GH Transcript Wednesday, June 19, 2024

General Hospital Transcript


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Transcript provided by Jim


How are you always here so early? Uh, Aunt Lois always said “early is on time.” “And on time is late.” I happen to disagree, though. You know we start at 10:00. Actually, 9:55. It’s 9:50. I’m here five minutes early. What time did you get here? 9:00? No comment. Oh, my God. You got her at 9:00? Gio, that’s an hour early. 55 minutes. It’s… [ Chuckles ] I don’t understand. What — What did you even do? Just walked around, just made sure that… there were no glasses from last night, and then I swept the deck just in case. You can’t risk someone cutting their feet on broken glass. Okay, well, I don’t know if you know this yet, but I am very competitive. Dex said something about that. I’m sure. So now I’ve got to figure out a way to be a better, more conscientious employee than you. Can’t we both be conscientious employees? Well, I don’t know! Not only are you folding towels, you’re serving people drinks, you’re sweeping the floor and coming in an hour early. Look, just please don’t dive in the pool and save someone unless I’m not here, alright? If you want to show up a lifeguard, anyone else, be my guest. Don’t worry. I’ll… leave the lifeguard to you. Avery: Josslyn! Hi, you! Oh! What are you doing here? I’m taking swim lessons. I’m doing the butterfly. Oh, my goodness. Well, that might take some time. You know, that’s the hardest stroke to learn. But do you know Gio? No. Alright, well, Gio, this is Avery Corinthos. Avery, this is Giovanni, but you can call him Gio. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Avery. Hi. Let’s get you to your swim lesson.

Uncle Sonny. Gio. It’s about time we saw each other again.

[ Knocking ] Come in. Hi. Oh, hi. How are you? Thank you for seeing us. I am so sorry that I didn’t make it to your wedding. Oh, you had something important to do. No, if I knew that was the last time I’d spend with Gregory, I wouldn’t have done it. He was better off having met you. I’m the one that was better off. I’m going to miss him. We all are. I want to show you… I want to show you… what he gave me that I get to keep with me all the time. Gregory did that? Yeah. For good luck. And, uh, I’m sure that he’s gonna send it to me whenever he can, right? In between charming the angels, of course. Okay, so the reason that you’re both here. How’d it go with my brother? Not well. Can you believe how high we jumped? It felt like we were flying! [ Chuckles ] It was pretty cool. What was pretty cool? I jumped. Well, Comet did the jumping. But I was riding him while he did it. You didn’t put out oxers for that boy, did you? Now, James, what — what did you jump over? A huge tree that fell down. [ Chuckles ] It was more like Comet took a longer-than-average step over a dead sapling, but — but his hooves totally left the ground, so it counts as a jump. Up top! I am impressed. I have not worked my way up to jumping yet, but I… I think you’ve inspired me. Could you see that Hades is saddled up, please? Yeah, already done. I’ll be back in a few. I just got to get him home. Aw, really? Do I have to? [ Chuckles ] Not a fan of home? There’s so many girls there. Come on, your family’s the best. Can you let Natalia know that the proofs are back from the photographer? I think that’s it. I’ll let you know if something else comes up. Okay, thanks. Okay. I need help. With what? Which bathing suit do you like better? They are both great. Mom, you didn’t even look. Ah, yes. I remember those bathing suits because I bought them for you. My answer is unchanged. They are both great. I knew you were going to say that. Then why did you even ask me? Come on. It’s not like I’m asking you to choose between me and James. Oh, neither. Bailey is my favorite. Mom! I’m kidding. [ Groaning ] Oh… [ Laughs ] We’re going to the pool just yet. Huh? The towel? Oh, no. Um… Bailey required an unscheduled bath, and I’ll… leave it at that. Um, but what time will we depart for the pool? As soon as James gets back. [ Knocking ] That should be them now. I’ll get it. Okay. [ Maxie and Spinelli speaking indistinctly ] Mom, look! [ Gasps ] Has anyone seen my wife? [ Laughter ] Mac!


