Days Short Recap Thursday, July 4, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Bonnie and Justin were celebrating the holiday when she mentioned an engagement. He thought she was talking about Xander and Sarah. Alex approached them and said it was his engagement. Justin tensed up at the idea of him getting married. Alex knew Justin didn’t trust Theresa. Brady let Theresa know that he wanted to send Tate to lacrosse camp. It would put space between Tate and Holly. Tate called Holly to see if she still wanted to run away with him. She didn’t know how they would pull off running away together. He had a plan for them to get away. After she got off the phone with Tate, Holly saw Rachel staring at her. Rachel wanted to know what she was plotting with her brother. Holly told her they wanted to be together and asked her not to tell anyone. Rachel didn’t want to lie so she pulled out the phone to call Nicole, but Holly took it from her. Maggie went to see Xander. She offered him a check for his share of Victor’s estate. Maggie felt he deserved it because of the way he stepped up for the family. He appreciated the gesture, but he couldn’t accept it. Justin warned Alex to be careful when it concerned Theresa. Alex didn’t need his cousinly advice. He wanted to do what his father did and follow his gut. Justin reminded him that Victor didn’t like Theresa. Alex reminded him that Victor gave him half of his estate which meant that he trusted his instincts. Justin ordered him to make Thersa sign a prenup. Alex got defensive, but Justin wanted him to protect himself. He asked if he thought about it before. Alex flashed back to his conversation with Brady about Theresa going after him for his money. He assured Justin that he would be okay. Theresa walked in and wondered if they were talking about a prenup.

Tate looked at the lacrosse brochure when Aaron arrived at the pub. He wanted to go to a camp like that. Tate thought it was perfect because he could go in his place. No one knew what Tate looked like so he could go in his place. Tate thought colleges would come after him after going to the camp. Aaron liked the idea and accepted his offer. Holly bribed Rachel with perfume to keep her from talking about her and Tate. Brady showed up and wondered what they were talking about. He told Holly about Tate going to lacrosse camp. She pretended to be upset but said she understood. He thought they could talk about their relationship again in the fall. If they could prove themselves trustworthy, they could date in their senior year. Justin told Theresa about the prenup. Theresa told him that she loved Alex before she found out he was Victor’s son. Alex thought about Brady’s theory about Theresa. Theresa asked Alex if he trusted her. He said he did. She offered to sign the prenup to prove that she loves him. Justin asked if she wanted him to draw up the prenup. She told him to do it.

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