B&B Fan Clubs
B&B has disbanded its official fan club. “The Official The Bold and The Beautiful Fan Page” is now on Facebook, and all the latest news can be found on Twitter. Also, at www.boldandbeautiful.com fans can find live streaming of special events and info. that will keep you informed daily of what’s going on behind the scenes, sneak peeks at things to come, locations and dates of public appearances as well as how to independently network with your favorite actors from B&B.
Fan Clubs for Courtney Hope (Sally) and Patrika Darbo (Shirley) can be found here!
This page can be found on our old site.
For an autographed headshot, you may write directly to the specific actor
c/o “The Bold and The Beautiful”
7800 Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Other Fan Club Pages: AMC, ATWT, AW, Days, GH, GL, OLTL, Passions, PC, and Y&R.
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