B&B Transcript Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim

Hope: You were a really good friend to him, Dad. So just try to focus on that and not all the rest, okay? I love you, too. Okay, bye.

Thomas: Is everything okay?

Hope: Uh, not exactly. Um, the man who officiated my father’s wedding to Sheila died yesterday at Il Giardino, so my dad is pretty shook up about it.

Thomas: Uh, what happened?

Hope: Apparently a drug overdose.

Bill: This guy looks vaguely familiar.

Poppy: Who?

Bill: Says his name is, uh, Tom Starr.

Poppy: Tom? Uh, what happened to him?

Bill: Uh, he died at the restaurant last night. You were incredible earlier.

Poppy: Well, you are always incredible. [ Bill chuckles ] You really have changed my life and my– our daughter’s life.

Bill: I’m still trying to wrap my head around it myself.

Poppy: So, do I have you to myself a little bit longer?

Bill: Hmm. Actually, I’m heading over to Forrester Creations.

Poppy: Hmm. Meeting?

Bill: I want to talk to Katie. ♪♪

Katie: Well, I hear congratulations are in order.

Paris: Ah, good news travels fast.

Katie: Wow. Oh, my gosh.

Paris: Yeah, that’s exactly what I said when Thomas slipped it on my finger, asked me to be his wife.

Katie: Yeah, I gotta admit, it’s, um, a bit of a shock, you being engaged to Thomas.

Thomas: This may not be the best time, given what happened, but, um, do you mind if we talk?

Hope: Okay.

Thomas: First, I wanna say, um, I– I didn’t appreciate how Steffy spoke to you the other day, if that wasn’t clear. And she owes you an apology. I don’t expect you’re gonna get one. But… [ both chuckle ]

Hope: Um, well, thank you for your concern. Um, I’m not too worried about Steffy. I’ve been dealing with her for a while now. I am more concerned about you, though. Thomas, please just… promise me that you will think long and hard before you rush into this marriage. ♪♪

Poppy: You’re meeting Katie?

Bill: Yeah. We’re Will’s parents. We still have a lot to discuss now that he has a new sister.

Poppy: Of course. But, uh, just don’t be gone too long because I miss you when you’re gone.

Bill: Hmm. I have to grab something from the den before I go.

Poppy: Katie.

Paris: You’re wondering if I’m bothered by how fast Thomas proposed.

Katie: Well, clearly, you’re not or else you wouldn’t have said yes, right?

Paris: Absolutely. You know, I learned the hard way what it’s like committing to someone who isn’t fully committed to you. I know I’m not gonna go down that road again. And I was completely upfront with Thomas about that.

Katie: Was he as upfront with you about Hope, how she was everything to him until she wasn’t and then you were? I’m sure there’s no one that’s more shocked about this than Hope.

Hope: Despite everything Steffy said, I still do love you.

Thomas: I love you, too. But…

Hope: But…

Thomas: I…

Hope: Paris has stolen your heart. You can’t imagine a life without her. And that’s why you’re rushing into this marriage.

Thomas: Hope…

Hope: Is anything I said true? Because if it isn’t, then it doesn’t make sense to me why you were just running toward the altar. I mean, what is the real reason, Thomas? Are you running toward Paris or are you running away from me? ♪♪

Paris: I heard through Thomas that what you assumed is true. Hope was very thrown to learn about the engagement.

Katie: He told you that?

Paris: Honesty has been the cornerstone of my relationship with Thomas since day one. He’s been very open and honest with me about Hope, everything she was to him.

Katie: You really think that he doesn’t still have feelings for her?

Paris: Yes. Though it doesn’t sound like Hope’s too convinced.

Hope: In no way am I saying that I think I am the only woman that you can ever love. If we aren’t meant to be, then– then I understand that that is inevitable. And Paris, she is a– a wonderful, kind, beautiful woman.

Thomas: But?

Hope: I mean, let’s be real here, Thomas. It just– it feels like you’re trying to copy paste Paris into your life instead of me when we both know you were planning a future for the two of us. You envisioned what it would be like for– for you and me and Douglas, our son. And I know that you wanted that. I know that’s what…

Thomas: Yes, I did. But you didn’t. And that’s why you turned me down over and over again.

Hope: Because I wasn’t ready. That didn’t mean that I wanted our relationship to end, Thomas, because I still love… God– God, I still love you. Thomas, and deep down, I believe that you– you still love me, too. ♪♪

Tom: Lady, there’s a sad little lady. [ cheers and applause ]

Poppy: Yay!

Tom: Last night was amazing.

Poppy: You were amazing, Tom Starr, on stage… and off stage, too.

Tom: Poppy, you’re my inspiration. When I see your face in the crowd, under the moonlight, wow, I never forget a face, especially one as beautiful as yours.

Poppy: What we’ve been sharing, I’ll never forget. I’ll carry a piece of you inside me forever. I’m so sorry, Tom. I’m so sorry. [ sobbing ] ♪♪ [ keys clacking ]

Bill: Do you ever slow down?

Katie: [ scoffs ] That’s rich coming from you, who’s always juggling a million things.

Bill: No, no, no, no. You see, that was the old Dollar Bill. The new Dollar Bill has it on chill. I am– I am stopping to smell the roses.

Katie: No. No, I’m not buying it.

Bill: Okay, fine. I’m not on chill. I’m on full blast. But– but I am stopping to smell the roses now that I suddenly have this new daughter.

