Beyond The Gates Transcript
Transcript provided by Suzanne and Thane
1 [soft chuckle] I need you at my place ASAP. Ah. You look as good in the daytime as you do at night. What’s up? Whew. Last night was amazing. [Andre chuckles] Bill, you home? Just beautiful. Oh! Sweetheart, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. No, i-it’s okay.
And I agree.
Mm. I get to call this elegant house
my home.
Mm-hmm. And this gorgeous, romantic, extremely hot man, my husband. You know, let’s have a party. I mean, look at this place. We have to show it off, like… But… nobody would come. They wouldn’t dare go against the Duprees. Yeah. That damn Dani. She’s danced through life because of her last name. And now, after actually firing a gun at our wedding, she gets off with barely a slap on the wrist. The good news is she’s done her absolute worst. You know, there’s nothing more that she or any of her family can do to hurt us now.
Mm… ♪ ♪
Hey, you.
Where have you been? I, uh, dropped off the dry cleaning, got the car washed. Kids? They’re still at school. They’re hanging out with their friends at the lacrosse game. It’s all on the calendar. Yeah, everything’s on the calendar… except for what matters. Clearly, we’ve progressed from the silent treatment of last night. I thought anything would be an improvement from that. But this? Not so much. I’ve got work to do. Hey, hold on. I need you to use your words and tell me why you stormed off this morning without saying goodbye. And why you haven’t answered a single one of my texts, okay? I didn’t know I was accountable to you for every action. It’s kind of in the fine print of the marriage license, Congressman. You’re accountable to me, and I’m accountable to you. And instead of shutting down, we are considerate of each other. You consider me? Really? Hey. Martin… …this is me considering you. Tell me what’s wrong. When were you gonna let me in on what you were planning?
I don’t– I wasn’t…
I heard. You had no problem with confiding in my mother last night. Oh. [sighs] That’s all you got? If you’re accountable to me and considerate of me… …why wouldn’t you tell me that you were thinking about going back to work as an investigative reporter? Oh, Ashley, not so fast. Our departmental rock star can’t leave for the day without giving you a little something-something. You’re kidding. I don’t need all this. Delivering a baby isn’t easy in the best of circumstances. Let alone in an elevator without any of the necessary equipment.
You can say that again.
I’m glad it wasn’t me. But you, Ashley, handled it with calm, skill and joy. And we wanted to honor that.
[clears throat] Let the record show I taught this girl everything she knows. [laughter] Glad to have you on the team, Ashley. All I did was focus on helping that mother bring her baby safely into the world. That is one lucky baby girl. [laughs] Thank you. Daddy, no, you are not wearing that tired blue suit to Mom’s gala. I look fine in that suit. You will look old in that suit. TED: I thought you liked it. KAT: Only because you said you liked it. Well, your mother liked it. And she only said that because she knows you think it makes you look “fine.” Kat, are you telling me that the women in my life have been lying to me? Only because we love you. [laughs] So wear the black and make your ladies proud. What would I do without you? Be a lonely, sad, badly dressed old man. [mock groans] You are so lucky to have us. Oh, sorry. Dr. Richardson forgot a patient file and asked me to come get it. No problem, Eva. Have you met my daughter Kat? KAT: Oh, yes. Eva and I are practically BFFs. I came to pick up my things I left the other night. You should have called first.
They’re still in the wash. Oh, that’s a shame. They won’t smell like you. Let me be clear, Andre. What we shared the other night was wonderful. Mm-hmm. And it can never happen again.
You mean again, again?
I mean no kind of again. Mm. Okay, got it. No more. Never again. [chuckles] Nice pig. Where’d, uh… where’d you get it? I seem to have earned a fan page on Facebook for being a total badass. No leather. But how do you really feel about it? I like it.
