Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Abe and Paulina come from Sweet Bits Bakery with boxes of treats. Abe mentions that he’s taking his to Lani as he’s meeting her for dinner at the Brady Pub. Abe invites Paulina to join them but she doesn’t want to intrude on their father-daughter time. Abe notes that Lani is bringing the twins but Paulina decides to let Abe go solo tonight because she has an errand to run. Abe offers to take her where she needs but Paulina doesn’t want him to be late for his dinner. Paulina tells Abe to enjoy and kisses him as she then walks away.
Marlena is in her office on the phone with John, telling him that she’ll be home soon as she got caught up by Johnny coming to visit. Marlena informs John about Johnny’s proposition and asks how he would feel about investing in a film.
Johnny sets up the camera on his laptop and calls Will for a video chat. Johnny asks about Arizona. Will says he has no complaints and he’s been covering great stories for the paper, while Sonny and his brothers are doing great work in their Biotech company. Johnny asks if he has any time for fun. Will mentions a road trip at the end of summer and now Arianna is back in school. Will asks about Johnny as he was very surprised to hear he moved back to Salem. Johnny says that Italy was amazing but it was time for a change. Johnny adds that if he knew how much pressure EJ was going to put on him to join DiMera, he would’ve second guessed coming. Will acknowledges that EJ is a hard guy to say no to. Johnny then informs Will that he has plans of his own as he’s going to make a movie and that is where Will comes in.
Abe meets Lani at the Pub. Lani asks where Paulina is as she assumed that she would join them. Abe informs her that he did invite her, but she had something that she had to do.
Marlena tells John that she and Johnny both understand it’s a lot of money and that’s why Johnny understands that they have to think about it. Marlena says she would like to support him in this, but only if John is comfortable with it. Marlena says she’ll talk to him at home and hangs up as Paulina arrives to her office. Paulina brings Marlena her box from the bakery, saying she thought she would enjoy a sample of what her daughter and Marlena’s granddaughter have created.
Allie and Chanel walk through the town square checking their bakery business. Chanel reveals that they made a big profit on their first day, so they excitedly hug each other. Tripp walks up and sees them, so he asks if he’s interrupting. Tripp notes that they seem happy. Chanel explains that they were just celebrating making a profit on opening day and assures Tripp that there was nothing romantic going on in case he was worried. Tripp asks who said he was worried. Allie doesn’t know why Chanel said that because she knows they are together. Chanel remarks that Allie has made that clear, but she’s a little less clear on if Allie is okay with her dating her brother.
Johnny tells Will that he was looking around for material and Marlena suggested he talked to Will and that’s when he remembered that Will wrote a script about Sami’s life. Johnny says that feels like something he could connect with because it’s about their family. Will questions him wanting to make The Sami Brady Story and says he hasn’t even thought about that in years. Will guesses he probably has the script somewhere and agrees to send it to him. Will asks if Johnny has asked Sami if she’s okay with him making a movie about her life. Johnny responds that he would if she would return any of his calls which Will questions. Johnny informs him that Sami left town after cheating on EJ with Lucas and has been off the grid as she apparently needs space. Will mentions getting the text she sent and says he feels bad for Sami’s marriage ending, so he hopes she’s okay. Johnny says he feels for her but she has no one to blame but herself. Will comments on it all being dramatic. Johnny remarks that Sami’s whole life has been dramatic and that’s why he knows her story would make a good movie.
Kayla returns to Doug and Julie in Doug’s hospital room. Julie talks about Doug doing crosswords every day to keep his mind sharp. Kayla brings up Doug experiencing confusion and memory issues, so she wants to start with a very basic test with about 30 questions and then they will know where he stands and take it from there. Doug asks if not passing the test means he’s losing his mind.
Lani tells Abe that it’s too bad Paulina couldn’t join them. Abe agrees but admits he really enjoys one on one time with his daughter. Lani apologizes for her and Eli having to run so quickly last night. Abe understands that duty calls. Lani adds that it was a good meal and that Abe and Paulina were cute together. Abe thanks Lani for making peace with Paulina. Lani states that Paulina is family and she knows she’s crazy about Abe. Lani thanks Abe for babysitting last night on zero notice. Abe calls it a pleasure. Abe adds that he thinks Paulina loves Lani’s babies more than she realizes. Lani asks what he means, so Abe informs her that after she left, Paulina referred to herself as Jules and Carver’s grandma.
