.

Galen:   Yeah. So, for those of you guys who don’t know, it’s just like a cool old gold mining town in northern California and just like one really picturesque Main Street and little offshoots. I mean, you could probably speak to it better since you actually live there, but that was my memory.

Woman:   Yes, it’s still pretty much the same. It’s going through its ebbs and flows of economic revitalization. Like they just redid the National Hotel. They redid the restaurant in there, and they named it the Lola after Lola Montez. So, they’re sticking with the history. So, it’s nice.

Galen:   it’s a beautiful hotel.

Woman:   We’re hoping to get some snow this weekend. We really need the precipitation. We had some storms back in December, but we really haven’t had any.

Galen:   Did you guys get a ton of snow when it snowed like that big, like 10 days?

Woman:   We did. We had two feet when we were out. We had power out. A lot of trees came down this this year and a lot of damage done, and they’re still cleaning up from that. So, it melts off, and then that’s it. So, we’re hoping that Wednesday we get some more.

Galen:   Yeah, fingers crossed. Same here.

Moderator:   Thanks, Betty Jane.

Woman:   You’re welcome. Nice seeing you, Lamon. Sorry you were late.

Moderator:   Next, we’re going to bring up Draya. Draya, tell us where you’re from and ask your question.

Woman:   Hi, Lamon. Hi, Galen. I’m from Florida. My question is actually for both of you. What’s your most embarrassing moment on set? Either on Days or Passions, Galen?

Galen:   Oh, man, it looks like Lamon already thought of one.

Lamon:   Yeah. I actually posted mine. My most embarrassing moment was when I was in the middle of shooting a scene with Sal. It was on our wedding, and she looks, and she points she at my nose, and she goes, “Can we get a tissue for Lamon? You have like a little booger right there, and I don’t want to kiss on your booger.”

Woman:   Oh, no!

Lamon:   Oh, my god, I was so embarrassed. We had a cast on set. It was probably like maybe 10 or 12 of us and everybody was sitting there watching, and then everybody looks at me, and I’m like, “What is it?” because I can’t see myself. I was super embarrassed. I was really embarrassed.

Galen:   Was that like the wedding or something?

Lamon:   Yeah.

Galen:   I think I was there that day. I remember that. I saw it on the feed or something. I was like, “Oh, that’s embarrassing.”

Lamon:   Yeah, that was really embarrassing. I’ll never forget that. But I have the video to remember it.

Galen:   I mean, she could have like pulled you aside a little bit, but she kind of [unintelligible]

Lamon:   That’s what I’m saying! She could have pulled me to the side and said, “Lamon, go get a tissue, because you have like a little boogie right there.” And I was like, “Oh [intelligible],” but no, she let everyone know. “Can we get a tissue for Lamon?” Yeah, so good times. Go ahead, Galen. What’s yours?

Galen:   I mean, honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever been that embarrassed on set

Lamon:   You weren’t embarrassed you had to speak to a teddy bear?

Galen:   That’s messed up, bro. [unintelligible], I think, for me, and you know, what’s funny is like, something happened. And I think I like just blacked it out of my memory, because I remember saying, “Oh, next time I get asked what my most embarrassing moment is, I have this,” and I cannot even remember for the life of me. But I will say like, maybe a little different than embarrassing, but it’s like, awful, because like sometimes embarrassing [unintelligible] if it’s not awful, you’re like, “Oh my god, I can’t -” But the awful one is when you’ve got a scene or a bunch of scenes, and in one scene, you just keep going up. Like you can’t get the words right, or the phraseology, or whatever it is. Then, you start to get a little sweat going, and you get a little hot, and you’re thinking it, and then the makeup [unintelligible] starts tapping on you and only makes you sweat more. And then everyone’s looking at you. And I mean, it’s happened a couple times. That’s the worst.

Woman:   Not the orangutan from Passions, Galen?

Galen:   I mean, that was awful, mostly. Most people liked it, but he used to regurgitate in my face… it would hit the back of my arm so hard. Thing was shedding dandruff on you constantly, it was so gross. It smelled like a rotten, I don’t know what. You know what I’m saying?

Moderator:   Thank you, Draya.

Woman:   [unintelligible] sanctuary now.

Galen:   Yeah, that’s where they belong, in the jungle.

Woman:   Thanks, Draya.

Lamon:   I’m sure we’ll have plenty more embarrassing moments to talk about as the days go on.

Moderator:   Next, we’re gonna bring up Linda Williamson. Linda, tell us where you’re from and ask your question.

Woman:   I’m from Western Washington State. My question is, what is the most physically adventurous thing you’ve ever done?

