Days Update Friday, July 26, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

In the town square, Holly tells Nicole there’s no way she’s moving to Paris, arguing that her friends and her entire life are here in Salem. Nicole knows it’s a lot to take in and a big adjustment, but says it’s very important that they leave Salem because EJ is vowing to make life Hell for her and Eric, so if they stay, that’s exactly what he will do.

Eric brings Jude to the Brady Pub where he greets Justin. Eric tells Justin that he heard about the wedding and he’s sorry. Justin calls it definitely life changing that thanks to Theresa, he spent the past year thinking Victor lied to him and Alex wasn’t his son but he’s thankful it turned out to be one big, terrible lie.

Brady tells Alex that he can’t say he’s shocked that Theresa took off because it’s what she does in making a mess, then leaving everyone else to clean it up. Brady wouldn’t be surprised if Theresa got the hell out of dodge for good, but Theresa then walks in and tells Brady he’s wrong. Brady says he stands corrected. Alex questions why she isn’t gone. Theresa admits she considered fleeing town and went all the way to the airport gate, but she realized she couldn’t do it. Theresa declares that she had to come back and take responsibility for what she’s done.

Xander goes home to find Maggie which he says he didn’t expect. Maggie explains that Sarah asked her to watch Victoria. Xander questions where Sarah is as he thought she had the day off and they were going to plan their honeymoon. Maggie says she doesn’t know and that Sarah just said she had to take care of something and didn’t say when she would be back. Maggie notes that Xander seems anxious and asks if there’s something else. Xander responds that there’s something he needs to tell Sarah and it affects Maggie too.

At the Salem Inn, Sarah questions Fiona being unsure that Xander should be getting married at all. Fiona says that Xander just found out he’s Victor’s son and heir to his fortune, so he needs to make sense of all that before he can settle down. Sarah questions if Fiona thinks she’s after his money. Fiona says she didn’t mean to imply that she’s some kind of gold digger like Theresa. Sarah question why she objects to Xander getting married then. Fiona doesn’t think Xander should be making major life decisions right now when he has so much to process. Sarah tells her that she and Xander have been in love for years and have a beautiful daughter. Sarah says she and Victoria provide Xander with stability that he needs. Fiona says it’s nothing personal and that she’s just trying to look after her son’s best interests. Sarah questions Fiona being so protective and full of motherly advice after all this time. Fiona knows she has no right to act like his mother since she lied to him and abandoned him. Sarah knows Fiona had a drinking problem but questions why she was completely out of Xander’s life for all that time. Fiona calls it a long story. Sarah says she has time and she’d really like to hear it.

Maggie tells Xander that she can’t believe that Theresa kidnapped Victoria. Xander says she didn’t admit to it but it all adds up. Xander adds that Theresa did tell him that he can’t prove anything which is criminal code for she did it. Xander mentions trying to drag her to the police station but she wouldn’t go. Maggie asks if she got away then. Xander informs her that he went straight to EJ to put a warrant out for Theresa’s arrest.

Alex asks what Theresa’s angle is this time. Theresa tells him there is no angle as she got to the airport gate and was ready to board, but she just realized she couldn’t run away again so she had to come back and explain herself to him. Alex screams at her that she destroyed his life and calls her sick for making him believe he was Victor’s son and that he inherited a fortune. Alex yells that he doesn’t even know who he is anymore, so he questions what possible explanation she has for what she put him through. Theresa cries that she knows what she’s done to him, but she thought she was doing him a favor.

Justin tells Eric that it’s been one long crazy turn of events raising Alex as his son and then thinking he was Victor’s son, but learning he was his son after all. Justin says he and Eric have both really been through it, bringing up EJ trying to keep Eric from his child so he wouldn’t lose Nicole and calls that terrible. Justin says at least it’s all over now but Eric says not quite yet as EJ has been causing problems for he and Nicole. Eric then realizes that Justin may be able to help him.

Holly asks Nicole if she’s just going to let EJ run her out of town. Nicole complains that EJ was threatening their whole family. Holly questions how he’s going to hurt her. Nicole says that she and Eric just think it’s better if they leave and get out of EJ’s crosshairs. Nicole feels that after everything that’s happened, it would be best for them to have a fresh start. Holly responds that she gets that it would be good for Nicole and Eric, so she supports it, but she’s not leaving and she’s staying right here.

Justin asks Eric how he can help. Eric reminds Justin that EJ was his divorce attorney and suggested he do a publication divorce since Sloan was on the run. Justin says he didn’t steer him wrong there. Justin tells Eric that he’d be happy to take his case and will get him divorced in no time. Eric thanks him and says he really appreciates it but he wishes Nicole’s divorce could be that easy.

