Y&R Update Wednesday, March 23 2022

Young & The Restless Update

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Recap written by Christine

Billy walked into Crimson Lights and overheard Traci ordering all of Jack’s favorites. He teased her about spoiling their brother, and she noted that Billy never minded when she was spoiling him. Billy mentioned that he was going to visit Jack later, and Traci was glad because Jack was dying to talk to Billy about LA. Billy asked what was going on. Traci said it was Jack’s story to tell, but he’d found some intriguing information about Keemo’s life, and she hoped it would help Jack heal. Traci heard the first episode of Billy’s podcast, and she found it very compelling. He wondered if she was just saying this because she was biased. She admitted she was biased, but she still thought it was moving, and brave and straight from the heart. He said it wasn’t easy to put it out there, but it felt good to get a positive response, especially from someone he admired so much. He gave her half the credit because she told him about meditation. She heard him say that in the podcast. He realized she really was listening. She said he’d been reading her books for her for years, so the least she could do was return the favor. Meditation helped Billy relax and let the feelings bubble to the surface; it felt good, even if Traci was the only one listening.

Phyllis visited Jack at his place. She asked if he’d heard from the texter. He hadn’t. Phyllis thought it was strange that the texter said they were going to see what they could do, then they didn’t say anything else. She thought he seemed to be handling it well, but he clarified that he was stressed and preoccupied by this. Jack surmised that the texter was connected to Allie, or they had the means to reach out to her. Phyllis thought the text implied more than that – it implied that this person was going to get Allie to accept Jack as a grandfather. Jack thought Phyllis was reading a lot into the text. Jack tracked down the contact information for Mai, Keemo’s half sister, and asked if she was sending the texts. It wasn’t her. Mai was living in Saigon, and she didn’t talk to Allie often.

Phyllis thought it was weird that the texter wanted to stay anonymous. Jack asked if Phyllis thought it was a mistake letting the texter serve as an intermediary between him and Allie. Phyllis said there was nothing Jack could do now, because the texter was already doing that. Jack said he could reach out to Allie himself, but he didn’t want to be pushy. He’d understand if Allie was leery of him. Phyllis said Jack was a good kind man, and this was the best thing to ever happen to Allie. Billy and Traci arrived. Traci said she didn’t realize Phyllis would be there. Jack explained that Phyllis was helping him figure out how to approach Allie, and Billy asked who that was.

Billy thought it was incredible that Jack had a granddaughter. He asked when she was coming to visit the Abbotts. Jack said the ball was in her court. Billy was confused Jack was being so hands-off. Phyllis said that it sounded like Allie wasn’t close to her mom, so she was alone in the world. Jack didn’t want to make the same mistake he made with Keemo. He realized now that he pushed too hard when Keemo was still grieving for his mom, and the relationship never recovered. Billy said that was a different situation. He thought that, if Phyllis was right, Allie could use support, and it’d be a mistake not to reach out. Jack looked at Phyllis. She encouraged him to contact Allie. Traci thought Jack was wise to be cautious and give Allie time to sort things out. Billy said Allie needed support, and no one was more supportive than Jack. Traci agreed with that but she said Jack was grieving too. Traci also thought Jack wanted to reach out to Allie partially to learn more about Keemo. Jack said that was true. Phyllis thought Allie needed someone to talk to Keemo about, so she could keep his spirit alive. Jack said that if Allie wanted that, she could contact him. He didn’t think it was fair to pressure Allie into making him feel better when she was still in so much pain. Traci told Jack that he could reach out to Allie next week, or next month, but if he pushed too hard now, and it backfired, he wouldn’t be able to fix it. Billy said none of this would matter if the mystery texter convinced Allie to reach out to Jack. Phyllis didn’t think they should rely on the kindness of strangers. Jack said maybe he had to hope for the best, and maybe one day he’d get to thank this person, whoever it was.

Allie was at Keemo’s house with a real estate agent, Tanya. Allie was glad Tanya already found a buyer for the house – one willing to pay more than the asking price. Allie spent most of her life in this house, and it was hard to say goodbye. Tanya understood, but she said Allie was lucky because this was a cash offer, so it’d be uncomplicated. The buyer had one condition – she insisted on meeting Allie. Tanya stepped outside to get some paperwork. Allie tearfully told Keemo that this house was home to her – she felt safe here. However, now she knew that it wasn’t the house that made her feel safe and loved, it was Keemo. The place didn’t feel the same without him in it. “Without you, I don’t really have a home anymore.”