Galen:   Is that for Lamon or for me?

Woman:   Both.

Galen:   Okay. You got anything for that, Lamon? I know you don’t do much.

Lamon:   I stay in the house most of the time. But you know what? Skydiving. Skydiving was definitely the most adventurous thing that I’ve ever done. I’m 40 now, and for 39 years, I had said – not 39 years, but for practically my whole life. I was like, “Oh, I would never go skydiving. That’s something I would -” Am I muted?

Women:   No.

Lamon:   Yeah, I would never ever go skydiving, but I did it. And it was out of this world. I wouldn’t do it again, because I got a lot of seasickness from actually coming down, and the guy who was in charge skydiving, he would actually turn the parachute so we’re on some trail to get back to wherever we needed to go, but that really messed with my stomach. But it was very, very on the edge worthy.

Galen:   The guy’s like trying to make it fun for you, and you’re like, “Hey, please stop with the like back and forth.”

Lamon:   Yeah. Yeah, right before he started doing it he had he asked me he was like, “Do you like roller coasters?” And I was like, “Yeah.” He’s like, “All right,“ and next thing I know [unintelligible] to the side. I won’t do it again, but it was good one time.

Galen:   You know, Lamon, I’ve never actually done that.

Lamon:   Take Dramamine before, if you do.

Galen:   Okay. Oh, Linda, first of all, I want to thank you so much for the picture the other day. Linda printed this cool frame and sent me a framed picture at the top of Mammoth of the sign. It’s awesome. I love it. So, you rock. You always send in the most thoughtful things and the most ridiculous and hilarious letters, which I love. So, I’ll say, you know, I did this crazy kayak, like a 20-mile kayak in Hawaii, through like a private, like, waterfall. So, it was a kayak along the coast, and the current was crazy, so strenuous. It was like a full day; it was like a nine-hour kayak, and as I was living in Miami Beach at the time. One of my best friend’s was a member of a kayak club, so we did a bunch of kayaking. So, I was actually really good at it, but it was insanely hard, but so cool. Like part of it [was], the current would take you into this cove that would open up like the waterfalls coming down on your head, birds are swooping in, and you would go into this glowing giant like volcanic room, and suddenly you [would] be inside this mountain. It was the craziest thing I’ve ever seen. And you are kayaking with turtles and sharks and dolphins, and it was insane. Like National Geographic rated it as one of their top 100 adventures. And that was just so special. You’re going along and waterfalls are coming down. It was just like thousands of waterfalls everywhere on the Nepali coast where it at. It’s just I would highly recommend it, like in a boat, whatever. But if you are susceptible to seasickness, you can get seasick doing that for sure. I remember when we stopped for lunch, and I slept for an hour on a picnic table on a remote little island. It was brutal. So, that was pretty good. There’re so many.

Moderator:   Thank you, Linda. Great question. Next, we’re going to bring up Joanie Vaughn. Joanie, tell us where you’re from and ask your question.

Woman:   Hi, Lamon. Hi, Galen. I’m over in New Bedford, Massachusetts, a big little fishing town here. Biggest capital in the world for fishing, just in case –

Galen:   One of my best friends is from New Bedford.

Woman:   No way! Oh, my God.

Galen:   Yeah.

Woman:   It’s a quaint little town. This question is for both of you. It’s kind of a stupid question, but one I actually had helping in getting, because I had a hard time. Oh, my God, I want to ask you guys a million questions. But the one question is, well, in honor of Kurt Cobain’s birthday, so he’s a favorite of mine. Who’s your favorite band singer? One that you– if you just had nobody else to listen to, that you would want to listen to for the rest of your life.

Galen:   Oh, wow. Well, first of all, I got great taste. I love Kurt Cobain and Nirvana. And actually, just, I went to – Dave Grohl had this really cool thing. He’s the drummer for Nirvana and a bunch of other bands, but he had this really neat – he wrote a book about his journey as a musician and growing up, and I was –

Moderator:   Galen, we lost your sound.

Lamon:   I think, for me, it would be, and I thought a lot about this, and it’s hard to nail down one.

Galen:   It might be for me the Rolling Stones, just because they’re so iconic. They have so many great songs that I love.

Lamon:   Galen’s all over the place right now. I think he was getting the booger out of his nose. That was great!

Galen:   It looks clean to me.

Lamon:   We can’t see to make sure anyway, Galen.

Galen:   Am I back? What happened? Am I back?

Woman:   You are.

Galen:   Shut up, Lamon. [unintelligible] did that to you. Anyway, I’m gonna go Rolling Stones.

Woman:   Love it.

