Days Update Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Jake enters the kitchen at home as Gabi is cooking tamales. Gabi says she’s sick and tired of Ava’s Italian food so tonight they are eating Mexican. Jake informs Gabi that he just got good news, that somebody is paying a visit to their grandfather…

Brady goes to the Kiriakis Mansion and asks Victor why there were four big black sedans pulling out of the driveway. Victor informs him that he just had a celebratory luncheon. Brady questions him not inviting him. Victor figured he was spending all his lunch time with EJ DiMera these days. Brady asks what they were celebrating. Victor jokes about Bonnie Lockhart being out of the house and in to jail. Victor declares that’s one down and one to go. Brady guesses he means Chloe which Victor confirms. Brady informs Victor that he’s going to have a harder time than he thinks getting rid of Chloe. Victor asks how he knows that and if Chloe is confiding in him now that they are both working for the enemy.

Philip goes to the Basic Black office to see Chloe. She remarks that if he came to check up on her, Brady’s not here. Philip says he’s not here for that as he came to take her away from all of this.

Xander is in his hotel room, arguing on the phone with Justin about his one million dollars. Xander complains that he’s broke and living on credit, so if he doesn’t get that money soon, the cops are going to come banging on the door. Someone then knocks on his door.

Abigail goes to the Horton house and greets Gwen. Gwen is surprised as nobody told her she was back. Abigail informs her that nobody knows. Gwen asks when she got in. Abigail says just this morning. Gwen tells her that Jack isn’t here if she’s looking for him. Abigail clarifies that she came to talk to her.

Xander is surprised that it’s Jack at his door so he hangs up the phone and answers the door. Xander tells him that he’s a bit behind on rent this month. Jack notes that Xander is looking pretty stiff and asks if the Salem Inn started sending hired muscle to collect. Xander claims that he just fell off his skateboard. Xander notes that he’s surprised to see Jack. Jack reveals that he came to say he’s sorry.

Gabi asks Jake if he thinks Brady went to see Victor to get him to dump Philip. Jake says they can only hope. Gabi questions if Jake is having Brady followed. Jake responds that he’s keeping tabs on the situation and she doesn’t need to know how. Jake says Gabi has a reputation of causing trouble so he’s looking out for her. Gabi understands and fantasizes about Victor getting an earful about Philip’s failings. Gabi can’t believe Brady and Philip are fighting over Chloe. Gabi declares that it’s only a matter of time before Philip is out and they are running Titan. Gabi and Jake kiss until Ava walks in and asks if they have to do that in the kitchen, telling them to get a room. Gabi tells Ava that this is her house so she can kiss Jake anywhere she wants. Ava asks for common courtesy. Gabi mocks Ava’s mob past. Ava argues that she lives here too. Gabi says that’s until Rafe gets wise enough to kick her to the curb. Ava tells Gabi that it’s not going to happen no matter how hard she tries because she can offer Rafe something that Gabi never could.

Brady comments to Victor that his company is run by DiMera Enterprises, but he and Nicole run Basic Black as they see fit. Victor questions him seeing fit to hire Xander and says they must be crazy about him. Victor asks who’s choice Xander was and then brings up EJ being his lawyer. Brady says he didn’t come here to talk about his business decisions with him. Victor reminds him that there will always be a place for him at Titan. Brady thanks him and says he appreciates that. Victor adds that his place won’t be in the CEO office as that is taken by his uncle Philip and he’s doing an excellent job. Brady responds that Philip and his excellent job is precisely why he’s here.

Philip takes Chloe out for a picnic in the park. Chloe says this is the last thing she expected when he showed up at the office. Philip acknowledges that he hasn’t been doing things right but says that’s going to change. Chloe remembers how they used to come here all the time in high school. Chloe recalls being so happy and free then. Chloe flashes back to when they carved their initials in the tree. They point out where the tree used to be. Chloe brings up that Philip chopped it down.

