Days Update Monday, October 14, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Steve is at the hospital and calls Chad. Steve asks how Paris is. Chad says it’s hard to complain about Paris. Steve says especially when he’s there with someone he loves. Steve mentions that Julie told him about the trip. Chad says he hoped it might spark some memories. Steve asks how that is going. Chad says there’s nothing concrete. Steve asks if it did spark something at least. Chad says he appreciates his concern but he knows why he’s calling and guesses that Steve is still suspicious of “Abigail”.

“Abigail” calls Mark and tells him that she has news. Holly then walks by behind her at the café in Paris. “Abigail” informs Mark that she and Chad are getting married. Mark notes that was fast. “Abigail” says she didn’t expect it to come together so soon but the stakes are so high. She assures that everything she’s doing is for their mom as Holly looks on confused behind her.

Tate finds Sophia in the town square and tells her about running in to Holly’s grandmother. Tate says it turns out that Holly wasn’t in school because she flew out to Paris. Sophia calls that great news as maybe she and her mom can work things out. Tate is surprised Sophia cares. Sophia claims that Holly is still her friend. Tate points out that even though Holly attacked her. Sophia states that just because they like the same guy, doesn’t mean she wants her to be miserable. Sophia admits she wouldn’t hate it if Holly decided to stay in Paris, so she could have Tate all to herself.

Maggie questions Xander telling her that Kristen has a cure for Sarah’s paralysis. Xander says he didn’t believe it at first either. Maggie asks what Kristen knows that the doctors don’t. Xander reveals that it’s Dr. Rolf, who has some type of serum and Kristen will give it to them for a price. Maggie asks what the price is. Xander says she demanded they get the charges against Brady dropped.

Eric visits Brady in the interrogation room and asks how he’s holding up. Brady says he’s fine and tells him not to worry about the deal he made with EJ for 10 years. Brady adds that by the time he gets out, Sarah will still be in a wheelchair so he’s not going to talk him out of it. Eric informs Brady that he’s here to talk to him about he and Fiona.

Sarah goes to her bedroom and thinks back to Eric questioning her about Fiona. Sarah tells herself that it can’t be but then she has a flashback to the hit and run. Fiona then enters the room. Sarah declares it was her. Fiona asks what she’s talking about. Sarah declares that she finally remembers it was Fiona that was driving that night. Fiona asks if she’s just waking up from a nightmare. Sarah repeats that she knows it was her and she’s never been more sure about anything. Fiona thinks she’s confused and brings up how Sarah said she remembered Brady and then she said she didn’t. Sarah reminds her that she told her that she lied about that to stop Xander from killing Brady. Fiona questions where she would even get the idea that she was involved in her accident. Sarah reveals that Eric was just there and told her that he spoke to the waiter who served Brady that night and that Fiona was with him at the bar.

Brady guesses Eric heard about he and Fiona. Eric confirms he did and understands why he’d want to keep that under wraps. Brady explains that when he met her, he had no idea who she was and they were both in a bad place. Eric says he doesn’t care about that, but about the night of Sarah’s accident. Eric asks Brady if Fiona was drinking that night too.

Steve tells Chad that he didn’t mean to upset him and says they are on the same side here. Chad disagrees and says they aren’t if he keeps implying that “Abigail” is an impostor. Steve says he’s just concerned about them. Chad assures him that everything is going great and then reveals they are getting married.

Mark tells “Abigail” that it’s great that she convinced Chad to marry her but he’s glad she called when she did because he just saw Clyde. He informs her that there’s something else Clyde wants him to do. Holly then approaches and recognizes “Abigail”.

Maggie tells Xander that Kristen is delusional since Xander can’t decide whether Brady gets prosecuted or not. Xander explains that Sarah’s memory is all EJ has but they’ll only get the cure if Brady goes free. Maggie calls it a tough decision. Xander explains that the decision was already made but EJ won’t accept it as he’s so determined to stick it to Brady that he threatened to arrest Sarah for perjury if she doesn’t stick to her original statement which shocks Maggie. Xander states that now Brady will go to prison for ten years and Sarah may never walk again, which he says is all his fault.