e of the Parkinson’s, Mr. Gosek is now unable to work but too young to qualify for Medicare. His other option is to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance, but he’s having a hard time typing or holding a pen. Oh, I would be happy to help him with his application. There’s a five-month waiting period for benefits. I know. Mr. Gosek may need a loan from his union or bank, and I will get his financial information from his daughter. Thank you both for taking the lead on this. I appreciate it. Well, that’s what we’re here for. Team effort — always. Always. [ Laughter ] [ Cellphone ringing ] Oop. Oh. You need to answer that? Oh, no. No, it’s Maxie. I can call her back later. There’s no “I” in “team,” right? Finn is worse than I’ve ever seen him. He’s defiant, he’s angry, and he is denying that he has a problem… despite evidence to the contrary. That’s pretty textbook for addicts, right? Yeah. And you’d think since I’ve been down this road before that I would be able to navigate it, but, uh… unfortunately, there aren’t any magic words. He’s not gonna listen until he’s ready to listen. So he’s not there yet. No. Okay. Thanks for trying. I would try again if I thought that it would help.

As worried as we are about Finn, our immediate concern is with Violet. Has she noticed anything? Like a change in Finn? I don’t think so. But kids left in these situations, I mean, it’s damaging. Maybe not physically abusive, but certainly emotionally. And we want to protect Violet in every way. As a former attorney… Emphasize “former.” …I thought you might have some advice for us.

It’s a big deal, switching to PCU. Uh, yeah, I’m really liking it a lot. I — I met a lot of the people in the department, the students and professors, rehearsing for the Summer Festival. You don’t regret leaving the city? I have a few regrets. I — I love Fordham, and I will always, always be grateful to you for making it possible for me to go there. You don’t — You don’t have to thank me. You have a gift. I want you to pursue it. Right? You loved the city. So my concern is that you accepted the scholarship to PCU because you don’t want me to keep paying for tuition. Am I right? No, i-it’s a little bit more complicated. Okay. I’m listening. Um… …PCU has an excellent music department. It’s an honor that not only was I selected, but… they gave me a scholarship. And w-while I’m thankful to you for making it possible for me to go there — You want to pave your own way. I do. Okay, I get that, because I like to… I like to make my own money… I like to be independent. Oh, I’m — I’m not that independent. I’m still living at the Quartermaines’. Yeah, you should get hazard pay for that. [ Both chuckle ] Hey, Brook Lynn, it’s Natalia. Um, I was just calling ’cause I wanted to discuss the last recording session that Alison had with you — the one you were unable to attend. For obvious reasons. And, um, again, I’m so, so sorry about your father-in-law. I hope you got our sympathy flowers and card. Um…anyway, it’s a beautiful day. I’m here at the Metro Court pool, and I was just wondering, maybe you could join me if you had a chance. So, that’s it. I’ll — I’ll be waiting here. Thanks.

Hey. Hey! I was hoping I’d run into you. Yeah? Oh, good. You wanna join me? I would love to. No splashing. No, no, no, no. [ Chuckles ] My daughter’s taking swimming lessons. Oh, is that the one that I’ve heard so much about? The one that lives with you? The one and only. She’s adorable. She’s a water baby. Yeah. You know where her favorite place to swim is? Where? Puerto Rico. Yeah, it is. Yeah? ‘Cause it has the most beautiful beaches in the world. I mean, I might be a little bit biased, but… No, I think you’re right. Um… I’m not so right about everything, though. Or everyone. Are you talking about anybody in particular? Kristina. I underestimated your daughter.

You know, of all the days for Mom to ignore me… Well, she’s not ignoring you. She’s busy. I told her there was an exciting development. What? You’ve been known to deem a sale at Wyndham’s “an exciting development.” I think you rated it “an emergency” once. Mac, the entire store was 75% off. Well, now, who is this young lady? Because I know it’s not Bailey Lou. My goodness, she’s so big. I know, right? Eat her vegetables like a champ. And so what’s next? You getting your driver’s license? [ Laughs ] God, no. Please. Time already flies way too fast. Oh, my goodness. Well, hi there, Miss Bailey Lou. Do you remember your Grandpa Mac? Bailey doesn’t remember anything. Well, actually, Georgie, that is incorrect. See, studies have shown that toddlers can retain memories months, even years, after the event occurs. Spinelli! Gracious greetings and a most heartfelt welcome home. You seem awfully comfortable here. Are you a permanent fixture or a temporary one? Um… Yeah, my dad lives with us now. A lot has changed since you’ve been gone. Apparently. You know, I think we should hit the potty one more time before we go to the pool. Didn’t you just take her to the potty? Yeah, but remember all those prunes that we fed them this morning? No, I — I don’t remember that. Off you go, sweetheart. Okay. Off we go! Whoo-hoo! [ Knocking ] Oh, that has to be Mom. I’ll get it. Okay.

