Y&R Best Lines Monday, December 13, 2021

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Abby: [ Chuckles ] I was saying I’m sorry that it took me so long to get Dominic down. I thought you were probably bored down here, all alone, but it looks like you found a way to pass the time.

Chance: I sure did. Truth is, I asked Dom for some help, right? I just needed him to keep mommy a little bit occupied so I could set up down here. Champagne?

Abby: Thank you. Should I be worried that our son, who’s only a few months old, is already plotting and hatching schemes?

Chance: Oh, no, no, no, no. He had the best intentions in mind.

Abby: What a thoughtful infant.

Chance: I know, right? And get this — he even gave the nanny the night off.

Abby: He’s already making personnel decisions, too?

Chance: Can you believe it?

Abby: [ Gasps ] Well, it looks like we’re almost all alone.


Devon: I smell something really good from the kitchen, too.

Amanda: Mm-hmm. I, um, wanted to surprise you, so I threw together some shrimp and snow peas and saffron rice. It has a little kick to it, so i hope you can handle the heat.

Devon: I think you already know the answer to that question.

Amanda: Mm. Good. And don’t get used to me cooking you gourmet dinners because after Imani and I open the firm, I am gonna be very, very busy.

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