I spent so many years being the perfect lady on Bill’s arm. The new image suits the new me. Besides, Bill and that little witch deserved to have that sham of a wedding disrupted. Yeah, well, you certainly did that, Cowgirl Dani. And now I am putting away my six-shooter and moving on. I am officially leaving Bill and Faylee in my dust. Does that make me sound cold and heartless? Nah. You? The last thing I would ever call you is cold. All right, now go, Andre. My daughter’s coming over. Ah. Thanks for the explanation. I would hate to think that I was losing my touch. [chuckles] Later, Dani. Goodbye, Andre. [door closes] I got your message, Mom. What’s wrong now? If he has any questions, he can call me at home. Mm-hmm. I know. [chuckles] Okay. Yes. Thanks, Caroline. Thanks. She shouldn’t be bothering you on your honeymoon like that. Oh, it’s fine. And this case is really interesting. Yeah, babe, but that’s just because it’s relatively new to you, so… I think that it may be better that you leave now before you become disillusioned.
Are you firing me?
No. Never, babe. No, I just… I think it makes sense for you to resign. [scoffs] I’m not doing that, Bill. Baby, there is no need for you to continue working as a paralegal when there’s a busy social world ready to bow before the new Mrs. Bill Hamilton. But to quit my job? What is the issue? Well, Caroline and the rest of the staff are the only friends that I have here. And… plus, wouldn’t you miss seeing me at the office every day?
Hmm? Believe me, baby, if I could spend every minute of every day in your arms, I’d be a very happy man. But I’m just thinking of you, that’s all. I think you should be a little more independent. Wouldn’t quitting my job make me more dependent? Mm. Maybe a little more pampered. Acceptance of this gift shall not be construed as an indication of intent for me to terminate my current employment.
[chuckles] Duly noted.
Okay. What’s the occasion? Just loving you. Well, that’s the gift, sweetheart. Nothing in this box can top that. Mm. Good.
A credit card.
Mm-hmm. And that card has no limit. It’s good everywhere, and you’ll never have to see a statement. That is real independence. Aw. I love you so much.
You better, baby.
Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. You’re welcome. Ooh. I’m so sorry it’s taking me so long to clock out, babe, but I had to answer a couple patient calls, and I really want to get these handoff reports right. Take your time. I think I should send thank you notes to everybody for the gift basket and flowers. I mean, it’s too much. I was just doing my job. Andre was here, too. I’m sure the photographer was a lot of help. He really was. He has a good sense of humor.
And that kept mom-to-be calm.
[phone buzzes] Now, I just have to… [laughs] Andre found out that his aunt sent me flowers, and he gave me a daisy GIF…
…to make sure he wasn’t left out. He spends, like, no money and gets a laugh. I drop serious cash, what do I get? You know, the best part of this whole thing is I made you proud. Always. No getting carried away at work. You’ll destroy my rep. Then let’s get out of here. Get busy in private. Okay, just a sec. Andre officially thanked, and now I just have to clock out. Please tell me you haven’t signed out yet. I was just about to, but… If you can hold off on that,
I could really use your help.
Sure. We are about to get slammed with new admissions, and the patient in 312 has been waiting hours for his discharge papers.
His doctor is…
I’ll handle it. And I’ll check in with you and see if you need any more help before we leave. Oh, that’d be great. Thanks, Ash. Sorry, Derek.
I’ll hang out in the waiting room
until you’re done.
Thanks. Maybe text Naomi and Jacob. I feel like it’s been forever since we did one of our couples things.
All right, I’ll see if they’re free.
Great. So, Eva, how has it been working for my wife? Is there anything else that we can do to make your job easier here? Thanks, Ted, but I’m good. Working for Nicole is fun and kind of exciting. I’m sure it is. I mean, this is the first real job you’ve ever had, right?