Oh. It’s you. Maxie: Oh.

Grandpa! Oh, buddy! Oh, my goodness! Oh! Oh!

I think you’ve grown a foot. Not that much. Pretty close, buddy. Hey, Cody. It’s good to see you. Yeah. You too, Mac. Not that I ever thought Kristina was anything other than a really lovely, intelligent young woman. But…the other day, Alison was in her recording session, and she was… was terrible. I thought we were gonna have to throw in the towel. And, um… in comes Kristina, and this light switch flipped. I mean, literally suddenly all was right in Alison’s world. And, um, I realized these girls really do love each other, don’t they? Yeah. So I take it Kristina being there made Blaze’s performance bet– I’m sorry. It’s Alison, right? Yeah, but, I mean, it’s funny. I don’t really care if other people call her by her stage name, I just personally can’t do it. Well, because you’re her mother. You didn’t name her that. Exactly. [ Both chuckle ] And, yes. So, Kristina’s presence made all the difference because suddenly Alison was able to emotionally connect to the song. It’s amazing how that works. Yeah. Yeah. Do you believe in muses? I think I do, when it comes to artists involved. Sounds like you’ve had some experience. With muses? No, with the music industry. I’ve dabbled. Yeah, I knew it. Well, I was a silent partner back in the ’90s, pretty — pretty big, uh, musically. Back when everything was fun in the ’90s. [ Both chuckle ] It was a good time. Yeah. Think we have those kind of good times ahead? Sure hope so.

I have been roped into two family law cases in my career, and it’s not for the faint of heart. Yeah, we’re getting that sense. It’s not what you would expect. How so? The best interest of the child should be the priority, right? Always. Well… the way the state defines the best interest of the child and the way a loving parent or an aunt and uncle define it, is — is hardly ever the same. And reporting a parent to Child Protective Services doesn’t guarantee a child’s protection either. If they take a child out of a home, they may end up in a group home or with strangers. What?! That’s the last thing we want for Violet. I’m just trying to arm you with as much information as I possibly can. You guys are in a tough predicament between your loyalty to Finn and trying to protect Violet. So, do you want my advice? Please. Call a social worker, a licensed clinical social worker, and hopefully they’ll be able to help you proceed forward. Then that’s what we’ll do. Thank you. I really wish I could be of more help. Oh, just talking it out helped. And thanks again for trying with my brother. He’s a good man. One of the best. He’s just lost. And he’s lucky that he has you. You’ll help him find his way back. I’m trying to. He’s going to know that at some point.

[ Exhales sharply ] Thank you, Alexis. You’re so welcome. Good luck, you guys.


I have a missed call from Blaze’s mom. That woman is demanding. Why don’t you just go deal with it? Now? Yeah. I’m still on bereavement leave, so I have the extra time. Okay, well, where will you start? GH. I know exactly who to talk to. Okay.

No offense, but I’m guessing Sasha’s better for business. [ Both chuckle ] You really have been gone a long time. Cody and Sasha are the former faces of Deception. Oh. Sorry. Oh, no. Don’t be. Uh…probably guess that gig wasn’t really up my alley. You and me both. So, what are you doing now? Oh, I — I still manage the Quartermaine stables. And you spend a lot of time with James. Oh, yeah? Cody’s teaching me how to ride horses. Today, I jumped over a tree. What? He what? He’s — He’s — He’s exaggerating. He better be. Yeah, no. That — That tree was really more like a big stick. But it was still an awesome feat. Wow! Very cool. Boom. Well, what about you? What are you up to, Mac? Uh, I was helping a friend. That’s all we’re gonna get? Unfortunately, yes. And you know how I hate keeping secrets. Yep. You despise it. Yeah. Me too. Something else we have in common. Well, I, um… I better get going. I’ll leave you guys to your family reunion. Um, I’ll see you soon, though, not-so-little man, huh? Definitely. Hey, maybe I can tag along sometime and watch you jump those trees. Yeah! As long as it’s okay with Cody. I’d like that. Great. Set it up.

