Days Update Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Brady says goodnight as Chloe gets in to bed. Brady suddenly feels he’s not sleepy and asks if she minds if he reads. Chloe tells him to just get in the bed. Brady doesn’t want to make her uncomfortable. Chloe tells him to just stay on his side. Brady agrees if she is sure. Brady then gets up and gets in to bed next to Chloe, putting a blanket in between them. Brady admits the bed is much nicer and thanks her. Brady lays awake in bed for hours next to Chloe, until Chloe eventually rolls over and puts her arm over Brady.

Johnny sits at the DiMera Mansion and says that Chanel is not answering his texts so he will have to up his game. Johnny then uses his phone to film a video message for Chanel, apologizing for how Allie acted and assuring that he’s not a player or aggressive towards women. EJ walks in and guesses his date didn’t go very well.

Paulina reminds Chanel at home that she’s a baker and has to be up in five hours. Chanel says she’s just trying to figure out how to answer Johnny’s text. Paulina thought they were a perfect couple but Chanel informs her that they are not a couple. Paulina asks what happened. Chanel responds “Allie”.

Allie sits in her room, thinking back to arguing with Johnny about Chanel. Nicole comes in and notes that it’s late but she saw her light on, so she asks if something is bothering her. Allie responds that it’s not something, but someone.

Rafe goes home and finds Ava sitting at the table in the dark with her suitcase packed. Ava informs him that she was waiting to tell him to his face that she’s moving out. Rafe argues that Ava has only seen he and Nicole are friends but has imagined it to be more than that. Ava argues that she’s not imagining as it’s been in her face for months but she didn’t want to see it because she cares about him too much. Ava knows Rafe cares about her too, but says it’s not enough. Ava says that Rafe and Nicole are more than friends. Rafe insists that there is nothing going on between them. Ava asks how come she saw Nicole in Rafe’s arms this morning then.

Brady tells Chloe that she’s not making it easy and tries to push her away but Chloe is asleep and cuddles up to him. Philip then walks in and turns on the light, asking why he’s not surprised.

Chanel explains to Paulina that Johnny is a DiMera. Paulina acknowledges how much money the DiMeras have. Chanel talks about the DiMera Mansion. Paulina says she’s done good and learned from her mistakes. Paulina jokes that Chanel set out to snag a rich man and did better than Xander. Chanel explains that she just liked Johnny even before she knew he had money. Chanel mentions meeting Johnny’s dad, EJ, and says he’s not a warm and fuzzy guy. Chanel adds that EJ won’t give Johnny any money for his movie. Paulina asks if that’s why things hit the skids. Paulina says no and then reveals that Johnny is Allie’s twin brother.

Johnny tells EJ that he didn’t blow the date and it’s no big deal, joking that it’s nothing like blowing a marriage. Johnny asks if EJ has talked to Sami lately. EJ responds that he hasn’t. Johnny apologizes for saying that. EJ thinks he had it coming. Johnny admits it was below the belt. EJ acknowledges how he’s been to him and apologizes. Johnny says he misses Sami too. EJ knows he hasn’t made things easier for him since he’s been back. Johnny agrees that EJ has been a jerk and notes that Allie said he’s been just like him. EJ questions he and Allie not getting along. Johnny says that would be an understatement.

Chloe questions what the hell Philip is doing here. Brady says he’s making an ass out of himself. Philip asks if he was really expected to believe engine trouble in the middle of nowhere. Brady doesn’t give a damn what he believes. Philip declares that he was just trying to get here before it was too late. Brady mocks Philip being there to defend Chloe’s virtue. Philip responds that he’s here to make Brady pay for whatever happened here tonight. Brady explains to Philip that he tried to get some sleep. Philip argues that Brady was too distracted by being in the same bed as Chloe. Chloe tells him there was only one room left and she couldn’t let Brady sleep in a chair with his bad back. Chloe adds that he promised to keep his hands to himself. Philip questions why he didn’t then, complaining that they were like a pair of spoons. Brady admits that Chloe was snuggled up to him when Philip walked in. Chloe blames being asleep. Philip says at least he got here in time. Chloe complains that there is nothing going on, but instead of trusting her, he flies here in a jealous rage. Philip shouts that it’s not her he doesn’t trust, it’s Brady.

