Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
At the Horton Cabin on Smith Island, Tate paces with his phone, questioning what Theresa has done. Holly arrives and tries to tell Tate there’s something he needs to know but Tate informs her that he just got the worst news that his mom has been arrested.
At the police station, Andrew enters the interrogation room to see Theresa. She says she was wondering when he was going to show up to tell her how disappointed he is and that he’s ashamed to be her brother and ready to disown her. Andrew responds that isn’t why he’s here. Andrew then reveals he came to say he’s proud of her.
Marlena talks with Kayla in her office about her last session with Everett and thinks his reaction to hypnosis was textbook and he was just telling her what she wanted to hear. Marlena is concerned that “Everett” is faking his integration. Abe then arrives and says he’s sorry to interrupt but that Marlena’s assistant said she might be willing to talk. Marlena says she has a few minutes. Kayla offers to step out but Abe asks her to stay and says he’s happy he caught them together. Marlena asks if something is wrong. Abe says it’s all good and hopes they can make it better. Kayla asks what this is about. Abe responds that he has an offer they can’t refuse.
Roman decorates the Brady Pub for Eric and Nicole’s going away party. Kate walks in and asks what the occasion is. Roman informs her that Eric and Nicole are moving to Paris.
Eric and Nicole pack bags in Eric’s room. Eric mentions that Roman said he’d hold onto anything they can’t fit while Nicole remarks that EJ will probably burn whatever she had left. Eric has Deja vu as he realizes he’s packing the same bag that he was carrying when Nicole stopped him from getting on the plane to Paris. Nicole points out that now they are going together as they hug.
Abe is sure Kayla and Marlena heard about Body and Soul being cancelled. Kayla confirms that she did and explains to Marlena that it was a soap opera that Abe is a big fan of. Abe informs them that the good news is that it might be making a comeback. Abe then announces that he and Kate bought the rights and will be filming it right here in Salem. Marlena calls that cute while Kayla thinks he and Kate will make a good team. Marlena adds that it might even be a boost to the local economy which Abe calls part of the pitch to investors. Kayla tells Abe that they will support any way they can. Abe says he’s happy to hear them say that because he’s going to need their help. Marlena asks if he’s looking for investors. Abe says no, they are looking for stars.
Theresa questions Andrew saying he’s proud of her when she’s committed multiple felonies. Andrew explains that he’s proud of her for turning herself in and taking responsibility for what she did which shows character. Theresa says she appreciates his approval but she doesn’t know what character is going to do when she’s doing hard time.
Tate complains to Holly that he can’t believe this is happening when Theresa judges him for lying and sneaking around, but then she does this. Tate knew Theresa had done bad things in the past but he really believed that she was trying to be better and now he finds out through Lady Whistleblower that Theresa forged the letter to make Alex be Victor’s son when it was really Xander. Holly reveals she knows because Maggie just told her the whole story. Holly says she’s sorry about his mom as she hugs him. Tate guesses it hasn’t really sunk in yet and feels like he’s in some kind of nightmare but this really happened. Holly calls it terrible for Theresa, Tate, and Brady but notes that she has some good news. Holly informs Tate that Maggie just asked her to live with her.
Eric asks if Nicole is sure she’s okay letting Holly stay in Salem. Nicole admits that she’s not but she always worries. Eric understands she’s a caring mom. Nicole states that Holly made a really good case that it’s her senior year and she doesn’t want to leave her friends, adding that she’s not doing drugs anymore so she has to learn to trust her. Nicole adds that Holly will have Maggie and other family like Sarah, Abe, and Paulina to be there for her. Nicole says after everything that has happened, she doesn’t want to disrupt Holly’s life more than she already has. Eric gets it but says he wasn’t just asking what it means for Holly. Nicole admits she will obviously miss her like crazy, but she knows that she will be surrounded by people who love her so she has to let Holly live her life while she focuses on living her life with Jude and Eric. Nicole tells Eric that they’ve been waiting for this for so long and now they have a baby together. Nicole says sometimes she wonders if she’s dreaming. Eric assures that she’s not as they kiss.
