BTG Transcript Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Beyond The Gates Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


Oh, thank goodness. What a day for my laptop to die. How is the symposium? I am now fully read in on the advances of psychopharmacology and very far behind on my to-do list for this award ceremony.

No worries.

Isn’t that Ted’s computer? I told him yours died, and he said to use this one until we can get yours fixed. Eva, you are a marvel. Now, if we could just get someone here to arrange a hard copy of the draft of my speech. I thought you might need it. I am upgrading you from marvel to godsend. I hope you won’t mind me saying this, Nicole, but you seem a little tense today. It’s this award ceremony tomorrow. It is getting on my penultimate nerve. Is there anything I can do to help? I know I’m new, but I’m happy to do what little I can. Little? Eva, if you weren’t available and able to fill in for Laura, my office and schedule would be in complete chaos, leaving me no time to finish things like this speech. I don’t suppose you would like to take care of that, too? If you want. I’m glad to do it. I read through the draft and have a few ideas, but only if you’re interested. [elevator bell dings] All right. Stay just like that. Beautiful. Hey, partner. I’m not sure I can give you photo approval on those. Why not? You up in those scrubs– catwalk ready. But, hey, don’t take my word for it. Andre, how did you… ANDRE: It was tough picking only a few. You know, you might be the first person I’ve ever met who doesn’t have a bad side. Well, you grew up around Dani Dupree, so I know that’s not true. But these pictures, they’re… they’re fun, and… I love them. They’re stunning. Hey, that’s on the model, Ashley. Not the photographer. It’s yours if you want it. Just a little token. Well, imagine having so much talent that you could be this chill about a wonderful gift like this. I can see why you score all those glamorous photo shoots. [sighs] You know what I see looking at this? I see someone who’s at the very start of a wonderful journey. It makes me want to know who she’ll be and where she’ll go.

[phone rings]


This is Ashley.

[clears throat]

Got it. Sorry.

Yeah. MAN [over P.A.]: Nurse Hugo to ICU. [elevator bell dings] Oh, my God. Wait, Derek. This way, this way. All right. ♪ ♪ You’re sure they said Bradley Smith? Yeah, that’s interesting. Hey, babe, I’m home. I’m in the middle of something. Another thrilling afternoon in the neighborhood. Big whoop of my day– they were out of the heirloom tomatoes at the supermarket but never fear, your husband went hunting, and I found some at the green market. So we can have the caprese salad tonight, just like you wanted. Or not. What’s wrong? I heard you’re still asking around about going back to work as a freelance investigative journalist. Do you take me as some fool, Smitty? [water pouring] Oh. Oh, Doug. This is a surprise. A man greeting his wife? In this particularly affectionate way. Yes, it’s been a minute since I saw you in this good a mood. Well, you better get used to it, Vanessa, because your sexy, romantic, husband… is back. JOEY: Spill it.

Just thinking.

Hmm. Well, it must be something pretty consequential if you come to Orphey Gene’s and your mind’s not on the food. I’m just wondering about the way you handle your clients.

You filing a complaint, Randy?

Hell no, Joey. Working for you is the best gig I’ve ever had. It’s just that you’re so good at reading clients. How do you zero in and pull just the right string? Well, with gamblers, it’s simple. There’s only one: the need to gamble. Makes you wonder if gambling really is better than sex. I wouldn’t know. I haven’t got laid in a while. Well, I hope you’re not coming to me to remedy that situation. No need.

I’m being selective.

Which goes to my point. You can do without. You’re not addicted. Some gamblers, throwing the dice is better than food, than sex– almost any pleasure imaginable. I don’t get it myself. I’ve never had an addictive personality. But you sure are good at manipulating them, aren’t you? Oh, you’re, uh… You’re referring to your old buddy Dougie. [laughs] He actually hates being called that. Ever since– Did I say anything to indicate that I give a damn what Dougie prefers to be called? I didn’t think so. The man’s name matters as little to me as the man himself. Then why are you so concerned about what he does? I’m not. Dougie doesn’t matter to me. What matters is what he can get me. Ooh, what about… Scratch that. You’ve probably written hundreds of speeches and don’t need my two cents. Eva, I’m enjoying this. Yes, this speech was fine before, but your input is helping me think outside the box. What were you thinking? Here. Maybe say more about how your parents inspired you. Wouldn’t that just make it another speech about the great Vernon and Anita Dupree?

I guess.

