Y&R Short Recap Thursday, December 17, 2020

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Summer confronts Sally who admits to Summer that she is after her job and tells her that she intends to come out on top and take the job from her. Summer later tells Kyle that Sally intends to use him to take her job away from her. Kyle tells Summer that if they stay focused on their jobs and their relationship Sally won t be able to hurt them. Amanda visits Billy in jail and tells him everything Lily found out about Alyssa. Amanda decides to move ahead with a risky plan to get Billy out of jail since Billy told her to take the risk to get him out of jail. Amanda calls Lily to ask her to talk to Try and tell him everything she found out about Alyssa. Once Rey hears the information about Alyssa he decides to investigate to confirm what Lily told him.. Rey goes to Alyssa’s hotel room where he finds the shooting gloves and he puts them in an evidence bag and heads to the police station to have tests run on the gloves.

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