Lamon:   I don’t really know too many bands, but I would say Daughtry. That’s probably one of the few bands that I do listen to. Actually, I’ve seen him live, once. I became a fan years ago from American Idol. That’s when I used to watch American Idol all the time. It’s funny, because American Idol was like one of the few reality TV shows I would sit there and actually cry. So, American Idol. Chris Daughtry. I’m a big fan of them.

Lamon:   I love that. Both you guys, great answers. Thank you so much, and thanks –

Galen:   What about Hip Hop, Lamon?

Lamon:   One rapper, well, he’s passed. If I had no one else to listen to, Tupac. That’s number one.

Galen:   I knew you were going to say that.

Lamon:   Big Tupac fan, yeah.

Galen:   Yeah, he was great.

Moderator:   Thanks Joanie. Great question. Next we’re going to bring up Suzanne. Suzanne, tell us where you’re from and ask your question

Galen:   Hello, Suzanne.

(This is where I asked my question)

Woman:   That’s a good question.

Galen:   What do you think, Lamon?

Lamon:   That’s probably a tougher question for for you, I think, because you know, you’ve been there longer. You’ve been through more things than I have as portraying Eli, but something that –

Galen:   I would say, solve a case.


Lamon:   That’s wishful thinking. It’s not gonna ever happen.

Galen:   I know, but like, Lamon and I always had fun working together. We use to be like, “Man, can we just solve a damn case, though?”

Lamon:   Yeah, that’s a tough question. It’s a tough question. I feel like we do everything we – often we do stuff that we don’t want to do. Like, what was it? Zombies. And I’ll never forget the stuff that we did on the island with Christopher and Sal, where Chris had caught that Jungle Fever. Who asked for that? But to answer your question, I mean, something that I haven’t done, I don’t know. I would just say something that would bring in a family member from Eli’s past, just diving into, you know, more of his history. And as far as like pinpointing something in particular, I don’t know, hell, everyone comes back from the dead. So, maybe his dad can come back from the dead. I think that would be beneficial.

Moderator:   Thank you so much, Suzanne. So glad to have you here with us tonight. Next, we’re going to bring up Amber Savage. Amber, tell us where you’re from and ask your question.

Woman:   Hey, guys, I’m from Louisiana. So, unfortunately, I was pulling for Joe Barrow. I’m sorry, Joe. Anyway, I’m from Louisiana, and my question is for both of y’all. Okay, TV show or movie, either one, which is your guilty pleasure, the one that you don’t want anybody to know that you really like?

Galen:   I’m sorry, I lost audio.

Woman:   I said, which one, TV show or movie, is your guilty pleasure? The one you don’t want anyone to know that you really like. This is for both of y’all.

Lamon:   I would say, for me – I mean, if I didn’t want anybody to know you’re about to know now, but I really love the first season of Love is Blind.

Woman:   Oh, my God.

Lamon:   It’s a reality [show]. Somebody else must know about that. I heard, “Oh, my god.”

Woman:   I’m just watching the second season.

Woman:   Oh, my god, love it.

Lamon:   Yeah. I’ve got to watch the second season, but I really love the first season. I actually have searched up some of the people on Instagram to see if they’re still together from the first season. So, Love is Blind. It’s a really good reality show. And for years, I’ve kind of ventured off from reality TV, but that would definitely suck me back in.

Galen:   Oh, you’re doing deep dives on [unintelligible]. Oh my god, I love it.

Lamon:   And I think this was during the time where COVID just hit, so it was like one of those things where, you know, you’ve watched all the Netflix, so I think that was one of the things I got hooked on during that time.

Galen:   That’s amazing. Is it good?

Lamon:   It is really good. It’s really good. Dude, don’t– don’t start it though. Don’t start it.

Galen:   Okay.

Lamon:   You’re gonna get hooked.

Galen:   Now I have to answer the question. I honestly– I don’t really like – I don’t think I have, like, that show. I did watch this show last night though that’s crazy, so I’ll sort of reframe the question, because I don’t really know that I have anything, but Tinder Swindler?

Lamon:   Oh, I saw that.

Galen:   Dude, how crazy is that guy? What was he doing? What’s the point?

Lamon:   Yeah, for you guys. For any of you that don’t know what that show’s about, it’s about this guy who, on Tinder and dating sites, would swindle people, would swindle women, out of their money. He presents himself as like this, not a celebrity, but somebody who has lots and lots and lots of money. And then he gets women to actually give him money when he gets in trouble and [unintelligible].

