Days Update Monday, March 17, 2025

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

After Belle tells Paulina on the phone that she is going to recuse herself from the investigation in to EJ, Paulina calls it a major disappointment but not a surprise. Paulina hangs up as Rafe and Jada approach in the town square. She greets them while Jada notes that she looks like she just got some bad news. Paulina confirms that Belle has recused herself from the EJ case. Jada guesses that’s because of her personal involvement with him. Paulina remarks that anyone who comes in to contact with EJ winds up as collateral damage.

EJ tells Chanel that he just wanted to say he’s sorry about what happened with Amy Choi and that he tried to tell Johnny but he wouldn’t hear it. Chanel feels he can’t blame him. Johnny then walks in and punches EJ in the face. Johnny calls EJ a son of a bitch and says he knows what he did.

Melinda sits at the Bistro and says she could use a martini. Ava approaches and tells her that she’s going to have to get it somewhere else because she’s Kristen’s lawyer, who helped her get away with everything.

Rachel Blake sneaks to her old home and opens an old trunk where she proclaims to have found just what she was looking for. Kristen comes in and says she’s been looking all over for her, questioning what she’s doing here. Kristen says when she wasn’t at the house, she thought she might have gone after Ava again and questions her being in the attic and what she has behind her back.

Melinda tells Ava that she knows she’s not a fan of Kristen and she doesn’t like it either, but she’s the CEO of DiMera. Ava asks how Melinda got her job anyway. Melinda asks how Ava got her job and guesses she made her own share of devil’s bargains. Ava then agrees to get her martini.

Paulina explains to Rafe and Jada that after Jada and Gabi showed up at the DiMera Mansion, Amy decided that Chanel and Johnny might not make the best parents after all. Jada apologizes as they had no idea they were in the middle of such an important lunch. Paulina understands they were trying to Rafe and remarks that EJ has done so much damage to so many people. Rafe asks if this news about Belle means she has to put the case against EJ on hold. Paulina says it might take a day or two to replace Belle, but there is something she can do right now to fix some of the damage that EJ has already done. Paulina then announces that she is reinstating Jada as police commissioner, effective immediately.

EJ tells Johnny that he had nothing to do with Arnold Feniger replacing Rafe. Johnny accusing him of denying while EJ shouts that he’s not lying to him. EJ says he knows it’s a sensitive subject because of what Arnold did to Sami. Johnny responds that it has to do with what EJ did to her.

Jada questions Paulina reinstating her when she thought the investigation could take months. Paulina explains that they now know the accusations were made by Rafe’s impostor, so she’s making an executive decision to put her back in charge immediately. Jada excitedly thanks her. Paulina tells them to go celebrate. Rafe and Jada step aside where Rafe congratulates her and suggests they go grab a drink to celebrate. Jada says she would love to but thinks they should go home since she has a lot of cases to catch up on. Rafe agrees to a rain check on the drink. Jada wishes her first case back would be going after EJ for what he did to Rafe, but they don’t have any witnesses. Rafe suggests questioning the servants and siblings since they love stabbing each other in the back. Jada asks what about Ava and if she could know anything about what EJ did to Rafe.

Chanel questions what Johnny is saying that EJ did to his mom. Johnny asks if EJ wants to tell him or if he should. EJ says he doesn’t have a clue. Johnny then informs EJ that he was just talking to Kate and found out something he never knew about EJ, Sami, Lucas, and the cabin. EJ goes silent so Johnny says he’s got it then. Johnny continues the story of Sami and Lucas ending up in a remote cabin during a storm where Lucas got trapped when the roof caved in, so Sami went looking for help and found EJ. Johnny declares that Sami begged EJ to help save Lucas and he agreed to, if Sami had sex with him which shocks Chanel as she listens.

Belle paces at home and thinks back to kicking EJ out of the house. Brady then comes home with Rachel which Belle calls a nice surprise. Rachel reveals they are having a sleepover and goes to her room. Belle tells Brady that she didn’t know she was seeing her tonight. Brady calls it a last minute schedule change. Belle is surprised that Kristen approved. Brady explains that Kristen’s mother is now living in the DiMera Mansion, so he made the case that it wouldn’t be a good idea for Rachel to be under the same roof as her unhinged Grandmother.

Rachel Blake claims to Kristen that she has nothing behind her back but Kristen insists. She tries to claim it’s just a family heirloom but then reveals that she has a gun.