Nicole tells Holly that she can’t stand the idea of them living apart. Nicole knows she might not need her mom around but says she needs Holly around. Holly says she doesn’t want to live apart either but points out that they knew she was going away to college in a year. Nicole says that’s still another year she would have her close to her. Holly argues that they can video chat every night but she needs to be in Salem for prom, homecoming, and graduation. Nicole argues that they have those in Paris while Holly argues that she doesn’t know anybody there and needs to have those experiences here with her friends. Nicole guesses by friends, she means Tate.

Alex asks Theresa how upending his life was doing him a favor. Theresa talks about reading through Victor’s will and thinking it was so unfair that Xander was going to come in to all this money. Theresa argues that Xander didn’t deserve it but Alex did because he’s a good, decent man, so she thought he deserved the inheritance. Brady points out that was not for Theresa to decide. Alex declares that Theresa was not thinking about him, but herself as always. Theresa cries that in her mind, they were both getting what they wanted and says she never wanted him to get hurt. Alex tells her not to pretend to care about his feelings. Theresa tries to say she does care about him and that she loves him. Alex shouts that Theresa doesn’t know love and calls her a con that came after him for money. Alex declares that he does not want to see or hear from Theresa ever again. Alex adds that he will be getting an annulment immediately, so it will be like their marriage never happened and he wishes he could say the same about their entire relationship. Alex then walks out of the room, leaving Theresa in tears as Brady comments on that going well.

Maggie tells Xander that it’s unbelievable that Theresa was a kidnapper on top of everything else. Xander vows that she won’t get away with it. Maggie talks about Theresa playing God with so many people’s lives and knowing that Xander was Victor’s son but never saying a word. Xander remarks that at least his mom had the guts to tell him while Victor only told him after death. Maggie states that she knows he’s hurt but insists that Victor said in his will that he planned to tell Xander when he got back from Greece. Xander feels that still doesn’t change the fact that Victor treated him like dirt for his whole life and questions how he could do that to his own son.

After Fiona finishes telling her story to Sarah, Sarah tells her that she’s sorry as she didn’t know and points out that Xander doesn’t know any of it. Sarah encourages Fiona to tell him. Fiona feels Xander won’t want to hear from her but Sarah thinks he will. Fiona says she knows she has no right to ask, but says maybe he would listen if it came from Sarah.

Maggie wishes she could give Xander some concrete answers or explain away all the years of cruelty. Maggie acknowledges that Victor was very hard on him but she thinks it’s because he reminded Victor so much of himself. Xander jokes that it turns out people were right all these years when they called him a bastard. Maggie suggests it could be another reason that Victor was so hard on him and his own feelings about betraying his own brother. Xander says all he ever wanted was for Victor to be proud of and respect him. Xander wanted Victor to know that getting him out of his legal problems wasn’t a mistake. Xander complains that Brady and Philip were Victor’s golden boys and he was nothing more than the black sheep of the family. Maggie won’t condone what Victor did, but says she’s certain that Victor loved him and asks why else he would give half his fortune to him. Xander calls it guilt but Maggie believes that Victor was finally trying to make things right. Xander asks if she really thinks Victor loved him. Maggie says yes, just like she does. Maggie declares that she can’t wait to be his mother in law again as she hugs him. Sarah comes in and says she’s sorry to interrupt. Xander tells her that they were just talking about Victor. Maggie says she should get going. Sarah thanks her for watching Victoria. Xander thanks her for everything as they hug. Maggie then exits. Xander then asks where Sarah has been. Sarah responds that while Xander was with her mom, she was with his.

Fiona pours a drink in her room and declares that Xander needs to understand, so she hopes that Sarah can get through to him.

Eric tells Justin about the idea of he and Nicole leaving town in hopes that EJ would lose interest. Justin says he would hate to see them go, but he certainly understands why they feel the need to. Justin asks if he’d like him to see what he can do to push through Nicole’s divorce. Eric says that Nicole’s lawyer is already working on it. Eric then tells Justin that he should go get packing. Justin wishes Eric the best of luck with his new life and family. Eric says he’ll be in touch as he heads to his room with Jude. As Justin sits back down, Alex arrives at the Pub and greets him. Alex says he got Justin’s text that he would be there if he wanted to talk. Justin is glad he came and knows that he has a lot on his mind. Alex responds that what he’s been thinking the most is that he owes Justin an apology.

