Days Update Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Leo goes over the Body and Soul script as he walks through the town square and runs in to Hattie, who questions if he’s going somewhere. Leo responds that he’s going to work. Hattie remarks that’s because he has a job, unlike her. Hattie declares that thanks to Leo, she’s out on her ass.

Abe and Kate go to the Body and Soul studio where they find a fruit basket. Bonnie arrives and reveals it’s from her as a thank you for saving her life as she hugs them.

At the hospital, Seth Burns talks to Kayla about having doubts about filming Body and Soul at the hospital but admits it’s been a fun experience so far. Kayla says she thought it would be good for the hospital. Seth reveals that he thinks he’s been bitten by the acting bug.

Johnny has a nightmare about Alex coming to make love to Chanel as he yells at them to stop. Johnny then wakes up in a panic, causing Chanel to ask him what’s wrong.

Stephanie sits at home, on the phone with Jada and says she’s so happy that Rafe is home. Jada asks about her and Alex, but Stephanie says there’s nothing to report as she didn’t even see him on set yesterday. Stephanie repeats that her and Alex are just friends and she’s totally fine with that, as Alex then shows up at her door without a shirt on. Stephanie tells Jada they’ll talk soon as she hangs up. Alex says he’s sorry as he didn’t mean to interrupt but Stephanie says it’s okay and invites him in. She tells him that Jada was just updating her on Rafe being home from the hospital which Alex says is great news. Stephanie asks what brought him by. Alex says he brought her a pumpkin spice latte as he knows how much they both like their morning caffeine. Alex talks about how he hit the gym this morning to work out some of his nerves as he’s shooting the big love scene with Chanel today.

Chanel brings Johnny a glass of water and questions him yelling “stop it” in his sleep, assuming he had a bad dream which he confirms. Chanel asks if he wants to tell her about it. Johnny says not really but Chanel insists, so he admits it was about her and Alex. Chanel tells him she’s so sorry but guesses it makes sense since Johnny is going to be directing their love scene today. Johnny knows she’s been upset with his jealousy issues but he also knows that he can’t let his irrational feelings get in the way of him doing his job. Johnny admits seeing them together like at the photoshoot brings back images of them actually together for real. Chanel asks him to try to believe her as she tells him one last time that she has no feelings for Alex and the time they were together with Allie was in the past and she never thinks about that anymore, insisting they are just co-workers and friends now. Johnny questions them being friends.

Hattie thought she and Leo were friends. Leo argues that they still are and he knows she’s upset. Hattie complains about Leo writing her out of the show that she was starring in, arguing that it was going to get her a daytime Emmy. Leo argues that he didn’t write her out since the producers make those decisions. Leo says he would’ve loved to have seen her character Charlemagne remain on the show. Hattie complains about having no notice at all. Leo insists that it wasn’t his call and he wanted to tell her, so Hattie questions why he didn’t. Leo informs her that Abe and Kate were worried that she would leave without filming her scenes if she knew she was going to get fired and then they’d all be out of work. Hattie responds that she kind of likes the sound of that.

Bonnie praises Abe and Kate for saving her character Cassandra’s life and how she feels like she’s a part of her now. Bonnie asks if all of Charlemagne’s stuff will be up for grabs now like her clothes and her mansion or her grief stricken husband. Bonnie wonders if she should pitch it to Leo. Kate stops her and says none of that will be happening. Kate reminds her that Body and Soul is an ensemble production, so when Hattie didn’t respect that, they had no choice but to send her to soap opera Heaven. Kate remarks that she’s sure Charlemagne would love to have Cassandra join here there. Bonnie gets that Body and Soul isn’t a one star vehicle and apologizes for going overboard. Abe tells her it’s okay and reminds her that Body and Soul has no stars as they all work together in harmony and humility. Bonnie assures she would never want to be like Hattie. Bonnie asks if she could get a raise with Hattie being gone, then quickly says maybe not. Bonnie decides she will leave them to their work and hurries out.

Seth informs Kayla that he was written in to another scene for today as the producers were apparently impressed by his previous performance. Kayla calls him a man of many talents. Seth says he won’t give up his day job yet, but asks Kayla to let the Body and Soul producers know that he wouldn’t be averse to a romantic interest or a love scene.

