BTG Transcript Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Beyond The Gates Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane


Boss, you are dripping so hard, they’re gonna have to

put out a flood warning.

It’s not too much, is it? No, not for your big interview. I got you and Ted smoothies on my way in. Thank you, but can you put mine in the fridge? I don’t want to be late to my parents’ place for this interview, which is not that big. On television. Local TV, but I can’t leave before.

Have you seen my bracelet?

Your good luck charm? Yeah, I have a really bad habit of leaving it in the most random places.

I don’t really need it, but…

If you need it, you need it. You seem more on edge than usual. Is it that obvious? I’m just not as comfortable in the spotlight like my parents. You know, my mom with her decorated music career, my dad with his political activism. You with your achievements in mental health. You’re getting the same service award your dad did, Nicole. That’s major. Right. I should be proud.


And less nervous, because most of the focus will probably be on my dad anyway. Him and your sister.


Mm. How’d it go with Dani? Did you talk some sense into her? I reminded her that this interview was about Nicole and her award. You emphasized that we’d handle the difficult questions? Without coming right out and saying it, I tried to get across that we were concerned that she might lose her cool if put on the spot. Mm. Do you think she was listening? Well, of course, Daddy. Don’t I always? The reporters are here. I can let them in whenever you’re ready.

How long will this take?

Not long, babe. Okay? Come hell or high water, we’re going on our honeymoon tonight. Saw the setup for the press conference.

Good news on that libel case?

Mm-mm. I’m doing a bit of counter programming. The Duprees think that they’re slick by going on some local morning show acting like it’s about Nicole winning some award.

And it’s not?

Nah. They’ll use the opportunity to make more defamatory comments about Hayley and me, and I’m not about to let that slide. You’re only guessing that’s what this is about. And you know, it’s getting old, standing on the sidelines watching you battle with your ex-wife and her family. Let me know when you’re ready. Babe, this is about us, okay? I’m protecting you and our future from the Duprees’ character assassination gang. What, by instigating more trouble? Because this time, it will be you starting this, Bill. No, no, babe. I’m anticipating the inevitable, okay? Remember, I was a part of that family. I know how they think. They’ll see us leaving the country as their chance to seize the narrative, but I’m gonna flip the script before they even get a chance. ♪ ♪ You sleep okay?

No, not really.

Yeah, you must have heard me snoring from all the way on the couch. Tell me, was it more Chewbacca or Jabba the Hutt this time?

Jacob, I’m not in the mood.

Naomi, please. No, no. You knew better than anyone how I feel about my father and what he did to my mother, to our family. And you knew how hard it was for me to trust a man, any man, after being raised by Bill Hamilton.

And then you, you…

Did my job. You executed his sneak attack. That’s what you did. How do you expect me to trust you after that? Because right now, I don’t recognize the man that I married. [clears throat] Oh, good morning, Ted. Nicole just left. Yeah, I managed to give her a good-luck hug on her way out. Thanks for this. Sure. So what is it with that photo? Uh, everything’s right with it. I always wanted a brother or sister. Especially a sister. Someone to braid my hair, gossip with me about boys, get in and out of trouble with.

So you’re an only child?

As far as I know. Since I never knew my bio dad, I could have a dozen brothers or sisters who don’t even know I exist. It must be tough. And I’m sorry for opening up old wounds. Oh, don’t sweat it. I’m an open book. Ask anything you want. Send the reporters up now. Should be quite a show. Bill has a flair for drama. It’s what makes him a beast in the courtroom. The court of public opinion is a different beast altogether. Let’s hope it doesn’t backfire. Like it already has with Hayley?


Come on, Caroline. You picked up on it, too. And if that marriage blows up and throws Bill off his million-dollar game, it could tank this firm. And your upward mobility. Nothing wrong with looking out for mine. That’s worked for Bill. At least so far. Yes, you’re the expert on the Duprees, but do we really need to keep this tug-of-war going? Can’t we just drop the rope? Letting your guard down doesn’t work with these people, baby. Okay? Underneath all that faux gentility, they are as cutthroat as a razor. And until we make them understand that when you come for the king and his queen– mm– you best not miss. Well, can you promise me that this will at least be the end of it? Okay. Let me school them real quick. All right? Then we can start our happily- ever-after. Baby, trust me. I want this over just as much as you do. Okay? How do I look? Good?