Galen:   Yeah, don’t give it away. There’s some like crazy plot. I mean, it’s insane, the levels with which the guy is going and he’s spending money to get them to think that he has money. He’s [got] like private jets, all this nonsense, but he’s spending like the last girl’s money. It’s crazy, like, wow. Yeah, seems like a lot of work.

Moderator:   Thanks, Amber. Great question. Next, we’re going to bring up Nadia Potenza. Nadia, tell us where you’re from and ask your question.

Woman:   Hi, Galen Hi, Lamon. I’m from Boston, Massachusetts, and tonight, I’m drinking coffee. So, my question for both of you is, what is your greatest strengths as an actor?

Galen:   That’s a good question. Really good question.

Lamon:   I would say just the – You know what? I actually, like bringing in a level of comedy to, uh, to my scenes whenever possible. So, I would say –

Galen:   You do that on purpose?


Lamon:   Sometimes. So, yeah, I would say just the ability to be able to bring light and humor into my scenes.

Galen:   I would agree with that. We always have fun working together, dude. Oh, man. [unintelligible] I think too, your work’s really honest. You know what I mean? Like, you never seem like you’re pushing, you know what I’m saying? I don’t know. You just always find a moment. It seems very genuine, I would say for you, but that’s pretty good. I think, for me, like, I haven’t had any really of these emotional scenes, but one that’s like really – There’s like hard emotional scenes, I feel like, because we’re lucky enough to work with this character for a long time and other characters. I feel like I can believe in the circumstances pretty easily, as absurd as sometimes they might be, and not judge it too much, if that makes sense. Sometimes you’re like, “Oh my god, this is so ridiculous.” You’re like, “All right, whatever. Here we go.”

Moderator:   Thank you, Nadia.

Galen:   I have an ability to make my co stars laugh.

Lamon:   Oh my gosh, that’s true. That is the truth.

Moderator:   Thanks, Nadia.

Woman:   Thank you. Nice to meet you.

Moderator:   Next, we’re gonna bring up Raylene. Raylene, tell us where you’re from and ask your question.

Woman:   Hi, Galen. Hi, Lamon. Just look for the staircase.

Galen:   Yep.

Lamon:   Can’t miss it.

Galen:   There it is.

Woman:   Nice to spend Sunday with you both So, first of all, Lamon, I wanted to compliment you on your excellent Wi Fi connectivity.

Lamon:   Thank you. I’m in the house now.

Woman:   It’s very good. You’re very sharp and clear picture. So, it’s nice to see.

Lamon:   Thank you.

Woman:   And I’m sorry, Galen. I can’t say the same about you tonight.

Galen:   Is it not clear? But at least [I] was on time.


Woman:   So, there are so many things I wanted to ask both of you, but since Lamon brought up American Idol, and back in the early days, I used to love American Idol too. So, Daughtry didn’t win. Daughtry did not win, so who was your favorite winner of all the seasons that you watched? Who’s your favorite?

Lamon:   Most of the time my favorite got second, like Jennifer Hudson. I think she got second.

Woman:   No, she got six.

Lamon:   Oh, she got six. Oh, God. I think that was the season where the heavy set black guy had one, and I didn’t really like him too much.

Woman:   No, no, that wasn’t the right season.

Lamon:   Wait, Kelly Clarkson. I think Kelly Clarkson. I really liked her. I think she was a winner, if I’m not– if I’m not mistaken.


Woman:   First winner. Yeah.

Lamon:   Oh, she was the first… okay. Yeah, yeah, yes. So Kelly Clarkson for sure. And she doesn’t really do so much singing, to my knowledge. Now she’s into talk shows and things like that. Funny how life is gonna turn out.

Woman:   [unintelligible] early on.

Lamon:   Oh, yeah, The Voice is really good too. Yeah, definitely. But yeah, Kelly Clarkson.

Woman:   Do you have an answer there for that, Galen? And did you watch it all?

Galen:   All right, I was having a car situation. This is like my most embarrassing moment.

Lamon:   He’s breaking down right now.

Galen:   I tell you guys this because I have my car on. Not on. I had like the speaker going, and my battery died, and now I’m like blocking the guy who can’t even get out with this truck. So, anyway, good times. What was the question?


Woman:   American Idol singer.

Woman:   Yeah, do you watch American Idol at all?

Galen:   Yeah, you know. Oh, so my favorite singer?

Woman:   Yeah, or winner. I asked him on who his favorite winner was, because Chris Daughtry did not win.

Galen:   Oh, yeah. I like that guy. Who was second last year?

Woman:   I have no clue.

Lamon:   He’s winging this right now, guys.

Galen:   My son was like, super into it, so I would like watch it with them, and I just remember that guy that he thought was gonna win didn’t win, but I can’t remember his name. And I want to say–

Woman:   He was like alternative. He was an alternative artist.