Eric informs Brady that Fiona swore she was completely sober on the night of the accident and that she tried to talk Brady out of driving, then took a taxi home. Brady points out that he doesn’t remember getting home that night while Eric questions him not remembering if Fiona was drinking. Brady asks if it’s so hard to believe that two people were at a bar and one was drinking while the other wasn’t. Eric responds that it is hard when both people are recovering alcoholics. Eric demands Brady tell him the truth. Brady then admits that Fiona was drinking that night as well.

Fiona tells Sarah that now it’s beginning to make sense and says that Eric is correct that she told him she was with Brady that night, but there’s nothing more to tell and she had nothing to do with the accident. Sarah questions her not saying anything before now then. Fiona says she didn’t want Xander to know she was with Brady because of the bad blood between them. Fiona adds that Xander was already upset about the accident, so she didn’t want to add to his pain. Sarah questions if she didn’t want to admit that she was the cause of it. Fiona claims that she had nothing to do with the accident and that she did everything she could to talk Brady out of driving but he insisted. Fiona then talks about finding out Brady was responsible for hitting Sarah and leaving her there but Sarah shouts that he wasn’t responsible. Fiona argues that Sarah is letting Eric put ideas in her head when he’s desperate to save his brother. Sarah says that doesn’t mean he’s wrong. Fiona argues that Eric wasn’t there but Sarah shouts that she was. Sarah yells that she remembers what she saw and that’s Fiona behind the wheel, so she tells her to just admit that it was her.

Steve questions Chad getting married. Chad explains that going to Paris helped “Abigail” remember how happy they were and that they were in love which he’s been praying for, for months. Chad adds that it was her idea to get married as she wants to feel those emotions again and thinks it might help more memories. Chad guesses Steve won’t say he’s happy for them. Steve admits he still has questions and feels Chad should too. Chad responds that he’s marrying his wife and he’ll give her his best wishes as he hangs up.

“Abigail” tells Mark that she has to go and hangs up as she asks Holly if she knows her. Holly introduces herself and explains that her mother used to be married to EJ. Holly mentions being at the DiMera Mansion awhile back and seeing her. “Abigail” talks about it being hard to keep track of the not so familiar faces and calls it a coincidence to run in to her in Paris. Holly mentions that Nicole lives there now while “Abigail” mentions being there with Chad. Holly promises she wasn’t eavesdropping but says she heard her say that she’s getting married. She says it was kind of spur of the moment but they are very exciting. Holly congratulates her, but questions her saying on the phone that she’s doing it because of her mother.

Mark guesses it’s better that “Abigail” hung up as he questions how he’s supposed to tell her that Clyde wants him to commit murder and kill the man she’s about to marry as Steve then walks in to the room. Mark asks if he needs something. Steve says one of the nurses told him that he could find him here. Steve introduces himself. Mark recalls meeting him a couple of months ago in Kayla’s office. Steve says that Kayla speaks very highly of Mark and told him that she trusts him, so he’d like to ask a favor. Steve brings up Mark running the DNA test for Kayla on “Abigail”, so he hopes he can run it again.

“Abigail” claims that she was on the phone with her brother JJ about Jennifer having a hard time she was accepting that she’s really her daughter. Holly guesses that must be hard for both of them. “Abigail” thinks it will take a leap of faith and hopes getting married will trigger her memories, then her mom can realize she’s really her daughter. Holly says she really hopes it works. “Abigail” thanks her and says it was nice running in to her but she has to go buy something to get married in. Holly then asks if she can come with her.

