GH Short Recap Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Mac returns home from his trip helping a friend and Maxie and Spinelli fill him in on everything that happened while he was gone. Mac is surprised at how much Bailey Louise (now played by Miley and Riley Plonski) has grown since he has been gone since she is now a toddler.

Cody brings James home from his riding lesson and welcomes Mac home. Cody wonders if he should tell Mac he is his son and he talks to Tracy about what he should do without telling her the identity of his father. Tracy thinks Cody’s father will just be happy to be his father and he will forgive him for not telling him the truth.

Alexis’s disbarment is vacated. Alexis can practice law again after she takes forty-eight hours of classes to take the test in order to get back her law license.

Alexis advises Chase and Brook Lynn’s to talk to a licensed social worker who can best advise them how best to protect Violet from Finn who is unable to care for Violet when he is drinking. Chase talks to Stella about Finn’s situation without mentioning Finn’s name. Stella advises Chase to document all the instances of Finn’s drinking and get statements from everyone who has seen Finn drinking and build a solid case proving that Violet shouldn’t be with her father.

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