Yes. Believe it. No one is more eager to put this mess behind them than me. Then please let your mother and me handle it when it comes up. I am not prepared to go on camera. I’m so glad to hear that.

Hello, everyone.

Oh, Nicole, darling,

you look lovely.

Thank you, Mother. Dani, I wasn’t sure if I’d see you here. Do not worry, sissy. I am not here to steal your shine. Why do you keep making me seem like the villain? I did my job, same as always.

Oh, did you now?



I made sure your mother was treated with respect. She had everything she needed right up until the moment they let her go. Oh, and do you want a gold star for that? Being polite to someone you wrongfully arrested doesn’t make you a hero, Jacob. Where’s Dani’s responsibility in all of this? Why do you keep skipping right past that? My mother was provoked into acting out. She never meant to hurt anyone. You know that. Oh, okay, so you’re excusing her for bringing a loaded weapon and firing it at a wedding? Oh, my God. She’s not some hardened criminal, Jacob. And as her top-notch lawyer, you would have brought up those mitigating circumstances in court. Because that’s your job, not the arresting officer’s. So what? You would have arrested Rosa Parks

if that was part of your job?

Come on, Naomi, don’t go there. It’s not the same thing. Because orders are orders, right? Your mother waving a gun around isn’t about fighting injustice. Then tell me, Detective, since it seems like that badge means more to you than that ring on your finger.

Would you have arrested me?

You’re unbelievable.

I’m also running late.

Naomi. My family needs me. And unlike you, I know where my loyalties lie. [door closes] Maybe we should start the interview in the garden. Listen, I understand why you might be skittish about what to expect from me. I can only imagine how mortified Mother must be. Her own daughter arrested in her own home

for attempted murder.

That must have been terrifying. I hate I wasn’t there to support you. Martin said you were kept at the hospital for some emergency. A woman was on the roof attempting to jump. No. I guess someone was having a worse night than me. [laughter] Hey, ladies. Well, someone’s in high spirits today. Well, she’s practically glowing. Oh, I’m just feeling myself getting to enjoy being out here

and living my best life.

Ooh. Okay. Quite a difference from just a few weeks ago. Yeah, I feel like I’m finally starting to recover from Alan’s passing. God bless his soul.

Did you meet someone?

[scoffs] I wish. Unfortunately, no new man yet. I just woke up feeling optimistic. That’s wonderful, Leslie. The future suddenly seems filled with possibilities, and it hasn’t been that way for a hot minute. [all laugh] Well, I hope this good mood of yours sticks around. Something tells me it will. So no one ever went looking for your biological father? I mean, Leslie’s always been good to me. And Alan, her husband, wasn’t exactly what you call fatherly, but he was okay. I mean, I wondered about my bio dad, but why push it if he already rejected me? I can see that logic. But if you were to ask me, it was his loss. Makes me think about what I missed out on. My nephew, he… took it rough after he lost his folks. Andre? I met him.

He’s nice.

Yeah. My brother and sister-in-law, they died in a plane crash years ago. And Nicole and I tried to jump in and fill that void, but you can never fill a void of a loss of that magnitude.

At least you tried.

Yeah, Andre’s situation forced me to think about my own kids and how they would feel if they lost me. My son is very close to Nicole’s father, so he’d have Vernon to lean on. Kat, you know she’s a daddy’s girl. She needs me. Guess a lot of people depend on you. I wouldn’t say that. But my offer still stands. If you ever need an ear or a laugh, Eva, you know who to call. I’ll keep that in mind. Oh, I should get to the clinic.


Oh. I got this, Ted. Have a good day. You, too. ♪ ♪ Hi, guys. I peeped the Grands outside showing the hosts around. Tell me that’s not what you’re wearing for the interview. Oh, God, no. No, I am just here for moral support. The Grands want me to keep a low profile.

Wait, they’re excluding you?

It’s for the best.