Marlena questions Abe looking for stars. Abe clarifies that he means actors who will become stars when they get the show up and running. Marlena asks what that has to do with them. Kayla thinks she knows. Abe tells Kayla that she is the spitting image of Cassandra Lovegood while Marlena is a dead ringer for Charlemagne Delacroix which Kayla identifies as the names of the characters on Body and Soul. Abe insists that they look just like them and calls it uncanny. Abe points out that Charlemagne has done 5000 episodes of Body and Soul and has been on the show for decades as he shows Marlena a picture of her. Marlena remarks that there may be a slight resemblance. Abe repeats that it’s uncanny, just like Kayla is for Cassandra. Abe declares that he knows they would be perfect for the reboot of Body and Soul.
Kate asks Roman if now EJ is driving people out of country. Roman confirms that EJ is making things difficult so Eric and Nicole decided it would be easier to leave town rather than deal with him. Kate calls EJ the villain and says that Eric and Nicole have been punished enough. Roman remarks that EJ is a DiMera. Kate says that’s for sure and at least Eric is taking the magazine job in Paris. Roman says they are packing Jude up and moving there. Kate says Eric was really happy about the job and it’s good for his career so they could do a lot worse than Paris. Kate asks about Holly. Roman says she is staying in Salem.
Holly explains to Tate that when Nicole told her that she and Eric were moving to Paris, she said she would refuse to go. Tate asks if Nicole was okay with it. Holly says not at first, but she realized she would be miserable if she forced her to leave her whole life behind and then Maggie said she could live with her. Tate says that’s really great. Holly doesn’t want to act like it’s all good news when Tate is so upset about his mom. Tate says it’s okay as he has to remind himself that Theresa brought this on herself, so as sorry as he feels for her, he’s really angry at her for all the lies she told and how many people she hurt. Tate guesses he should look at the upside that his mom won’t be policing him anymore for awhile. Holly adds that her mom is moving to another continent, so Tate declares they won’t have to sneak around anymore. Holly knows it’s bittersweet with Tate’s mom in serious trouble while her mom has to move to another country because her husband turned out to be a lying bastard, but she’s so grateful that they have each other. Tate agrees as they kiss.
Andrew encourages Theresa that she might not have to do hard time as he’s going to see if he can negotiate a deal. Theresa questions if he really thinks he can do that. Andrew says he’s going to try but notes that she is facing serious charges so there will be serious consequences. Theresa feels there should be because she hurt a lot of people including some she really cares about. Andrew talks about the other factors like Sarah and Xander’s baby being returned to them not long after while the actions of fraud were done on foreign soil in Greece. Theresa says he’s making it sound like she has a chance to beat this. Theresa asks if he can really thinks he can sell this to the district attorney.
Eric and Nicole kiss onto the bed in his room as they begin to undress and then have sex.
Holly tells Tate that they can finally be together whenever they want. Tate asks what about his dad. Holly thought it was only his mom that was freaked out about them. Tate says his dad was more reasonable but he will go ballistic if he finds out he was paying all this money for Aaron to go to lacrosse camp. Holly agrees that he won’t be too reasonable about that. Tate worries he might never speak to him again. Holly asks what to do. Tate thinks she will have to continue working at the Bistro while he stays here at the cabin. Holly suggests saying he got homesick and came home early but Tate says his dad won’t buy that. Holly suggests faking an injury so he can’t play lacrosse anymore. Tate supposes that could work but he doesn’t think they could trust Sophia to keep her mouth shut and he still thinks it would be a mistake to underestimate Theresa’s ability to totally wreck his life. Holly guesses she doesn’t mind sneaking around a little longer and jokes that it makes it kind of exciting as they kiss. Holly says she doesn’t want to but she has to go since she has to say goodbye to Nicole, Jude, and Eric. Holly says it’s funny that she spent all this time hoping her mom would leave her alone, but now that she actually is, she’s really going to miss her, Eric, and Jude. Tate remarks that while Holly’s mom is going to Paris, his is probably going to prison. Tate says he’ll be fine as he’s used to his mom doing crazy, self-destructive things. Holly encourages that Theresa has a great family who loves her no matter what and she has Tate in her corner to be there for her. They kiss goodbye as Holly then leaves the cabin.