Galen:   Yeah. Thank you.

Woman:   I can’t think of his name.

Galen:   Yeah, but, um, man, those people can sing, I’ll tell you. It’s incredible to be able to do that under that pressure. I don’t know. It’s crazy.

Moderator:   Thanks, Raylene.

Woman:   Thanks, guys.

Lamon:   Thank you, Raylene.

Galen:   Thanks.

Moderator:   Next we’re gonna bring up Thane. Thane is joining joining us from New Zealand and Thane uses text to voice to ask his question. Go ahead. Welcome, Thane.

Thane:   Well, someone I do work for is on the call. I probably shouldn’t do my crazy questions. I am just joking. She already knows I am a complete lunatic. So, guys, soap male characters are usually very stupid. So, I was wondering how you reconcile playing a detective while your character occasionally acts really dumb, for example, in relationships, etc.

Lamon:   That’s definitely a question for Galen.

Galen:   You know, the thing is, Thane, I think you said sometimes dumb; it’s really pretty much all the time. So, yeah, I mean, I think, actually, storyline-wise, like [we’re] moving through a storyline like that right now. I’m not sure exactly how far how much has transpired but I do just remember in this story being like, “Wow, I think I would have figured it out,” or had a greater Inkling. But I don’t know. I think there’s something in the water. We serve it at the at the cop shop there. They put in the coffee, I guess, because, you know, we’re idiots, for lack of a better word. You know, like Peter Sellers, like Pink Panther? Like he wasn’t always the most astute, but he found his way, and I feel like sometimes we do that.

Woman:   Lamon?

Lamon:   Yeah, you know what? It’s, uh, gosh, you know, oftentimes, you fans figure out whatever the crime is two weeks before our characters do, but yeah. I mean, it’s something that the writers have given us, and even though we’re like, “Oh, my god, this is so dumb; like the murderer is walking right next to us with a knife hanging out of their back pocket with blood dripping.” Stuff is right in our face, but we just have to, play as dumb as possible. I mean, there’ve been many times where I’ll go to producers and be like, “This doesn’t make sense. I mean, any idiot would know that, what [it is]; this plays out like this.” And they’re like, ‘Oh, this is the story.” We’ve got to make the best of it. So, our job is to be an idiot, not see it. We just do that.

Woman:   Thank you, Thane. Next, we’re going to bring up Amy Pfeffer. Amy, tell us where you’re from and ask your question.

Woman:   Hi, guys. Hi, Galen. We talked earlier.

Galen:   Hey, Amy.

Woman:   Hi. Lamon. You know, I’m from the San Mateo area, and I wanted to ask you, did you ever hang out at Tanforan Mall, back in the day?

Lamon:   I used to go to Tanforan Mall. Yes, for sure.

Woman:   They’re tearing it down.

Lamon:   Oh, really?

Woman:   Yeah. They’re tearing it down. We think Jeff Bezos bought it.

Lamon:   What?

Woman:   Yeah, they’re tearing it down. I wanted to tell you.

Lamon:   My cousin – Wait, have they already shut it down, right now?

Woman:   No, they’re shutting it down. They’re shutting it down probably in the next couple months.

Lamon:   Oh, my cousin, she works at the Foot Action over there. Wow. I didn’t know that. Okay.

Woman:   A big tech giant bought it, and we think it’s Jeff Bezos.

Lamon:   I wonder what they’re planning to do with that?

Woman:   I don’t know. I don’t know.

Galen:   Like, your cousin’s gonna be working at the Amazon distribution center, Lamon.

Lamon:   She’s pretty smart. She might be able to take your job on the force.

Galen:   Really, being smart is not a prerequisite for my job.

Woman:   I thought it was useless tidbit of information that I thought you might like to know.

Lamon:   Oh, yeah. Thank you for that. Appreciate it.

Moderator:   Thanks, Amy. Next, we are going to bring up Tina Moore. Tina, tell us where you’re from and ask your question.

Woman:   Hi, guys. My name is Tina. And I’m from Asheville, North Carolina.

Galen:   Hey, yo, what’s going on?

Woman:   Oh, not much. How are you?

Galen:   Tina the Terror.

Woman:   Well, first of all, Lamon, I want to say I absolutely love your dog.

Lamon:   Oh, thank you.

Woman:   The cutest thing. She’s adorable. I’m serious. If you ever rent her out for play dates, let me know. So, cute.

Lamon:   Thank you.

Woman:   I love your guys’ relationship.

Lamon:   Me and my dog?