Oh, what are you…? James, you are the reason we can’t have nice things. So what’s the next move? I think that. Okay. Okay. Alright. Very…

So, how are you really feeling about Kristina and Blaze these days? About their relationship? Yeah. Yeah. Um… I’m worried. Mm-hmm. And not because I think it’s wrong. I don’t. I just… The way I was brought up in that place with the beautiful beaches we were just talking about, not the most accepting. Mm-hmm. “Love is love” is not a motto you grew up. No, it — it was not, and, uh… Although, I’m evolving, so… I just have a hard time seeing that… that kind of love, um, ends in real happiness. [ Cellphone chimes ] Well, I guess Kristina and Blaze are gonna have to figure that one out. Yes, but that would mean I would have to relinquish control, you see. Not your favorite thing. Not my favorite thing to do. [ Chuckles ] Um, it looks like I just got a text. I’m going to have to, um… run off and approve the proofs from the last Deception photoshoot of Alison’s. Can you do me a favor? Can you hang onto this for me, please, and give it to Brook Lynn if she happens to come by while I’m gone? What is it? It’s the thumb drive from the last recording session I was telling you about of Alison’s. Yeah, yeah. I can do that. On one condition. Yes? You invite me to the release party. I’ll see what I can do. [ Chuckles ] Thank you. Thanks. Alright.

Joss, have you talked to your brother yet about moving into the garage apartment? No, but I think after work I’m going to go into his office and talk to him in person. Just because I know he’s going to say yes and I don’t want it to seem like I’m entitled, or — or that I’m taking it for granted, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know the feeling. It’s kind of like that with me and Uncle Sonny. Really? Well, yeah, he’s always paid for my music lessons, and he was paying for my tuition to go to Fordham. I bet if I asked him to pay for me to… I don’t know… go to Europe and visit all the great concert halls, he’d do it. But that’d be taking advantage. You’re worried about taking advantage of Sonny? Yeah. Yeah. It’s… Well, when — when you’re powerful and important like he is… people are always asking for things. And Uncle Sonny’s been really great to me, and I just… I’m not ever gonna take that for granted. Well, it’s — it’s very nice to hear how much you appreciate him. I-I’m sure it means a lot to Sonny. So Cody’s been hanging around a lot? Yeah. He has. I don’t know who enjoys it more — him or James. Georgie really likes spending time with him, too. That’s great. Yeah. It is. Don’t get me wrong, the kids love having Spinelli here. I mean, no one’s better to play video games with or make computer cookies. What are those? I actually have no idea. Um, but Cody has been great for James because he gets him outside and literally teaches him how to get back on the horse when things get tough. Cody’s good with him, huh? He is. He treats him like a little brother. Never talks down to him. All the kids that come through the Quartermaine revolving door are obsessed with him. I do not know how Cody has the patience. Oh, I do. The kids aren’t his. That is a really good point. No matter what, no matter how bad it gets, the kids go back to the parents at the end of the day. Even still, he’s a gift. So are you, you know. Oh. Best mom ever. I’m not sure my children would agree with that. But between wrangling all the horses and wrangling all the kids, Cody’s like a… real-life superhero around here. Kind of like someone else I know. [ Knocking ] Ah. To what do I owe this pleasant surprise? Please be pleasant. As opposed to what? Don’t mention Heather Webber or that godawful gossip column. This has nothing to do with either of those things.

Welcome! I come bearing gifts. Or what I hope will be a source of clarity.

What’s that? It’s from the Court of Appeals. It came care of my office.

And? And… tampering with mail is a federal offense. So y-you don’t know what’s in there? Your future awaits, my friend.

I’m impressed. This is mostly done, and in record time. I made quick work of it. I can see that. I’m sure I can find whatever’s missing in the medical record. I just have to get the patient’s consent first. Already gotten. “Gotten.” That’s a word, right? Yeah. It is. Of course it is. Yeah. [ Chuckles ] Anyway, Mr. Gosek’s consent is on file. So it is. You really thought of everything. [ Cellphone ringing ] Oop. Maxie again? Yeah. How’d you know? You know, it’s fine if you want to pick up. Really. Oh, I know, and I will when I’m officially off duty. [ Horse whinnies in distance ] [ Sighs sharply ]

Finn, I keep calling you. You keep not calling me back. Would you please call me? I’m worried about you.

[ Sighs ] Cody. Oh. Ah. [ Chuckles ] I’m sorry, I didn’t — I didn’t mean to startle you. Are you okay? Um, I’ll take care of your gear right away. That wasn’t what I asked you.

