GH Short Recap Thursday, August 15, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

The ladies of Deception have a meeting about whether they should accept Sonny’s offer to invest in the company. Natalia promises to do a detailed audit of Corinthos coffee and, if she finds anything suspicious in the books, she will cancel the deal herself. Natallia’s assurance that she will cancel the deal persuades the ladies to let Sonny invest except for Tracy, who thinks if they accept Sonny’s investment, it will be the end of Deception and they will all end up in prison.

Willow talks to Nina about the fact that her feelings for Drew have grown since she and Drew kissed on the 4th of July. Willow tells Nina she has to put some distance between her and Drew to assure things between her and Drew won’t go too far. Willow and Nina are unaware that James is hiding nearby and accidently heard their conversation.

Maxie, Spinelli, Cody, and Sasha split up and look for James all over the large Quartermaine estate.

Felicia and Mac stay at the stables. Mac and Felicia have a long talk. Felicia reminds Mac that when he first came to Port Charles he was a lot like Cody until people in town gave him a chance and he changed and became the good honest man he is today. Felicia thinks Mac should give his son the same chance to change.

James is at the Quartermaine docks when he falls in the harbor reaching for something he dropped in the water. James calls for help as he comes up for air twice. Cody hears James and dives in the water to rescue him. James thanks Cody for getting him out of the water as Mac walks by and sees them hugging.

Brick tells Jason that the hospital security cameras show John Cates escorting the hospital pharmacist out of the hospital. Sonny tells Brick to have men follow Ava and John. Ava persuades John to tell Scott his plan of how he intends to put Sonny in prison. Scott wants to help with the plan and offers to pick up the pharmacist from the location where John is hiding him and move him to Wyndamere.

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