Brady still can’t believe Kristen’s mother encouraged her own granddaughter to be part of a kidnapping plot and he had to tell Ava to keep her mouth shut about the whole thing, including a stabbing after she attacked Ava with a knife. Brady adds that he had to tell Ava not to call the cops. Brady knows he shouldn’t be saying these things to the district attorney, but she wouldn’t have a case since he already told Ava to keep quiet. Brady reminds her that if Rachel Blake gets arrested, she will tell the cops about her grand plan and they will be obligated to call child protective services and he could lose his daughter permanently. Belle encourages that Ava understands he has to put his daughter first which is why she agreed to let this go. Brady responds that he’s not sure she has let it go. Belle asks where things stand with them. Brady informs her that Ava said she needed time to think which to him means, they are done.

Melinda asks Ava about her hand being bandaged up. Ava informs her that Kristen’s mother came after her with a kitchen knife after breaking in to her room because she wants her out of the way permanently so Kristen and Brady could be together again. Ava adds that Kristen came in just in time to save her. Melinda notes that she didn’t get a call from Kristen to bail her mother out. Ava explains that she’s not pressing charges for attempted murder because Brady convinced her not to again since he could lose custody of his daughter, so now she’s constantly looking over her shoulder worried if that maniac is going to come after her again. Ava wishes she still had some kind of protection. Melinda then reaches in to her bag and offers Ava a gun.

Rafe asks Jada how Ava would know anything. Jada reminds Rafe that Ava said EJ was involved in her kidnapping. Rafe points out that Ava recanted her statement and it didn’t have anything to do with him. Jada is not sure, explaining that Ava said EJ was going to let her go but then Rachel Blake showed up and they left to have a secret conversation, convincing EJ not to help Ava. Rafe guesses she must have been holding something over EJ. Jada adds that she was certain Rafe was in the DiMera tunnels but there was no sign of him, so it’s possible that he was being held with Ava in Aremid. Jada thinks this could be the key to nailing EJ.

Kristen questions what her mother is doing with a gun and what she’s planning on doing with it.

EJ tells Johnny that he and Sami put this behind them a long time ago. Johnny responds that he hasn’t and never will. Johnny calls this a new level of sick and bets EJ enjoyed it. EJ argues that Kate had no right to tell him any of this. Johnny asks what about his mom’s right to not be sexually assaulted. EJ asks why dredge this all up now other than to upset him, feeling there was no need for him to know any of this. Johnny thinks they can both agree that it definitely affects him. Johnny adds that he hasn’t even gotten to the best part, being that Sami got pregnant. Johnny declares that the only reason he exists is because his father raped his mother.

Jada tells Rafe that if EJ took Rafe to Rachel Blake’s house, they should go talk to her. Rafe figures she’s already lawyered up. Jada says if they are going to put away EJ, they need evidence and she thinks Rachel Blake could be a witness. Jada suggests they go to her house in Aremid.

Rachel Blake claims she doesn’t know what she was planning on doing with the gun. Kristen compares it to the knife she took from the mansion and says she’s not helping her or Rachel by hurting Ava. Rachel Blake asks what if Ava hurt her and she was forced to retaliate in self defense, then Ava would be out of the way for Kristen and Brady to be a family and no one would be the wiser.

Ava is surprised Melinda carries a gun. Melinda reminds Ava about Connie holding her prisoner for a month, so she figured she could be more careful. Ava questions her not needing it. Melinda responds that she’s feeling a lot safer with Connie locked up in Bayview while Kristen’s deranged mother is still out there.

Kristen tells her mother that she has to let go of the idea of her, Rachel, and Brady being a family. Kristen demands she turn over the gun so she does.

Brady tells Belle that he hates that he did this to Ava since she suffered a lot and no one is going to pay for it. Brady says the only silver lining might be that EJ gets locked up for what he did to Rafe. Brady says it won’t make up for what he did to Ava but at least he’d be paying for something. Belle hopes that he will be prosecuted but reveals it won’t be by her because she just called Paulina to recuse herself from any cases involving EJ. Brady is shocked and questions why, believing there’s no conflict of interest since she washed her hands of that dirtbag. Brady then realizes she hasn’t.

Johnny knows Sami took a lot of crap for her twins not having the same dad and people called her a slut and a whore. Johnny wonders what Susan would think when she finds out EJ is a rapist. Chanel questions everyone in the family knowing about this. Johnny explains that Kate said the only ones that did know made a pact never to tell him. EJ says they did it to protect him but Johnny argues that EJ was protecting himself. Johnny calls himself a lie because he didn’t come from love and he’s here because a monster viciously violated an innocent woman. EJ knows it was terrible but argues that he doesn’t know the whole story. EJ talks about Sami ignoring the spark between them. EJ tries to explain that Stefano was dying and believed he could use the baby stem cells, so he was trying to save his life. Johnny complains that EJ is blaming Stefano and Sami and shouts that he’ll blame anyone but himself. EJ cries that he’s just trying to make him understand. Johnny says he doesn’t and he never will.