[approaching chatter]

That’s my cue. [mouths] Linda, this is our daughter Nicole and our granddaughter, Chelsea. Hi. It’s a pleasure to meet you both. Naomi just texted. She’s on her way. Well, in that case, if you don’t mind, I’m going to go ahead and let my cameraman in. Okay. Good morning. It truly breaks my heart that it’s come to this, but over the past several months, I’ve made every attempt to resolve issues privately with my former wife. But you’ve all seen how that turned out. My wedding devolved into a horror show, and my beautiful bride Hayley and I have not had a moment’s peace since. And adding insult to injury, Ms. Dupree not only resorted to violence, but to malicious slander. Now, I’m a patient man. I really am. I’m a patient man. But soiling my name and reputation is something that I cannot let go unaddressed. So I’m prepared to answer any and all questions. I have nothing to hide. [all clamoring] No, I didn’t invite my ex-wife to my wedding to humiliate her. I was showing our daughters that as family, we can still treat each other with respect and dignity. I even invited some of Dani’s loved ones so she’d have emotional support and because I’d hoped that they could keep her in check. Now, Dani’s sister is a psychiatrist, and perhaps she should be re-evaluated since they’re all sadly in denial about how far my ex-wife’s mental state has deteriorated. Soon, Leslie won’t be the only one with something new.

[gasps] Do tell.

It’s my day off tomorrow. I’m going to the mall to get some much needed retail therapy. Mm. New attitudes all around.

I love it.

You deserve a moment. Honestly, I’m just looking forward to time away from all the constant Dupree chaos. Right? Who would have thought Bill would cause more trouble out of the family than he ever did in it?

Oh, my goodness. Look.

Mm. MONA: You have got to be kidding me. Excuse me, waitress, can you turn that up? LINDA: I’m sure Nicole is very proud to be following in your footsteps, Senator Dupree. I’m the one who’s proud. She’s accomplished so much. I think of my award as belonging to my father, too, and to my mother and all of their friends that continue to be active in civil rights. I could never have accomplished all I have in my life without the sacrifices that they made. Everything I am, I owe to them. Well, you do have another daughter who is in the news lately for a very different reason. There’s a viral video online of your daughter Dani threatening her ex-husband with a loaded gun at his wedding. She was later arrested on attempted murder, but those charges have been dropped. We have nothing more to say on that subject.


As we stated before, we don’t condone Dani’s behavior, but we certainly understand what drove her to it. The cruel and unforgivable behavior of her ex-husband and his secret mistress, now wife. And that’s that. Next question. I have just been informed that Bill Hamilton is giving a press conference at this very moment, and he is alleging that your daughter Dani is suffering from mental deterioration. Do you have any sort of response to that? I can respond to that. Oh, my God. This is getting juicy. Attagirl, Dani. Give him hell! Let me tell you something about Dani Dupree. That woman had the audacity, the sheer gall to show up to my home unannounced like a raging bull. She came to threaten me, to berate my wife. After she had already destroyed and ruined our blessed day. That’s what pushed me to finally say, enough… …is enough. I was hurt deeply. But that does not excuse my actions. I am filled with remorse. My heart aches for all the pain I have caused. I am so… …arrogant. That’s what the Duprees are. They walk around like, like the rules don’t apply to them, like they’re above the law, God’s and man’s. And until they take some responsibility… I take full responsibility for my shameful behavior. When I think about the example I set for my precious girls, I am so ashamed. That is not how my parents raised me. It is a mistake that I will never make again. What’s to stop her from doing it again? Hmm? Dani Dupree is a manipulative serpent who wants to punish me for daring to find happiness. Happiness was a memory at that point. I never intended to hurt a soul. I was just filled with such pain. They shattered my world, and I wanted to ruin their day. Sounds… …petty and desperate jealousy turned Dani into a monster, a violent and dangerous… …threat to no one, least of all Bill and Hayley, after they showed such generosity in dropping those charges. I am filled with gratitude for that. And for my family.

So, you’re my new partner.

Marcel Malone. I’ve been looking forward to this. It’s not every day you get to break cases with a legendary detective. Well, you can start by getting my coffee. I take it black. I’m a cop, not an errand boy. You can fetch your own coffee. Good answer. But you forgot to address me as “Detective.” And that’ll be the last time you disobey an order. Okay, rookie? It’s a pleasure meeting you, too. Sorry to disappoint. Maybe you thought we’d become friends and do brunch, but here’s how it’s gonna go. You gonna keep your nose clean and out of my business. Otherwise, you gonna wish you never met me.

