Days Update Wednesday, March 1, 2023


Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Chanel posts a “Help Wanted” sign at the Bakery. Johnny walks by and comments on the long line at the Bakery this morning. Chanel apologizes and says they are short staffed until she can replace Allie. Johnny thought they were getting back together. Chanel is surprised he hasn’t heard and declares that they broke up for good this time.

Wendy questions Li announcing that he and Gabi are moving in. Li explains that he did some thinking while in jail and that she said Allie left town and Chanel moved in with her mother, so Wendy needs roommates and they need a place, so it works out perfectly. Gabi adds that it was obviously Li’s idea while she suggested they call first. Li says they were doing Wendy a favor since she can’t afford the big apartment all by herself. Wendy informs him that she’s actually not by herself because Tripp is moving in too.

EJ sits at home going over a paper until Nicole walks in. EJ says he was starting to get worried when he couldn’t reach her. Nicole assures that she’s fine and asks what’s wrong. Nicole asks if it’s Holly but EJ assures that she’s fine. EJ says this is a business emergency, not a personal one. EJ reveals that he just got the results back from the lab tech and it seems he was right about Stefan. EJ declares that his brother has been drugging him.

Stefan shows up at Chloe’s door and says he got her message and it was good to hear her voice. Chloe apologizes for being out of touch for so long. Stefan brings up that Brady said she left town. Chloe says she did but she’s back now and he’s actually the first person she wanted to see. Stefan is glad to hear that because he really wanted to see her too.

Johnny is surprised when Chanel tells him that Allie slept with Alex and lied to her about it, until she found Alex cowering under the table after his cell phone rang. Johnny hates that Allie did that to Chanel and says he’s really sorry. Chanel really thought they could trust each other but she was obviously wrong. Johnny asks if there’s no chance at all that they could work things out. Chanel says even if she wanted to, it’s kind of hard when Allie moved all the way to New Zealand with her other brother which shocks Johnny.

EJ shows Nicole the test results and that the drug causes the symptoms they experienced of erratic behavior, dizziness and confusion. Nicole guesses Stefan forgiving EJ was just an act like he suspected. EJ says Stefan may have inherited the DiMera genes but not their instincts. Nicole points out that EJ has proof but it’s only circumstantial evidence that Stefan was behind it. EJ explains that he thought about that so he had his investigator dust the vial for prints, finding his, Johnny’s, and Stefan’s. Nicole calls that a brilliant move and declares that now EJ has Stefan dead to rights.

Chloe comments that Stefan looks a little rough and asks if he’s okay. Stefan responds that he’s doing pretty well considering Brady kidnapped him and tied him to Eric’s bed for going on 24 hours. Chloe is shocked and asks why Brady would do that. Stefan explains that Eric found a way to spring Dr. Rolf from jail, so they ordered him to finish deprogramming him only Dr. Rolf didn’t have any equipment so he had to use new equipment but it malfunctioned again. Stefan adds that he ended up passing out and when he came to, Rafe was there, ordering him to go to the hospital. Chloe insists that he needs to get checked out. Stefan assures that he’s fine except for the constant ringing in his head. Stefan says he will go to the doctor, but he got Chloe’s message and wanted to see her or at least he thought he did. Chloe can’t believe they did this to him. Stefan guarantees that even though they didn’t finish, he’s not letting them anywhere near him again. Chloe says regardless of whether he fully gets unbrainwashed, she’s had a lot of time to think while away and she’s much clearer about things now. Stefan says he is too. Chloe tells Stefan that she doesn’t want to hurt him after everything he’s just been through, but she has decided that she cannot be with a man who loves two women.

