GH Short Recap Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Lois tells Carly the love story of Gio’s parents. Lois explains to Carly that Gio’s mother Camila was a talented violinist who came to the United States from Italy to play for the New York Philharmonic and six months later she met and fell in love with Francis. Camilla and Francis were married before he left for the army. Francis was killed in battle before Gio was born. Camilla gave birth to Gio and returned to the philharmonic, but Camila died when Gio was 10 years old, so Lois asked Sonny to help with Gio. Sonny paid for Gio’s education until recently when Gio got a scholarship to PCU. Carly wonders why Sonny never mentioned Gio to her at all.

Sonny and Nina apologize for hurting each other in the past and wish each other the best.

Nina tells Maxie that, after her talk with Sonny, she realizes that she and Sonny were never right for each other and now she thinks it’s time she moved on with her life.

Natalia persuades Sonny to start a private record label so Blaze can release new music. Natalia wants to be in charge of the record label, but Sonny tells Brook Lynn to be in charge of the record label.

Anna tells Valentin that she can’t go on the run with him and Charlotte because she won’t leave her family. Valentin tells Anna that, after they broke up, he didn’t have a reason to try to be a good person, so when she arrested Brennan, he became the head of Pikeman. Anna and Valentin kiss goodbye and she leaves Valentin’s house.

John tries to persuade Jason to give him information on Sonny, but Jason reminds him that was not part of their deal. Jason gives John Valentin’s satellite evidence on Pikeman phone and John goes to Valentine’s house to arrest him, but he and Charlotte are already gone. Jason goes to the Metro Court to tell Carly he gave John evidence on Pikeman and this long ordeal has ended.

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