GH Short Recap Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Sonny calls Jason and asks him to bring him home from the hospital and later Kevin stops by to see if Sonny is feeling better. Sonny tells Kevin that his head feels clearer and Kevin tells Sonny that means the medicine is working. Kevin tells Sonny he will schedule two sessions a week with him until his medicine is adjusted again.

Jason stops by Sonny ‘s place to see if he is feeling better and Sonny tells Jason that he almost jumped off the roof of the hospital because Kristina losing the baby took him to a very dark place. Sonny tells Jason that a hallucination of Morgan persuaded him that he needed to live because his children and grandchildren needed him and he got down from the roof and went to ask Kevin to help him.

Jason wonders if Sonny told Kevin about his hallucination of Morgan. Sonny tells Jason he never talks to Kevin about things like that because he doesn’t trust him.

Donna is happy to see Josslyn and she tells her and Carly she took some of her daddy’s vitamins she found in Avery’s backpack. Donna shows Carly and Josslyn the bottle of pills and they take Donna to the hospital.

Carly tells Elizabeth what happened to Donna and Elizabeth takes Donna into a treatment room where the doctor pumped Donna’s stomach. Elizabeth returns a short while later and tells Sonny that Donna will be okay because there was no lithium inside the capsules Donna took because the capsules were empty.

Curtis, Jordan, and Stella help TJ pack up the nursery so the things can be donated to a shelter.

Molly goes to the jail to read the autopsy report on the death of her daughter to Ava. The autopsy report states that the baby girl weighed 5 lbs. 2 oz. and died due to blunt force trauma to the head and internal injuries. Molly tells Ava to confess to what she did and save them the pain of a trial. Ava tells Molly she would never deliberately hurt a child. Ava tells Molly that the person responsible for the death of her baby girl is Kristina because she went to her suite and attacked her.

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