I checked out your social media, and all I could find were some pictures of you doing your friend’s hair. Oh, they’re clients, not friends. On a salon site where you worked for, like, a minute. Nothing else. Why is that? I apologize for my daughter. I did not raise her to grill anyone like this. It’s a simple question. What did Eva do for a living before Mom hired her? It’s okay, Ted. Kat doesn’t know me, and I get that she’s curious. The fact is, I’ve had a few side gigs, and I’ve always been good with hair, so it’s been an easy way for me to help my surrogate mom out with the bills. It’s been touch and go, financially, since her husband died. I think that is admirable, Eva. Now, can someone please tell me why my daughter is interrogating my assistant? I am asking questions you apparently didn’t bother to ask your new assistant about her background and experience. I can handle my own employees, Kat, thank you very much. I’m just trying to help. And I’ve got some bad news. I won’t be at your award ceremony. No, you have to be there. This is a major honor for your mother. I know, and I really am sorry, Mom. I would be there if I could, but I have got… this business thing out of town. If there are any last-minute details I can help with, though… We’ll figure it out. You and Eva. Got it. Oh, and I convinced Dad to ditch the blue suit. You’re welcome. I’m just glad you’re okay. You sounded strange
on the phone.
Well, hopefully I have left all strange behavior behind me. Then why the call? Is it about the video? Because I checked the stats and it seems to be finally running its course. Not entirely. Somebody made a creepy fan page? I don’t think it’s creepy. I think I look pretty damn good. Don’t you? This isn’t funny, Mom. If I hadn’t been recording… Hey, recording your life is part of the brand that we work so hard to create. There is no one here to blame but me. I acted a fool. Well, after the way Dad treated you… The most important thing is that we put your father and his child bride in our rearview. I can do that.
Can you?
Yes. Mom, if you keep letting them get to you, they win. We can’t have that. I am moving forward with the wonderful future that I planned for the two of us. The modeling world hasn’t seen half of what you’re capable of, but the two of us, working together, we will blow them away. Chelsea, from now on, you have all of me. Nicole, this tribute video, do you want me to make copies or distribute it to anyone? I think Andre has that covered. Oh, do you think we can get Andre to highlight that part where we were reminiscing
about when we first met?
Of course. We can take notes tonight and give them to Andre to edit. I can’t wait for the world to see you the way I always have. Working on your résumé? I’m putting the finishing touches on the constituent services article you asked me to draft for you. Oh. Forgot about that. Thanks. And thank you for giving me some time to cool down. I know you and I love you, Martin. And I was never gonna go back to work without talking to you first. So let’s talk. Okay. I hate it. Conversation over. Now who’s being selfish? I get to have a life, too. You don’t think being my husband and raising our kids is a life? Good to know. Do not even try that. I may not be a U.S. congressman or a member of the almighty Dupree family except by marriage, but it doesn’t mean that my needs and dreams are gonna be ignored by default. And I am not gonna put my life on hold just to avoid upsetting you. [door opens, closes] I promise. I’ll do better. Don’t make drunken promises, Rory. But when you sober up, try to remember there are people out here who will help you if you ask. And then? Ask. Take care of yourself, now. I didn’t realize I had an audience. Which makes you even more wonderful. That for me? Yeah, just trying to distract you from the fact that I’m interrupting you at your job. [Naomi clears throat] Something’s wrong. I work at a police station, Naomi.
Wrong is the norm.
No, no, no. Something’s wrong with you. Go ahead, start talking before I snatch that coffee back. I’m mad at myself for not doing anything to stop Dani at Bill and Hayley’s wedding. So that means your favorite cop is really bad at his job. [sighs] Let’s see. Okay. Oh… [sighs] Hey, cuz. Can’t talk long. I’m waiting for my date.
First date?