Katie: Yeah. Life is just full of surprises. How’s it going, by the way? You know, Luna, your new family with, um, um…

Bill: Poppy?

Katie: Poppy. That’s the one.

Bill: Mmm. Mm-hmm.

Katie: Is it everything you thought it would be? Is Poppy everything that you remember her to be?

Bill: What exactly are you asking me, Katie?

Katie: I’m just curious as to how it feels, spend your days and your nights with someone who kept this huge, inconsequential secret from you for all these years. ♪♪

Bill: Well, as if I didn’t already know, you don’t mince words, do you?

Katie: You don’t have to answer if you feel like I’m overstepping.

Bill: You could never overstep, Katie. You mean way too much to me to ever do that. We have so much history. And truthfully, you are one of the only people in my life that I completely trust.

Katie: Well, that’s because I’m always honest with you, and I don’t let you get away with anything.

Bill: No, ain’t that the truth. [ both chuckle ]

Katie: You were my first true love, the man of my dreams. I grew up with you. And we had a wonderful life. And we have a wonderful son. And I thank God for him every day.

Bill: So do I. He is the best of both of us.

Katie: Mm-hmm. He is. Just like Luna is the best of you and Poppy?

Bill: How well do you even know Luna? I mean, she works here, so obviously you interact with her to some degree.

Katie: Yeah, quite a bit, actually. I think she’s wonderful. She’s smart, she’s creative. She’s driven and ambitious. I– I– I don’t know where she gets that from.

Bill: Ah, must be her mother.

Katie: It must be. I actually see a lot of you in her, as a matter of fact. Just like I see a lot of you in Will.

Bill: You know, I– I really want the two of them to meet. I’d like to do it sooner rather than later.

Bill: If you’re okay with that.

Katie: Yeah, absolutely. Of course. Yes.

Bill: I’ll talk to Luna. I– I know she’ll be up for it.

Katie: What about Poppy?

Bill: What about Poppy?

Katie: Well, it’s just that this has happened so fast. You’ve moved her into your house. I mean, I– I know that that she’s Luna’s mother, and you want your daughter to be close to you.

Bill: What are you saying, Katie? You think I should have excluded Poppy?

Katie: This is just– it’s all happening so fast.

Bill: I suppose. And I am painfully aware of how fleeting life is, how precious it is, and– and how much time I missed out on with Luna and Poppy. And truthfully, uh, I’ve been alone for quite a while now. It’s not what I wanted. What I wanted is you… is my Katie. [ Katie sighs ] ♪♪

Thomas: I’m not sure why you’re bringing up all our feelings from back then.

Hope: Back then? Thomas, it wasn’t that long ago.

Thomas: A lot has happened since.

Hope: Yeah, exactly. That’s why I’m worried about you. Your life is changing so rapidly. It’s like you practically ran from me to Paris.

Thomas: That’s not what happened. You know it.

Hope: Oh, really? I think you were running from your feelings. I think you wanted to put me and what we shared behind you in the past so fast because you just didn’t want to deal with it.

Thomas: You didn’t want to marry me, so I had to move on, Hope. And I found Paris, and we were there for each other.

Hope: Well, I am so happy that you found that kind of support. But is that really a reason to rush into a marriage? Thomas, I haven’t forgotten what it was like between us. Have you? I mean, the passion, the connection.

Thomas: Hope… you have to stop this. You made it clear. We aren’t going anywhere. It’s over. [ Hope sobbing ] [ door closes ]

Paris: Do I have to remind you that Thomas is my fiance? You’re out of line, Hope. ♪♪

Katie: Why are you– you– you talking like that, Bill? I mean, Poppy is living in your house. You– you moved her in. You clearly have feelings for her.

Bill: Sure, I do. She’s given me a daughter.

Katie: And she’s also in love with you. Which is– which is really hard for me.

Bill: What– what are you saying, Katie?

Katie: I– I just– I feel like an interloper in– in my own home. I– I feel like I– I go over there, and I’m– I’m not allowed to be there in this place, this home where we– we built a family. That was our house, you and me and Will, and… I have so many amazing memories of that place with us.

Bill: So do I. I always will.

Katie: Yeah.

Bill: Katie, what– what is this? What is really going on?

Katie: It’s just, I guess, I– I haven’t wanted to admit to myself how… how difficult this is for me, this situation with Luna and Poppy. I’m sorry. And I also, I just– I just– I don’t– I don’t trust Poppy.

Bill: What do you mean? In what way?

Katie: I don’t know. There’s just– there’s just something about her that I can’t put my finger on. But whatever it is, please be careful. ♪♪

Poppy: For the last time, she is not your daughter. The paternity test proved it.

Tom: I’ve kept my distance. But it’s time for Luna to know the truth.

Hope: Let me explain.

Paris: Explain what? How you could do something like that to someone who you used to consider a friend? We used to be close, Hope. I was a valuable part of Hope for the Future.

Hope: I haven’t forgotten.

Paris: Then how can you stab me in the back like you just did? Thomas put this ring on my finger. We’re engaged.

Hope: I know.

Paris: And yet you refuse to accept it.

Hope: Thomas and I, we were in love. And you should know that I still love him. And I believe that he still loves me, too.

Paris: Oh, sure. He’ll always care about you, but he’s moved on. And he’s not going back. Look, Hope, you had your chance, and you rejected him time after time, repeatedly. Thomas has too much self-respect to let you do that to him again. He’s with me now. And I love him. And we’re going to be married. So don’t you ever make a play for Thomas again.

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