Any questions?

Just one. So when we hit the streets and play good cop, bad cop, I’m guessing I’m the good cop, right, Detective? ♪ ♪ I know it’s early, but after that performance, you’ve earned it. Thank you, sweetie. I mean, the way you handled yourself in that interview was just perfection. You sound surprised. What did you think was gonna happen when Dani Dupree

walked in the room?

With you, we never know. But I’m glad you got to set the record straight. Listen, girls, I wanna apologize for everything that I’ve put you through over the past year. Now, I meant what I said the other night before Jacob walked in with handcuffs. I am ready to move on. And I hope you are too, sweetie. Have you kissed and made up with that fine husband of yours yet? It’s not that simple.

He arrested you.

He was doing his job, Naomi. I was wrong. Baby, don’t let my mistake cost you the love of a lifetime. He’s one of the good ones. Stop pushing him away. Linda and her crew have all departed. We can breathe easy now. Done. Good. I can give you back your outfit, Mom. These shoes are squeezing my toes. Helped with the waterworks.

I was crying from pain.

Glad to be of service. I know I promised I wouldn’t interfere, but once I saw what Bill was up to, I couldn’t let his voice be the only one people heard. No apology necessary. You showed the world why the Duprees are a force to be reckoned with. We should have had more faith that you’d be able to hold your own in that situation. Your daddy and I are so proud of you. My mother never had anything this nice. Oh, look what I found in your drawer.

Oh, thank goodness.

Mm-hmm. I wouldn’t want to lose this. It was an anniversary gift from Ted. Every time I look at it, I can’t help but think how different my life would have been without him. Did you catch the interview? I did. It looked like Dani was going through it. I really felt for my sister. But at the same time, her daughters witnessed their mother being accountable for her actions. Not every parent has the strength to do that.

KAT: Yo, Chels.

Hey. What’s good? I’m prepping for that meet with the venture capital firm. Kat, I keep telling you I want us to do this on our own. And that’s still an option. But we’d be crazy not to take the meet and hear their pitch.

I guess.

Table it for now. You gotta be on mental overload after Aunt Dani’s arrest and that interview this morning. I’m doing all right. Mom seems to be more stable than she’s been in a minute. And thank God Dad dropped the charges against her. But back to this venture capital thing. We’ll table it till tomorrow. Tonight, let’s wild out and celebrate. I’d love to, but I can’t.

I already made plans.

Another photo shoot?

Come on, reschedule.

This one’s personal. For real? I’m about to miss my mom’s award ceremony for our business. The least you could do is push back a date with one of your random situationships. Uh, it’s more than that.

I don’t want to get into it.

Since when? Your whole life is online. You stay posting everything. What’s with the secrecy all of a sudden? Look, the people that I’m seeing, they like

to keep things low-key.

Hold up. People?

As in more than one?

Mm-hmm. Again? Did the lieutenant okay overtime, rookie? Or we’re just not that welcome at home since you put your mother-in-law behind bars? I thought we were staying out of each other’s business. Don’t flatter yourself. I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about your personal life, except when it affects the job. Now, you lose focus out there crying about wifey, and it puts my life on the line. And that I won’t tolerate. You done? Not so eager to work with this legendary detective now, are you? I’ll see you tomorrow. Smart-ass. NICOLE: Did you catch the interview? Yeah. Had it on in the clinic waiting room. Dani had them eating out of her hands.

Here or the dining room?

Here. I’m sure there wasn’t a dry eye in the house when Chelsea and Naomi came over and hugged her at the end. Bill’s not gonna like that, having his daughter side with Dani. We’re not gonna have people looking at his side of things. Bill can go to hell. I am done with his ego and narcissism. Yeah, pitting his daughter against her husband, to arrest Dani? Hmm. That is some next-level selfishness. [chuckles] Yeah. I hope Jacob and Naomi are working things out. If you want me to talk to him, I’m happy to. That’s sweet. But what would you say? Well, that we’ve had our share of challenges over the years, but we never threw in the towel. And that everything that we’ve built has been because of the choices that we made way back then. Smartest decision I ever made was agreeing to marry you. Mm. And leave my wife the hell alone. Because if you ever come for my wife again, I will destroy you. Ooh… Why, Teddy. Teddy bear. I’ve never seen you this angry before. You need to consult a good therapist. What’s the latest on the Richardsons? Nicole’s excited about the award ceremony coming up. That makes two of us. I, uh, I had a chat with Ted today.