Gabi decides this whole living together thing wasn’t meant to be but Li insists they will figure it out. Tripp says he was going to grab coffee in the town square and asks if anyone needs anything. Li starts giving his order but Wendy says he doesn’t have to get them anything. Wendy adds that Tripp doesn’t have to leave on their account but Tripp thinks it’s best to give them a chance to chat. Tripp tells Wendy that he only offered to stay because she needed a roommate but he can just stay at his dad’s. Wendy tells him he doesn’t need to do that. Tripp says he’ll be back and that he’ll get Li’s coffee on the way out. Wendy can’t believe Li and Gabi thought she’d just be cool with this. Gabi repeats that it was not her idea. Li insists it will be a fine arrangement and calls them a wonderful happy family. Gabi disagrees. Wendy calls them highly dysfunctional and adds that Li and Gabi hates each others’ guts. Li says that’s not true so Wendy clarifies that he loves Gabi while Gabi hates his guts which is just as bad. Wendy declares that she doesn’t want to be apart of it and refuses to be in the middle of a warzone.

Tripp joins Joey in the town square, who is sitting at a table and texting his girlfriend. Joey tells Tripp that he was just telling her that he’s heading back to Seattle. Joey feels bad leaving so soon after the funeral but says it’s nice to know that Tripp and Stephanie will be with Steve, making sure he’s taking care of himself. Tripp then informs him that he might just have Stephanie because he’s thinking about moving out.

Gabi tells Wendy that the contract she signed requires her to live under the same roof as Li but it says nothing about the same bed, so she might take the apartment on the other side of the building. Wendy calls that an idea while Li calls it a bad one. Li argues that it wouldn’t comply with the spirit of the agreement as they must share a home. Gabi agrees with occupying the same apartment but not the same bed. Li says they’ll see how she feels in six months. Li tells Wendy that he’s sure they can all peacefully co-exist but he’s afraid that Tripp’s going to have to take the sofa. Wendy tells him that is not happening. Li questions not and why she’s so set on bunking with Tripp when she’s giving things another go with Johnny. Wendy says that has nothing to do with it but the fact that she and Tripp already made an agreement before they showed up. Wendy adds that Li may be a hotshot executive but she’s the one responsible for the lease which means she’s in charge and he’s not going to just come in and railroad her. Li offers to make her life easier by taking some of the responsibility off and paying for the third roommate too. Wendy questions how when neither of them have a job. Li calls that a temporary situation. Wendy argues that she’s not counting on anything from him. Wendy decides she’s tired of arguing, so out of loyalty to him and because they have nowhere else to go, she almost feels sorry for them so they can stay as long as Tripp is okay with it. Li calls it excellent that she finally came around. Wendy then tells Li not to be too excited since he’s the one taking the sofa.

Johnny and Chanel go to the Brady Pub where Johnny drinks a shot. Chanel asks if he feels better now but Johnny says he feels worse. Johnny complains about his twin sister moving halfway across the world and not even telling him about it. Johnny guesses he just doesn’t mean as much to Allie as he thought he did. Chanel insists that’s not true but admits maybe Allie is still upset that Johnny almost kissed her. Chanel adds that when she confronted Allie about Alex, she told her that they almost slept together. Johnny argues that they didn’t do anything, no matter how bad they both wanted to. Chanel says that’s not how Allie saw it. Johnny goes over how Allie cheats on Chanel, but somehow he ends up being the bad guy. Chanel tells Johnny that she’s really sorry. Johnny remarks that now he’s kind of glad that his sister is halfway around the world.

Nicole asks EJ if he’s going straight to the authorities with his proof. EJ asks where the fun would be in that. Nicole asks if he’s going to confront Stefan then. EJ says no as Stefan can’t know that they are on to him. EJ adds that now he has the upper hand since knowledge is power. Nicole asks what he’s going to do with that power. EJ responds that he’s going to let Stefan keep drugging him.

Chloe says if Stefan left three messages for her and she didn’t get back to him right away, he’s got to take the hint. Chloe knows they had a relationship but says this is bordering on stalking and it has to stop. Stefan responds that it will stop immediately. Chloe calls that a relief. Stefan states that it will stop because his feelings for her are gone. Stefan declares that he doesn’t love Chloe anymore.

Joey questions Tripp moving in with Wendy. Tripp says maybe as they are still figuring it out. Joey calls that awesome but Tripp says that’s not what it is as Wendy just needs a roommate and it’s a completely platonic arrangement. Tripp reminds Joey that Wendy is trying to work things out with Johnny and if that’s what she wants, he’s okay with it.

