GH Update Wednesday, November 23, 2022

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Update written by Dustin

At Kelly’s Diner, Linc asked Brook Lynn to help him salvage his less than stellar reputation. In exchange, Linc said he would give back to Brook Lynn the remaining contents of her catalog. Brook Lynn was incredulous.  She couldn’t believe that Linc was now suggesting she agree to rehabilitate his reputation in return for the songs that he virtually stole from her.

Chase joined them, and he asked Brook Lynn directly if she was okay with whatever Linc had proposed. Brook Lynn hesitantly said that she and Linc were on good terms, and Linc left. Chase told Brook Lynn that he trusted her to do the right thing. Brook Lynn appeared no where near as certain as Chase was as they walked outside.

Earlier, Chase was surprised to learn that Dante had asked for Brook Lynn’s help in getting Chase reinstated as a detective. Chase pointedly asked Dante how long ago he had made the request and Dante told him it had been weeks. Chase wondered if Brook Lynn had ever intended to send a letter on his behalf to the review board. Dante told Chase not to simply assume the worst about Brook Lynn.

In Britt’s office at the hospital, Britt told Liesl that her Huntington’s disease had advanced. She told her Liesl that the specialist had given her between five to 15 years to live. Britt said that within a year, she might require around-the-clock care. Liesl said that they were both intelligent, talented doctors and that they would not let the disease win so easily.  But, Britt was not having it.  She told Liesl that she needed a mother, not a doctor.  Liesl said that she could do that, but she stated that Britt deserved a better mother.  They cried together.  Britt asked Liesl to go home to Scott.  But, Liesl couldn’t stand the thought of Britt being alone.

At Volonino’s Gym, Drew told Sonny that he was searching for Willow’s biological mother at the requested of Willow and Michael. Sonny shared that he had heard the failed merger between Aurora and ELQ had recently caused trouble between Drew and Carly. Drew seemed surprised when Sonny said that Carly had felt the need to tell Sonny about her relationship with Drew. Drew asked how Sonny had reacted, and Sonny recalled that he had told Carly that he was happy for her. “Well, that was nice of you to say. Did you mean it?” Drew asked. Sonny said that he had been sincere when he had wished Carly well, and he added that he only wanted what was best for Carly because she was Donna’s mother.

At the Metro Court restaurant, Carly and Nina bickered at each other over Nina’s misinterpretation of Carly’s visit to Brick’s room at the Metro Court. The argument grew ugly and at one point, Carly took a bowl of soup from Trish, a waitress who had walked by. Carly eventually returned the bowl to the waitress after Sonny and Drew appeared. Carly said that she had been tempted to throw the soup in Nina’s face, but she claimed she had refused because she had too much respect for the hotel and its staff.

Sonny convinced Nina to walk away. Afterwards, Carly was surprised when Drew said he would help Willow search for her birth mother. Carly had yet another flashback to months earlier when she had learned that Nina was Willow’s biological mother. Carly then told Drew that she would help with the search for Willow’s mom.

At Pier 55, Valentin was surprised to find Martin, who was still grieving the loss of Lucy. Martin said that Anna had murdered Lucy. Valentin swore that Martin was wrong about Anna, but Martin said that Valentin’s judgment was clouded by his love for Anna. Valentin offered sincere apologies to Martin, who added that he wished Lucy hadn’t gone to the pier on the night of the gunshot. Valentin clarified that there had been two shots fired instead of one. Martin wondered what Valentin’s point had been. “If Anna was the shooter, she wouldn’t need two shots, especially at close range,” Valentine reiterated.

Valentin told Martin to come with him because the two had work to do. “Go where?” Martin asked. “To find out what happened to Lucy,” Valentin answered.

In the restaurant at the Metro Court, Robert waited for his WSB contact to appear. Diane joined Robert, who shared that the briefcase that was handcuffed to him contained diamonds from the Ice Princess. Diane was intrigued with being so close to the famed Ice Princess. Holly joined them, and Robert introduced her to Diane. Robert ordered tequila shots for the table. Robert said that Holly was someone he trusted with his life. Holly said that she and Diane had both cheated death, and then excused herself for a moment. When Holly was away, Diane told Robert that she was lovely and said she could see why Robert was so fond of her.  Robert warned Diane that she could be duplicitous. Holly returned to the table and found a way to drug Robert without he or Diane noticing.  Robert wanted Holly to do a shot with him, but Holly claimed she had to watch her salt intake. Holly and Diane had a conversation, and Robert grew quiet. Diane asked Robert a question, and suddenly, Robert’s head fell to the table.

Diane was concerned about Robert. Holly claimed that he just wasn’t able to handle his liquor anymore. Robert appeared to have been drugged, but he said he needed to stay at Metro Court to wait for the WSB contact. Holly convinced Robert to leave with her.

After Robert and Holly left, Diane left a voice message for Robert. Diane shared that she hadn’t had a good feeling about Robert being alone with Holly. Diane hung up, and she was stunned when Robert stumbled off the elevator. He appeared to have been assaulted and the suitcase that had been cuffed to his wrist was gone.

Elsewhere, Holly opened the box in the suitcase that had contained the necklace. She pulled the necklace from the box and held it in her hands.

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