Allie asked Keemo if she’d have one-sided conversations with him for the rest of her life, or if this was a stage of grief that she’d move past. She kind of regretted coming to the house. She didn’t want to remember their house this way. She wanted to remember it the way it was before. Tanya returned, and Allie said she had a thing to do, and she needed to do. Tanya reminded Allie that the buyer wanted to meet, and she was already outside. The buyer walked in, and she introduced herself to Allie as Taylor Jensen. However, the lady looked exactly like the supposedly deceased Diane Jenkins.

Ashland ran into Nate at Society. He called Nate a friend and got a cold stare in return. Ashland hoped he and Nate could repair their relationship after the truth came out. Nate said he and Ashland were never friends – Ashland just used Nate while conning Victoria and her family. Ashland said that wasn’t true. Nate said it seemed that Ashland didn’t take his advice to come clean. Ashland said he was framed, and he was going to use his resources to find out who was responsible and make them pay. Nate revealed that he’d already taken the evidence to the Newmans. Ashland was mad that Nate didn’t warn him in advance. Nate countered that Ashland hadn’t been upfront with him. Nate said the last thing he wanted to do was help Ashland get away with this. Ashland denied trying to get away with anything. Nate didn’t want to hear anything else from Ashland. Elena walked in. It made Nate sick that Ashland used him to give this scam more credibility. Elena asked what was going on. Ashland said it was a misunderstanding. Elena said it was an elaborate scheme, and she was disgusted with Ashland’s behavior. Ashland had somewhere to be. He left.

Elena had never seen Nate so angry. He was angry with Ashland and with himself. Elena didn’t think Nate should feel bad about believing Ashland was sick. Nate said Billy saw through Ashland. Before the wedding, Billy told them that Victoria was making a mistake. Elena said Billy also hired a team of investigative reporters to look into Ashland’s past, so he had more information than she and Nate did. Nate said the article Billy published on Ashland should’ve been a clue, but they dismissed it because the source recanted. Nate said he should’ve been more skeptical. Elena said that what mattered was that Nate did the right thing when it counted. He thought she was uncomfortable with him looking into Ashland’s medial records. Elena conceded that she had qualms with Nate’s methods, but she said he took a stance when he found the truth. She thought most people in Nate’s position would’ve covered for Ashland to protect themselves, but Nate exposed Ashland to the Newmans. Nate said Ashland clearly thought he could buy Nate off with flattery, donations to the hospital and a job offer. Nate felt insulted. Elena said Ashland was more wrong about Nate than Nate was about Ashland.

Elena put a positive spin on things and said Nate discovered the truth before he quit his job and signed a contract with Ashland. Nate said Ashland could come after him. Elena thought that the Newmans would have Nate’s back, and she added that he had a job waiting for him with Lily and Devon. Nate recalled Victor saying he’d look out for Nate. He felt lucky, and the more he thought about it, the less he was concerned for himself – the person he was worried for the most was Victoria. Elena wasn’t sure how Victoria would trust anyone ever again after learning the person she thought was her soulmate was deceiving her. Nate revealed that when he first came to town, Victoria was recovering from a physically abusive relationship. He said letting Ashland into her heart was a leap of faith, and now this. Elena didn’t blame Victoria for thinking Ashland adored her. Elena had been moved by Ashland’s vows in Tuscany. Elena was disgusted by Ashland, but she did wonder if he had real feelings for Victoria. Nate said that anyone who could lie to Victoria like that, knowing her history, was incapable of love.

At Newman Locke, Victoria felt ambushed when Victor and her brothers joined her and her Nikki. She said this was obviously a coordinated attack on her marriage. Nick said there was new information Victoria wanted to know. Victoria felt like everyone wanted to browbeat her into seeing things her way. “To hell with all of you!,” she yelled as she strode toward the door. Victor insisted Victoria listen to what they had to say. Victoria reminded Victor that she was not a child. He apologized for his harsh tone, and he said they were all here to support and help her through this challenge. He said she was a strong woman. She agreed, and she said she was strong enough to cut them out of her life. Nikki was sure Victoria didn’t mean that. Victoria said it was a last resort, but that seemed to be the only way to make it clear that she wouldn’t be bullied. Adam told Victoria she was being unfair to her parents. She told him to shut up. She added that she couldn’t remember him even remotely supporting her. Adam said they all had a vested interest in this, and they wanted to handle it privately. Victoria asked if Adam was threatening to take this to the press and publicly smear her husband. Victor told Victoria that they were being polite with her, so he asked her to watch her tone. He said Ashland lied to them all and took advantage of their compassion and their big hearts. Victoria accused Victor of trying to get control of the company. Nick asked if Victoria thought Victor would really put her through this just to take control of the company. Victoria thought that made more sense than their assertion that Ashland didn’t love her and never did.