Kristen tells Rachel Blake that they will get her out of there but Jada and Rafe arrive. Jada hoped they could answer some questions but Kristen says they don’t need to talk to them. Jada reveals she was recently reinstated as police commissioner. Kristen says she’s not going to arrest her mother. Jada repeats that she just has questions. They then ask if either of them know anything about EJ holding Rafe there. Rachel Blake flashes back to Rafe waking up there.

Belle tells Brady that she still can’t believe she did this after everything EJ did to Rafe, Jada, and Ava. Belle knows that EJ is terrible for her but she can’t stop. Brady calls it an addiction. Belle thinks he might be right. Belle says she did throw EJ out tonight and made it clear this was the las time, so she hopes she can do it. Brady jokes that it sounds like the District Attorney could use some DiMera Anonymous.

EJ repeats to Johnny that he was just trying to explain. Johnny complains that he’s refusing to take responsibility for raping his mother. EJ says he’s not blaming Stefano or Sami as he knows what he did was wrong. Johnny continues to complain and says that EJ never wanted him, he just wanted to harvest his stem cells. Johnny says he and Sami weren’t people, just things for EJ to use and throw away. EJ calls that not true. Johnny brings up that Chad warned him to take Chanel as far away as he could from this family and he wishes they could now to get away from EJ, but the problem is that it doesn’t matter where he goes as he will still be a product of EJ’s crime. Johnny states that rape is not about sex but about power and control. Johnny remarks that EJ has tried to control him for his entire life including his career and his child. Johnny brings up when Chanel was pregnant with a baby they knew could have abnormalities and how EJ said the child was a DiMera first and foremost. Johnny calls EJ just like Stefano. Johnny says Stefano might have controlled EJ but EJ will never control him or his child. EJ promises to stay out of the adoption process. Johnny tells EJ that he will stay out of the baby’s life. Johnny declares that the DiMera legacy is cruel and violent and they want nothing to do with it. Johnny asks how it feels for him to be unable to control him. EJ asks what he can do to make things right. Johnny says he can’t. Johnny states that EJ is his father and he’s supposed to be able to trust him, but he kept this from him for his whole life. EJ explains that he never wanted him to know because he’s not that man anymore and ever since it happened, a part of him has regretted it. EJ states that as much as he hates it, if he hadn’t of done it, he wouldn’t have had Johnny. EJ knows he’s hurting and that he’s disappointed him terribly, but he loves him more than anything. EJ asks if there’s any chance at all that Johnny can find it in his heart to forgive him.

Belle tells Brady that Marlena and Steve made it to the airport for their flight. Brady hopes they get Shane to get them some answers about John. Rachel comes in and says she wants John to read her a bedtime story. Belle offers to read it and says that John used to read her the book when she was her age which Rachel accepts.

Johnny tells EJ that he’s nuts if he thinks he will forgive him. Johnny declares that he will never forgive him and he can’t even look at him. Johnny tells EJ to just leave and screams at him to go, so EJ then exits. Chanel tells Johnny that she’s so sorry. Johnny doesn’t understand any of this and asks how his own father could do something so horrible. Johnny doesn’t know what to do or think about himself and everything. Johnny remarks that this is the only reason EJ is his father. Johnny declares that he hates EJ and swears that he would kill him if he had a gun.

EJ stops on the stairs and breaks down crying.

Ava tells Melinda that thanks to her time in Bayview, she’s not eligible to purchase a gun. Melinda says she’s lucky that she’s offering her one then and calls it a peace offering. Ava says she will give it back to her. Melinda says there’s no rush and if she needs it, use it. Ava takes the gun and hides it in her bag.

Jada asks Rachel Blake if EJ brought Rafe to this house. Kristen responds that they have nothing to say to them and asks them to leave. Jada says she’s not trying to cause trouble but she could easily bring Rachel Blake in as an accessory after the fact. Jada says she wants to bring in EJ and asks Kristen to tell her what she wants to know. Kristen repeats they have nothing to say to her. Jada declares someone is going down for what happened to Rafe and she’s only interested in EJ, but if she can’t get evidence against him, someone else will go down, so Rachel Blake might want to reconsider being quiet because next time she comes, she will bring a search warrant and an arrest warrant. Kristen and Rachel Blake then exit. Rafe says she definitely knows something while Jada declares they won’t stop until they find out what it is.

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