What kind of mother doesn’t answer her daughter’s texts? The working kind. I assume Felicia is at the hospital. Yeah. She is. Patient Advocate. I’m so proud of her. Yeah. She’s doing great. She really goes the extra mile for her patients. It’s kind of spilling into other areas. Such as? Well, Mom advocates for everyone these days, including me, even when I don’t ask for it. I need you to fess up. Were you in on Mom’s plan to get Spinelli to move in with me and the kids? If there was a plan, I had no part in it. Okay, well, Mom’s heart was in the right place. Seems like your mom was just right in general. Yeah. She was. And don’t you dare tell her I said that. Your secret is safe with me. So, things are good with Spinelli? Yeah. You know, we’re taking things slowly. And I think that’s how it’s supposed to be. Music to my ears. [ Chuckles softly ] I missed you so much. You have no idea. Oh, it’s so good to be home.

Hey. You enjoying the outdoors? Yeah, uh, Avery’s in swim class. Oh, that’s cute. You haven’t seen your wedding date around here, have you? Uh, are you ever gonna call her by her name? Not with you. “Wedding date” for life. Natalia just left. What? She summons me here, and then she takes off? Okay, relax. She — She left something with me to give to you. Thank you. [ Sighs ] You okay? What’s going on? It’s Chase’s niece, Violet. Is she hurt? Sick? What’s going on? No, no, no, no. She’s — She’s fine for now. Um… If I tell you something, you promise to keep it between us? Yeah. Of course. Come on. Sit down.

Ever since Gregory died, Finn has been drinking. A lot. Well, he’s in recovery, right? Or was in recovery? Yeah. For years. Okay. Which is why we haven’t faced this before. But we tried talking to Finn, and he furiously maintains that it is none of our business. Well, that’s where Finn would be wrong. Chase: Ms. Henry? Oh, please. Call me Stella. Your nephew said I might find you here. He ratted me out, huh? I promise to keep it brief. Oh, please. Please sit down. Take all the time you need. What can I help you with? You’re a social worker. I am. And you’re a police officer. I have a situation I’m in. Normally, I would hand it off to someone else for them to resolve, but… this is personal and I don’t feel comfortable doing that. Hand it off. This has something to do with your father? I’m so sorry to hear about his passing, and I should have said that right off the bat. Thank you. And no, but…yes. Well, that clears things up. It doesn’t directly have to do with my dad, but his death may have been the catalyst. Okay. There’s a child living with a parent that is in the throes of SUD. Substance Use Disorder. Long term or recent? Both. I mean, the parent has been clean for years but just recently fell off the wagon in a big way and the environment is no longer safe for anyone, let alone a little girl. What are you doing? Being smart. By ignoring the inevitable? My good friend just died. I’ve let down both his sons, and two of my daughters are courting disaster. Oh, for heaven’s sakes. Well, okay, so it’s not a good day to buy a lottery ticket. Right. Or open up a registered letter. Oh, that’s ridiculous. What’s in here is not going to change no matter when you decide to open it. Okay, fine. So it won’t matter if I wait. Well… Aren’t you tired of being in limbo? ‘Cause I know I am. I’m sorry that my treading water has been such an inconvenience to you. For heaven’s sake. If you don’t open it, I will.

Okay, fine. Do it. Really? No, wait.

Go ahead.

[ Exhales sharply ] The story of where I come from is a winding road at best. As in geographically? As in who my father is. Oh. Yeah. When I was little, I thought it was Mr. Bell. Not my dad. Then I just assumed it was the rich guy that Mr. Bell worked for. Also not my dad. Cut to me moving to Port Charles, learning a few tidbits, taking a DNA test, and… well, the good news is I finally know who my father is. And the bad news? He doesn’t. He doesn’t know you’re his son? He doesn’t know he has a son. Oh. Why haven’t you told him? Is he a bad guy? [ Scoffs ] Just the opposite. He’s a really stand-up guy. I like him a lot. I’m confused. Mm. Join the club. Yeah. I’ve had multiple chances to tell him, but instead I lied. I’m not sure I can walk it back. Cody, this is your story. You get to walk it in any direction you want. Yeah, but what if I come clean and he’s furious I lied to him? [ Chuckles ] What if you come clean and he’s thrilled you’re his son?