Marlena thanks Paulina. Paulina says after the mess she made in the town square, she should’ve bought every item in the bakery to pass them out for free. Marlena acknowledges that she did the right thing and now it’s all behind her. Paulina wishes she could fix all of her mistakes that easily. Marlena questions what that means. Paulina informs Marlena that something is weighing on her and she hears Marlena is the best when it comes to helping with these issues. Marlena is happy to help and asks if she’s tried talking to Abe. Paulina responds that Abe is the last person who can know what she is about to tell her.
Julie assures that Doug is not losing his mind. Doug responds that he might be if he doesn’t pass the test. Kayla calls it just a diagnostic tool and they might order other tests like an MRI to rule out any physical causes of what he’s going through. Julie encourages being positive. Doug tells Kayla that he’s ready to get started. Kayla starts by telling Doug five words and she will then ask him to repeat them at the end of their session.
Tripp mentions running in to Johnny earlier and that he asked him what happened when Allie went over to his place the other night. Allie questions why he didn’t just ask her. Tripp reminds her that he did but she didn’t have time to talk and he thought it was important to know where they all stood. Chanel asks what Johnny said. Tripp says that Johnny didn’t appreciate his sister butting in on his relationship. Allie tells Chanel that she knows how she feels about the situation, so it’s up to her if she wants to continue whatever with Johnny. Allie doesn’t want to talk about it anymore and would rather focus on Sweet Bits Bakery being a huge hit. Tripp says he came to celebrate with them and suggests ordering champagne. Chanel jokes that now she can finally afford to buy it. Allie suggests they split it but Tripp says neither of them are paying as he’s congratulating his girlfriend and her business partner on building a baking dynasty, so the champagne is on him.
Johnny thanks Will for sending him the script and says he can’t wait to read it. Will reminds him that he was pretty young when he wrote it. Johnny says it will need some tweaking but he’ll take a look and they will discuss it. Will is impressed that Johnny has a dream and is making it happen. Will mentions hearing that Allie is too as she opened a bakery with her friend. Johnny says it’s an interesting partnership which Will questions. Johnny asks if Will ever gets the feeling that Allie might play for his team. Will asks why he would think that. Johnny says nevermind and goes back to talking about the script.
Lani questions why Paulina would say she’s the twins’ grandmother when she is their great aunt. Abe thinks it’s aspirational as she said she could see herself being their grandmother at some point down the line since he’s their grandfather. Lani says he’s confusing her. Abe thinks Paulina meant that she would be the grandmother if they were married which surprises Lani.
Paulina knows Marlena is close with Abe and then decides maybe this was a mistake. Marlena says if she’s looking for professional advice, anything she tells her will be protected by doctor-patient confidentiality so she couldn’t breathe a word of it legally or she could be sued and lose her license. Paulina guesses that she can talk in that case. Paulina informs her that she and Abe are getting serious which is wonderful, but there is something she’s feeling very guilty about. Paulina says it’s not dating a man who was involved with her sister since they were over decades ago, but there are things that she knows about the family history that’s tearing her up inside and if they ever come out, they’ll tear the whole family apart. Marlena calls that heavy burden. Paulina says she cares about Abe a lot and last night they said I love you for the first time as she just regained his trust. Marlena asks if he might understand then but Paulina says not about this. Paulina declares that if Abe knew, he would hate her forever. Marlena doesn’t believe that but Paulina says she knows, because the truth is that Abe is not Lani’s father. Paulina guesses that Marlena is shocked. Marlena admits that she is as she understood Lani came to Salem because Tamara told her that Abe is her father. Marlena questions why she would lie about something like that. Paulina says having Abe be the father was a far better choice than the real father. Marlena feels it’s not something Tamara would do, so she doesn’t understand. Paulina then reveals that there are two secrets; Abe is not Lani’s father and Tamara is not her mother. Marlena asks how that can be since Tamara raised Lani. Paulina then announces to Marlena that she gave birth to Lani; Paulina is Lani’s mother.
Lani questions Abe and Paulina thinking about getting married and calls it kind of fast. Abe says he doesn’t mean it’s going to happen tomorrow or necessarily at all, but asks how Lani would feel if it did. Lani feels it’s not up to her. Abe says that Lani’s opinion means a lot to him and even moreso since he knows how much Paulina hurt her. Lani says she will never forget how Paulina treated her as a kid and she still hates that Paulina betrayed so many people she cares about and that she used Abe. Abe points out how important money is to Paulina. Lani acknowledges that this time is different since Paulina stuck around to try to make things right. Abe mentions that she apologized to both of them. Lani does think she’s sincere so she forgave her. Abe notes that forgiving and being comfortable around her are two different things. Lani assures that she is comfortable around Paulina. Abe notes that she is with Paulina as her aunt, but asks what if she becomes her mother?
