Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Suzanne
Liam is at home, clutching a sofa pillow. He keeps having a flashback to the night he hit Vinny with his car. Bill comes in, saying he went for a jog. It soon becomes clear that he was establishing his presence with the neighbors in case of any problems with the police as well as checking out what possible video footage there might have been last night. Liam thinks he should go to the police, but Bill thinks he’ll be sentence to jail because Vinny almost destroyed his marriage to Hope. Liam keeps telling him that he won’t be able to live a normal life with this guilt, but Bill doesn’t listen. His only concern is protecting Liam from going to jail. Liam also thinks that the police will catch him, despite Bill’s precautions.
Hope flashes back to kissing Liam. Finn drops by for a visit; Steffy and Kelly took a little trip up the coast. He couldn’t get out of work. Hope asks him how he was able to forgive Steffy so easily. Finn replies that it was a one-time thing, so he just decided to forgive her, which is healthier, anyway. He focused on their future. He thinks Hope should do the same. Hope tells him that she’s looking forward to having lunch with Liam today. She texts him about their lunch. He had forgotten about it and starts freaking out. Bill says Liam shouldn’t go anywhere in his current condition. Liam texts her that he can’t make their lunch after all. He starts to hyper-ventilate, so Bill talks him into getting calmer. He refuses to let Liam go to prison. Meanwhile, Finn meets up with the Coroner. She tells him that she can’t go to their training session today as planned because of the new hit-and-run of a young man. He looks at the man’s face and is shocked that it’s Vinny.
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