Oh. What about?

My father. What? I told him I never knew my real dad, and I always wondered about him. You need to be careful, Eva. You’re playing a dangerous game. Okay, so this is the Mims case. You’ll be taking point while I’m on my honeymoon. You think you can handle it? De una.I got this on lock. Go enjoy your Roman holiday. Hit up some pasta joints, toss a coin in the Trevi, and come back shining like new money. I’m gonna do that and then some, all right? Just don’t burn the place down while I’m gone. Speaking of heat, I ran into your niece Kat at the wedding.


She’s a Dupree, so I know it’s a sticky situation, but if you’re not opposed. Look, hey, man, I’m not about to police your life, okay? You wanna play with fire? Be my guest. NAOMI: When did you know? JACOB: About your dad and Hayley? I mean, I didn’t see it coming. But you, you’re a cop. You read people for a living. And I’m learning to read you. You don’t want to tell me the truth. Would it make a difference? Well, before, I would have said you have a right to your inner thoughts, but now it feels like everybody’s

just lying to me.

Baby, no, that’s not true. It is. It is. And I’m right in there with the rest of my family. Chelsea, my mom, and I all lied to each other for years, telling ourselves that even if Dad was the ultimate manipulator as a lawyer, he’d never pull that crap at home. And then he hides his affair with Hayley for months and compounds it today by announcing his engagement. He just showed the entire world that she means more to him than us, his family. When did you know? [sighs] I didn’t trust Bill Hamilton since the moment I met him. Why not?

Because I see myself in him.

How can you say that? I’m a cop. And part of my training is spotting people’s weaknesses and using it to get the truth. But the difference between me and Bill is why we do it. I use that skill to protect and serve the people of the district. Bill’s about serving himself. So what’s to keep you from crossing those lines like my dad did? One of these days when you get angry with me

or you get tired of me.

Babe, listen. I will never do what Bill did and lie to you about us. Not ever. And if we’re unhappy in this marriage, we’ll say something and do everything we can to save this miracle we found in each other. And whenever you ask, I’ll do my best to tell you the truth. Unless? Unless my job won’t allow it.


The same way your job won’t allow you to tell things to me sometimes. That’s fair, I guess. Look, after everything you’ve been through, you have every right to ask questions. So I’m telling you to have at it. You can check my phone, check my… check my location, check my mileage.


No, I do trust you. I do. But if it comes down between choosing my family over your job… Like that will ever happen. I mean, I could see Bill getting arrested maybe, but your grandfather, the senator? Your mom, the fashion model? You don’t ever have to worry about our worlds colliding. I don’t want to jinx it by saying it out loud, but it feels like we might actually be about to go on our honeymoon. Oh, girl, it’s happening. You’ve dealt with all the drama. It’s time for some well-deserved R&R. I can’t thank you enough for having my back, Caroline. Please. That’s what a maid of honor is for. Well, most maids of honors don’t have bullets flying past their heads. True. You newlyweds didn’t have the smoothest start, but the important thing is: you did it. You’re right. I’m so excited. I’ve never been overseas, and I am so ready to have Bill all by myself. Ooh!

Don’t hurt him now.

Oh, I make no promises. [both laughing] Oh, come here. So you’re telling me you’re out here sleeping with two guys?

I didn’t say that.

More than two?

Chels, I swear.

Chill. It’s one guy and his wife. Oh, like the same couple as before or…? Same couple. I’ve been with women before, but now I’m feeling it. Actually, really feeling it. So are you, like, bi-leaning now? Ugh– labels. I just like what I like. Doing you in the moment, I feel that. I figured you would, since your brother identifies as queer. Oh, yeah, I wasn’t tripping about that. For me, it’s the whole throuple situation. Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it. Nah, that’s not my lane. No shade, but I’m more of a “Michelle looking for her Barack” kind of girl. Mm. Different strokes.

