GH Short Recap Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Cameron and Josslyn decide to let The Invader tell the story about what happened to them. Cameron and Josslyn decide they shouldn’t hide because they didn’t do anything for which they should be ashamed. Cameron and Josslyn also make their statement to the police.

Carly and Elizabeth bond over how proud they are of Cameron and Josslyn because they are handling this horrible situation so well.

Avery falls on the playground and is treated by T.J when Ava and Sonny take her to the hospital. Marshall warns to stay away from T.J and the rest of his family. Marshall also tells T.J to let him know if Sonny causes him any trouble.

Ryan uses Harmony to ask Spencer if he will help him break up Nikolas and Ava since he is leaving Spring Ridge today. Spencer doesn’t want anything to do with Ryan and his head games.

Laura asks Esme not to give up on Spencer and try to work things out with him. Laura also asks Esme to help keep Spencer away from Victor.

Drew tells Curtis that his background check discovered that Marshall signed a lease years ago under his real name for an apartment in Buenos Aires and Curtis wonders why Marshall would use his real name to sign a lease if he was in the witness protection program.

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