Woman:   No. Well, that, too, but you and Galen, because you just bust each other, and it’s so fun.

Lamon:   Yeah, Galen’s my dog, too.

Woman:   Catch and sit and roll over and all that. So, my question is what do you think is the quirkiest part about your characters? Do you kind of build them, too? Like with Galen, I feel like Rafe has this thing for stuffed animals, like you’ve always had; like with Johnny it was penguins. Do you remember his stuffed penguins?

Galen:   Oh, yeah.

Woman:   And then you’ve never had any scenes with him on those. That’s kind of funny.

Galen:   What?

Woman:   Have you ever, I mean, have you ever had scenes with him, since he’s been back?

Galen:   Who, Lamon?

Woman:   No, Johnny.

Galen:   Oh. No, I have. A couple, not many.

Woman:   Okay, because I don’t think we’ve seen him any of them.

Galen:   Oh right. Well, then, you’ll see them coming up, I guess.

Woman:   Okay. So, I guess my question is –

Galen:   Is he possessed by the devil right now?

Woman:   Yes. So, I guess my question is, do you try to bring out the funny in your character, like the quirky stuff?

Galen:   Do I?

Woman:   Yes. Because I think you’re both funny.

Galen:   Thanks. I mean, I will say like a lot of my scenes involve like very high stakes things, murders and you know, pursuits, so you kind of have to temper it sometimes. Like, as much as I would like to play more times, sometimes, but yeah, I love to do that. I mean, I think we do that often in real life as well, and then people sort of lose sight of it in the acting world at times. And it gives like, fun color. So, it’s definitely a – what’s the word I’m looking for? Like, I think about it, when I can mix it in, and I think that the writers actually do a good job of finding moments for me, knowing sort of like my voice and what I want to do, the character’s voice, and they are actually writing stuff in for me, which is great.

Woman:   Yeah, I think they do, too, and I love the sense of humor that Days has. It’s different than any other show right now.

Galen:   That’s great.

Woman:   Yeah. It’s not like Passions. It’s strange, but it’s funny, and it is a lot of fun to watch. It’s not so serious.

Galen:   Yeah, it can be tongue-in-cheek a little bit and make fun of itself. Yeah, I love that, actually. It’s nice color, I think. Thank you for appreciating that.

Woman:   That’s great, thank you.

Galen:   Look how handsome Lamon is, look at that dude.

Lamon:   But yeah, just tagging on what Galen said. Yeah, I mean, being with a soap, everything is a lot of times drama, drama, drama, like you said, high stakes. And often, the plots or whatever it may be, there isn’t– really isn’t laughing – there’s no laughing matters about it. So, I think whenever we can we try to add some humor in, and even if that’s just having reactions to some of the outlandish things that that are going on.

Woman:   Yes. Looks Yeah.

Lamon:   Yeah, and oftentimes, you may not get to see those, because we’re not the ones speaking. So, it really is a gem when they do actually get a look from someone who’s actually a bystander in the whole scene kind of taking the [unintelligible], like, “What the hell is going on?” But yeah, whenever we can we try to implement that stuff, but it’s not always the easiest thing to do, because what’s going on in the story is such high stakes.

Woman:   Okay, thank you.

Galen:   You’re welcome, Tina.

Moderator:   Next we’re going to bring up Vito, tell us where you’re from and ask your question.

Man:  Hello, Lamon. Hi, Galen. I’m Vito. I do have a question for Galen. I saw on your IMdB page that your parents were hippies.

Galen:   Uh-huh.

Man:  [Unintelligible] lifestyle

Galen:   Say again?

Man:  According to this, they interviewed you, and you said, living the hippie lifestyle was art. You lived on macaroni and cheese and Top Ramen.

Galen:   Yeah, that’s pretty accurate. I would say if there’s one thing that as a parent I love to have for my kids is consistency, and my parents did not offer that in terms of the lifestyle, especially when my parents split up. So, I was just with my mom, who was this crazy artist. There was just a lot going on. She was a wild woman. Then when the rent check would come first of the month, he’d cook for like a week and then who knew? It was just a little sketchy. So, that was the the hard part about being a kid and trying to have also a sense of normalcy, when your mom’s this wild artists and the kids are like – I mean, my car was completely painted. You don’t want to ride in that when you’re a kid. It was called the Duck Mobile, and our joke was my sister and I, because we would duck down, so no one would see us. And that lasted for like a year. I was like, “Nobody knows I’m in the Duck Mobile.” And then one kid found out, and that was it. Yeah. So, that was challenging, but looking back on it, it was I think it was pretty fun. I mean, there weren’t a lot of rules. We could kind of do whatever we wanted, and I think it helped obviously shape me into the person I am today. You know, I’m pretty thick-skinned and don’t take things too seriously most of the time. So, yeah.