Chanel tells Johnny that she’s sorry that his sister left town without telling him. Johnny argues that it’s not just leaving town as she’s in a completely different hemisphere. Chanel understands but reminds him that she’s the one with a broken heart and Johnny making it about himself isn’t making it any easier. Johnny admits he got so caught up in his own feelings that he forgot to think about her feelings. Chanel remarks that there’s a lot of that going on around here. Johnny apologizes and suggests maybe it’s for the best. Johnny argues that Allie is the one who blew it here so it’s her loss, not Chanel’s. Johnny tells Chanel that she deserves to be happy and to be with someone as amazing and special as she is. Johnny is sure that one day very soon, she will be as he hugs her.

Nicole calls it insane for EJ to let Stefan keep drugging him. EJ explains that he’s going to let Stefan continue drugging the drinks, only to switch them and give Stefan a taste of his own medicine. Nicole says then Stefan will be the one behaving erratically, making a fool of himself, and hurting the company. EJ adds that then Stefan will be the one out of the company and out on his ass.

Chloe questions Stefan saying he no longer loves her. Stefan repeats that his romantic feelings for her are gone. Chloe questions it happening just like that. Stefan says he’s sorry if it seems callous for him to be so blunt. Chloe calls the whole thing very confusing and strange. Chloe then admits that she never really felt like his feelings for her were that genuine. Stefan says that doesn’t mean she’s not an incredibly desirable woman. Chloe says he doesn’t have to flatter her and repeats that the whole thing has been strange from the beginning. Stefan guesses the deprogramming kicked in before he passed out. Stefan thought he would still feel something after the Christmas and New Year’s that they shared together. Stefan says they had a great time and he’s so grateful for that. Chloe understands if he has realized that he wants to be with Gabi and that he loves her. Stefan tells Chloe that he’s sorry as he knows this all seems so sudden. Chloe says considering the circumstances, it’s not that surprising. Chloe guesses it’s the way that it should be, so she’s happy for him. Stefan hopes they can still be friends which Chloe agrees to. Stefan can’t believe this whole thing is over. Stefan tells Chloe that she can be with Brady now too. Chloe says at some point, maybe. Stefan calls Chloe an incredible woman and repeats that he’s grateful for the moments they shared. Chloe says she is too and tells him to go be with Gabi. Stefan then exits the room.

Joey tells Tripp that he wants Wendy to be happy and they make a great couple. Tripp tells him to stop thinking that and adds that the apartment won’t just be the two of them anyway since Li and Gabi showed up with their bags to move in too. Stefan comes out of the Salem Inn and questions what Tripp just said.

Chanel calls it ironic since a few months ago, Johnny would’ve been gloating over Allie leaving. Johnny says that was when he was competing for Chanel and now he’s just genuinely sorry to see her hurting. Chanel thanks him and says at least things are working out for one of them since Paulina told her that Johnny is trying again with Wendy. Johnny tells Chanel that he will always care about her which Chanel says means a lot. Chanel decides she’s tired of being mopey and toasts to happiness, hope, and no more heartbreak for either of them.

Li tells Wendy that he’s not sleeping on a lumpy sofa. Wendy tells Li that she did it for weeks, so now it’s his turn and he can either put up with it or find a new place to stay. Li decides they will hold out for a place of their own where it will just be the two of them but Gabi says no and that she’s going to start unpacking. Wendy adds that she will tell Tripp that they worked everything out and tells Li that there’s a pillow and a comforter in the closet.

Nicole tells EJ that Stefan hasn’t exactly been thinking straight the last few months while pining over Gabi and Chloe at the same time. EJ says he made be a hormonal mess but his brain is working perfectly, so there’s no excuse for what he’s done. Nicole says she’s just questioning EJ’s proposed solution as she is unsure about poisoning which she points out is illegal. EJ argues that it’s Stefan’s drug and vial so technically, Stefan’s drugging himself while his hands will be clean. Nicole gets his point and says if he’s looking for an accomplice, she is his woman. EJ says it’s cocktail hour so Stefan will be there any minute and then the game will begin.