Paulina notes Allie’s last name being Horton and questions Johnny being her twin with a different father. Chanel says it can happen. Paulina says it happens in Salem and asks how Chanel found all this out. Chanel explains that Tripp suggested a double date and she thought great because she wanted Johnny to meet Allie, but that’s when she found out they were twins. Paulina asks what the problem is. Chanel reminds Paulina of when she told Johnny that she kissed a girl. Paulina questions why it matters if she’s in to Johnny and Allie is in to Tripp. Chanel responds that it matters to Allie since she and Johnny were back at his place when Allie came barging in and went off on Johnny, saying he’s just a player and that she needed to run the other direction.

EJ asks Johnny why Allie would have a problem with him dating one of her friends. Johnny says that Allie says it’s because he’s a player and would hurt Chanel. EJ felt Chanel seemed like she could hold her own and asks why Allie would think she needed her protection. Johnny suggests that Allie is jealous of them. EJ asks why she would be jealous. Johnny informs him that Allie and Chanel had a thing and they kissed. EJ questions if he is telling him that his sister is gay.

Allie explains to Nicole how she had no idea that Johnny was dating Chanel and complains about seeing how Johnny is with girls. Allie says that Johnny only cares about the chase and she felt Chanel deserved to know that, so she had to go warn her, but it didn’t go over great as Johnny got furious and defensive. Allie notes that it was good that Chanel left though. Nicole asks how Johnny felt. Allie reveals that Johnny had the nerve to call him jealous, as if her feelings for Chanel go beyond friendship which she calls totally ridiculous. Nicole asks if she’s sure.

Rafe questions Ava seeing Nicole in his arms. Ava tells him that after she stormed out this morning, she ran in to Steve and it was a good thing because Steve was nice and surprisingly helpful. Ava adds that Steve reminded her that when she cares deeply for someone, she can become paranoid and obsessed, so he told her not to do that with Rafe. Rafe says he didn’t see that coming. Ava says she thought about what Steve said and came back to apologize to Rafe, but she saw him and Nicole. Ava admits she was upset and took a walk to try to clear her head and she talked to Tripp, but the entire time she couldn’t stop thinking about them and seeing him with Nicole. Ava says she decided to come home and pack up her bags. Ava tells Rafe that he can finally be with Nicole. Ava says goodbye to Rafe but he stops her and tells her that she has it all wrong. Rafe then informs Ava that he was saying goodbye to Nicole. Ava questions what he means. Rafe explains that he told Nicole that they fought about her and she saw Ava’s point of view and admitted she had been leaning on him too much ever since losing to Eric and that it wasn’t fair to Ava. Rafe adds that Nicole said she felt bad about causing the fight between them and that they should stay apart so he and Ava could get back on track. Ava acknowledges that as very nice of her but points out it’s not entirely up to her. Ava asks Rafe who he wants; her or Nicole?

Allie asks Nicole why she would be jealous of Johnny and Chanel when she’s with Tripp now. Nicole says that doesn’t mean she can’t be jealous since she and Chanel are close and shared a lot. Nicole says she’s not trying to put her on the spot but she’s telling her that she understands because she felt the same way when Ava told her that she was dating Rafe. Nicole talks about how she bad mouthed Ava to Rafe and admits that was not her finest moment but then she started getting possessive about Rafe. Nicole admits that she was jealous of Ava being happy. Allie asks if she thinks that’s why she trashed Johnny. Nicole doesn’t know but says she had to be honest with herself about how she felt about Rafe. Allie asks if he was more than a friend. Nicole says she’s been a mess since losing Eric and realized she couldn’t make her stuff an issue for Ava and Rafe, so she decided to step away from the situation. Nicole apologizes for making this about herself but tells Allie that the point is, she needs to be honest about why it bothers her so much that her brother is dating her best friend.