Man:  Cool. Thank you.

Lamon:   Apparently I drive a duck mobile myself, and I thought I have a pretty nice car. Whenever I pick up my kids they hop in fast, and they duck, because I play my music loud. They don’t want their friends to see them.

Moderator:   Thanks, Vito.

Galen:   You’re blaring that Daughtry.

Moderator:   Okay, I’m going to bring three people back up who asked their questions before Lamon came on. Galen, you’re more than welcome to stay with us if you want to. Okay, I’m going to bring Betty Jean back up. She has a question for Lamon.

Woman:   Hi, Lamon. Now that you guys are aging the babies, how’s it working with real babies on the set, instead of the dolls?

Lamon:   It’s actually– it’s fun. It helps us as actors to actually have a living breathing baby, but there are times where you’ll have one of the twins – you are dealing with now two babies on set – oftentimes one of them won’t be in the mood. So, we have to deal with that, but overall, it’s a blessing that we don’t have to hold dolls and sit there and pass these crazy, scary-looking dolls. [unintelligible] things like that.

Woman:   But are you working with just two babies? Or is it two sets of twins?

Lamon:   It’s two sets of twins, four for each. And it’s funny, because the Carver babies.. Carver is the boy, but they’re played by girls. Jules, of course, is the girl, but the girls are actually boys.

Galen:   Oh, my god. That’s so weird.

Lamon:   So, it’s crazy, but yeah, to answer your question, it’s more fun to do.

Galen:   I just want to interject, because those babies they have, not the real ones, those babies are crazy-looking.

Lamon:   The dolls?

Galen:   Yeah, with those like popping out of your cupboard or something.

Moderator:   Thanks, Betty Jane. Next, we’re going to bring back up Ina. Ina has a question for Lamon.

Woman:   Hi, Lamon, nice to meet you.

Lamon:   Nice to meet you.

Woman:   My question is, what’s your favorite car?

Lamon:   My favorite car, well it’s definitely gonna be a car I don’t have. Let’s see. Okay, right now, my favorite car, it’s not even out yet. It’s a new Hummer that I have my eye on. It won’t be out until 2024, but it’s an– it’s a– an electric Hummer. If you ever want to sit there and Google– but all-electric Hummer 2024, And you can actually take the top off of that. So yeah, 2024 Hummer.

Galen:   Those things look sweet.

Lamon:   Yeah.

Woman:   Thank you, Ina. And we’re going to bring back up Michelle Leibowitz. Michelle has a question for Lamon.

Woman:   Hi, Lamon. Very nice to meet you.

Lamon:   Nice to meet you, Michelle.

Woman:   I was asking, I know you and Galen are both blooper kings. What’s your most memorable blooper that you’ve had on set?

Lamon:   Well, I’ll say this. The one that I’ve watched the most is probably the blooper with myself, Thou, Galen and – his name is – help me out Galen. I think his dad stole stole a baby. Remember, Galen, we were in a hotel room and he was on the other side of the bed?

Moderator:   Brock Kelly?

Lamon:   Yeah, Brock Kelly. That one, oh my god, we were dying. I actually have it on my Instagram page that blooper where you came into the door, and you said something like “Po po” or something like that. And then it just started, everybody was giggling, and we did not stop laughing. I remember Lucy. She was like, “All right guys, you guys have to settle down,” or something like that. You were like, “No, we need to fire up,” and they actually didn’t even let us finish rehearsing, because we were horsing around too much, or she was like, “We’re gonna go straight to tape. You guys got to settle down.” We could not stop laughing. That one I probably watched the most. That was hilarious.

Galen:   I remember that. They were talking about it earlier, actually, because they were asking about exactly that. And I was like, “We don’t have time for practical jokes,” but I remember that, because I had to bang on it like, “Police!” And I was like, “It’s the po po.” Then you guys just lost it. I don’t know, [there were] some other whole crazy absurdities going on. That was funny.

Lamon:   Often times we’re working with stuff that’s so crazy that any little thing that happens, sometimes it doesn’t even have to be funny, but just anything that happens is just out of the ordinary. One person starts laughing, and next thing you know, everybody has the giggles, and it’s over. It’s over after that.

Galen:   It’s a wrap.

Lamon:   Yeah.

Galen:   Why is that? It’s like, these things become so funny that otherwise wouldn’t really seemingly be funny at all. But I think, because you’re under the pressure of like, “Oh, we got to get this out.” And you’re like, it’s so ridiculous that you’re just, I don’t know, it just becomes hilarious. I don’t know what it is, but then you get the giggles, and you just can’t stop.