Andrew tells Theresa that he can’t be certain that EJ will agree to a deal but he can definitely make a case and considering how EJ feels right now about Nicole, the fact that Nicole hates her might work in her favor. Theresa agrees that she sees his point. Theresa knows she has royally screwed up, probably worse than ever before so she wants him to know how grateful she is that he wants to help her, but she doesn’t understand why. Andrew reminds Theresa of when he took their dad’s car out for a drive when they were little and wrecked it, pointing out that he committed a few felonies of his own that night. Andrew recalls Shane going to read him the riot act when Theresa suddenly came in and took the blame. Theresa says she was always the one doing awful things so she didn’t think it would matter if she did one more. Andrew then gets a call from Shane and jokes that he must have known they were talking about him. Andrew goes to answer the call but Theresa asks to take it and answers.
Kate tells Roman that she would think after all the drama Holly had this summer, Nicole wouldn’t want to let her out of sight. Roman says that not all of the drama was Holly’s making and Nicole doesn’t want to move her halfway around the world. Roman adds that he’s sure Maggie will keep an eye on her. Kate jokes that she wouldn’t want a teenager living under her roof. Roman says they paid their dues raising Sami and Lucas. Kate comments that she’s glad to be restricting her drama to the television screen these days. Roman calls that incredible that she got the rights to Body and Soul and says he’s proud of her. Kate thanks him and says she’s proud of herself since it all seems to be coming together as Abe is casting as they speak.
Marlena calls it a flattering offer but says she couldn’t shoot a TV show with her schedule. Kayla feels the same as Chief of Staff at the hospital. Abe understands but says they can shoot around their schedules and do some location shooting at the hospital. Kayla appreciates it but says she will have to pass. Marlena passes as well and says she’s sure Abe can find somebody else for the roles. Marlena, Kayla, and Abe then each get a text from Kate about Eric and Nicole’s going away party at the Pub. Kayla asks where they are going. Marlena says she’ll explain on the way. Abe says that will give him a chance to change their minds.
Eric and Nicole lay in bed after having sex. Nicole jokes that this time they weren’t high on biscuits. Nicole then realizes they are both still married to other people so they just committed adultery and she doesn’t feel a bit guilty. Eric feels the same and kisses her. Nicole tells Eric that she loves him. Eric says he loves her too as they continue kissing.
Theresa thanks Shane and says she loves him too as she hangs up. Theresa then calls Tate from Andrew’s phone.
Marlena, Kayla, and Abe go to the Brady Pub. Kate asks if she’s looking at the new stars of Body and Soul. Kayla says she’s afraid not while Marlena calls it a flattering offer. Abe confirms they turned him down. Kate says she’s disappointed but not surprised since they are asking two doctors to give up all their free time. Kayla says she’s sure there will be plenty of other people wanting the roles. Abe encourages Kate that can still play Lorna DeLorean but Kate questions the idea of producing the show and starring in it too. Abe tells Kayla and Marlena that he’s not giving up on them. Kayla goes to get a drink. Roman approaches Marlena and says he’s going to miss Eric and Jude so much. Marlena mentions trying to contact Brady to invite him but he didn’t respond. Roman points out that Eric and Nicole didn’t give them much notice. Marlena says it would’ve been nice to have a large group there for them, especially since John and Steve are still in Europe. Holly arrives and says she’s sorry she’s late. Roman says that Eric and Nicole are still upstairs packing but should be down soon. Holly mentions that she can’t stay long since she has the dinner shift at the Bistro. Marlena asks if they are working her too hard over there but Holly says she doesn’t mind being busy, joking that it keeps her out of trouble. Roman tells Holly that he knows Eric and Nicole are going to miss her like crazy, but they are very happy that she’s staying in Salem. Eric and Nicole then come downstairs, surprised to see everybody as they all hug them.