Allie thanks Tripp for the champagne. Tripp proposes a toast but Johnny arrives and asks if this is a private party or if there’s room for one more.
Kayla has a few more questions for Doug. She asks him to identify objects such as a watch and a pen. Kayla has Doug fold a piece of paper and declares that they are done. Julie points out that Doug did really well. Kayla then asks Doug to tell her the five words that she asked him to remember at the beginning of the session. Doug starts to struggle but says he knows that he knows them. Doug asks for a hint but Kayla says she can’t. Kayla encourages him to take his time and relax. Doug remembers “person” is the first word. Kayla asks for the others. Doug responds with woman, man, camera, and TV. Julie exclaims that Doug got them right and in order. Kayla then informs Doug that she doesn’t think anything serious is going on with him. Julie and Doug are both relieved but Doug still doesn’t understand why he locked Julie in the freezer. Kayla says she can’t explain that, but she doesn’t think he needs any more tests. Kayla says to give her a call if there’s any more incidents, but other than that he’s free to go. Kayla exits the room. Julie tells Doug that everything is perfectly alright.
Johnny tells Chanel that since she wasn’t responding to his calls or texts, he realized he had to up his game to get her attention and gives her flowers, congratulating her on the grand opening of the bakery. Chanel thanks him while Allie questions no flowers for her. Johnny says maybe if she apologized for trying to come between he and Chanel like a psychopath. Allie thinks back to talking to Chanel and admitting that she was jealous. Allie then informs Johnny that she and Chanel talked about it and she understands there was history she was unaware of. Allie adds that she was just trying to protect Chanel but gets now that she doesn’t need her to and she doesn’t want to be involved in her brother’s love life. Johnny knows he doesn’t have the best track record with women but assures that is in the past as he’s learned from mistakes and is a different person. Johnny hopes Chanel knows that because he would really like to stay. Chanel says of course he can stay as they are celebrating a very exciting and promising new beginning, so he should be a part of that. Johnny then sits down at their table.
Lani tells Abe that Paulina could never replace her mother and if they got married, she would be her stepmother. Abe says his point is that if she became his wife, he would want them all to be family. Lani states that they are a family. Abe notes that a stepmother would have a bigger role in her life than an aunt and she would see her more all the time. Abe asks if Lani can handle that or if it’s too much to ask. Lani responds that Abe puts on a really good show as he’s the mayor, a father, and a grandfather but she knows that he’s lonely when he comes home to an empty house. Lani adds that ever since meeting Paulina, there’s been a spring in his step and a smile on his face. Abe calls it a wonderful feeling. Lani wants him to feel that as long as he possibly can. Lani tells Abe that if he wants to marry Paulina, he has her blessing. Abe gets up and hugs Lani.
Paulina tells Marlena that if her boyfriend knew she was pregnant with his child, he never would’ve let her go, so she barely escaped. Paulina says she was young and scared and didn’t know what to do but her mother told her that she had to give her baby to Tamara. Paulina felt she had no choice as Ray was rich and would find her. Paulina worried that he would’ve taken their daughter or hurt them both. Paulina says Tamara agreeing to raise Lani as her own was a godsend because she’d be a wonderful mother and they’d all be safe. Paulina adds that the catch was that Lani was to be Tamara’s only because anything else would be confusing and dangerous, so she became just Aunt Paulina. Paulina calls it the hardest thing she’s ever done in his life with all the years without Lani in her life. Paulina says it killed her to not be able to tell Lani. Marlena asks how she handled that. Paulina complains about wanting a relationship with her child but it just disappointed Lani and infuriated her mother and Tamara because they wanted her to stay far away. Paulina brings up almost telling Lani the truth, but her mother warned her about how devastating that could be. Marlena knows it would be difficult but thinks Lani would understand that she did it to protect her. Paulina worries that Lani wouldn’t understand why she lied all these years, so if Lani and Abe found out, they would never ever forgive her. Marlena is not sure that’s true. Marlena adds that sometimes, things that can’t be forgiven do get forgiven. Marlena declares that she will help Paulina if she decides to tell Abe and Lani the truth. Paulina says no and makes Marlena promise to keep thsi between them. Marlena assures that she doesn’t have to worry as everything she says is in strict confidence. Marlena sees how much pain she’s in and wishes she could help. Paulina assures that she just telling her has been a help because she can’t talk to her mother due to being judgmental. Marlena insists there is no judgment here and they can talk freely or maybe even find a solution. Marlena suggests Paulina book more appointments. Paulina questions therapy and says she’s never tried it. Paulina asks how long it takes to be cured. Marlena says it changes from person to person as there’s no set time, but what’s important is that she shows up and does the work. Paulina assures that hard work is no problem for her. Marlena asks if they should set up a schedule. Marlena states that maybe one day she’ll be comfortable sharing her secret with Abe and Lani. Paulina is unsure about that but admits that sharing it with Marlena did make her feel better. Paulina thanks her for listening. Marlena says she’s glad to help as Paulina hugs her. Paulina thanks her again and exits the office.
