GH Short Recap Thursday, August 22, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Lois makes her first appearance on Home and Heart to promote Deception’s latest cream The Deceiver. Lois gets stage fright when she hears one of the Home and Heart makeup artists talking about how annoying her Brooklyn accent is and saying someone with such an annoying accent shouldn’t be on TV. Brook Lynn calms her mother down and she does a good presentation until a customer calls into the show and advises Lois to lose her accent.

Sonny advises Ava to accept his protection because John Cates wants to kill her. Ava refuses to go anywhere with Sonny. A short while later John arrives to put Ava in FBI protective custody.

Molly and TJ’s friends and family gather together to grieve at baby Irene Marie’s funeral. Dante gets a call from Laura about Lulu and he doesn’t go to the graveside service with his family. Ric arrives to be there for Molly as she grieves baby Irene Marie. Molly gets upset with Kristina at baby Irene’s graveside because she hears Kristina say goodbye to the baby but she calls the baby Adela instead of Irene. Molly cries and tells Kristina that her daughter wouldn’t be dead if she hadn’t gone to Ava’s hotel room because she wanted to protect Sonny. Molly tells Kristina hat the death of baby Irene is her fault.

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