Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
Brook Lynn and Chase pretend that Chase is interested in a music career and Linc asks Chase to give him thirty days to prove he can make him a, star.
Britt has had enough of Cody putting his foot in his mouth and leaves him to go to the Haunted Star.
Spinelli tells Maxie he is the owner of Society Setups and his algorithm has some glitches and he can’t figure out the problem. Maxie is able to persuade Britt not to sue Society Setups and take a break from dating for a while.
Austin meets with a man who says his boss isn’t happy and it’s time for him to return to the fold.
Curtis gets help from Celina Wu to find the bartender that sold Esme the phone, but Curtis may be too late. Esme drugged the bartender’s tequila and he isn’t looking well when Curtis knocks on the door of his apartment. Esme is also still in the apartment when Curtis knocks on the door. Will she be able to escape or will Curtis catch her?
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