GH Short Recap Friday, September 6, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Carly and Josslyn have a long talk because Josslyn is upset that Carly is once again sacrificing herself for Sonny by giving him an alibi. Carly denies that she is giving Sonny an alibi. She tells Josslyn that she and Sonny had a one-night-stand but Josslyn knows her mother too well to believe that story. Josslyn tells Carly she is scared she will have to live life without her because of her loyalty to Sonny. Carly promises Josslyn that she won’t lose her.

Ric persuades Elizabeth to go to the police and tell Chase that they saw Alexis throw a gun into the river while standing on the footbridge.

Sonny asks Jason to get rid of the gun and bullet casings from the gun he used to kill John Cates. Sonny is more worried about the registered nine-millimeter gun that is missing from his lockbox. Sonny asks Jason to find his missing gun.

Dex spends his first shift after graduating from the police academy with Anna executing a search warrant in Sonny’s apartment. Dex gives Anna Sonny’s lockbox and Sonny opens the box in front of Anna. Anna notices that one of Sonny ‘s guns is missing and Sonny tells Anna that he didn’t know his gun was missing.

Holly tells Lucky that she is running a con on his captor whose name is James Sidwell. Holly tells Lucky she needs to get something from James ‘s safe. Holly doesn’t want Lucky to mess up her plan.

Sidwell plays poker with Lucky again and tells him Isiah Cannon will soon be dead. The guy Sidwell sent to kill Isiah sneaks into his hospital room. Dante discovers that the phone that John Doe had with him was bought at an airport in Africa which is where Laura thinks Lucky might be.

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