GH Update Monday, April 18, 2022

General Hospital Updates

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Update written by Shane

At General Hospital, Liz informs Portia that there are notes missing from one of her exams and she needs the paperwork. Portia snaps at her and tells her she hasn’t finished them yet. She tells Liz to work with what she has until she has time to complete the notes.  Liz says that she can’t complete her work without the notes and she has to finish the notes before she looks in on her own patients. LIz tells Portia it is not the nurse’s responsibility to get the doctor to finish their notes. After Portia snaps at her again, Liz

calms things down by taking Portia aside and Portia admits that she’s been so preoccupied about Trina’s case it has made her forgetful. She apologies to LIz. They discuss their mutual problems and how overwhelmed they are.

Liz admits that she has more problems than Cam and the video. She fills Portia in on the break-ins and the strange dream. Portia apologizes for not checking in on her before and then gets called away to see a patient.

Alexis speaks with Finn at addicts anonymous about Harmony and what a good friend she’s been. After inviting her to move in, however, she discovered that she’d been there before. Now she feels like she doesn’t know her at all.

They talk about his relationship with Liz. He fills Alexis in on the stalker and the fact that he basically comes and goes as he pleases in Liz’s home. Finn also tells her about Liz’s dream and the fact that they can’t seem to make heads or tails of it. Alexis suggests Liz make an appointment with Kevin. Maybe through hypnosis Kevin can help her to clarify what is going on.

Liz later bumps into Finn by the elevators. He urges her to speak to Kevin. Maybe he can help her remember something that could be useful. Liz is all for therapy but never thought of using it to try to clear up the dream. When she answers a phone, someone says, “Don’t forget me.” She’s terrified, but it’s just a patient requesting care. When Alexis gets to her office, she finds Valentin spinning around in her chair. They hug and catch up. He says he’s back and better than ever. She senses he wants something. Valentin thinks a media company in the family could be useful and his father agrees with him.Alexis warns that if Victor wants to get close to him, he’s not being paternal, it’s something else. She won’t let her paper be used by the family. Valentin reminds her that you can’t pick your family. “On the contrary, you have to,” she says.

Laura joins Robert, Felicia, and Anna at her place. They inform her that a suspect in Luke’s death has been arrested: Jennifer Smith. So far, there is no evidence that she was working with Victor. Laura doesn’t believe for a minute that Jennifer is smart or capable enough to pull something like the cable car accident along with the theft of the Ice Princess alone.  She says the Cassadine family are definitely involved. All of this activity, plus his attempts to manipulate Drew means that Victor is up to something. Robert can think of a surefire way to find out and suggests that Anna use her relationship with Valentin.

Felicia tries to grill her about this “relationship,” so Anna changes the topic and reminds them of the man who was with Jennifer before she was arrested. Valentin shows up on Anna’s doorstep as Robert walks out. “Speak of the devil,” says Scorpio. Anna and Valentin are happy to see each other.

Brad and Britt have lunch outside.  They discuss his job interview which Britt is initially hesitant to discuss.  Brad senses that she is avoiding the topic and asks Britt what is going on.  He wants to know if Terry is having second thoughts about hiring him. Britt says that it is not that.  But, flashing back in her mind to Selina threatening to send Britt to prison if she did not do her bidding.  Britt asks Brad why he would want to work as orderly?  She suggests he work somewhere else other than General Hospital.  Brad says that he is open to other things and says that the one thing he wants is for both he and Britt to be living their best lives. Immediately bringing down the mood of the moment, Selina appears and insists she has a job for Brad and that he come with her immediately.

On the docks, Curtis runs into Jordan, they have a brief conversation and catch up but Jordan doesn’t tarry long, she has a lot to do. When Jordan leaves, Selina appears and says she “thought she would never leave.” Her people accessed police files and discovered that Marshall was never in witness protection. He won’t get the records she has found until he holds up his side of their bargain.

Jordan drops by the hospital to check on Portia. The women immediately begin arguing about the Trina situation. Jordan tells Portia she is doing everything she can do for Trina. But, Portia quickly reminds her that Jordan has always been willing to go outside the law for her family. Jordan reminds Portia how much trouble that has caused her in the past. Portia accuses her of making the case personal. Curtis arrives and spots them together.

Harmony flashes back to Brendan blackmailing her as she tries to break into his room at the Metro Court. A maid finds her and asks if she’s a guest. Harmony says that she is and is just having trouble locating her key. She locates the key and goes into Brendan’s room.  She quickly locates her psychiatrist assessment and other files related to her.  She then goes down to the bar, she orders a double, and the bartender asks her if it’s been a hard day.  She says, “ you have no idea.”  Harmony flashes back to her confrontation with Brendan and him going over the cliff. Willow pops up and finds her looking flushed. Sitting down, Willow admits she’s a bit under the weather.  Harmony promises to be there for her as long as she can be. “Are you going somewhere?” asks Willow. She really appreciates how hard she has been working to rebuild their relationship. Tearing up, Harmony tells her how much that means. Taking her hand, Willow assures her that their past doesn’t have to keep hanging over them. Harmony says that no matter how hard she keeps trying, the past keeps coming after her.  Willow asks if this has something to do with Brendan. Harmony is shocked that Willow recalls his name and tells her that whatever she has done she has done for Willow. 

Alexis is horrified when she is walking on the pier and finds Brendan floating in the water.

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