Johnny tells EJ that Allie isn’t gay as she is dating Tripp and Chanel is not gay either. EJ questions Allie and Chanel kissing. Johnny confirms that they did a couple times and guesses they were just experimenting since Allie made it clear to Chanel that they were just friends. EJ feels Allie shouldn’t have a problem with him seeing Chanel then. Johnny agrees but says that she does and she’s jealous whether she wants to admit it or not, which is why she came over to make him look bad and scare Chanel off. EJ guesses that it worked.

Chanel tells Paulina about how Allie told her that Johnny is a total player and that he’s only interested in getting a girl in bed. Paulina notes that she didn’t get that vibe from Johnny. Chanel points out that Allie has known Johnny all her life. Paulina feels she has a sixth sense about people and she would’ve warned her if she thought Johnny was trouble. Chanel feels she can’t just ignore what Allie said since she is his twin sister. Paulina thinks Allie was just looking out for her. Paulina then brings up that they had a thing, so she questions if Allie protecting her or if she just wants her for herself.

Philip reminds Brady that he warned him that if he touched Chloe, he would kill him. Brady tells him to go ahead and try. Chloe shouts at them both to stop it. Chloe tells Brady that it’s not funny and that Philip is so far out of line that she could kill him herself. Chloe asks Brady for a moment alone so he storms out of the room. Chloe tells Philip that he’s crossed a line and that he’s not protecting her but demeaning her. Chloe declares that she’s not going to let his jealousy dictate how she lives her life and if he can’t get past that then they are through. Philip tells Chloe that he’s got it. Chloe reminds him that she made a commitment to him, but he got on a plane in the middle of the night to the middle of nowhere because he doesn’t trust that she can keep that commitment. Philip clarifies that he doesn’t trust Brady. Chloe responds that she does and tells him to deal with it. Philip complains that Brady pushes his buttons and makes him crazy. Philip swears that he does trust Chloe and he will get over it as he’s learned his lesson. Philip suggests they get out of here because he has a working jet, so he can take her to New York where Titan has a corporate suite. Philip says Brady can stay here until his plane gets repaired and meet her in New York tomorrow. Chloe argues that she and Brady traveled together on a business trip, so she’s not leaving him. Philip decides to let Brady come with them but Chloe says no and tells Philip to go home while she and Brady stay. Philip questions leaving her alone in the same bed as Brady. Chloe asks if he trusts her.

Rafe tells Ava that he wants them to be honest with each other and he realizes that things between he and Nicole got a little more intense than he thought. Rafe says he and Nicole are really close and she was going through hell, so he admits there was a time he thought about her as maybe more than a friend but he doesn’t think that would’ve ever happened if Eric didn’t leave Nicole for a year. Rafe understands how that upset Ava. Ava says it’s in his DNA to take care of the damsel in distress. Rafe calls Nicole a friend who was unhappy so he was just trying to help her. Ava says that he ended up falling for her. Rafe admits he may have had some thoughts that a friend shouldn’t have for another friend, but he never acted on them. Rafe asks if Ava can tell him that she would never be attracted to another man and if she was, she would give up on everything without trying to work things out. Rafe repeats that Nicole felt really bad about everything that happened so they decided to stay apart from each other so that he and Ava can work things out, unless she doesn’t want that.

Allie tells Nicole that she really thought she was protecting Chanel. Nicole doesn’t think Chanel needs a lot of protecting. Allie agrees that she was just telling herself that and admits maybe she was jealous. Allie feels like a fool and worries about what Tripp will think since she ditched him to stop Chanel from sleeping with Johnny. Nicole points out that she and Tripp have been through worse. Allie notes that Chanel was great when she chose Tripp over her, so she wonders how she is going to fix all of this.

Chanel questions Paulina thinking that Allie is jealous of her own brother. Paulina thinks Allie is still in to Chanel. Chanel argues that Allie had her chance with her and didn’t take it as she said she just wanted to be friends. Paulina argues that friends don’t tell friends who they can and can’t see. Chanel comments that she’s always had boyfriends but she’s never had a friend like Allie, so maybe she should stop seeing Johnny.

