GH Short Recap Thursday, September 12, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Brook Lynn and Lois have a long talk about the pros and cons of Brook Lynn and Chase trying to start a family now.

Sasha sets up a family brunch to surprise Cody. Cody asks Sasha to be his girlfriend during the brunch with his family and she says that she does want to be his girlfriend.

Diane asks Sonny to do something to keep Alexis from going to jail for killing John Cates based on circumstantial evidence.

Natalia tells Sonny that Tracy could force him to pull his investment out of Deception because of the morality clause in his investment contract. Sonny tells Natalia about Alexis’s problem and tells her that Alexis won’t go to jail for murder on his watch.

Carly tells Jason that Jack Brennan will soon find Lucky’s new location and, when that happens, she needs him to go to Africa and bring Lucky home. Jason promises Carly that he will bring Lucky home.

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