What would you do instead? Maybe I’d talk about the hard times. If you had any. Yeah, we had them. Lots of arguments and tears. It’s still too tender to talk about publicly. [clears throat] You and Ted are such a unit. It’s hard to imagine you guys arguing about anything. Ted is pretty even, funny, kind. But that man will throw down if he is fighting for the well-being of his family or his patients. What kind of thing makes him angry? Consistently? Lies. If you want to stay on Ted Richardson’s good side, never, ever lie to that man.

Hey, how’s he doing?

Doctor’s in with him now. He regained consciousness, but that’s all I know.

What happened, Liam?

We thought people were still in the burning house, but he would not wait for confirmation. Then the ceiling came down and knocked him out. We had to drag him out of there. I’m gonna update the team, okay? All right. Hey, hey, he’s gonna be okay.

I don’t know about that.

What did the doctor say? I have to be careful of Derek’s privacy. Yeah, but whatever he told you, it scared you. Concerned me. Okay, according to Liam, Derek got slammed on the head. Yeah? So logically, concussion. Yeah. And in that case, he might be out for a couple of days, but most likely fine after that. Well, thank you for that diagnosis, Mr. Not-a-Doctor Richardson. I may know next to nothing about medicine, but… I know way more than I would like to know about the worst happening. From when you lost your folks. Yeah, take it from someone who’s been through it. Don’t go there, Ashley. Derek is here. He’s conscious and he’s getting excellent medical care.

Hold on to that. Hmm?

Mm-hmm. [indistinct P.A. announcements] Okay. Um… I got to meet my aunt, or I would stick around. I’m glad you’re here to help calm me down.

It’s getting to be our thing.


I’ll see you later.

Yeah. Oh, the collage. I almost forgot,

in the middle of everything.

No, don’t worry about it. Um, I’ll have Shanice stash it someplace for you.

Thanks. That’d be great.

Yeah, go.

See you later, partner.

All right. [door closes] [softly]: Hey. Hey, babe. Hi. Why do you look upset? If I were in the hospital, how would you look? Oh, right. Hospital. What happened? Burning building. A ceiling fell on you. Oh, that explains the headache. Yeah, well, they just gave you something to relieve that. It should start working soon.


I’m just glad they got you up here so fast from ER. Yeah, they… They try to move things along with firefighters. Well, probably because they know when one of you is injured, it’s got to be serious. Yeah. [sighs] [labored breaths] I’m in the hospital. What happened? Concussion. CT scan confirmed it.

The rest of my team’s okay?

All good. God, I can’t remember anything about the fire. It’ll come back to you. I– I think I rescued a cat. Okay. No, for real. There was a cat there. Unless… Did– did I fall on him? [chuckles weakly] I don’t think so. Can you check? Sure. So nothing I said the other day had the slightest impact on you? Of course it did. But as much as I love you, Martin, I have to do what’s right for me, too. Even when what’s right for you hurts everyone you claim to love? Who’s supposed to be taking care of our children when you’re sticking your nose in places where it could get cut off? You mean the two near adults who barely say two words to us on a daily basis? Our children can pretty much take care of themselves. Time out, you two. Pop, Dad’s right. You haven’t been this cheerful and carefree in a long time. In fact, the gloomy way you’ve been going around, I was beginning to worry about you. Nessa, baby, there’s no need to worry. Everything is fine, and getting better all the time. [laughs] I’m glad to hear it. Well, not as glad as I am to be spending a little time with my wife. [chuckles] Is something wrong? Oh, no, it’s just… that woman over there ordered something really interesting. I might have what she’s having, once I’m done working out.


