Y&R Update Thursday, May 5 2022

Young & The Restless Update

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Recap written by Christine

Noah joined Mariah on the Crimson Lights patio. Mariah asked about Sharon. He said that she wasn’t eating much, but when he left, Nick had come by to make her breakfast. According to Noah, Faith said she could hear Sharon pacing around the house last night. Mariah said that if anyone could get Sharon to eat it was Nick. Mariah was working on a playlist for the wedding, and it was hard to narrow it down. Noah suggested asking Sharon to help, since she could use the distraction. Mariah doubted that would work, but she said she’d think about it. Tessa came in with good news – her sister Crystal could come to the wedding. Mariah was confused because Tessa helped Crystal flee to Canada. Tessa said all the charges against Crystal were dropped, and Zack’s last known associate from the sex trafficking ring was arrested. Crystal could come and go as she pleased now. Tessa said not only was Crystal safe, the way it happened was even more amazing.

Sharon came downstairs in sweats and found Nick in her living room. He offered her breakfast. She wasn’t hungry, but he told her he already started making his famous chocolate chip pancakes, and he knew she couldn’t resist. She smiled sadly. Later, Nick gently called Sharon out on barely eating her food, instead just moving it around on her plate. She told him he didn’t have to treat her like one of his kids. Noah, Mariah and Tessa showed up. Tessa shared that Crystal could be the maid of honor at the wedding. Tessa said it was a miracle, because Rey was instrumental in making this happen. Tessa explained that, according to Crystal, Rey found her case in the cold case files, and he went to Michael and convinced him that there wasn’t enough evidence to convict her. Michael went to the DA and got him to drop the charges. Sharon said that was amazing, but she asked what about the dangerous group that was after Crystal. Tessa said Rey tracked down the last of that group and arrested him, so Crystal was safe. Sharon was moved. She had no idea Rey had been working the case. Tessa wondered if he wanted it to be a surprise. Nick suggested that Rey didn’t say anything because he didn’t want to get everyone’s hopes up. Sharon said even now, Rey was here protecting them. She thought his last gesture proved even more profoundly what an amazing man he was.

Sharon wanted to hold a small memorial service to Rey, but she’d need all their help to do it. She wanted to do it before she accompanied Rey to Miami. Mariah noted that that was tomorrow. Sharon knew, so she wanted to do it today. She thought Rey’s family in Genoa City should pay tribute to him before she brought him to his other home. She got choked up, and Nick said that they’d absolutely help.

Inside Crimson Lights, Ashland approached Victoria and asked if it was okay to ask how she was doing. She said she was stronger every day – the human capacity to recover was astounding. He knew he was one of many things she was recovering from. He said her fortitude was a large part of what made him fall in love with her. He was just sorry he was the reason she had to rely on it so much now. She looked at his bandaged hand, and he told her not to worry – he was recovering quite nicely. She sniped that he had a knack for miraculous recoveries. She wondered why he was still in town. She hoped he wasn’t under the delusion that she was going to forgive him. He said it was hard for him to let go of that, almost as hard as pretending he didn’t love her.

Victoria was sure Ashland would find a way to let go, since he was the master of reinvention, and he had the means to do so, thanks to her father’s money. He didn’t have the will or strength to reinvent himself again. She told him to stop making this so hard on them both. She said that if he really loved her, he should take his blood money and leave town. She hurried toward the door, where she ran into Adam, who apparently wanted to talk about the co-CEO position. She said there was nothing to discuss. She was appointing her mother. He wanted to have a conversation, and she said it would be a waste of time. He wondered what their dad would have to say. She said it didn’t matter, since this was her decision. She left. Ashland watched the whole interaction from a distance.