Stephanie thought Alex was talking to Kate about putting the love scene off. Alex says they did but apparently too many actors asked for script changes that Kate didn’t want Leo for more rewrites, so the scene couldn’t be postponed. Alex says he’s disappointed in it happening too soon and rushing the whole story. Stephanie asks how Alex feels about acting with Chanel since they don’t seem to get along. Alex says it’s not much of an issue anymore as they called a truce and agreed to try to start fresh. Stephanie calls that very mature of them. Alex says now that the huge love scene is happening today, he’s praying they can get through it without any problems. Stephanie is sure it will be fine since Alex and Chanel worked things out, but questions how Johnny feels about it.

Johnny thought Chanel and Alex couldn’t stand each other and questions them suddenly now being friends. Chanel asks what’s so shocking about that since they obviously have to work together, so they decided it would be a little less awkward if they just got along. Johnny agrees that the less backstage drama, the better. Chanel feels there will be enough drama on screen. Johnny decides they should get going so they aren’t late for rehearsals. Chanel mentions her and Alex running the hospital scenes. Johnny didn’t realize Chanel had hospital scenes which she explains. Johnny then mentions needing to get to the set anyways since they are filming Charlemagne’s death scenes which he feels will be a little tricky.

Hattie calls Leo an accomplice after the fact of getting her character killed off. Leo questions how that is. Hattie feels tricked and duped because she thought Bonnie was being killed off. Leo explains that he thought it would be more of a shock to the audience which means bigger ratings. Hattie calls that clever of him but also hurtful, arguing that he killed her off before she even had a week under contract. Hattie thought she would get a daytime Emmy nomination or a fan club started. Hattie starts to cry. Leo tells her that he’s really sorry and he hates that things turned out this way. Leo tries to encourage her but brings up that Roman said it’s show business not friendship, so he really hopes they can still hang out but Hattie says no. Hattie tells Leo that if he sees her coming down the street, she wants him to go the other way or else she will end him. Hattie then storms off.

Alex tells Stephanie that he’s hoping Johnny will be cool with directing his love scene with Chanel. Alex mentions that he suggested getting another director but Johnny wants to prove he’s professional. Stephanie hopes it all works out. Alex says he should go get cleaned up and jokes about not making Chanel work so hard to pretend to be attracted to him. Stephanie offers Alex a ride to the set to thank him for the latte. Alex accepts and says he’ll be back in a bit as he needs to shower. After he leaves, Stephanie remarks to herself that she could use a cold shower.

Leo goes to the studio and tells Kate that he’s feeling like a bad friend and rotten person in general. Kate asks what he’s upset about. Leo informs her that he ran in to Hattie, who blames him for killing her off. Leo says Hattie is holding a grudge and be spiteful and vindictive, mentioning that Hattie warned him to watch out. Kate is sure at some point, she will calm down. Leo says maybe when they are all killed off in real life. Kate encourages that it will be sooner than that. Kate then informs him that they are about to film her death scene and asks if he wants to watch it on the monitor which Leo declines.

Johnny prepares to begin directing at the hospital and sees Abe, noting that he wasn’t expecting to see him on set. Abe explains that he thought it would be good to have one of the producers on set for Hattie’s death scene just in case which Johnny says is a good call. Johnny begins directing Seth and Bonnie, then calls out for Charlemagne but Hattie is not there. Abe wonders where she is.

Chanel sits in the park holding her back in pain. Kayla finds her and asks if she’s alright. Chanel responds that she thinks she threw her back out. Kayla offers to check her out and asks what happened. Chanel explains that she was going to the hospital with Johnny but she had time before rehearsing with Alex, so she went to the Bakery and on her way back through the park, she stopped to tie her shoe and had a nasty pain in her back. Kayla thinks she might have pulled a muscle. Chanel says she has to get to set for her big scene with Alex but Kayla encourages her to rest a little bit as she still has time before the scene.

Stephanie and Alex arrive at the hospital. Alex thanks her for the ride and says he’ll get extra rehearsal time with Chanel. Stephanie says she will go check the shooting but Alex gets a text from Chanel that she’s running late. Alex says he hoped to get in some practice, so he asks Stephanie to run some lines with him which she agrees to do. Seth comes in and asks if they have seen Hattie but they have not.