[chuckles] Joey, you got all kinds of people on your string who can get you whatever you need. So, I’m curious. Why the sudden interest in some random cardiac surgeon? You looking for a new heart or something? A heart just gets in the way in my line of work. There are thousands of idiots out there who can’t push themselves away from the poker table. What is so special about Doug? That’s my business. Sure. Sorry. All right, you’ve been dancing around me all day looking for clarification. Here it is. I don’t give a damn if you and Dougie have been besties since the cradle. You need to stop giving a damn about what happens to him. As of now. What’s Pop stressing about now? This doesn’t concern you and Samantha, Tyrell. Oh, but it does, since you insist my decisions affect all of us. So, everybody, I have decided that I would like to go back to work. That’s it? That’s not even interesting. Do your thing, Dad. Chase that dream. Samantha, you don’t like when your dad’s around to take you wherever you need to go? Not when I can just get a car. Dad set up an account for us. And what about when Smitty is attending all of your debate competitions? He’s way more present than the rest. And I’m way past needing you guys there to cheer for me. It’s fine when you guys show up for stuff, but it’s not that serious. I-I mean, why are you so twisted about dad going back to work? I’m not twisted. Have you been discussing this with them? Absolutely not. This is pure them. No cap. We do get to have our own opinions. Yes, but you’re predisposed to pick Smitty’s side. Only when he’s right. Dad wanted to get back into his reporter hustle, just like you with politics. He’s into it, so why shouldn’t he get to do it? All of my friends’ moms and dads work. We’re not like your friends’ parents, Samantha. Uh, yeah, you are. I have two dads, Kayla has two moms. Jill has a single dad. Shawna’s got, like, six moms ’cause her dad’s always switching it up. [laughs] Nobody’s like everybody else. And you worry way too much about things that don’t matter anymore. I wish that were true. But you two have to understand that how people view you can impact your life. Oh, I-I get that. And if Samantha and I didn’t have Dad around while you were out there putting in mad hours campaigning… A lot of things would’ve been messed up. But we don’t need all that hovering anymore, Pop. We shouldn’t have to convince you when you’re representing families where every adult in the household is working. Why shouldn’t Dad have a life when the rest of us get to? What’s wrong with that? I cannot tell that story in public. Ted and I would die of embarrassment. But maybe if we trim this section? That will leave you room to talk about how you and Ted had to come back from vacation early because Martin was sick. [phone buzzes] Go ahead. You can take it. It’s nothing. I’ll call them back. So the Martin story will go here. Oh, my aunt, the psychiatrist, and her assistant chopping it up at the country club. I almost didn’t want to interrupt. Do not talk nonsense, Andre. You are welcome everywhere you go. ANDRE: Mm. Everywhere there’s a pretty girl, that is. That’s the kind of welcome I like. [laughs] As far as a pretty girl that is off-limits,

ANDRE: Mm-hmm.

you must have met my temporary assistant, Eva. Subtle, Aunt Nicole. And yeah, Eva and I have certainly had the pleasure. Nice to see you again, Andre. NICOLE: I apologize, Eva. Not only did I let the time get away from me, I forgot to ask you to put Andre on my calendar. We are gonna talk about the shots for the award ceremony. Do you have time later? Like in about an hour? EVA: You don’t have to cancel. But we’re working on the speech. She means she’s teaching me how to construct an effective speech. Um, I could do a markup, make the changes you want and email it to you. You’re stopping by the hospital later, right? Yeah, I can print it out there, but you don’t have to go through all that trouble. I’ve already taken up way too much of your time on something that’s not even your job. Making your life easier is my job, Nicole. And this was fun. Your nephew’s a witness. Oh, yeah. Seemed fun to me. Are you sure it’s not a problem? No problem. All right.

Uh, Andre, can you help me?

ANDRE: Uh, sure. NICOLE: Andre, let’s find the events manager, do a walkthrough, and Eva, I will find a way to pay you back for all of your help.


All right. See you. [chuckles] Bye. [phone buzzing] Leslie, why do you keep calling me while I’m at work? I hate hearing you call me that. I want to be your mama again, at home and everywhere else. Soon. Now, what do you need? Nothing, really. Just want to make sure that everything is going like we planned. Everything’s fine. I’ll tell you all about it when I get home. Good. I can’t wait. But we need to remember the plan. [sighs] Delayed gratification is such a pain. Be patient. It’ll all be worth it. Those Richardsons won’t know what hit them. For my… amazing wife. Oh. Hydration is vital. You know, speaking of amazing… Well, speak on. As of this morning, I’ve sold four multimillion-dollar properties this month. Now, that is what I’m talking about. Congratulations, sweetheart. My commissions are gonna be through the roof this quarter. You certainly have the magic touch. [chuckles] I’d definitely buy anything you’re selling.

[phone buzzes]

[chuckles] Oh… And you know I’d always give you the very best deal.


[chuckles] I feel responsible. It was me who brought Doug to your place in the first– He would’ve found his way to my casino, with or without you. You know that. Yeah, but I never thought he would be this out of control. He’s my friend. I’m not trying to… interfere. But I’m asking you, Joey… …please don’t hurt my friend. Or worse. I have no reason to harm your friend, Randy. In fact, I think business runs more smoothly when everyone’s agreeable. He’s of no use to me unless he’s alive and functioning. He’s simply a means to an end. Now you got me all the way curious. What’s Doug got that you were– Enough with the questions. Unless you want me to reconsider my decision to treat him gently.