Oh, Bailey’s looking a little, uh… Exhausted? She was up earlier than usual today. Maybe it’s nap time? [ Gasps ] If no one objects, I’d like to put her down. No objections here. Or here. Oh! Come on, you little beautiful little girl. Just watch out for the million toys you sent while you were gone. They’re kind of scattered all over the floor. Well, uh, what’s a grandfather’s purpose if not to spoil his grandchildren? Right? She says. “Right.” [ Laughter ] Grandpa looks really cool with this buzz. I agree, although I thought he would be more tan. Wasn’t he in South America? Yeah, but it’s — it’s winter there now. Oh, is it winter in Florida too? [ Chuckles ] Does James’s school teach geography? He takes after me. [ Door opens ] Okay. I’m here. Now, what’s this “exciting development”?

a warm, happy home to living with a stranger… Finn’s not a stranger. Well, he is when he’s drunk, and it has to be stopped. We are trying. I understand. I understand. Kids are innocent. They think that that suffering and — and all that pain is gonna last forever. So, I mean — And even if they get through it… it changes them. I don’t want that for Violet. I know you don’t. And with people like you in her corner, she will never have to go through… what I went through.

Because you will not let it happen.

I assume you know who I’m talking about, so I’d prefer not to go into specifics. Understood. May I ask you a few questions, and you can tell me as little or as much as you’re comfortable with? Has the child been neglected? No. Threatened or abused in any way? I don’t think so. Please don’t tell me I have to wait till that happens. Well, there are agencies you can report your concerns to, but as a cop, you know the drill. This isn’t gonna be easy. A judge isn’t likely to break up a family over a couple of benders. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to keep this child safe. Document everything. Get the child on record. Get statements from everyone who has seen the parent either under the influence or acting irresponsibly. Are you telling me to build a case against my brother? I am advising you… to build a case for your niece.

Just tell me, what does it say? Well… there’s some good news… and some bad news. Which do you want first? The bad. No. Uh, the good. Just do the good first. Okay. The court has vacated your disbarment as “improperly applied.” [ Gasps ]

A-Are you sure? [ Laughs ] Would I joke about something like this? Even I’m not that cruel!

[ Voice breaking ] I won? I get to practice law again? Well…this, um… this leads me to the bad news. There is a two year suspension of your legal license.

Okay. Alright. Well, you know… waited this long. I can put up with this hell hole for another couple of years, right? Yeah. Except you don’t have to. Why not? Because your two-year suspension started four years ago. [ Laughing ] You’ve already served it! That is a risky lie, okay?! I know! I’m an awful person! I’m awful. [ Laughs ] It’s over? It’s over. It’s over! It’s over. Of course, you need 48 hours of continuing legal education, and then you can reapply with the bar. But after that, you’re back, baby! I couldn’t have done this without you. Of course not.I know. It’s over. It’s over. It’s over. It’s over! Both: It’s over! It’s over! It’s over! It’s over! It’s over! It’s over! Aah! [ Laughs ] I love you! Aah! Sorry, it all must sound crazy or stupid. Or both. Want to know what I think? I’d take Comet’s advice at this point. [ Chuckles ] Good to know. So I think… you’re lucky. Come again? You have a clean slate with this person, an opportunity for a fresh start. Yeah, but I — I lied to him. I’m still lying to him. One admission and you put an end to it. Cody, the rest of your life can begin at any time, and you get to decide when that is.

I was able to fulfill my duties at the hospital despite the steady stream of interruptions. My bad. But now I’m confused as to the urgency of the interruptions. The kids look fine. The house isn’t on fire. Guess what? No, no. Uh, the house isn’t on fire, but it is a heck of a lot warmer in here today than it was yesterday. Oh, so, is the AC not working? The AC is working just fine. Mac! Mm! Oh. You told me that you were gonna come home, but you didn’t tell me it was gonna be today. I’m sorry I was away for so long. Too long! It won’t happen again. Ew. Aww! Now do you understand why I was blowing up your phone? You’re my “exciting development,” huh? Do I live up to my name? Aww, and then some. We should get ice cream to celebrate. And you can have all the toppings you want. I don’t think so. I don’t think so. We’ll have two toppings. [ Whispering ] All the toppings you want. Yay! [ Laughs ] Welcome home, my love. It’s good to be here.

On the next “General Hospital” —

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