So, how is it?

Oh! Like, for real? [both laughing] Well… Well, if you must know. [whispering]



[both laughing]

Mm-hmm. I know. [continues laughing] [bag zipping] What are you doing? I’m not sleeping on the couch again. My back’s killing me, and I need my strength to deal with this new ass at work. I’ll get a hotel room. Well, you don’t need to do that. I don’t know what you expect from me, Naomi. I tried looking the other way when it came to your mother, but it didn’t sit right. And I won’t apologize for doing my job. Well, I don’t want you to leave. But you won’t listen to me either.

So now what?

I don’t know. [cries]


I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Hey. No, no, no, no. Come here. Come here. Come here. Come here. Come here. It’s okay. All right? I’m here.

It’s all right.

[sniffling] There we go. I see you found your bracelet. Where was it? You know that saying, “If it was a snake, it would have bit me”?


It bit Eva instead. She found it in my desk. Wow. I’m glad to see she’s working out. I had a good talk with her this morning. She seems to be a real sweetheart. Thank you. I can’t believe you actually talked to him.

What were you thinking?

Leslie, chill. Look, I’m still calling you the right name in public, and Ted still has no clue who I really am. I don’t even know why you broached the subject with him. It’s too risky. Says the woman who introduced herself to Nicole under a fake name and pretended she was suicidal. That was different. I had a plan. Yeah, a plan that could have left me alone out here with no one. I just tried to get to know my father. Is that so wrong? His actions should tell you all you need to know about him. He abandoned us before you were even born. That was forever ago. People can grow and learn from their mistakes. You’re right. You need to learn from mine. Because trusting Ted Richardson was the biggest mistake I ever made. Oh, you were right. My mother was on your side. But even before I talked to her, I knew. I came at you way too hot. And I know you didn’t arrest her to hurt her or bully her. I know how much Bill let you down. But I need you to hear me loud and clear. I’m not Bill. I would never in a million years treat you like that sorry excuse of a man did. I know. I know. That’s why I fell in love with you back when you were testifying cases that I was trying. You were clearly a man of integrity, someone I could trust. So you… you don’t need this anymore. And you’re definitely not sleeping on the couch.

I’m glad we’re okay.

We’re more than okay. [phone vibrating]

What’s good?

Just thinking about you, beautiful. Can’t seem to get you off my mind. Oh, really? And what exactly were you thinking? That I’d love to see you again soon. Is that right? Well, I’m actually headed out of town. Ah, qué pesar. That’s too bad. But when I get back, maybe I could cook you some dinner. It’ll give us a chance to get to know each other. You cook too, amor. You are full of surprises. Anita, darling. I think I might need to call my old friends at the NAACP. ‘Cause when Dani walked in, you crushed my hand like it was Birmingham 1973 all over again. Come on, Vernon, you can handle a little hand holding. And don’t act like you weren’t just as worried she might make a scene and sabotage the whole affair. I’ve seldom been happier to be wrong. Our girl really rose to the occasion. Yeah. It takes a lot for Danielle to humble herself like that. Especially in public. After all the indignities Bill subjected her to. Exactly. And I really am worried that all of this has been too hard on her emotionally. She can at least take pride in the outcome. We definitely won this round. ♪ ♪ Hey, the car is downstairs ready to whisk us off to the airport. I’m just gonna go freshen up before we bounce. Okay. Yeah, I’ll be ready when you are. And baby, trust me, this honeymoon is gonna

be well worth the wait.

Ooh. Yes! All righty. ♪ ♪ BILL: Thank you for coming out to hear the real stories behind the salacious headlines. Now that we can put this all behind us, my beautiful bride Hayley and I have more important matters on our agenda. Namely, our long-awaited honeymoon in Italy. I’m not gonna spend another second on this foolishness when there’s so much happiness for us to embrace.

Isn’t that right, sweetheart?

Yes. Mm. Kiss this, baby. Could I get a fresh gin and tonic, please? Uh-uh, leave it. I want to watch it go bye-bye.

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