Skip the lecture. Tell me what you need. I need to vent after dealing with my mom and her little assistant. I’m picking up you don’t like the assistant. That’s because there is not a genuine bone in Eva’s fake ass and knockoff dress body. Uh-huh. Uh-huh what? You’re calling me a snob. Not out loud. I was thinking it real hard, though. Just because I don’t trust her and I’m sticking around to keep an eye on that sneaky little instigator does not mean… Oh. Gotta go. My date’s here. [sighs] Be careful, Chels. “Careful” is not in the plan for tonight. Okay. Thank you so much. EVA: Ashley. How are you doing? Hey, Eva. I’m good. You’ve been busy. That elevator baby is all anybody can talk about. Ah, I just did what anyone else would have done. Can I help you with something? Oh, I don’t know if you heard, but I’m filling in as Dr. Nicole Richardson’s assistant. ASHELY: I did hear. I’m glad we’ll sort of be working together. Right. I need to check on accessing files for a new admission. Oh, we just added it to the system. Eva, you should be good now. Oh, thanks. Naomi and Jacob are a go for drinks. Oh, I’m so glad they can make it. Night, Shanice. Thanks again for your help today. Anytime. You are going to enjoy working with Dr. Richardson. She’s the best.
Thanks. Bye.
Bye. Babe. Let’s go meet Ashley and Derek. I have to come back to work after, though. You know, I hate that you blame yourself for what happened at my dad’s wedding. Yeah, it was bugging me so much, I had to speak to my father about it. What did Elon say? That it wasn’t a dereliction of duty on my part, so… The chief of police should know.
You were being a good guy, like always, standing by your wife. You did it for me. Girl, I find it damn near impossible to say no to you.
You know that? The feeling is mutual. And now that Dad is married and Mom has thrown a public fit, the family drama is over and we can go back to normal.
Come on.
Yeah, let’s go. I’m serious. I’m literally the most boring person
on the planet.
Are you sure? There’s a lot of competition out there. I’ve got them all beat. I thought about lying to folks and telling them I’m a fighter pilot or an astronaut. Anything other than a tech nerd. Tech nerds are the new rock stars. You’re thinking about billionaire tech nerds. That’s the kind of guy that should be here with you. I mean, you’re a top model and a prominent social influencer, and yet you sit there. God, you’re gorgeous. Listening to me drone on. I am much too ordinary to be with someone like you. I think ordinary looks good on you. Guess it’s time to start being interesting. [chuckles] Let’s get this party started. Don’t worry. I’m unarmed. You don’t have to be carrying to be dangerous, Dani. And yet you let me in. Better for you to say what you came to say in here than on the doorstep. This is nice. Bill hired Glorietta Interiors, am I right? I’m sure you didn’t come here to judge my living room. Nervous, Hayley? If you try anything, Bill is right upstairs. Daddy to the rescue. We did think of you as a daughter at one point. Now I’m not here for Bill. I was, uh, talking to Chelsea, and I realized that if I am going to step into my future, I need to slam the door on my past. So I am here to have a long overdue conversation, woman to woman. I’ll settle for you. I will not allow you to abuse me in my own home. Oh, aren’t you special? Demanding that kind of courtesy after abusing my trust in my home?
We’ve already discussed–
Had this out? Not even close. It would be one thing if you were some girl I had never met. But you knew me, Hayley. Had my phone number in your phone and never hesitated to use it. I gotta give you your props, though. You never let on. You were sleeping with my husband and there wasn’t even a lift in your eyebrow to signal that change. You could have distanced yourself from me, stopped making yourself comfortable in my living room, but you never let your mask drop. You lied and kept on lying with every hug and every smile. Look, I never meant to do– Nobody cares what you meant. What matters is what you did. What you did to me? Bad. But what you did to my daughter? To Naomi? There is no measure for the depth of that betrayal. Do you have any idea how guilty she feels for befriending you, only to have you turn around and become her stepmother? Are you ashamed yet, Hayley? Because you should be. Why do you think I asked Bill to back off with you? I’m not proud of what I did. The thought of hurting you and Naomi really cut me deep inside– Spare me the crocodile tears. You had your eyes set on becoming Mrs. Bill Hamilton, and you didn’t care that the position was already taken. Look, I am sorry, Dani. Look, I said it before, and I hope you can hear it this time. I hear you. And you’ll be even sorrier. Are you threatening me? I’m informing you. The fairy tale never tells you how Prince Charming can become a real son of a bitch once that ring goes on your finger. I have wasted enough time on you and Bill, so I will keep my distance. And I suggest you do the same. That’s my best offer. Take it. Okay. Must have been my imagination, but I could have sworn I just heard Dani’s grating tone in here. No, she was just here. Wha… Baby, you should have called me. [sighs] Look, I think, in her own way, Dani came by to…. offer an olive branch. She said she needed to get some things off her chest so she could move on. Babe, no, okay? That– That’s her story for today, okay? And tomorrow, she’ll find another excuse to make our lives a living hell. Hayley, baby. Hey, look at me. Hey, listen. I need you to hear me well. Okay? You cannot trust Dani. [sighs]
Hi, guys.