No, sir.

That’s what I thought. You want to protect your friend, do your job. Which means have him in my casino, tonight. Meal’s on you. Thanks. [Randy sighs] [sniffles] [phone buzzes] That’s not the hospital, is it? I feel like I’ve kept you here for a while. Nope. I just happen to have a rare free afternoon from surgeries and realized there was no place I would rather be than here with you. Really? Lately, you haven’t been inclined to spend more time with me than absolutely necessary. Then I am glad I have this opportunity to apologize. I’ve been a fool, Vanessa. I am sorry for giving you reason to doubt how much you mean to me. Whatever’s causing this change in you,

I like it.

[both chuckle] Well, I’d better get on with my workout before it gets too late and the adrenaline keeps me up all night. Oh, that doesn’t sound too bad to me. [chuckles] We’ll see how long this new Doug lasts back at home. Looking forward to it. Mm. [both chuckle] [phone buzzes] [sighs] [sighs] I’m in the hospital because I have a concussion. This will work, as long as I don’t lose this piece of paper. All right, well, I’ll write it down on the board across the room for you, too. And I’ll be here most of the time. But if I’m not, just buzz for a nurse. We’ll answer any question you have, as long as it takes. Do you need anything? Maybe you could stop moving around. It’s kind of making me dizzy.


I’m just messing with you. But you really don’t have to try so hard, babe. I keep telling you, I-I’m fine. Do I tell you how to fight fires? Hmm. Can’t remember. Well, if you’re joking around, then you must be feeling better. I am. Another thing I keep forgetting… …is your name. You want me to write it down for you? I want to remember on my own. I just don’t want you to think– Hey. Memory lapses are a symptom of the concussion, Derek. Please, don’t stress about it. And besides, “babe” works. Just don’t call anybody else that. Never would. And when you’re all better, no more unnecessary risks. Don’t worry. I don’t plan on leaving you anytime soon. And t-this risk paid off. Guy said I saved a cat.


Yeah, and it didn’t make it easy, look. Look at that. It’s probably gonna leave a huge scar. I’ll make sure to call for a plastic surgery consult. DEREK: Mm. Do I get a kiss at least? On your imaginary scar? I don’t think so.


Mm-hmm. I might forget again. I know how to remind you. [Ashley sighs] How about we take one assignment… …and see how it goes? And when it goes really, really well? Let’s take the win, Samantha. And let your pop off the hook. You three are everything I dreamed of growing up, but never thought I’d have. I would walk through fire for my family. One, two, three. The Richardsons! [laughter] SAMANTHA: Wait, are we actually–


Ow. [laughing] [elevator bell dings] And, um, so you’re giving me the go on those behind-the-scenes shots? Are you sure footage of me doing yoga isn’t silly? You recommend that for your patients, right? For their mental health? You know I do, but it’s different when it’s… It’s human, Auntie. It makes the great lady seem more approachable.

Great lady? Please.

Yeah. Oh, there’s Ashley.

Ashley, hi.

Hi. Andre told me what happened. Is Derek okay? So far, so good, Dr. Richardson. He’s with the attending now. And how are you doing? [sighs]: Uh… Well, a good friend told me to stop going to worst-case, so… not going there. It’s about time. Sorry. I had to stay late working on Nicole’s speech. Her what? You know how she’s being honored at that gala tomorrow night? Well, she kind of let me help with her speech. She really liked my ideas, Mama. So you trying to be a writer now? I’d never call myself that. But the speech was only part of it. Nicole had all these things on her to-do list that I got to help with. So her designer dress was getting altered and that needed to be picked up. And some shoes that was specially shipped. The local stores didn’t have her size. She got big feet or something? This gala is probably gonna be on the news, and I’m helping put it together. Sounds like you have good reason to be excited, Eva. I am, too. It’ll be spectacular. I hope so, because that’ll make it the perfect opportunity to expose Ted and Nicole for the reprehensible human beings they really are.

My lucky day?

Could be. Ready to throw some hands tonight?

Oh, you know it.