Ashland said that he and Adam looked pathetic, like a couple of lapdogs hoping Victoria would give them what they deserved. Adam didn’t know what Ashland was talking about. Ashland assumed Adam still thought he should be co-CEO of Newman Locke, or temporary CEO, or whatever fake title he was trying to grovel for. Adam said that the Locke name had been jettisoned from the company, and it was all Newman now. Ashland knew Victoria well enough to know she wouldn’t let Adam retain any title or power in her company. Adam said that Victoria hired Nikki. Adam guessed he and Ashland both got screwed, but he added that he was still head of the newly expanded Newman Media, while Ashland just had Victor’s money to keep him warm.Ashland stood by his original comparison – Victoria rejected them both. Adam didn’t want to be compared to Ashland. He said Ashland broke Victoria’s spirit. Ashland said he signed a deal Adam presented behind Victoria’s back. Adam said Ashland was never going to cleanse his actions in Victoria’s heart, so he should give up trying. Adam left. Ashland texted Nick asking to meet.

Back at the cottage, Nick told everyone about his text from Ashland. Nick had no interest in meeting Ashland. He wanted to stay and plan the memorial. Sharon thought Nick should go and find out what Ashland wanted. She appreciated him being there for her this morning, and she assured him she’d be fine, since she had the kids with her. He replied and set up a meeting at Society. he left. Sharon booked the church. She didn’t want anything formal or sad. She wanted the service to be quietly joyful, like Rey. She asked Tessa to sing one of Rey’s favorite songs, and she said yes. Noah was going to make a slide show. Sharon wasn’t sure she was ready to make a speech. She wondered if that was terrible. Mariah and Noah assured her it was fine. Noah went to a memorial service that set aside a time for quiet contemplation, and anyone who felt compelled to speak could. Sharon said Rey would really love that idea. She felt lucky and blessed to have such a strong, supportive and talented family.

Tessa and Mariah were back at Crimson Lights. they couldn’t believe Rey was gone and that they were moving forward with the wedding while they were still so devastated. Tessa was grateful they could be there for Sharon. Sharon had said the memorial was part of her process of letting go.

Sharon was home alone. She went to the wedding photo and told Rey she missed him so much and felt his spirit in every room. When she came home, she expected him to be there, and when she heard a noise, she thought it was him, then she’d remember that he was gone. His coffee cup was still sitting by the sink, where he left it. She couldn’t bring herself to put it away. She hoped he didn’t suffer, and she hoped he knew how loved he’d always be. She knew his spirit would always be with her. She could just see him smiling at her. She said he’d been disinterested in her obsession with finding the perfect wedding gift, because he already had something in the works. Smiling through tears, she said she should be mad at him for keeping that secret, but she could never be mad at him again. She remembered the pep talks he used to give her when she was sick. She wasn’t sure how she’d manage without her precious husband, but she resolved to find a way.

Victoria went to work and stopped short when she saw a new portrait of herself hanging on the wall. Nikki entered and said Victor had it commissioned and put a rush on it. Her parents understood why she destroyed the one Locke commissioned, but they thought it needed to be replaced. Nikki said Ashland may have broken Victoria’s heart, but he didn’t destroy her spirit or strength of leadership. Victoria appreciated the gift, but she was surprised Victor did that for her after he’d been determined to shove Adam down her throat as co-CEO, basically saying he’d lost confidence in her. Nikki said that wasn’t true. Victor accepted that Nikki would take the position, though the was disappointed there was antagonism between Adam and Victoria. Victoria was surprised that Victor wasn’t going to fight her on this. Nikki said Victoria had been through a lot, and Victor wanting to bring in a co-CEO had nothing to do with a lack of confidence – he just wanted her to have the time and space to deal with everything that happened.

Chelsea met Chloe at Crimson Lights. Chelsea was late. She didn’t sleep well last night. Chloe thought it was clear that Rey’s death was hitting Chelsea harder than she wanted to admit. Chelsea said of course it was affecting her – Rey was one of her best friends. Chloe understood, but she said Chelsea had to pull herself together for herself and for Connor. Chelsea said Connor still felt guilty, even though they told him that Rey’s heart attack would’ve happened no matter what. Chelsea thought Connor was too young to understand. Chloe asked how this was affecting Connor’s behavior. Chelsea said Connor quit hockey. She thought he felt like he didn’t deserve to enjoy it anymore. Chloe was sympathetic. Chelsea asked Noah to take Connor to play at the rink. She wanted Connor to understand that Rey would want him to play. Chloe asked how Chelsea was dealing with her own guilt. Chloe knew Chelsea and Rey were friends, but Chelsea’s reaction went much deeper than that.