Johnny tells EJ that it sounded like Allie and Chanel are really tight friends that trust each other, so he thinks Chanel will believe what Allie said. EJ suggests he prove her wrong. EJ encourages him to see Chanel often without making a move on her and make her see that he doesn’t want to just get her in to bed. Johnny wonders if Chanel wants to see him at all. EJ thinks Chanel will want to form her own opinion about him. EJ advises Johnny to take it slow and give her breathing space. Johnny can’t believe he’s talking about this with his dad. EJ notes that there used to be a time when they would talk about everything and he misses that. EJ suggests maybe that’s why he wants him to work at DiMera since if they work together, they can have that back again. Johnny laughs it off and responds that he’s trying to figure out which one of them is the player here. EJ questions what that is supposed to mean. Johnny says that all of EJ’s parental concern tonight was just a ploy to reel him in to what he wants him to do. EJ wants Johnny to know what it really means to be a DiMera. EJ says it’s not money or power, but family working together and their connection to Stefano. Johnny responds that he’s sorry but he’s not a company kind of guy, he’s a film maker. EJ remarks that he’s just a rich kid playing with his phone. EJ calls making movies a pipe dream and asks if he really thinks Chanel is going to fall for a guy who has a dream that he can’t make happen.

Paulina questions Chanel walking away from a boy she really likes because that’s what Allie wants. Chanel says she’s trying to do the right thing. Paulina says when she met Abe, she probably should’ve walked away because of his past with Tamara but they both felt they had something real. Paulina encourages that Chanel and Johnny could have something special too. Chanel asks what if it ends her friendship with Allie. Paulina says if she’s really her friend, that won’t happen, because she deserves to be happy without anyone’s permission. Paulina advises Chanel to never be afraid to go after what you want.

Nicole tells Allie that she and Tripp will work this out. Allie doesn’t know how to face Johnny or Chanel. Nicole says she just had a bad night but she’s been a good friend and sister, so they won’t want to lose her either.

Ava tells Rafe that she wants to be with him more than anything, but not if he wants to be with Nicole. Rafe says he would like to be friends with Nicole again, unless that makes her uncomfortable. Ava says she’s not trying to control him because his feelings are his feelings. Rafe says he was honest with her about Nicole, so now he wants to be honest with her about her. Rafe assures Ava that she is the woman that he wants to be with. Rafe hopes they can get past what happened and asks if she thinks they can do that.

Philip assures Chloe that he trusts her. Chloe tells him to act like he does then. Brady comes back in and says the night manager threatened him for loitering. Chloe tells him that Philip was just leaving. Brady mocks him. Philip tells Chloe that he hopes she has a productive meeting tomorrow and kisses her. Philip says he can’t wait for her to come home as he exits the room. Brady asks if Chloe wants to try this again as he gets back in to the bed.

Ava tells Rafe that she does want to be with him. Rafe tells her how happy that makes him. Ava cries that she’s never felt this way with any other man, so when she knew he wanted Nicole, it just hurt. Rafe insists that they can make this work and every couple has ups and downs, but it’s how they deal with the downs that matters. Ava asks Rafe if he can take her bag to unpack. Rafe kisses her and says he thought she’d never ask. Rafe picks up her bag and they head back to the bedroom.

Nicole tells Allie that they should get some sleep. Allie thanks her for listening and for everything she’s done for her and Henry. Nicole assures that she will get through this as they hug.

Paulina and Chanel hug. Paulina knows she has been tough on her but tells her to never doubt how much she loves her. Chanel says she loves her too.

Johnny tells EJ that he’s wrong since Chanel would understand having a dream, as she didn’t let anyone get in her way of starting her own bakery. Johnny declares that he’s going to make his movie and when his film opens, Chanel will be right there with him. EJ remarks that he warned him when Chanel wants nothing to do with him. EJ then exits and heads upstairs as Johnny takes a drink.

Chloe decides to make a bed on the floor with pillows and a blanket because her back is fine, while Brady sleeps in the bed.

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