GH Short Recap Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Sasha makes Cody promise not to leave town without first talking to her if he decides to leave town.

Sasha tells Felicia and Maxie that she knew that Cody was Mac’s son and she switched Cody’s hair sample with hers when Felicia ran her own test, that is why the test Felicia ran come out negative.

Ava talks to Sonny’s pharmacist and tells him to switch Sonny’s bipolar medicine for placebos or she will tell Sonny that he has been giving him a quarter of the bipolar medicine his doctor prescribed.

Willow tossed and turned all night and Michael is worried something is off with her. Michael asks Drew if he has noticed anything off with Willow. Drew tells Michael that Willow is fine and he shouldn’t worry about her. Drew tells Willow that the kiss between them shouldn’t rain their friendship or make things awkward between them because they will be so busy they will soon forget about the kiss.

Jason can’t shake the feeling that there is something strange going on with Sonny’s medication although Carly tells him that she checked and Sonny is taking his medicine. Carly tells Sonny she will testify for him at Avery’s custody hearing.

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