B&B Short Recap Thursday, August 22, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Suzanne

Hope and Steffy continue to argue about Hope kissing Finn. Steffy tells her again to stay away from Finn.

Brooke is shocked to see that Taylor is back, and at Forrester. Taylor complains about Hope kissing Finn and blames Brooke for it. Hope walks in, also surprised to see Taylor. Taylor starts in on her about the kiss. She blames Brooke for being a bad example. She’s disappointed in Hope because she thought she had a sense of morality.

Liam, visiting Bill, is shocked to hear that Poppy is in jail and that Luna is not really Bill’s daughter. Steffy arrives and asks Liam to take care of their daughter while she’s out of town. Liam asks her questions, so she tells him some of what’s going on.

Luna visits RJ, who is sympathetic to what’s been going with her. He’s shocked when she tells him that she’s going to stay at Bill’s place because he needs her. He looks a bit suspicious.

Later, Luna goes back to Bill’s place. He’s sympathetic. They sit down again, and she kisses him again. Steffy walks in and sees them kissing. She looks disgusted.


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