Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Photos by Dora
Jack tells Gwen that after everything she’s done to he and his family, she owes him the truth. Gwen starts to tell him but Xander interrupts and says Jack has it all backwards. Xander declares that he wasn’t helping Gwen out of a jam, but she was helping him. Jack says now he really doesn’t know what’s going on. Gwen admits she doesn’t know either and tries to continue her explanation but Xander claims that Dr. Snyder was his business partner and he figured out a way to make drugs from the hospital, while he handled distribution. Xander tells Jack that the one who was dealing was him, not Gwen.
Ciara and Ben lay in bed in the cabin, telling each other that they love one another until Shawn and Theo burst in. Ciara gets up and tells Shawn that she’s fine. Theo tells her that he was going crazy worrying about her as he hugs her.
Lani tells Abe that they don’t even know if the tip Paulina got was legit since people will say anything to get that reward money so Shawn and Theo could be on a wild goose chase. Eli arrives at the Pub and reveals that it was not. Eli informs Lani that Shawn just radioed in and stated that he and Theo are at the cabin in the woods where they found the limo that Ben took Ciara in. Lani says that’s great. Eli guesses that they are probably rescuing Ciara now. Abe points out that it’s thanks to Paulina.
Paulina looks at a photo of her and Lani and says that maybe someday Lani will forgive her. There’s a knock at the door so Paulina hopes it’s Lani. Paulina answers the door and asks what the hell they are doing there as she is surprised by her mother, who questions that being how Paulina greets her.
Theo asks Ciara if she’s alright and mentions being worried that Ben hurt her. Ciara assures that she is fine. Shawn sees he gets no cell service here so he goes to go radio in. Theo questions what the hell is wrong with Ben, kidnapping Ciara on her wedding day. Ben responds that he had to make her remember him. Theo argues that you can’t make someone remember just because you want them to. Theo says that Ciara doesn’t remember him and can’t even figure out why she was ever with him. Ciara explains to Theo that Ben did take her against her will and she was furious, but she didn’t come home because Ben fell and hurt his ankle. Ciara acknowledges the cabin as where Ben took her after her motorcycle accident and where they got to know each other. Ciara then reveals to Theo that being here brought her memory back. Ciara confirms that she remembers how much she loves Ben.
Lani is glad that the tip was right and that Ciara is safe, but argues that they would’ve tracked her down without Paulina butting in and throwing her money around. Lani complains that Paulina is trying to buy their forgiveness, otherwise she wouldn’t have lifted a finger to help Ciara. Abe thinks Paulina was genuinely trying to help Theo and points out that she saved the police some time which he is grateful for. Lani complains that Paulina wins again and says this is what she does. Lani asks why Abe can’t see it. Abe says he’s aware of what Paulina did to Lani in the past but suggest it’s possible that now she’s trying to make it up to her.
Paulina apologizes for disrespecting her mother, Olivia, and says she’s just surprised to see her as she didn’t think she had her address. Olivia reveals that she got it from her assistant, Mary, and says she was so kind and helpful by even booking her plane ticket. Paulina claims that she didn’t know she was well enough to travel. Olivia says she’s not but she had to get here after talking to her sister. Paulina asks what Tamara said. Olivia tells her to invite her in first. Paulina then does, so her mom enters Paulina’s room 227.
Gwen says she can explain but Xander claims that Gwen didn’t know she was delivering drugs, as the envelopes he gave her were sealed and he just told her where to take them. Jack doesn’t understand. Xander says he tricked her by telling her they were documents for a business deal. Xander tells Jack to take it out on him, not Gwen, because she didn’t know what he was having her do.
Olivia calls Paulina’s apartment fancy. Paulina is glad she likes it but Olivia points out that she didn’t say she liked it. Paulina tells her that she can fly back to Miami, but Olivia refuses to go anywhere until she tells her what she’s doing here. Paulina claims not to know what she means. Olivia says she knows exactly what she means, because her sister is furious with her, and she doesn’t blame her. She adds that Tamara wants Paulina far away from Lani, and she does too.
Lani tells Abe that she just doesn’t want Paulina to hurt him again. Eli adds that Lani is just really worried about that and she knows what Paulina can do better than Abe does. Abe says he’s a big boy and can take care of himself. Lani tells Abe that she warned him when Paulina starts making fancy promises.
