Days Update Friday, March 14, 2025

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Tate goes to see Sophia at the Bistro to ask if her mom is still pissed about the lunch at the DiMeras. Sophia points out that he didn’t have to come in person to ask that and could have just texted. Tate notes that he didn’t have anything else going on. Sophia questions him not hanging out with his girlfriend on a Friday night. Tate responds that he and Holly are not really talking.

Holly goes to the Horton house where Doug III answers the door without a shirt on.

EJ goes to see Belle, who tells him he can’t be there. EJ asks her not to shut him out.

At the Brady Pub, Johnny says what happened to Rafe and Jada was terrible but he talked to EJ, who said bringing Arnold to town the first time still haunts him to this day and that he never wanted Sami hurt like that. Roman calls that total BS and declares that it didn’t stop EJ from doing the same exact thing that Arnold did. Johnny questions what he is talking about. Roman tells him to forget it but Johnny demands to know how EJ did the same thing as Arnold. Roman claims he doesn’t know what he’s saying and is just upset about what happened to Rafe. Johnny argues that he knows EJ has done some bad things over the years but nothing like what Arnold did to Sami. Johnny questions Roman thinking EJ is as bad as Arnold when Arnold is a rapist. Roman remarks that Johnny has no idea who his dad really is. Roman declares that if Arnold Feniger is a rapist, then so is EJ DiMera.

Sophia asks what happened with Tate and Holly. Tate responds that they had a fight. Sophia guesses it was about the baby. Tate admits that was part of it since he promised her that the adoption was a done deal and now who knows thanks to EJ. Sophia remarks that she’s sorry their baby is such a problem for his relationship. Tate points out that he said that was only part of the fight. Sophia asks what else it was about. Tate says it’s not what, but who, as he tells her it’s Doug Williams III.

Doug III tells Holly that he was just getting in a workout. Holly says she can come back later but Doug III says he was basically done and he’s glad she’s there.

Belle tells EJ that he can’t come in as they have nothing to talk about unless he’s there to confess his crimes. EJ responds that the only thing he’s guilty of is being unable to stop thinking about her. Belle tells him not to do that. EJ says he’s just telling her how he’s feeling. Belle says he shouldn’t be there but EJ says there is nowhere else he’d rather be. EJ tells Belle that he’s missed her ever since she stormed out on him the other day. EJ asks if she misses him too.

Johnny questions Roman saying his father is a rapist. Roman tells him to forget it since he knows how much he loves his dad and what he said was in the heat of anger. Johnny questions it being true. Johnny tells Roman that he knows he wouldn’t just throw something out that terrible unless it was true.

Holly tells Doug III that she wanted to talk about the necklace as she keeps thinking about how Melinda refused to sell it to them. Holly says they have to do something but Doug III isn’t sure what they can do. Holly declares she’s here because she has a brilliant idea.

Paulina and Chanel sit together in the living room of the DiMera Mansion. Paulina asks where Johnny is. Chanel says he went to get takeout from the Pub. Paulina says she did have some news to share with them both about her sitdown with Amy Choi. Chanel says she can tell her and then she’ll tell Johnny, so she asks how it went. Paulina says it went surprisingly well so Chanel asks if she got her to come around on the idea of them adoption. Paulina excitedly tells her that she thinks she convinced Amy that the baby would be lucky to have them as parents. Chanel hugs her and says that’s amazing. Paulina adds that there is one sticking point. Chanel bets she can guess what that is.

Belle tells EJ that the only thing she feels for him is disgust for what he did to Rafe, Jada, and Ava. EJ says that’s what he allegedly did. Belle questions playing this game. EJ argues that there is no evidence to support the outrageous claims against him. Belle calls him unbelievable for lying to her face. EJ knows she’s only hearing horrible accusations against him and everything in her life is pushing her to lose faith and abandon him, but he knows she doesn’t want to walk away from what they have. Belle tells EJ that she doesn’t want him anywhere near him. Belle says she is the district attorney while he is a criminal. EJ remarks that she knew exactly who he was when she got involved with him. Belle admits she thought maybe he would try to change, but he doesn’t want to so he never will. Belle calls EJ the same selfish son of a bitch he’s always been.

Roman tells Johnny that he was just trying to say that he was responsible for what Arnold did to Sami since he hired him to take over Rafe’s life. Johnny doesn’t think that’s what he meant. Roman says he was just upset and now he’s sorry for upsetting Johnny. Roman says he has to get to the back of the Pub for a delivery. Johnny wants to finish the conversation but Roman promises they will talk later and walks away. Kate arrives and greets Johnny, asking if he’s okay. Johnny responds that he just had a very strange conversation with Roman which Kate questions. Johnny informs Kate that Roman accused EJ of being a rapist and then tried to walk it back. Johnny asks if Kate knows something. Kate tries to explain but Johnny asks for the truth and says not to try to protect him because if EJ committed that horrible crime, he has a right to know.