Theresa asks Tate how camp is. Tate says it’s okay but he read about what happened at the wedding. Theresa figured he would and confirms it’s all true that she got arrested and is at the police station now. Tate says he’ll come there right now but Theresa says no since Andrew is with him. Tate realizes that’s why she has his phone and asks what is going to happen to her. Theresa thinks she might be going to prison.
Eric says they didn’t have to do all of this. Roman says they just wanted to celebrate them both as they head out to celebrate their new life together. Marlena calls for a toast to Eric and Nicole, talking about they weathered so many storms to be together. Marlena encourages that they are so proud of them. Marlena talks about how long Eric has wanted to be a father and he finally has his beautiful baby boy and the woman he loves, who happens to be the mother of that baby so dreams do come true. Marlena says they will miss them but there will be lots of calls and video chats. Marlena hopes that they get to come back sometime soon, but until then, they wish them love and peace on this amazing journey together. Marlena toasts to her son Eric and the love of his life, Nicole. Eric and Nicole look at each other and flash back to various moments in their past. Eric and Nicole then kiss as everyone around them cheers. Abe hugs Nicole and tells her that he’s going to miss her so much. Nicole tells Abe to come visit next time he visits Theo. Marlena hugs Eric and guesses saying goodbye never gets easier. Eric knows he’s made her do it more than she’d like. Marlena wants him to be happy. Eric says he finally is. Roman questions if he has to be happy halfway around the world. Eric assures he will miss them both a lot as they hug. Nicole hugs Holly and says she really hates leaving her. Holly says they can video chat every day and assures she will be fine. Holly tells Nicole that she’s sorry for all the time she was hard on her or mad at her, calling her a wonderful person and a great mom. Holly knows she’s had so much loss and sadness in her life and she’s so proud of how strong she’s been through all of it. Nicole thanks her and says she’s proud of her too for her strength and kindness. Nicole cries that she just wants Holly to have a great life. Holly hopes the same for Nicole, Eric, and Jude, saying that Nicole and Eric were meant for each other as they hug goodbye. Holly promises to be good for Maggie and to come see her as soon as they are settled.
Tate asks if Theresa really thinks she’s going to prison. Theresa hopes it doesn’t come to that and says that Andrew is trying to make a deal for her, but if he doesn’t, she wants him to know she will be okay. Theresa adds that she realizes she’s been really hard on Tate and she’s so proud of him. Theresa says that Tate has really stepped up and owned up to his mistakes as she knows he didn’t want to go but she also knows he’s working really hard at lacrosse camp. Theresa says that Tate has been honest about where he went wrong and really set an example for her which is part of the reason she turned herself in. Tate then tells her that he has to tell her something. Theresa says to let her say something first about Holly. Theresa then tells Tate that when he comes back from camp, if he wants to see Holly, she’s not going to do anything to stop him as she trusts him and loves him so much. Tate responds that he loves her too and he’s really proud of her. Theresa thanks him and says goodbye as they hang up. Andrew then returns to the interrogation room.
Eric and Nicole say goodbye to Abe, Kate, Kayla, Holly, Marlena, and Roman as they exit the Pub with Jude for the final time. Marlena says she was as strong as she could be and is now going to have a really good cry. Roman encourages those to be happy tears. Abe points out that Eric and Nicole are together which is the way it should be. Abe remarks that art imitates life like in Body and Soul where people leave but they almost always come back.
Nicole and Eric look over Jude as he sleeps outside the Pub. Nicole says Jude must be having good dreams while Eric feels he’s the one dreaming as he asks if this is really happening. Nicole says it is and if it’s not, she doesn’t want to wake up. Eric asks if she’s ready to go. Nicole responds that she’s never been more ready as they kiss. Eric and Nicole then walk off with Jude, leaving Salem.
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