Stefan apologizes for interrupting but questions if Tripp just said that Li and Gabi are moving in with him. Tripp confirms that they showed up at Wendy’s with bags so Stefan rushes off. Joey calls that weird while Tripp wonders what that was alll about. Tripp says he doesn’t know what the outcome of the apartment situation is going to be so maybe he should just stay home with Stephanie and look after Steve. Joey urges Tripp to move and to not let Li chase him off. Tripp reminds Joey that he and Wendy are just friends so he needs to stop. Joey asks why Tripp can’t admit that he has feelings for Wendy and wants to be with her. Wendy then approaches their table.

EJ reminds Nicole that he was worried about her since he called her several times and she sent him straight to voicemail. Nicole admits that she was having an intense conversation with Eric. EJ realizes that’s why she seems tense. EJ sits her down and begins massaging her neck. EJ asks her about her run in with Eric. Nicole says he was definitely on edge which may have something to do with he and Sloan not being together anymore. EJ notes that was quick. Nicole adds that Eric also told her that Roman encouraged him to work it out with her which EJ questions.

Chloe goes to see Brady in the interrogation room at the police station. Brady is surprised to see she’s back and assumes she knows why he is here. Chloe questions what he was thinking. Brady responds that he was thinking if he just got her out of Stefan’s head, then everything would be fine and life would be easier for everybody. Brady declares that it was all for nothing as Stefan refuses to be deprogrammed by Dr. Rolf and complains that he just wanted to put him where he was, back when he only had eyes for Gabi. Brady doesn’t think it’s ever going to happen now. Chloe then reveals that he doesn’t have to worry because the procedure actually did work and Stefan is completely over her.

Gabi complains about there being no food in the kitchen so Li offers her a bag of chips which she takes and then purposely drops crumbs on the couch where Li will sleep. Gabi tells Li not to stare at her. Li says he’s just taking in her beauty while Gabi complains that he’s creeping her out more than usual. Li decides he will go wash off the jailhouse stench in the shower then. Gabi tells him to stay in there as long as he wants. Stefan then shows up at the door.

Wendy tells Tripp that she’s sorry about Li being ridiculous earlier and says they decided that Li will sleep on the couch while the rest of them will each take a bedroom. Tripp is surprised Li agreed to that while Wendy explains that he was outvoted. Wendy notes that Li and Gabi have a complicated arrangement but she wants to stay. Tripp thinks it would just be easier to find another place but Wendy says no as she wants him there too. Joey declares it’s settled then that Tripp is moving in and suggests they go to the Brady Pub to celebrate. Wendy brings up the last time that she had drinks with Tripp at the Pub being because Joey called her and lied. Joey questions Tripp telling her about that while Tripp notes that it was pretty obvious. Joey apologizes and promises he’s not in the matchmaking business anymore so it won’t happen again. Joey adds that the drinks will be on him so Wendy agrees to go. Joey then jokes with Tripp that he doesn’t need a matchmaker anymore because they’re going to be living together.

Chanel comments to Johnny that it seems like things are going well for him and Wendy. Johnny says they watched Evil Dead 2 for Valentine’s Day and it’s nothing serious between them right now and they didn’t plan it so they will see where things go. Chanel hopes it goes well for them because Wendy is really nice and she knows she rocked the boat for them, so she’s glad they got past that. Johnny thanks her. Wendy then arrives with Joey and Tripp and sees Johnny with Chanel.

EJ questions if Eric told Nicole that he wants her back. Nicole clarifies that he said his father wanted them to get back together. Nicole assures the conversation was awkward and not romantic, adding that Eric got really annoyed when EJ texted her and then stomped off which makes EJ smile. EJ admits he’s not sorry. Nicole says that Eric just wanted to ask her about the Orchid and thinks that’s all he wanted to talk about. Nicole assures that she’s with EJ now and jokes about poisoning people bringing people closer. EJ stops and asks if she’s sure this is what she wants. EJ states that what’s happening between them feels good and right from his perspective, but if there’s any chance for her and Eric, he doesn’t want to stand in the way or for her to be in something she doesn’t want to be in. Nicole appreciates him saying that but assures that her perspective is the same as his, that this feels good and right. EJ asks if she’s sure. Nicole confirms that she is and that she and Eric are so done. Nicole holds EJ’s hand and tells him that this is exactly where she wants to be as they kiss.