Theo argues that Ciara doesn’t love Ben and accuses Ben of brainwashing her. Shawn comes back in so Theo demands he arrest Ben and get him away from Ciara. Ciara assures that she’s not brainwashed. Ciara says she blocked out of a huge chunk of time but not because of Ben. Ciara explains that Ben knew she would be happier when she got her memory back and he was right. Theo questions Ciara loving Ben and not him. Ciara asks to talk to Theo alone for a minute. Shawn tells Ben that they can step outside but Ben says he can’t because he busted his ankle yesterday. Ciara says it’s fine and that she and Theo will go outside, so they exit the cabin. Shawn tells Ben that he knows he loves Ciara but questions what if his plan didn’t work out here. Ben says that didn’t happen. Shawn warns that he’s lucky it didn’t. Shawn adds that Claire and Allie spent the last night in jail which shocks Ben. Shawn explains that there were two cops and the mayor at the wedding and that Allie and Claire confessed to helping Ben trick Ciara. Shawn says he gave them a chance to make statements but they refused. Ben can’t believe it. Shawn informs him that the district attorney pressed charges, so he had to arrest his own daughter and his cousin. Shawn states that yesterday was not exactly a good day. Ben apologizes as he never told Allie and Claire to keep quiet and he thought they were the ones that gave him up so Shawn could find them. Shawn informs Ben that they are still sitting there in the cell. Ben argues that the charges have to be dropped as he talked them in to this so he takes full responsibility for it. Shawn calls it a cute trick getting Claire to walk down the aisle with the veil on. Ben apologizes and says he didn’t want to trick Ciara but it was the only way he could do it. Ben adds that he would do it all over again because it worked and she remember how much she loves him now. Ben states that Ciara belongs with him. Shawn agrees but says it’s sad that a good guy like Theo had to get torn to shreds in the process.
Outside, Ciara tells Theo how sorry she is. Theo says it’s not her, it’s Ben. Ciara says it is her. Ciara talks about waking up in the hospital confused and scared while Theo made her feel safe again. Ciara feels like she used him. Theo says it didn’t feel that way to him as he liked taking care of her and Ben was acting crazy. Ciara says that she was Ben’s wife and he loved her so he was afraid that he lost her. Ciara adds that she loves Ben too as she remembers now. Theo questions how she can love a guy who killed three people. Ciara says he was insane then and will never forgive himself for it. Ciara declares that she loves Ben for the man he was before he got sick and the man he became after getting better. Ciara tells Theo that she loves him too. Theo questions what Ben did to make her remember. Ciara explains that Ben gave her a fortune cookie. Ciara adds that Marlena told Ben that small things could trigger big memories and that’s what happened. Ciara says all her memories and feelings came rushing back. Ciara tells Theo that he’s the last person in the world that she’d ever want to hurt and she wishes it didn’t have to be this way. Theo guesses he knew that she would remember some day but he thought he could make her love him enough that it wouldn’t matter. Ciara cries that she’s so sorry as she removes her engagement ring and hands it back to Theo.
Eli informs Abe and Lani that Shawn radioed in, confirming that he and Theo are with Ciara and Ben and that Ciara is fine. Abe wonders how Theo is. Lani wonders what this means for Theo and Ciara’s wedding.
Paulina tells Olivia that she loves Lani. Olivia argues that Lani loves Eli but Paulina’s love for Lani didn’t stop her from trying to bulldoze the town square that Eli’s family built. Paulina argues that she made a mistake and is trying to make up for it now. Paulina insists that Lani and Abe are going to come around. Olivia refers to Abe as her sister’s man. Paulina argues that Tamara and Abe were over a long time ago. Olivia reminds Paulina that she made a promise to Tamara a long time ago and she broke that promise, so she’s here to stop her before she breaks anything else. Paulina complains that Tamara could talk to her herself if she had a problem but Olivia says that she told her she would talk to her. Olivia orders Paulina to pack up and move back home because she had no business coming to this town in the first place.
Eli notes that Shawn didn’t give him any other details. Eli tells Lani that they need to get home because the babysitter can’t stay late today. Abe tells them to go ahead while he will try to reach Shawn because he wants to know what’s going on at the cabin. Lani asks Abe to let her know how Theo is. Abe agrees to do so as Lani and Eli exit the Pub.
