Days Short Recaps Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Johnny had a nightmare that Chanel and Alex had sex. When he woke up and realized he was dreaming. He ran into Chanel on the phone. She told him she was talking to Felicity about Sweet Bits. Chanel said he didn’t sleep in the bed last night. Johnny said he slept on the couch. He asked her about her back to which she said was stiff but feeling better. She couldn’t believe she threw her back out tying her shoes. Johnny thought about Alex making love to someone in the hospital bed. He asked if she wanted to drive to the set together. Chanel said Kate postponed her scenes until tomorrow to make sure her back was feeling better. Johnny said that would give him more time to prepare for directing her scene with Alex in bed. She asked if he was okay with directing the scene and wondered if he was still jealous. He said he wasn’t jealous. Steve talked to Kayla about Mark and how he lied about the results of the DNA test. Kayla told him it was a violation of Abby’s rights. Steve said he didn’t ask Mark to run the test on Abby. He said he gave Mark their DNA but said they were Abby and Thomas’. Steve said Mark told her Abby was Thomas’ mother. Kayla said they shouldn’t jump to conclusions. Steve said there’s no other explanation. He said there was one way to prove it since Abby and Jack’s samples were still in the lab. Kayla said she would rerun the test. Mark talked to Clyde about his reservations about killing Chad and wondered what would happen if he got caught. Clyde suggested that he doesn’t get caught and not to tell his sister about their plan. Mark asked Clyde if he was going to let his mother go once his sister married Chad. When Mark got off the phone, Felicity showed up. Mark wanted to talk to her about something. Felicity assumed it was about Abby. Mark wondered why she assumed it was about Abby. Felicity said she reminded her of their mother. Mark said he could see it in her mannerisms. He said he had to take care of their parents estate. Felicity said she missed them.

Stephanie woke up in bed with Alex. When Alex wondered why she was so jumpy, she told him they made a mistake. Stephanie got dressed and said she had to check in with Body and Soul and Paulina. When she opened the door, Chanel was there. After Stephanie left, Chanel said she didn’t know Alex and Stephanie were together. Alex said it just happened and that they were friends with benefits. Chanel wanted to talk to him about Johnny’s birthday and how she wanted to plan a surprise party for him. She said she wanted to have the party on the set and didn’t want anyone else to find out about it. While they were talking, Chanel told him that things were awkward and this would show Johnny that the set was a friendly place. Before she left, she told him to keep it between them. After she left, Alex closed the door. Johnny showed up around the corner. Abby looked at Chad and the real Abby’s wedding picture and regretted what she was doing to Chad. Chad showed up and wondered why she was crying. Abby said she was feeling a lot today. Chad said they would be happy again. Abby said she wanted that too, but she wasn’t her. Chad asked what she meant by that, but she said she meant she had a different face and didn’t have any memories of the woman in the picture. She said she was a different woman. Chad said he changed too but the only thing that matter to him was that she was Abby. He said that it was important that she remembered that she loved him. While they were talking about their feelings, Chad ignored Steve’s calls. Steve left a message for Chad to call him back. Kayla showed up and told him he was right about that woman not being Abby. Kayla said she felt bad for Jack and Chad. Steve said he wondered why Mark lied. He said Mark and the woman needed to be stopped. Steve wanted to call Jada, but they had to stop Chad. Kayla sent Chad a text saying Abby wasn’t the real Abby.

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