Chelsea got defensive and said she and Rey were just friends, so of course it was affecting her deeply. She asked if Chloe was saying she was wrong to feel that way. Chloe wasn’t judging; she just didn’t realize Chelsea and Rey were that close. Chelsea said Rey was supportive when he should’ve hated her – he accompanied her and Connor to visit her mom, and when they got back, he’d seek her out just to check on her. Rey and Chelsea had deep conversations, and he encouraged and inspired her. He bonded with Connor and convinced her she could turn her life around. He told her she was a god mom even after the terrible things she did. He gave her hope she’d be accepted again. That car crash and heart attack ripped that hope away. Chloe knew Chelsea well, and she suspected Chelsea was falling in love with Rey. Chelsea vehemently denied it. She said Rey was happily married to Sharon, and it was his loyalty that made him trustworthy and such a great friend. Chloe was talking about feelings, not actions – she wasn’t accusing Chelsea of doing anything. Chelsea put a stop to the conversation, and they began to talk business.

Ashland arrived at Society. “Look at him. Alive and well wile a good man like Rey is gone,” Chelsea griped to Chloe. Chloe said that Rey’s death wasn’t Ashland and Victoria’s fault. Chelsea wondered if Ashland went back to help Rey. The news made Ashland sound like a hero for rescuing Victoria, but did even try to help Rey, or give him CPR? Maybe Rey could’ve been saved. Chloe told Chelsea to stop fixating on that night. Chelsea got even more tense because she thought Chloe was accusing her of being obsessed. Chloe said to relax – she wasn’t diagnosing Chelsea, but she thought Chelsea was close to going over the edge. Chloe thought Chelsea’s feelings were natural, but Chloe was trying to interrupt this unhealthy cycle before it went further. Chelsea admitted that Chloe was right. Chelsea decided to go home and sleep before they met with Lauren later.

Nick went to Society and met Ashland at the bar. Ashland appreciated Nick coming. Nick was there to find out if he needed to protect his sister or the rest of his family from Ashland. Nick said he’d prefer Ashland coming to him from now on instead of upsetting Victoria more than he already had. Ashland said he had something of great importance and benefit to offer Nick, no strings attached. Ashland wanted to donate half the money he received from Victor to New Hope. Ashland said Nick could use it for whatever the community needed. Nick found it hard to believe Ashland was offering him two hundred and fifty million dollars no strings attached. He said Ashland could go straight to hell. Ashland asked if Nick was so proud and stubborn that he’d turn his back on a quarter of a billion dollars. Ashland’s one caveat was that all the work be done in Rey’s name. Ashland was ready to transfer the money to New Hope right now. Nick said he didn’t respond well to bribery, and he didn’t like dealing with people like him. Nick said Ashland was looking for redemption, and the payoff wasn’t worth the risk. Ashland asked if Nick was going to prioritize his hatred of Ashland over the needs of his own organization. Nick thought Ashland was pulling a clever move – Ashland knew that if Nick turned the money down, the community would miss out, but if he accepted it, he’d be complicit in Ashland’s attempt to absolve himself. Ashland said to think about it. Nick left.

Nick went to Newman Enterprises and told Victoria and Nikki about Ashland’s offer. Nikki was appalled that Ashland was trying to take advantage of Rey’s death to clear his name. Nick was going to turn Ashland down and make it clear that he couldn’t buy his way back into everyone’s good graces. Victoria thought that Nick should take the money. Nick was concerned Victoria was falling for this ploy. Victoria said Ashland was never going to be able to buy back her forgiveness, but she thought that they should put the money to good. Nick said they couldn’t use dirty money. Victoria thought it was worth it to use the money to do good in Rey’s name.

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