Theo recalls the day he picked the ring out and says he was so happy, thinking that he was going to marry the woman he loves and his best friend. Ciara encourages that Theo will find a woman the way he deserves to be loved. Theo says right now, he can’t imagine loving anyone other than Ciara. Ciara understands. Theo tells her to tell Shawn that he will meet him in the car. Ciara stops him and asks if she can at least give him a hug. Theo says maybe some day, but now now, as he then walks away. Ciara heads back in to the cabin. Ben asks how Theo is doing. Ciara asks how he thinks and tells Shawn that Theo is waiting for him in the car. Ciara tells Shawn not to just drop Theo off anywhere no matter what he says and to make sure he goes to Abe’s or Lani’s. Shawn agrees not to leave him alone. Shawn assumes that Ciara is not pressing charges after yesterday. Ciara admits she wasn’t really kidnapped as it was more of an intervention, but she never wants to be apart from Ben ever again. Shawn knows how much they love each other and says he’s really happy for them both. Ciara thanks him. Ben asks what’s going to happen with Claire and Allie. Shawn says that since Ciara was never kidnapped, the charges will be dropped. Ciara questions what charges. Shawn decides he will let Ben explain that to her. Shawn offers to call an EMT for Ben’s ankle but Ben says it won’t be necessary. Ben thanks him but says it’s starting to feel better already. Shawn says goodbye to them and exits the cabin. Ben tells Ciara that the worst is now over as he kisses her.
Xander tells Jack that he just owned up to pushing drugs and dumping a body so he asks what doesn’t add up. Jack says the timeline doesn’t add up if he started pushing drugs after he lost his job at Titan, because that was before he moved in here. Jack points out that Dr. Snyder’s body was found in the lake on July 4 and questions if he was still dealing drugs after Snyder died despite getting a job at Basic Black. Xander claims that once you are in, it’s hard to get out. Jack turns to Gwen and brings up Tripp seeing her and Dr. Snyder arguing at the beginning of June. Gwen claims not to remember. Jack says that Gwen was deeply involved by then and still involved when Snyder died at the beginning of July. Gwen looks to Xander behind Jack and he nods, so Gwen says that’s right. Jack turns back to Xander and complains that he let Xander live here rent free and he repaid him by duping his daughter into a drug ring. Jack argues that Gwen was still suffering from the loss of her baby. Xander says he didn’t know that but Jack says he didn’t care. Jack tells Xander to get his things and get the hell out because he disgusts him. Jack then storms out of the room.
Ciara tells Ben that she feels so bad about Theo because he was there for her when she needed him and this is how she repays him. Ben points out that she didn’t plan to hurt him and they were both just a victim of circumstance. Ciara brings up the look on Theo’s face when she told him and how he was heartbroken. Ben relates to how bad Theo’s hurting because that’s how bad he felt when he lost her. Ben adds that Theo has a great family to take care of him. Ciara responds that he will need them now more than ever.
Abe exits the Pub and calls Lani to tell her that he just talked to Shawn and it’s not good news, as he’s bringing Theo back alone and Ciara is staying at the cabin with Ben. Abe says he’s waiting for Theo now. Lani says to tell him how sorry she is and give him a hug for her. Abe hangs up as Shawn arrives with Theo. Abe thanks Shawn and says he will take it from here. Shawn then walks off and Abe hugs Theo as he cries.
Lani informs Eli that Ciara is back with Ben while Theo is all alone. Lani hopes their twins don’t ever have to go through anything like this. Eli says they can solve their babies’ problems but then they have to send them out in to the world. Lani compliments Eli on putting the babies down for their naps. Eli mentions that he read them a Madeline book and asks why she looks sad. Lani responds that she’s just thinking about Theo. Eli notes that she had the same look when he mentioned the book and when she mentioned the trip to Paris to Abe, so he asks what that was about. Lani tells him that she just remembered being a young girl and finding out her favorite aunt was not who she pretended to be.
Paulina argues that her mother can’t tell her where to go and where not to go since she had every right to come here for Lani’s babies being christened. Olivia argues that it was not her place. Lani asks whose place it was then and points out that Tamara was not there. Olivia says she was on tour and she knows it so that’s not fair. Paulina asks about what happened to her and if that was fair. Olivia says they aren’t talking about that now. Paulina suggests they should and put it all out on the table.
Gwen asks if Xander has gone completely mad by convincing her father that he’s totally responsible for her crimes. Xander tells her that Jack wanted to know why she went along with the drug deal with Dr. Snyder and he knew she couldn’t explain that to him without admitting that Snyder was blackmailing her and then Jack would want to know what he had on her. Xander brings up if Jack ever finds out that Gwen lied about Abigail being responsible for her miscarriage. Gwen knows Jack wouldn’t want any part of her but she doesn’t understand why Xander covered for her. Xander states that it’s better for him to lose a friend than her lose a father. Gwen questions him doing this to help her. Xander says that he’s doing it to help Jack as he’s never had a friend like him. Jack comes back to the room so Xander apologizes and says he deserves better. Jack suggests Xander should be apologizing to Gwen. Xander apologizes to Gwen for including her in his scheme and says he took advantage of her and Jack’s friendship. Xander declares that they will both be better off without him in the mix. Xander hopes that Gwen appreciates what a good lad Jack is and says she’s very lucky to have a father like him. Xander then takes his bag and exits the house.