All right. Dr. McBride. Always a pleasure. As you can see, we have some high rollers in here tonight, and I think you are just the man to take their money. Sounds like it may be a little too rich for my blood. I think I’m gonna stick to my regular tables. Oh, that’s a disappointment. If it’s cash that’s bothering you, I’d be happy to front you. Really? You wouldn’t mind? It’s only money. Here you go. Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll pay us back before you know it. [laughs]: Oh, my. I could use some expert help with a few muscles. Care to spot me? The lady’s not interested. Move along. Tell me, Vanessa, how many men is it gonna take to satisfy you? Coming on to random guys where you know I’ll clock it? Vanessa, what is your deal? You don’t own me, Diego. I see who I want when I want. Yeah, and that’s how you found out

nobody could do you like I can.

[laughs softly] No, you’re good. I’ll give you that. But I’m not looking for commitment. Not now. Maybe not ever. I bet I could convince you otherwise. Nice sitting in. I’ll catch you next time. Dr. McBride. How’s it going? Um, all tapped out. I’m sorry, Joey, I know you thought I’d get lucky, but… Well, don’t give up so soon. No choice. Out of money. I have faith in you. Now… now why don’t you give it another try? I-I can’t, this is…

this is, this is too much.

I have no problem staking you. We both know you’ll pay us back before you know it. Well… I have a feeling my luck is about to turn. Thanks, Joey. Hey. How’s the headache? Barely there. I’ll feel a lot better after they spring me from this place. Especially if you take me home with you. Well, we may have to put a pause on the hold care for now. They want to observe you here for at least another day, maybe longer. Can you be the one to nurse me back to health? At your bedside? In this bed, by my side? Not a chance, Superman. You are on official time-out. At least until you promise me that you’re not gonna try to kill yourself again. Cross my heart.

Unless there’s…

You better stop with the crossed heart if you know what’s good for you. You’re good for me. I know that. LESLIE: I’ve been thinking. We can’t just let this gala pass us by. Mama… Oh, it’ll be perfect, baby. Oh, we’ll spill all that Richardson dirt right there. Not just in front of the cream of Fairmont society. It’ll probably be on the local news, too. Imagine the looks on their smug faces. They’re not both smug. I mean, what my father did wasn’t Nicole’s fault. And this is celebrating her and not him, so there’s no reason for us to ruin her big day. No reason? Eva, has been working with that woman gotten to you? Of course not. It’s the timing, Mama. It’s too soon. It sounds like an excuse. Are you still committed to taking them down for what they did to us? And don’t you dare lie to me, Eva. Thanks for agreeing to me going back to work. One assignment, and we’ll see how it goes. One assignment, for now. Smitty. Why don’t you come upstairs so I can thank you? As enticing as that sounds, I have work emails to deal with. Are you trying to exhaust yourself so you don’t dream? No, just trying to get some work done. Okay. Don’t keep me waiting too long. If you’re going back on our plan to take down your father and his high-and-mighty wife, tell me right now. I’m not doing that. In fact, to prove how committed I am… This straw will give us a sample of Ted’s DNA for the paternity test.


Just like you wanted. Oh, my sweet baby girl.


Mm. This is the icing. Ruining his precious wife’s big night is gonna hit that bastard right where he lives. Oh, my God, and when he claims that I’m lying… [laughs] I can throw the truth… [imitates whoosh] right back in his face. Ooh, wait, Mama, we can’t do it at the award ceremony. Why not? I’ve got everything in place. Because the DNA test results won’t be ready by then. We want to get this right, right? It’ll be a better chance later. If that’s what you feel. Don’t worry, Mama.

We’ll see this through.

[laughs softly]




Soon. I need a favor. ♪ ♪ You love playing with fire. I love playing. With me. Until a better game comes along. [laughs softly] Must be tempting. Gambling, for me? Not at all. I’m talking about this compulsion you have to save your friend. You need to do what Dougie never does until after the fact. Consider the cost. And what I do to people who get in the way of my plans. And what’s the next plan? I’m gonna put that moron so far into debt he doesn’t know what hit him. [gasping softly] [grunting] No! No.

SMITTY: Martin.

No! [panting] I’m fine.

What’s going on?

SAMANTHA: I heard yelling. SMITTY: Nothing, kids, just… Just go back to bed. Go. You come to bed, too. I told you sleeping on the couch wasn’t good for you. I’m just doing my routine, double-checking the locks,

making sure my family’s fine.

Okay. Okay. Okay. Do your thing. But Martin, we’re safe. [footsteps receding]

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