Gwen doesn’t know why Abigail wanted to come to see her. Abigail says she has something she would like to say. Abigail still feels very responsible that Gwen lost her baby. Gwen tells her that she’s listening. Abigail says she’s had a lot of time to think over the last few months and admits that Gwen pushed her to her limit, but she’s not proud of how she reacted. Abigail says when Gwen told her that she slept with Chad, she was obviously very hurt and angry, so she pushed Chad away and became someone she didn’t know or like. Abigail adds that Gwen then told her she was pregnant and she hit rock bottom. Abigail admits all she could think about was that she did not want Gwen to have that baby. Gwen remembers Abigail being ready to tie her up and deliver her to the abortion clinic. Abigail states that she didn’t see her baby as a person, but a symbol of all the things Chad had done to her. Abigail recalls the day of Gwen’s fall and all she could see was a lifetime of Gwen and her baby taking Chad away from her and her kids. Abigail admits that in that moment, all she cared about was stopping Gwen from finding Chad without caring about her or her baby. Abigail is really ashamed of feeling that way as her baby was a human being that she wanted to have and is still grieving for. Abigail declares that regardless of their history, Gwen deserved a chance to be her daughter’s mother and did not to deserve to suffer all the pian. Abigail concludes that she came here today to tell Gwen that she’s so deeply sorry.

Xander questions Jack saying sorry to him. Jack reveals that Gwen told him the truth and said the story Xander gave him about pressuring her to deliver drugs was something he made up to cover for her. Jack calls that one of the most honorable, self-sacrificing things that he’s ever encountered. Jack is ashamed of the vicious things he said to Xander and offers to print a retraction about his article. Xander tells him to stop beating himself up as he can be very convincing when he wants to be. Jack hopes Xander can forgive him. Xander tells Jack that he’s his mate and getting tossed out of peoples’ houses has happened to him before. Xander knew what Jack meant to Gwen, so he really wanted her to stay in his good graces and he was afraid that if Jack knew the truth about what she did, he’d never be able to get past it. Jack responds that Gwen told him everything and he told her that he understands, surprising Xander.

Ava complains that Gabi went out of her way to make her suspicious and jealous of Rafe and Nicole, then she didn’t stop there. Ava informs her that Rafe told her that Gabi purposely steered Nicole in his direction. Gabi argues that if they are so devoted, nothing she says should’ve mattered. Ava accuses her of acting like she’s in high school and asks what her problem is with her. Gabi brings up how Ava treated Steve and Kayla. Ava responds that she’s not that woman anymore. Gabi states that Rafe is one of the most decent people on the planet and he can do way better than her. Ava remarks that Jake could do so much better than a woman who tried to give Julie a heart attack with her pacemaker and conned Chad in to making him believe his wife should be an institution. Jake assures that Gabi’s not that woman anymore either. Ava then asks why Jake ended things with Kate since at least she had some class..

Victor questions Brady wanting to talk to him about Philip. Brady says he knows better than to tell Victor how to run his business, but he should know that Philip’s focus isn’t on Titan anymore, it’s on him. Brady says that Philip can’t stand that he and Chloe are working together and it’s driving him nuts as he’s become obsessed. Brady tells Victor about how he and Chloe had to spend the night in Wilkes-Barre on a business trip and Philip got so jealous that he took the Titan jet and tracked them down in the middle of nowhere. Victor suggests Philip could’ve been worried about him since he is family. Brady argues that he doesn’t care about him, he just wanted to catch him and Chloe in the sack. Victor asks if there’s something going on. Brady says no but Philip was convinced that there was. Brady brings up how Philip gets crazy with jealousy. Victor regrets letting Philip move Chloe in to the house. Brady remarks that all Philip is thinking about right now is Chloe, so it’s only a matter of time before that affects the business. Brady adds that Philip is spending more time in his office than his own. Victor responds by saying that’s about to change.

Philip reminds Chloe that he heard her and Brady talking about sleeping together back then, so he had to face that things were over between them, so he grabbed an axe and chopped their tree down. Philip says he wasn’t even thinking, he was just seeing her and Brady in bed together. Chloe feels that he still feels that way. Philip admits he made an ass out of himself in Pennsylvania and guesses she must have felt like it was history repeating itself. Chloe admits she was surprised he even invited her here today. Philip says he did that because of the history. Philip insists that he’s still young enough to change his ways and that he can fix his old mistakes. Chloe asks how he’s going to do that.