Tate complains to Sophia that a month ago, Holly didn’t even know who Doug III was and now it’s like she’s spending all of her time with him. Sophia asks if he’s pissed that she’s friends with him. Tate responds that it’s not jealousy but he doesn’t trust him. Sophia asks if he did something to make him not trust him. Tate thinks back to Holly telling him about Doug III stealing the necklace. Tate then tells Sophia that Doug III has done some very shady stuff, so he doesn’t want Holly to get sucked in to his mess of a life more than she already has been.

Doug III asks Holly what her solution to dealing with Melinda is. Holly talks about Melinda not selling it to them even though she knows it was stolen. Holly then suggests sneaking in to Melinda’s apartment to steal it back.

Tate tells Sophia that he’s worried that the more time Holly spends with Doug III, the more she’s going to get caught up in his mess. Sophia asks what kind of mess they are talking about. Tate says it’s just not good. Sophia guesses he thinks Doug III is a bad influence on Holly. Tate confirms that, then apologizes for dumping all of his problems on her. Sophia says it’s okay and sees that he’s really hurting. Tate wishes Doug III never showed up in Salem and adds that on top of all that, his grandpa John is missing which shocks Sophia. Tate informs her that Marlena just left to go looking for him. Sophia says that’s so scary. Tate agrees and says growing up, he thought of his Grandpa as an invincible super spy while now, he can’t help but think what if he doesn’t come back. Sophia hugs Tate and assures that John will be okay.

EJ asks if Belle can pretend that he’s nothing to her. Belle responds that what he did was unthinkable and says he ruined Rafe and Jada’s life over a district attorney job. Belle argues that nothing EJ can say can make this better. Belle brings up what he and Kristen did to Ava and complains that he only cares about himself. Belle calls him ruthless and sadistic, arguing that he’s hurt so many people that she cares about. Belle questions how he expects her to forgive him. EJ argues that they don’t have to let any of this come between them. Belle asks if he just wants her to look the other way when he’s accused of kidnapping two people. Belle warns EJ that he will be in handcuffs on his way to prison. EJ responds that he’s not going to prison. Belle is not sure about that and declares that as soon as she has enough evidence to link him to these crimes, she will prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law. EJ tells her to go ahead but says she cannot tell him that she doesn’t want him just as much as he wants her. Belle then grabs EJ and they start kissing as they move in to the bedroom.

Kate thinks Johnny should wait until Roman comes back to have this conversation. Johnny complains that he will just lie to him again and he can tell Kate knows what he was talking about. Kate argues that he should have this conversation with Sami. Johnny questions what Sami has to do with this and argues that she’s not making sense. Johnny says he knows Sami has defended some of the things EJ has done but there’s no way she would defend him raping someone, so she can’t know anything about this. Kate then reveals to Johnny that Sami is the one that EJ raped.

Doug III questions Holly suggesting stealing the necklace from Melinda’s apartment. Holly argues that it doesn’t belong to her and questions why they can’t just return it to it’s rightful owner. Doug III worries about breaking and entering being a crime. Holly argues that Melinda couldn’t report it without incriminating herself. Holly complains about Melinda helping Sloan kidnap her baby brother and putting her family through Hell, so she’s not about to have sympathy for that bitch. Doug III comments on never seeing her like this before. Holly responds that she believes in karma and asks if they are going to break in to get the necklace back or not. Doug III says absolutely not.

Sophia gets a call from her mom and says she’ll see her tonight after work. Tate asks what that was about. She informs him that her mom met with Chanel’s mom and they apparently really hit off. Tate excitedly asks what this means. Sophia responds that there is hope that Johnny and Chanel will be able to adopt their baby.

Paulina tells Chanel that despite her best efforts, Amy still has reservations about EJ being involved with the baby. Paulina assures that EJ won’t be a problem much longer, even if she has to see to it personally. Chanel questions what she is planning. Paulina responds that she plans to use her influence to make sure EJ goes to prison for what he did to Ava, Rafe, and Jada. Chanel asks if she really thinks he’s going away. Paulina responds that she met with Belle today and she’s committed to throwing the book at EJ. Chanel comments on her seeming confident. Paulina then admits to Chanel that Belle had been having an affair with EJ, but she promised her that they were finished. Paulina insists that Belle will keep her promise because she knows what’s at stake.

Belle and EJ lay in bed after having sex. EJ laughs and questions her not saying anything. Belle can’t believe she just did that and calls it a conflict of interest. EJ remarks that she didn’t seem to care while she was in his arms. Belle complains that he’s under investigation for multiple felonies and mentions promising Paulina that they were done sleeping with each other. Belle calls this a nightmare and asks what the hell is wrong with her. Belle warns that if Paulina finds out about this, she could lose her job, so EJ tells her not to tell her. EJ suggests telling Paulina that there is no case because they both know the police won’t find any real evidence linking him to the crimes. EJ claims his hands are clean and Belle just has to make them accept that. Belle argues that EJ came over to seduce her in to dropping the investigation and calls him such a bastard.