Brady questions Chloe saying it worked. Chloe informs him that Stefan has been completely deprogrammed. Brady argues that they didn’t finish the procedure. Chloe says whatever he did worked because Stefan came to see her earlier and a lightbulb went off, then he went on about how he loves Gabi and wants to be with Gabi, while he has no romantic feelings for her. Brady exclaims that this is amazing but then notices that Chloe doesn’t look happy. Brady knows Chloe developed feelings for Stefan which she admits. Chloe guesses she’s kind of relieved that she’s completely through with Stefan and he can move on with Gabi. Brady reminds her that they can move on as well but Chloe says it’s not that simple.

Gabi questions why Stefan is there. Stefan says he came to talk to her. Gabi tells him that she’s busy and tries to shut the door but Stefan pleads with her. Gabi remarks that he finally got her name right. Stefan apologizes for Valentine’s Day and admits he acted like a complete ass and it will never happen again. Gabi says she doesn’t need any more apologies from him and tries to shut the door but Stefan asks her to please listen to him. Stefan informs Gabi that Dr. Rolf got out of jail and finished deprogramming her which surprises her. Stefan confirms his feelings for Chloe are completely gone and that Gabi told him to call her when that happened. Stefan tells Gabi that he loves her and only her. Stefan declares that Gabi is the love of his life and the only one he wants. Gabi says she’s at a loss for words. Stefan insists they can be happy and finally be together as there’s nothing stopping them. Stefan hugs Gabi as Li comes out of the shower and yells at Stefan to get his hands off of his wife.

Wendy, Joey, and Tripp greet Johnny and Chanel. Joey remarks that he hopes they are not interrupting anything. Johnny says that Chanel was just telling him about Allie moving to New Zealand. Johnny then assures that this is not what it looks like. Wendy comments that she knows Johnny and Chanel are just friends, just like her and Tripp. Wendy then remarks that Johnny sitting here having drinks with Chanel doesn’t mean anything more than Tripp moving in with her.

Brady tells Chloe that he knows he hurt her when he lied to her about Kristen but he didn’t have a choice. Brady knows she needed time to process her feelings but argues that what they had was amazing. Brady asks if Chloe can honestly tell him that she doesn’t love him anymore. Chloe admits she can’t do that because she is in love with him but he kidnapped a man to make him forget his feelings for her and didn’t talk to her or him about it. Brady admits he was a little desperate. Chloe asks if he even thought about what happens next. Brady argues that he had tunnel vision because he saw them being happy together again at the end. Chloe cries that it’s not that simple. Brady argues that she just said she’s still in love with him. Chloe says she is but brings up that Brady’s daughter despises her and blames her for him breaking up with her mother. Brady says they will handle that together and that Rachel will get older and understand. Chloe asks if she’s going to understand that Brady went to prison for kidnapping a man and endangering his life.

EJ offers Nicole another drink and says it appears that Stefan is going to miss cocktail hour. Nicole says it’s just more for them but he has to come home sometime, so they’ll get him next time.

Stefan knows Tripp said Li would be there too but he also knows that Gabi asked for a divorce. Li tells Stefan that he’s behind on the times because Gabi has agreed to move in with him which shocks Stefan. Stefan tells Gabi that he knows he screwed up but he’s back to his old self now and he loves her, so she doesn’t have to stay with Li. Li then reveals that Gabi signed a contract to remain in the marriage. Gabi points out that it’s just for six months. Stefan doesn’t understand and questions why Gabi would agree to that. Li says it’s none of his business. Stefan questions what the hell is going on here. Li tells Stefan that he and Gabi need to christen their new home and shuts the door on Stefan.

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