B&B Short Recap Thursday, September 26, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Steffy tells Hope that she’s certain that her parents still love each other. Hope wonders if that’s why Taylor is back, but Steffy denies that. She claims that Taylor is just happy to be there with the family. Hope wonders why Taylor has come back now, but Steffy doesn’t think that there’s any big mystery. Hope reiterates that no one will come between Ridge and Brooke again.

Ridge and Taylor hug. He admits that he’s very happy that she’s there, for however long it will be. She plans to appreciate every moment she has with her family and the people she loves. Ridge gives her a side hug. Just then, Brook starts to walk in but backs out, watching them in shock. She comes in after that, asking if she’s interrupting. Ridge kisses her and Taylor says she’ll leave them alone, since they’re busy. Brooke asks her if she heard of the big photo shoot tomorrow for Brooke’s Bedroom. Taylor has heard about it and tries to rush out. Ridge and Brooke are surprised she’s leaving so soon. She just said that it’s great to see the two of them happy and that they have a lot to look forward to. She leaves. Ridge looks concerned. They’re both excited about bedroom line. They agree that it’s good to have Taylor back, but Brooke feels like Taylor is not herself, and not too happy. Ridge didn’t notice Taylor being unhappy or different.

Taylor and Steffy chat. Taylor is proud of her daughter. They also talk about Kelly a little. Mostly, they talk about Ridge. It’s clear that Steffy still hopes her parents can get back together. Taylor admits that the memories of the past with their family are the happiest of her life. However, she says, Steffy has to accept that he’s with Brooke now, like she has. She mentions that they have a bright future, with a long life ahead of them. Steffy looks shocked and confused.

Will is at Forrester, on the phone with Donna. She’s trying to set him up with someone, but he’s not interested. RJ walks in behind him to put a laptop down on a table. There seems to be some tension between them. Will asks RJ if he really didn’t know that Luna was crazy. RJ’s face falls, and he looks sad. Will apologizes for asking but mentions that Luna is in jail where she belongs. RJ asks Will why he’s there instead of with Bill at Spencer Publications. Will isn’t sure what he’s going to be doing, but he mentions that Katie invited him to work there. RJ can’t imagine that Bill would want that, but Will says whatever decision he makes will be his choice. Will says that maybe he and RJ will work together one day. RJ doesn’t look too happy about that idea.

Katie visits Bill, at his request. He asks her to consider getting their family back together. They talk about what he’s been going through with Luna. He holds her hand, and they discuss Will a bit. Bill blames himself for hurting Katie in the past. Will arrives, too. Bill tells him that he’s a different man, and he wants to reunite their family. Will asks Katie is that’s what she wants. Katie isn’t sure because she’s enjoying having Will home and doesn’t want anything to spoil that. They hug.


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