Lani asks when Abe is going to pop the question to Paulina. Abe admits he hasn’t given it much thought but he’s glad he was able to share his plans with her and he’s grateful that she gave her blessing. Lani tells him that she just wants him to be happy as they hug again.
Tripp toasts to the success of Sweet Bits Bakery. Johnny tells Allie and Chanel that they inspire him because they worked hard to make their dream come true so he’s going to do the same with his film. Tripp asks if he talked to Marlena about investing. Johnny confirms that he did and hasn’t heard back yet but he got a good feeling. Allie asks if he even has a script. Johnny confirms that he did since Marlena suggested he talk to Will and he remembered Will’s screenplay about Sami’s life. Allie recalls The Sami Brady Story which Chanel questions. Johnny explains that their brother Will wrote it a long time ago and he said he would send the script. Chanel jokes that her mother would love a movie about her life. Allie says their mother loves the spotlight too, but what Johnny is doing feels too personal. Johnny feels he’s making a great film. Allie points out that he doesn’t even have the script yet. Johnny takes that as Allie hating the idea like EJ which makes him love it even more. Tripp finds it strange to have actors playing your family. Allie agrees and asks who could do justice to Sami Brady. Johnny then suggests Allie do it.
Doug and Julie run in to Paulina at the hospital. Julie asks what she’s doing there and if everything is okay. Paulina assures that she’s perfectly healthy and she was just socializing with Marlena as she delivered her cookies from Sweet Bits. Julie mentions being at the opening and how everything was delicious. Julie praises the donuts which Doug remembers as Alice’s recipe. Paulina asks what brought them by the hospital. Julie explains that Doug was taking some tests and passed them with flying colors. Paulina encourages that Doug takes care of himself and calls Julie a lucky woman. Paulina tells them to enjoy their evening and goes to leave but Doug reaches behind. Paulina then stops and questions if Doug just grabbed her ass, shocking Julie. Julie apologizes to Paulina. Paulina asks if Doug makes a habit of that. Julie assures that he’s never done anything like this ever before but he’s been a little off lately. Julie says she’s mortified but Paulina tells her not to worry and that in a way it’s sort of a compliment. Paulina then exits the hospital.
Allie questions Johnny wanting her to play Sami in his movie. Chanel thinks he’s just trying to get back on her good side. Johnny insists that Allie looks a lot like Sami when she was young, so he thinks she’d make a great Sami. Tripp agrees that Allie does resemble her mom and jokes that he could play Steve. Allie points out that Tripp doesn’t have free time as a med student and her schedule is not wide open. Johnny says they would find a way to make it work. Chanel thinks Allie should do it. Tripp agrees but Allie says she’s a baker and a single mom, not an actress. Johnny tells Allie to think about it, as he could make her a star.
Julie pages Kayla and informs her that Doug had another little incident. Kayla asks if it was a relapse but Julie says it was inappropriate behavior. Julie explains how Doug suddenly grabbed Paulina’s behind which surprises Kayla. Julie thinks they better run the MRI after all.
Marlena calls John and says she was about to leave when a patient showed up and really needed a session to talk, so she had to take some time to digest it all.
Abe asks Lani to help him pick out an engagement ring when the time comes. Lani jokes that he can just pick out the biggest and flashiest ring as that is what Paulina likes. Paulina then arrives at the Pub and asks what she likes. Abe says Jules and Carver of course. Abe knew that when he told her Lani was bringing the twins, that she would not be able to stay away. Paulina comments that they are all family no matter how they are related and tonight she needed to be with her family. Abe then toasts to family.
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