Theresa supposes that Brady hates her as much as Alex does now. Brady responds that he doesn’t hate her but he’s so disappointed in her and he’s really concerned about how this will affect their son when Tate finds out that she screwed their family and was working with the man who killed his great grandfather. Theresa cries that Brady has to believe her when she tells him that when she met Konstantin in Greece, she thought he was just after some money that he thought Victor owed him and if she knew he was a psychopath, she never would’ve accepted his help in forging the letter or worked with him in the first place. Brady argues that what she’s saying is that if she knew Konstantin was a killer, she would’ve found another way to defraud the family. Theresa knows she’s really screwed up and she’s been reckless and dishonest. Theresa cries that she’s been living with that guilt for such a long time. Brady points out that it didn’t stop her from going ahead with her plan to screw Xander and getting herself a rich husband that she created. Theresa admits she went to some extremes and tells Brady that she did it because of him.

Holly tells Nicole that Tate’s parents sent him away to lacrosse camp so he’s not even here for the summer. Holly talks about growing up with Sophia and all her other friends so she wants to enjoy their final year together at Salem High. Holly adds that she gets that EJ is being a jerk and it’s probably best for Eric and Nicole to leave, but says that’s their drama and questions why she should have to suffer because of it. Nicole admits that she sees her point, but questions where Holly will live if she, Eric, and Jude move to Paris. Maggie then appears and suggests Holly live with her. Nicole explains to Maggie that in order to get out of EJ’s warpath, she and Eric have decided to move to Paris. Holly explains that she’s trying to convince Nicole not to uproot her away from her friends right before her senior year. Maggie says as long as it’s okay with Nicole, she would love to have Holly stay with her. Holly excitedly hugs Maggie and says she’s saving her life. Holly tells Nicole it’s the perfect solution since Maggie will look after her but then realizes that Theresa lives there and that Theresa hates her guts. Maggie responds that she doubts that will be an issue.

Brady questions Theresa creating a fake Kiriakis heir for his money to squander his wealth and saying it’s because of him. Theresa explains that when she came back to town for Victor’s funeral, she made it very clear that she wanted to be with Brady but he rejected her over and over and over again, so she took the cynical route and chose money and security over love. Theresa asks why it mattered since Brady didn’t want her. Brady calls it sad and very painful for him to admit that he’s realized recently that he did want her. Brady explains that he rejected her at first because he was in complete denial about his feelings for her and when they hooked up a month ago, he thought this was their shot but instead of figuring it out together, she just jumped ship immediately. Theresa tells Brady that he has no idea how much she wanted to be with him. Theresa says they hurt each other so much in the past that she didn’t want to get hurt again. Theresa wants Brady to know that she still loves him and she always will.

Justin tells Alex that what happened wasn’t his fault and that Theresa is the only one to blame. Alex acknowledges that Justin tried to warn him and he thought he knew better because he convinced himself he was Victor’s son and he was just like him, but he really just acted like a pompous ass. Alex admits it went to his head that Victor left him in charge and he was so caught up in thinking he was Victor’s son that he forgot all about the man who actually raised him, who he always looked up to. Alex adds that he and Justin said that nothing would change between them, but he screwed that all up and he’s so damn sorry. Alex hopes that Justin can forgive him. Justin says only if Alex can forgive him.

Fiona continues drinking in her room and checks her phone.

Xander asks Sarah why she went to see his mom. Sarah says she wanted Fiona to know that whenever they reschedule their wedding, she’s still invited. Xander questions why he’d want her there when she basically lied to him for his entire life. Sarah states that there were circumstances like her drinking problem. Xander questions that being an excuse and feels that should help her tel the truth. Xander argues that Fiona had multiple chance over the years to tell him and when he did really need her, she totally abandoned him. Sarah then reveals that Fiona did not willingly abandon him and explains that Fiona disappeared for years because she had a nervous breakdown and was committed to an institution. Xander questions Fiona telling her that. Sarah confirms that Fiona said she was there for a few years and worked really hard to get sober, then when she eventually got released, Xander was gone and she couldn’t find him. Sarah says that Fiona eventually learned taht Victor put him to work, so she thought he’d be better off and backed off. Sarah adds that Fiona didn’t entirely love the idea of Xander getting close to Victor since he loved Titus as his father and she didn’t want that underminded by the truth. Xander argues that she should’ve known he could’ve handled it. Sarah says that Fiona thought she was doing what’s best for him. Xander questions considering this when he has no reason to believe a word Fiona says. Sarah understands she doesn’t want to trust her but insists that Fiona did seem sincere.

Fiona sends a text message and says she hopes that does the trick.