Xander questions Jack knowing the truth about Gwen and having no problem with it. Xander calls that very big of him. Jack says that no matter what Gwen has done, she’s still his daughter and since she’s been living with him, he’s come to understand and love her. Jack questions Xander thinking he would judge her for something in the past. Xander believes Jack loves Gwen but feels he must love Abigail more. Jack then asks what Abigail has to do with Gwen being a prostitute.

Gwen thanks Abigail for her apology and says she has to apologize to Abigail about something as well. Gwen talks about being so furious and blaming Abigail for her miscarriage, but she understands now that Abigail didn’t try to hurt her or the baby. Gwen says that’s why she has to tell her something that she doesn’t know. Gwen thinks Abigail will realize she doesn’t have a need to be sorry.

Xander realizes Gwen told Jack that she was a prostitute and not the actual truth. Jack says it was a long time ago and hopes he will keep it to himself. Xander thinks back to suggesting the story to Gwen. Xander says he can’t believe this. Jack thought that Xander knew and that was why he was covering for her. Xander says it’s just that Gwen always used the term “escort”. Jack doesn’t see what this has to do with Abigail. Xander talks about how Gwen always compared herself to Abigail as the good daughter. Jack says for a minute, he thought Xander was trying to tell him that Abigail had been a prostitute too. Xander says it’s nothing like that. Jack talks about his policy being to not show favoritism to JJ or Abigail and now Gwen too as his kids are all equal in his eyes. Xander knows Jack is a loving father and declares that now Gwen knows it too.

Abigail asks Gwen why she shouldn’t be sorry. Gwen tells her that she spent weeks telling everybody that Abigail pushed her down the stairs but they know that’s not true, as she lost her balance and fell. Gwen mentions telling Jack that. Abigail confirms she heard from Chad but that she appreciates her telling her that. Abigail acknowledges that she didn’t push her but still feels that if she hadn’t followed her up the stairs and grabbed her, she’d probably be nine months pregnant now, but instead they have to live with the consequences of that day for the rest of their lives. Gwen knows how much it took for Abigail to come here today and she’s sorry for Abigail to live with that guilt because she knows what a heavy burden guilt can be.

Gabi mocks Ava being a mafia princess. Ava responds that Rafe knows her history and how hard she’s worked to put it behind her for her son, so they are stronger than ever. Gabi brings up Ava accusing Rafe of wanting to be with Nicole just a few days ago. Ava says she just lost her temper and lashed out, but Rafe understood and they worked everything out. Gabi argues that Ava will lash out again. Ava brings up that Rafe said Gabi and Jake are only staying here temporarily. Ava suggests that if Gabi has such a problem with her being with Rafe, they should find somewhere else to live.

Philip tells Chloe that he thought they could plant a new tree in the same spot as their old tree. Philip knows he can’t erase his past mistakes, but hopes it can be the start of a new better beginning for them.

Brady asks Victor what situation is about to change and if he’s thinking about removing Philip as CEO. Victor says of course not and that the problem is Chloe, as he always knew it would be. Victor declares that there’s only one way to get Philip’s head back in the business and that’s removing Chloe from the equation. Brady questions if he’s kicking her out. Victor responds that he won’t have to, as he wants Brady to steal her away from Philip.

Gabi complains about Ava and declares she’s over this bitch’s crap so she and Jake are moving out and going to pack right now.

Brady questions Victor telling him to go after Chloe. Victor argues that if Brady sweeps Chloe off her feet, Philip will have no choice but to go back to focusing on work. Brady argues that Victor hates Chloe, yet he wants him to sweep her off her feet. Victor says he doesn’t want it, but if Brady is with Chloe then he’s less likely to go after Kristen. Victor orders Brady to go seduce Chloe.