Johnny questions Kate telling him that his father raped his mother. Johnny asks how and when. Kate doesn’t want to go in to details but Johnny says she can’t just say that and walk away from it. Kate suggests going upstairs for privacy but Johnny demands the truth right here. Kate asks where to start. Johnny tells her to try the beginning and not leave anything out as they sit together. Kate guesses the beginning is Sami and Lucas going skiing in the mountains where their car broke down and they ended up at a remote cabin where there was a huge storm that caved in the roof of the cabin. Kate explains that Lucas was pinned underneath and Sami was afraid he was going to die. Johnny asks what this has to do with EJ raping Sami. Kate continues that Sami went out to the road for help and found EJ, so she begged him to come back to the cabin to help her save Lucas. Kate reveals that EJ agreed to do it, if Sami had sex with him first. Johnny is shocked to learn the truth.

Holly asks Doug III what’s wrong with her plan. Doug III points out it being illegal and that breaking the law is why he’s in this mess. He feels Holly has done more than enough to help him and he appreciates her paying off his debt, but he’s not going to allow her to do something dangerous on his account. Doug III encourages that she’s going to graduate high school and has her whole life ahead of her, so she doesn’t want to start it behind bars. Holly admits maybe it wasn’t her best idea as they joke together.

Chanel asks if Paulina really thinks they don’t have to worry about Belle going easy on EJ. Paulina says she won’t if she values her career because EJ needs to be locked up for a long time. Chanel agrees that it would be a relief if EJ was out of the way for the adoption, but he is Johnny’s dad and she knows Johnny still loves him. Paulina argues that EJ should’ve thought about family before breaking the law, so he deserves whatever is coming to him. Paulina adds that after EJ is gone, Chanel and Johnny can finally start their lives with a beautiful new baby.

Johnny tells Kate that it can’t be true as he knows EJ can be ruthless or go too far in business, but there’s no way he could do that to his mom. Kate says she’s sorry and knows it’s hard for him to hear this, but she knows in his heart that he knows it’s true. Kate states that it’s what Roman was trying to tell him but he stopped himself and she thinks she should’ve stopped too. Johnny says it’s okay because he begged her to be honest with him. Johnny asks when this happened. Kate informs him that it was before he was born when Sami and Lucas were a couple. Johnny questions no one wanting to ever tell him about this. Kate reveals that they all made a pact to keep it from he and Allie. Johnny then asks if this is the reason why he and his twin sister have separate fathers. Johnny realizes that Kate just told him the story of how he was conceived. Johnny remarks that his sister was born out of love while he was a product of rape. Kate repeats that she’s so sorry. Johnny declares he has to get out of here and storms out of the Pub, leaving Kate in tears.

Belle accusing EJ of using her and calls him a son of a bitch. EJ insists that he came to see her and not about the case. Belle calls him a liar. EJ argues that she’s being unreasonable. Belle screams at EJ to get out of her bed and her house so EJ storms out in a rage.

Tate tells Sophia that Paulina must have really impressed Amy which Sophia notes is no easy task but she doesn’t want to get their hopes up too high because Amy is still concerned about EJ. Tate feels that if Johnny and Chanel can distance themselves from EJ then hopefully she will come around. Sophia admits that would be amazing and says she should get back to work. Tate offers to stay and help her clean up, saying he wants to hang with her. Tate adds that he doesn’t want her to work herself too hard. Sophia guesses he’s worried about the baby but Tate says he wants her to be okay and happy. Sophia responds that she wants the same thing for him, so they go to work together.

Doug III tells Holly that it means a lot that she was willing to go that far for him. Holly says she wants things to work out for him as she really cares about him. Holly asks how they plan on getting the necklace back if they aren’t going to steal it back since they can’t just let Melinda win. Doug III offers to heat up leftovers while they brainstorm. Holly decides she’ll get started in the kitchen while he goes to take a shower.

Paulina sits in the town square as she gets a call from Belle and says she was just reassuring Chanel that Belle would be doing everything in her power to put EJ away for his crimes against the citizens of Salem. Belle says she’s been thinking about their conversation and she thinks it would be best if she recused herself from the investigation in to EJ DiMera.

Roman comes back to the Pub and finds Kate, asking her what’s wrong and what happened. Kate informs him that she came in to Johnny talking about EJ and blindsided her with a question about why he didn’t tell him that his father had raped someone. Roman apologizes and says he was just so upset about Arnold Feniger that it just came out and he should’ve known Johnny wouldn’t let it go. Kate confirms he was very persistent. Roman talks about all these years of trying to protect Johnny and Allie from the awful truth. Roman asks what Kate said to Johnny. Kate responds that she had no choice but to tell him the truth, so his grandson now knows that his father raped his mother and he’s the result of that.

EJ goes home to the DiMera Mansion and greets Chanel in the living room. Chanel decides she will go wait for Johnny in their room. EJ stops her and says he just wanted to say he’s sorry about what happened with Amy Choi and that he tried to tell Johnny but he wouldn’t hear it. Chanel feels he can’t blame him. Johnny then walks in and punches EJ in the face.

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