Days Short Recap Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Steve went to see Marlena. He let her know that he turned himself in for helping Clyde escape. Steve told her that he didn’t tell the police about John and Ava. He let her know that Jada didn’t buy that he did it alone so she might ask questions. Steve thought John would have been back from Greece by now. Marlena let him know that they haven’t talked since John left. She thought John didn’t want to come home. Marlena informed Steve that John tried to kill him before he left for Greece. He was shocked by what he heard. Stephanie went to the police station and insisted that Jada talk to Bobby. She thought Jada was the only one who could convince him to bring Everett out. Bobby hid his meds. He was happy with the way things were with Everett out of the way. Julie wanted Chad to stop looking at the video. He looked at the screen and wondered if the person was Abby. Chad wondered if she was out there somewhere. He felt like he should recognize his wife. Julie told him that Clyde wanted to drive him crazy. He thought about the night Kayla told him that Abby was gone. Chad wondered if Kayla could have missed something. Julie thought he should talk to Kayla. Marlena told Steve what happened when John tried to kill him. She felt like John was staying away because he didn’t want to hurt him. Steve thought he had to be the one to bring him home if he gets probation. He felt like everything that happened was his fault. Steve owed his life to John.

Bobby was reading when Jada showed up. He let her know that was reading the mystery she recommended. Bobby assumed Marlena or Stephanie urged her to visit him. Jada told him they were worried about him. She realized that he wasn’t responsible for the things she blamed him for. Bobby told her that he never stopped loving her and didn’t mean to hurt her. He wondered if they could get past what happened. She accepted his apology and said she cared about him. He got upset when he realized she was there for Everett. Jada reminded him that she was with Rafe now. She said Everett is host personality while Bobby is the alter ego. Bobby got offended by what she said. He told her about what he protected Everett from. She thought he should let Everett out to face the truth. Chad went to Kayla’s office. He showed her the footage of the mystery woman. She couldn’t tell if the woman was Abby or not. He wondered if it was possible that Abby could be alive. She thought it was possible. While Steve was at the penthouse, Justin called him to tell him that he had a suspended sentence and had to serve 100 hours of community service. Steve told Marlena the news, so he could go to Greece to get John. Marlena was grateful and knew John would be too. Jada thought Bobby should let Everett out and that he would always be part of him. Bobby told her that he could help solve a crime. If Everett came back, she’ll never know the truth. Jada wondered what crime he was talking about. He told her that it was a murder. Kayla talked to Chad about the people who have died and came back to life in Salem so it was possible that Abby could be alive. She said that there are drugs that could mimic death. Kayla said there was no autopsy done on Abby, but the funeral home would have embalmed her. There was one way to find out the truth. Later, Chad ran into Paulina to ask her to exhume Abby’s body.

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