Lamon:   There’s something about laughing when you’re not supposed to laugh that just takes it to a whole new height, for sure.

Galen:   The other day, I was telling them like, we have the scenes, Billy’s coming in, I’ll fire it up, and and then he’s like, “Dude, don’t do that to me.” I’m like, “Don’t do what? I didn’t do anything.” He like, “You got that twinkle in your eye.” And I was like, “I’m not doing anything.” Then of course I started doing something, and then I couldn’t stop. And then I’d slap myself, but then it really hurt, and I had a hand mark on my face. I hit myself so hard, I was like, “Oh, my god, it’s not going well.”

Woman:   Well, this brings our time to a close. So, on behalf I know on behalf of Penny and Star Image Entertainment, we want to thank all of you for coming tonight. We want to especially thank Lamon and Galen for taking time out of their busy schedules to be here. Clearly it was no small effort tonight for both of them. I hope you can get home and you don’t have to call [unintelligible] to come rescue you.

Galen:   I have to get a jump. My favorite car right now? The one that starts.

Woman:   Oh, and and Galen don’t forget your bike.

Woman:   So, we always do a toast before we end the night and take some group shots. So, if everybody wants to raise their glass, we want to we want to toast Galen and Lamon, the Salem PD force. Thank you for for joining us, for all you do. Thank you Penny. And thank you to all the fans. It’s all of you that make all of this special. So cheers.


Lamon:   Yeah, thank you.


Galen:   Thanks everyone for coming. Thank you Lamon. Happy Sunday.

Lamon:   Happy Sunday.

Woman:   Go Rams, Galen.

Interview Transcribed by Jamie of


Lamon Archey

Eli Grant, “Days of our Lives”

Lamon Archey plays Eli Grant on NBC’s iconic daytime drama “Days of our Lives.”

Born in Northern California, Archey was raised by his grandparents and after graduating high school worked as a carpenter for three years. He soon moved to Los Angeles where, in less than a year, was working as a print, catalog and runway model for some of the world’s top fashion brands and designers, including Macys, the Gap, Kohl’s, Giorgio Armani and Dolce & Gabbana.

Archey sharpened his acting chops and soon began booking commercials for major companies, including McDonald’s, Chase and Old Navy. Beyoncé handpicked Archey as her love interest for Destiny’s Child 2004 music video “Cater 2 U.”

He landed his first acting role on “The Young and the Restless” in 2012 and would go on to appear in various sitcoms, including CBS’ “2 Broke Girls” and Showtime’s “Roadies,” before returning to daytime on “Days of Our Lives.” Originating the role of Eli Grant, the first Black member of the Horton family, Archey garnered critical acclaim for his portrayal of the likeable headstrong character.

A father of three children – two sons, Machiah, 17, and Caden, 11; and daughter, Gaia, 8 –Lamon resides in Los Angeles.

Galen Laius Gering (born February 13, 1971) is an American actor most known for his portrayal of characters on daytime soap operas. He currently plays the role of Rafe Hernandez on the long-running NBC soap opera Days of Our Lives. He also appeared on the NBC daytime soap opera Passions as Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald.

Days of our Lives

Mondays-Fridays on NBC (daytime; check local station for time)

For almost half a century, those words have introduced and underscored NBC’s longest-running drama series. “Days of our Lives,” which turns 55 on Nov. 8, 2020, first premiered as a half-hour drama in 1965 and expanded to an hour 10 years later.

The show is currently in its 55th season and remains a consistent favorite among critics and fans alike. “Days of our Lives” is produced by Corday Productions, Inc. in association with Sony Pictures Television. Ken Corday is the executive producer with co-executive producer Albert Alarr. Ron Carlivati is the head writer. “Days of our Lives” airs nationally on NBC in the United States and in over 15 countries internationally.

The show has garnered 58 Emmy Awards, including most recently 2018’s Outstanding Daytime Drama, and 372 nominations, as well as multiple People’s Choice Awards, GLAAD Media Awards, and Prism Awards. The show’s success stems from its consistent commitment to excellence in writing and storytelling – supported by a diverse ensemble of performers – and an uncanny knack for anticipating viewer interests. With its mix of classic genre traditions and groundbreaking narratives reflecting modern life, “Days of our Lives” remains a perennial favorite among viewers of all ages.

“Days of our Lives” is set in the fictitious Midwestern town of Salem. The core families are Bradys, Hortons and DiMeras, and the multi-layered storylines involve elements of romance, adventure, mystery, comedy and drama.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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