Abe asks Johnny if Hattie could’ve just left. Bonnie calls it unprofessional. Seth returns and says Hattie is not in her dressing room and no one has seen her. Abe says he was afraid of that and asks how they are going to shoot Hattie’s death without Hattie. Hattie then arrives, complaining that the hospital is like a maze. Johnny then says they will get started. Bonnie tells Hattie to stop looking at her like that as it’s not like she asked them to kill her off, even though Hattie was thrilled when Cassandra was getting killed off. Hattie just wants to get the show going.

Kate tells Leo that the scenes being shot today were really well written. Leo says as bad as Hattie feels about being killed off and as rotten as he feels, she’s going out with a bang. Leo talks about knowing he had to come up with a fitting ending, but they were pressed for time, so he remembered how they killed off a very memorable character on LA Law.

Johnny directs Bonnie and Hattie at the hospital as Cassandra and Charlemagne where they talk about wishing each other dead but wanting to start clean, so they agree to a truce and shake hands. Johnny then directs Hattie to push the button to the elevator.

Leo explains to Kate how Rosalind Shays was killed off on LA Law by falling down an elevator shaft.

Johnny directs Hattie to wave, turn, and step on to the elevator but she hesitates.

Kayla asks Chanel if she’s feeling better. Chanel says not really but she doesn’t want to hold up production so she needs to get to the hospital. Kayla agrees but decides she’s taking her to the emergency room, not the set. Chanel worries about her scenes with Alex but Kayla says that can wait as they walk off together.

Alex rehearses lines with Stephanie where Alex’s character talks about not squandering a second of time when you find the person you love. Alex then kisses Stephanie, who comments that this is going to be some love scene as they kiss onto the hospital bed.

Johnny directs Hattie to get on to the elevator but she says she can’t because there’s no elevator to get on to. Johnny says that’s the point as she’s supposed to fall down the shaft. Hattie argues that it’s easy for him to say since he’s not the one doing it. Abe encourages that it’s only three feet deep and she will fall on an air mattress. Hattie says that’s not it and declares that she doesn’t want to die.

Kate tells Leo that she thought she remembered the elevator shaft. Leo says there was a 90s sitcom that paid homage to that where the actor didn’t want to get on the elevator because he knew he was getting killed off, just like Hattie.

Johnny encourages Hattie that she can do this as she’s a professional actor. Hattie agrees, so Johnny calls to restart the scene. Hattie as Charlemagne tries inviting Bonnie as Cassandra to come with her but she points out that she’s on an IV. Hattie tries telling Seth to get on the elevator but he says he has to monitor Cassandra, so the elevator is just for her. Johnny directs Hattie again to get on the elevator now but Hattie turns to him and refuses to do it. Hattie declares that they can kill off her character if that’s what they want as she can’t stop them, but she will not help them do it. Hattie then walks off set.

Leo runs in to Bonnie in the town square. Leo asks how it went on set. Bonnie informs him that Hattie refused to do the stunt. Leo questions how they ended the scene then. Bonnie says they didn’t and had to end early because Hattie stormed off set.

Abe returns to Kate in the studio and tells her about Hattie storming off set. Kate asks what they are going to do. Hattie arrives and calls them her favorite backstabbers. Kate warns her that she won’t get paid for breaking contract. Hattie tells her to keep the money and calls them traitors, adding that she thinks she’s going to leave town. Hattie declares that they are going to regret the day they crossed her and she’s going to make sure they pay for it. Hattie vows to make sure they are cursed along with everyone involved with the show. Hattie remarks that she’ll make sure Body and Soul’s fictional town of Pineview goes up in flames as she storms out.

Kayla checks Chanel out at the hospital as Chanel says it’s like they’re cursed. Chanel asks Kayla to help her over to the set but Kayla says no one would expect her to do her scenes in this condition, so she will let Abe and Kate know that she’s calling in sick and will be much better tomorrow. Chanel worries about her scene with Alex but Kayla repeats it will have to wait and says she’s sorry but there will be no love scene today.

Johnny goes to the hospital room set but Seth stops him outside and advises him not to go in as he tells him that Faith and Arrow are inside and at first, he thought they were just rehearsing but then he realized they were in a steamy love scene for real. Seth walks away, leaving Johnny in disbelief.

Alex and Stephanie have sex on the hospital bed as Johnny walks in, assuming that it’s Alex and Chanel.

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