Hey. Got your text. There’s a virgin mojito
and an NA beer headed this way.
Thanks, man.
Yeah. So, tell us about your new job.
It’s great.
NAOMI: Yeah?
Okay. Wait. Is that Chelsea over there?
It is.
And who’s the guy? Probably some guy hitting on her, like always. Or is it the other way around this time? [laughter] Fascinating as your sister’s sex life always is, I’d much rather talk about the fascinating ladies at this table.
Well, I heard somebody got flowers today, and it wasn’t me. [laughs] Derek gave them to me. Plus, she got a bouquet from all her friends at the hospital. Wow. You’re raking it in, Ash. Maybe I should deliver babies in an elevator more often.
Just say when. Hey, Andre. My partner in crime. More like birthing partner. Hey, sort of cousin. So Andre is my Uncle Ted’s nephew. You got all kinds of connections at the table. Are you busy? You want to join us?
I don’t want to intrude.
DEREK: No, you’re not. Any friend of my girlfriend is someone I’d like to know. Okay. Yeah. Get a chair. What are you doing here? Grabbing a drink? Eh, just around.
NAOMI: Just around?
In and out. You’re so mysterious. [laughter] I didn’t mean to sound insensitive or uncaring. You know I love you. Sometimes I wonder. Never doubt that. I couldn’t fathom what my life would be without you in it. And yes, I admit I don’t want you to go back to work. It’s true. But the traditional family optics of a stay-at-home parent, it’s what works best for the game plan. And you raising our kids projects stability in our lives. And me going back to work projects that there’s a whole country full of stable families with two working parents. We could be one of them. We can’t just look like an ordinary family. We have to be extraordinarily ordinary. For you to achieve your goals.
Our goals.
No, Martin. Your goals. Everything you just said is about you. Your goals, your needs. Most of all, your need for me to be a househusband for you to achieve them. And I’m sorry, but that’s not good enough for me. Not anymore. And what happens when you stumble across a big story? Somebody higher up the food chain will take it and run with it. No way. You might not remember what a great reporter you are, but I do. They will see how shrewd and astute you are, and you will become front and center. Martin, I need this.
What about what I need?
Look… …we don’t have to deal with this right now. Don’t handle me, Smitty. Listen to me. You will stick to the role you promised and let this job idea go. Am I understood? Yeah. You are. Well, if Dani’s willing to call a truce, I could have a real chance at being accepted here in Fairmont Crest. [sighs] Expecting peace from Dani is a fantasy that will never be realized, babe. Maybe it will. Please, give it a chance. Even if it doesn’t have a chance in hell of working? Bill… All right. [chuckles] I’ll do anything for you. [laughter] I was a wreck when I realized that baby was coming but the elevator wasn’t. Oh, man. But Ashley? Total pro. She didn’t even flinch.