Alex questions Justin wanting him to forgive him when he’s been a saint through the whole process. Justin disagrees and says he was angry with Victor and Anjelika which he took out on Alex when he should’ve been more patient and understanding. Alex acknowledges that Justin tried to be there for him but he wasn’t having it and he knows how much that must have hurt him. Justin understands that Alex was going through a lot but he couldn’t understand how Victor could lie to him all those years, but now it all makes sense that he didn’t. Justin says it’s like a huge weight has been lifted and now that they know the truth, he hopes they can start to rebuild their relationship. Alex still thinks his behavior pales in comparison to his. They agree to forgive each other.

Theresa tells Brady that if she could go back in time and listen to her heart, maybe they would be together now. Brady guesses they will never know. Theresa cries that she’s so sorry. Brady says he is too. Brady adds that as much as he does still love her and probably always will, this is just another sign that they weren’t meant to be. Brady says goodbye to Theresa and then exits. Theresa holds back tears as she looks up at the portrait of Victor and declares that she really screwed things up. Maggie walks in and agrees that she did. Theresa tells Maggie that she’s glad she’s there because she wants to apologize to her even though she knows what she did was so terrible and that Maggie has no reason to forgive her. Theresa tells Maggie that she never should’ve let Konstantin go after her money and swears that she didn’t know he planned to kill her or that he was that dangerous. Maggie responds that Theresa is pretty dangerous herself, since she helped him kidnap her granddaughter.

Holly tells Nicole that she can’t believe Tate’s mom did all those horrible things. Nicole remarks that maybe it’s a good thing that Tate is away for the summer. Nicole tells Holly that she hates the idea of moving to Paris and leaving her behind but she likes the idea of Maggie looking after her. Nicole and Holly say how much they will miss each other. Holly tells Nicole that she and Eric deserve a chance to be happy together. Nicole decides she needs to go tell Eric that only three of them are going. Nicole tells Holly that she will see her tonight to say their goodbyes as they hug. Nicole then heads to the Brady Pub and to Eric’s room. Eric asks how it went with Holly. Nicole informs him that it wasn’t great since Holly doesn’t want to go to Paris with them and miss her senior year with her friends. Nicole says she understands but it breaks her heart. Eric asks what they are going to do and where Holly will live. Nicole informs him that Maggie offered to take her in. Eric asks how Nicole feels about that. Nicole admits that she’s heartbroken and will miss Holly like crazy, but she knows she needs to respect what Holly wants. Nicole wants to think maybe Holly would change her mind or they would eventually move back but she doesn’t know with EJ being so determined to cause them problems. Eric mentions running in to Justin, who said he could help them with at least one of their problems.

Alex tells Justin that they are good again which makes him very happy. Alex declares that now that they are father and son again, he guesses it’s time for him to start putting the rest of the pieces of his life back together again, starting with emptying his office out at Titan. Alex assumes Xander will take over that position so he’ll have to find another job. Justin suggests maybe Xander will keep him on in some capacity. Alex doubts that and guesses he will also have to figure out how to give back Victor’s money too. Justin says he will help him with that and anything else he needs. Alex thanks him and tells him that he loves him. Justin says he loves him too as they hug.

Sarah tells Xander that she’s sorry if she overstepped but she does think now that the truth is out, he and Fiona could repair their relationship. Xander thanks her and appreciates her trying but feels it will take a lot for him to trust Fiona again. Xander decides it’s fine if she wants to come to the wedding. Sarah thanks him for being willing to try. Sarah understands how difficult it would be for him to trust anyone after everything Theresa put him through. Xander responds that she doesn’t know the half of it as Theresa didn’t just pull off an identity switch, she did something horrendous to both of them.

Theresa guesses Maggie spoke to Xander, which she confirms. Theresa insists that she didn’t want to help Konstantin kidnap Victoria but she was so in over her head that she didn’t have a choice. Maggie says that’s because she didn’t want him to expose her own nefarious plot. Theresa assures that Victoria was never in any danger. Maggie says even so, what she did was reprehensible. Theresa cries that she knows and that Maggie was so good to her, but this is how she repays her. Theresa understands if forgiveness is out of the question, but says she needs to ask Maggie for help one last time. Maggie says she can’t be serious. Theresa pleads with her to drive her to the police station so she can do the right thing for once and turn herself in. Theresa asks Maggie to come with her so she doesn’t change her mind.

Brady shows up at Fiona’s room at the Salem Inn and says he got her text and he could absolutely use a drink. Brady comes in and they toast to Hell with it as they each take a drink.

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