Abe sits with Theo outside the Pub. Theo states that as soon as he heard Ciara got her memory back, he knew it was over for them. Theo always knew it could turn out like this. Abe knows he was hoping that it wouldn’t. Theo acknowledges that Abe tried to warn him and talk him in to calling it off but he didn’t listen. Theo declares that if he’s hurting now, he did it to himself.
Ben holds Ciara in bed and asks if it’s wrong for him to be this happy. Ciara says no and that everyone always talks about what she’s been through, but asks what about what Ben went through being kidnapped by Vincent and then thinking she was dead for months until he finally found her but she turned on him. Ben understands that she didn’t remember him. Ciara says that Ben actually got to watch her plan to spend the rest of her life with Theo but he still never gave up on her and finally reached her. Ben assures that he was never going to give up on her no matter how long it took. Ciara is thankful for that. Ben states that they have been through Hell together. Ben says when he couldn’t find her, he could feel her reaching out to him and that’s what kept him going. Ciara says knowing that he was out there and believing that he was looking for her kept her going. Ben declares that they are meant to be together as they kiss. Ciara asks about his ankle but Ben ignores it and continues kissing her. They begin to undress each other and make love in the bed. Ciara tells Ben to never let her go again. Ben responds that he won’t as she is his forever and he is hers.
Gwen sits alone at home and thinks back to kissing Xander. Jack then comes back in with a cup of tea for her. Jack brings up when he tells Julie that he kicked Xander out of the house. Jack can’t believe Xander as he really thought he developed a decent side, but he was wrong. Jack declares that Xander uses everyone he meets and can’t stop himself. Gwen thinks Xander got mixed up with Dr. Snyder out of desperation and says desperation has made her do things that she’s not proud of. Jack says that Xander risked Gwen’s life to make money so he can’t forgive that. Gwen points out that the drug dealing stopped when Dr. Snyder died so she hopes this whole business is over. Jack hopes so but notes that actions do tend to have consequences.
Xander walks through the town square and runs in to Shawn. Shawn says he was just looking for him and informs him that he’s under arrest as he then handcuffs Xander.
Abe tells Theo that when his mother died, he began to learn about something called the Tincture of Time. Theo doesn’t know what a tincture is. Abe explains that it’s a remedy as the passage of time began to make his pain bearable. Abe learned that he could smile when he thought of her instead of getting choked up. Theo argues that this isn’t like mom as there was nothing they could do for her while this didn’t have to happen, but he made it happen. Abe encourages that it’s not his fault. Abe says that Ciara turned to him when she lost her memory because they always shared a special bond. Theo complains that it wasn’t love for her. Abe says he took a leap of faith and gave his whole heart to someone which is never a mistake, even if the person doesn’t love you back. Abe assures Theo that he will find true love someday and he will know the minute it happens. Theo asks what he’s supposed to do until then. Abe tells him to lean on he and Lani because that’s what families are for, to help when things get really bad. Abe hugs Theo as he cries.
Lani tells Eli about how she sat with all her clothes for her trip to Paris but Paulina never showed up. Eli can’t imagine her going through something like that as a kid but he knows it hurt. Eli asks if Paulina ever told her why she did it. Lani says no as she didn’t see her for a really long time after that and when she did, she never mentioned it as if she forgot the promise she made to her. Lani says it’s fine and she was over it until all this Price Town scam brought all the feelings back. Lani complains that Paulina puts on this charm and makes you feel like the most important person in the world, but then she gets what she wants and it’s like you didn’t even exist. Eli tells her that he’s sorry as he knows how hurtful that can be. Lani says she’s tried to figure out who Paulina is, but she just can’t as she does not know who she really is.
Paulina complains about Olivia coming to town to talk her in to leaving but it won’t be that easy as she has some things to say too. Olivia responds that they wouldn’t have anything to talk about if Paulina just kept her promise. Paulina wishes she never made that promise. Olivia reminds Paulina that she promised her sister that she would stay away from her daughter. Paulina then reveals that they both know Lani is not really Tamara’s daughter, but Paulina’s daughter!
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