She knew exactly what to do. Oh, I flinched. And I didn’t have a clue. No one could tell. [exhales] Sounds terrifying. I thought I was going to lose it. But Andre kept his cool. He said all the right things. He made sure we were both calm and focused. You saved the day. I’m sure you could have managed just fine without the towel.
JACOB: Okay. I still can’t get over the fact that Alex named her daughter after us.
DEREK: Whenever anyone asks where that child got the name “Ashley Andrea,” she’s gonna have hell of a story to tell.
NAOMI: Yeah.
Ashley and I and that baby will always have that link. Well, not much of one, right? It’s not like y’all are gonna be spending too much time together in the future. Well, I don’t know about that. Miracles always leave some kind of mark.
Yeah, I guess.
Let’s-let’s drink to that.
Cheers. This is my brilliant plastic surgeon husband, Dr. Ted… [door opens] This is getting to be a habit. Well, this has been fun, but I really should be going. So soon? Why? What did you have in mind? Um, my place. I thought you’d never ask. [pop song playing] Hey, honey. Chelsea, this is my wife, Allison. I’ve been dying to meet you. I don’t know. Something just came over me. Like, I-I can’t even remember how I did it. I think just– adrenaline just told me what to do.
It had to.
DEREK: That’s scary, right?
I got a thing, so… Oh, okay.
Thanks for joining us.
Hey, thanks for the drink.
Sure thing. We’ll do it again sometime.
Good to see you, Naomi.
You too, Andre. Ashley. See you around. Don’t deliver any babies without me. [soft laughter] Want another drink? Um… I think I’m ready for home.
Then I am, too.
Night, guys.
Oh. Good night.
Thanks for making this happen tonight.
DEREK: Yes. Here we go.
Wow. Well, see you soon.
Thanks, babe. Mm-hmm. Seems like everyone has someplace they can’t wait to be. So do we. We just can’t get there for a few more hours. [groans] Have I told you lately how lucky I am to have you in my life? I was thinking the exact same thing. And if we ever forget that… We won’t. All right? We won’t let that happen. I promise. Come on. I want to thank you for being there for me, Caroline. Maybe I can take you out to a nice lunch at the country club to show my gratitude? [Hayley laughs] Yes. Okay. Yes, we will take an extended lunch hour. I’ll clear it over with the boss. Ooh, yeah, I’d like that, too. Pick a date. Uh-huh. Dani? No more worries there. All right. Bye. ♪ ♪ ♪ You got me like a heart attack♪ ♪ Diggin’ ya soul♪ ♪ I think about you all the time♪ ♪ Making it known♪ ♪ It’s seriously something, babe♪ ♪ Holding you back♪ ♪ I’m waiting on yo other line♪ ♪ But can’t wait for too long♪ ♪ I like this so far♪ ♪ I want you around♪ ♪ It’s only one thing, eh♪ ♪ That’s keeping us down♪ ♪ You keeping your cool, huh♪ ♪ I’m high on you now♪ ♪ Just tell me one thing, what♪ ♪ This zone is about♪ ♪ Darling, don’t you lead me on♪ ♪ Darling, don’t you lead me wrong♪ ♪ Call me when you need me home♪ ♪ I wantcha, I need you in my space♪ ♪ Tell me when the timing’s off♪ ♪ Tell me when you feel it strong♪ ♪ Honey, if you need me gone♪ ♪ If so, hey, I’ll see you round my way♪
♪ Ya poppa was a rolling stone♪
♪ But I can dig that♪
♪ Ya mama was controller-prone♪
♪ Like I could fix that♪ ♪ The habits always hard to break♪ ♪ I feel a mismatch♪ ♪ The last one was hard to take♪ ♪ So this ya get back♪
♪ You never really let me in♪
♪ I wanna be down♪
♪ So I settle for you as a friend♪
♪ Could be your rebound♪ ♪ And I don’t want to try to pressure it…♪ I object.
Dani, no!
[guests screaming] ♪ ♪ [sighs] I need to see you right away.
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