Nikki clarified that they didn’t say Ashland didn’t love Victoria. Victoria felt that they were saying that, and she also thought they were saying she was too much of a dimwit to see Ashland was using her. Nikki denied that they were questioning Victoria’s intelligence. Victoria said this conversation was disrespectful. Victoria asked how they could say that Victor wouldn’t ever intentionally break her heart, when he had her arrested on her wedding day. Victor said that was ancient history, and he added that he was right about Billy, and she knew it. Nick asked if Victoria thought he had an ulterior motive. Victoria didn’t think Nick did, but she said he’d been upfront about disliking Ashland from the start. She said all of them had a reason to want Ashland out of the picture. Nikki said she had no reason to want Ashland gone.

Nikki said she was Victoria’s biggest ally, personally and professionally. She helped plan the wedding and had been very supportive of Victoria and Ashland. Victoria remembered. Nikki had been so thrilled to see Victoria happy and in love. Nikki held her breath when Ashland had to go in for tests, because she’d been praying Victoria and Ashland would have more time together. Victoria acknowledged Nikki had always supported her and Ashland. Victoria said that Victor convinced Nikki that Ashland had deceived Victoria. Nikki said the evidence against Ashland was overwhelming. Victoria dismissed the shaky video of a doctor with an outlandish story, and the bank statements as circumstantial at best. Nick pointed out that Michael had disappeared. Victoria thought that was awful, but it had nothing to do with Ashland. Victor said they had evidence beyond a shadow of a doubt, not from some obscure doctor in Peru, but from someone they all trusted. Nick said he went to Nate for help, and Nate, who’d wanted to trust his friend, looked at Ashland’s medical records.

Victor revealed that Nate didn’t see any cancer on Ashland’s scans. Victoria said Nate just missed the cancer, since he wasn’t an oncologist. She pointed out that Ashland got chemotherapy for months. Nick said Nate looked into that too, and there was no record of Ashland getting chemotherapy. Victoria burst out laughing and said everyone else was out of their mind. She drove Ashland to the hospital herself. Nikki pointed out that Victoria never went into the hospital with Ashland. Victoria kept making excuses – maybe someone hacked the hospital records. Victoria said she’d find answers on her own without all of them. She said she and Ashland were leaving for Tuscany today, and she’d run the company on her own without any of them.

Victoria rushed toward the door, and Adam got in front of her and said she wasn’t going anywhere. Victoria said she’d heard them out, and she heard what Nate said (she was also disgusted they’d dragged Nate into this). She said they were trying to drive a wedge between Ashalnd and everyone who cared about him, but it wasn’t going to work. Adam could relate to Victoria, because last year, he was deceived by someone he loved, who was also faking a medical condition. Victoria scoffed about comparing her husband to Chelsea, the con artist. She said Ashland was a billionaire who built a company from the ground up, while Chelsea had been conning people her whole life. Nick added that Ashland had been lying about his identity his entire adult life, and he built his fortune on a fraudulent inheritance. Victoria still wasn’t on board with the comparison.

Adam said he never could’ve believed Chelsea would do that to him, but when he looked at all the angles, he realized there was only one person who could be framing him for poisoning Rey. Adam had felt guilty for even thinking Chelsea did it, but one day, she slipped up, and he realized she was playing him. Adam said that one day that would happen to Victoria, if she went back to Ashland, because not even the best con artist could keep up the charade every second of every day. Ashland walked in, and Victoria told him she was just leaving. Victor thought Victoria had wanted to give Ashland a chance to explain himself. She said she and Ashland were going to handle this in private. Nikki asked if Victoria thought they wouldn’t be fair, or if she was worried Ashland wouldn’t have a good explanation. Victoria told Ashland about the scans.

Ashland chided Victoria’s family for trying to break up her marriage, and hurting her. Victor asked if Ashland had an explanation for what Nate found. Ashland said it didn’t matter what he said, because Victor didn’t want to believe him. “I want to believe you,” Victoria said. Ashland told Victoria that her family had Nate rattled. Ashland didn’t think it mattered what he said today, because the Newmans would just come up with another attack, and another, and another, as long as he and Victoria were together. “I can’t keep fighting endlessly, and you can’t turn your back on your family. I wish it was enough for you to know that I love you with all my heart. Because your love means everything to me. You have changed my life,” Ashland said. He pointed to Victoria’s family and said this was never going to work, so he was done trying. He left. Nikki went to Victoria and hugged her. “Now I know that it’s true,” Victoria said. She began to hyperventilate and say that Ashland was lying. Victoria sobbed on Nikki’s shoulder.

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