Philip and Chloe plant their new tree. Philip calls this a major moment and jokes that they can carve their initials in this tree one day. Chloe jokes about how long that will take for this tree to get big enough for that. Philip says that’s another reason he wanted to plant it, to show that he has faith in them being together for a long time.

Gwen knows that she’s given Abigail good reason to despise her and that she did not intentionally try to hurt her or her baby. Gwen hopes that Abigail and Chad can move past all of this. Abigail thanks Gwen for accepting her apology. Gwen says it would be awkward to hold a grudge as she’s sure they will be seeing one another at family gatherings. Abigail is just glad that everything is out in the open. Abigail says she will get going then and exits the house.

Xander tells Jack that he’s just so glad that he gets why he had to cover for Gwen as he really hated being on the outs with him. Jack is impressed that Xander didn’t hesitate when he thought he would turn his back on her, even though he knew it would be the end of their friendship. Xander says Gwen would’ve lost her dad and that’s more important. Jack talks about really letting Xander have it and he wonders why he put up with all that for Gwen’s sake. Xander talks about getting to know Gwen a little bit while living under the same roof. Jack feels there seems to be something more between them than friendship. Jack says as a protective father, he has to ask Xander what his intentions are towards his daughter. Jack is wondering if Xander is interested in Gwen but they get interrupted by a knock at the door. Xander covers Jack’s mouth, worrying that the front desk has come looking for him but it’s Gwen so Xander answers the door and invites her in. Gwen notes that Xander looks awful and questions him limping. Gwen then tells Jack that she didn’t expect to see him here. Jack explains that he came to apologize to Xander for how he treated him and he was gracious enough to accept his apology. Gwen is glad. Jack thinks he should get going. Gwen tells him that he doesn’t have to but Jack thinks he does. Jack then exits the room. Xander argues that he almost ruined Gwen’s whole life just then.

Gabi and Jake sit together in the town square. Jake got donuts and complains about Gabi leaving the tamales at home when she stormed out. Gabi refuses the donuts at first but Jake points out that it’s not the bakery’s fault that it got Gabi’s store space. Gabi then gives in and admits the donuts are really good. Gabi mentions that she won’t get in his face about knowing where Brady is. Jake jokes about asking where their next meal will be since they are homeless now. Gabi says she’s had it with Ava, so they will figure out something. Jake suggests they get a room at the Salem Inn since they won’t figure anything out tonight, but Gabi gets an idea.

Ava eats at home and thinks back to listening in on Jake and Gabi’s plan to overthrow Philip at Titan. Ava smiles and then pulls out her phone, looking at Philip’s number.

Chloe and Philip finish their picnic and planting their tree. Philip offers to buy her a new pair of shoes and says she’d do anything for her. Philip then gets a text from Ava, saying she needs to see him. Chloe asks if there’s a problem. Philip says maybe as there’s something he needs to take care of so he calls a rain check. Chloe thanks Philip for today as they kiss. Chloe says she’ll see him at home and walks away.

Xander tells Gwen that she could’ve told him that she went with the prostitute story as he almost outed her. Gwen says she was going to tell Jack the whole truth but then she imagined his reaction and she just couldn’t do it, so she had to think fast and used his idea. Gwen talks about how understanding Jack was. Xander calls it a good story. Gwen says at least she remains on good terms with Jack. Xander adds that now he’s back on good terms with Jack too, so now they both know where they stand with Jack. Xander declares the only question is where they stand with each other.

Victor asks Brady if they have a deal and if he will try to take Chloe away from Philip or not. Chloe then walks in and says she’d like to know the answer to that question herself.

Abigail goes home to the DiMera Mansion and calls up to the kids about getting ready for dinner. Gabi and Jake walk in, surprised to see Abigail. Gabi didn’t know she was back in town. Abigail says she just got back this morning and asks what they are doing here since Chad told her they moved out. Gabi responds that she’ll be the first to hear the good news that they are moving back in.

Philip goes to see Ava and says he was surprised to get her text as he asks her what’s up. Ava thought he would like to know in advance that Gabi is plotting against him.

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