Maggie questions how this could possibly be Xander’s fault when Kristen is the one who expects Sarah to lie and say she doesn’t remember Brady hitting her. Xander then reveals that wouldn’t be a lie as Sarah doesn’t really remember who was behind the wheel that night. Maggie brings up Sarah’s statement being the reason that Brady is heading to prison. Xander says they both knew Brady was guilty but Sarah felt she had to lie to the police as she had no choice. Xander then reveals that Sarah made up the story to save him, reminding Maggie of when she found him in the office with a gun. Xander figured she didn’t buy his story about needing extra security and admits he was going to use the gun to kill Brady.

Eric realizes Fiona lied to him about staying sober and wonders if she lied about Brady driving too. Brady insists that he woke up in the driver’s seat, so he is the one who hit Sarah, left her there and drove home. Eric asks what if Fiona placed Brady in the car and pulled an Orpheus, reminding him of what Orpheus did to Maggie.

Sarah tells Fiona that she can now see her clearly. Fiona says it doesn’t make sense and asks why she’s doing this when she never had a clear memory of what happened. Sarah insists that she does now and all this time, Fiona has been lying about what she did to her. Fiona continues to deny it and blames Eric putting the idea in her head. Sarah asks how it happened and guesses Fiona must have been drinking too. Fiona insists that she was sober and that she had nothing to drink at the wedding. Sarah argues that she’s talking about later that night at the bar with Brady. Sarah says she is sick of her stonewalling her and pulls out her phone to call Xander but Fiona grabs her phone away and tells her she can’t call Xander because she will lose him when she just got him back in her life. Sarah complains that she hit her with a car and then kept going. Fiona declares that if Xander finds out the truth, she’ll have nothing. Sarah says she doesn’t give a damn. Fiona complains about what it was like for her before, saying she was so lonely and miserable but now after all those years, she finally has a family and her son. Sarah asks if she means his money but Fiona says that’s not what this is about. Sarah says it’s about Fiona running her down in cold blood. Fiona calls it an accident and admits that she was drinking, but that Brady was so much worse and could barely stand on his own feet so she thought she was doing the right thing. Sarah demands her phone back and declares that she’s done listening to her. Fiona says everything would’ve been okay but she took her eyes off the road for one second and Sarah suddenly appeared. Fiona states that she was horrified when she hit her. Sarah questions if she couldn’t call for help. Fiona admits she heard Xander coming and she knew he would take care of her. Fiona adds that she hates herself for what she’s done, but Sarah says not enough to stop Brady taking the fall for it.

Maggie asks if Xander really would’ve gone that far. Xander admits he had blood in his eyes, but he knows how important Brady is to her so it’s difficult to say. Xander complains that he needed justice for Sarah and she wasn’t going to get it unless he did something about it, but when Sarah found out what he was planning, she called the police and told them that she remembered seeing Brady behind the wheel. Maggie realizes that Sarah lied to save Xander from himself. Xander admits to having someone drug Brady so he would pass out and then he went over there with his gun, intending to make it look like a suicide but the police showed up before he could kill Brady. Maggie cries that she told him nothing good could come from his desperation for revenge. Maggie remembers asking Xander to let it go when she saw him with the gun. Xander responds that it was already too late as everything was in motion. Maggie doesn’t want to think about what would’ve happened if the police hadn’t shown up. Xander declares that it all led to this and thanks to him, Brady will stay locked up and Sarah will never get her hands on the cure.

Eric reminds Brady about the night Adrienne was killed when Orpheus ran her off the road but put an unconscious Maggie in the car, so she would wake up and assume she was guilty. Eric asks what if Fiona did the same thing to him.

“Abigail” returns to Chad at the apartment and brings Holly with her, surprising Chad. Chad hugs Holly and asks what she’s doing in Paris. Holly says she came to visit her mom and explains that they are having it out right now. Holly adds that she was on her way to her hotel when she ran in to “Abigail”. Chad questions the hotel and says that sounds lonely as he then invites Holly to stay with them, pointing out that they have plenty of room.

Mark tells Steve that the first DNA test was conclusive. Steve says he understands and know it’s unusual to ask, but his niece’s return has been quite an upheaval for the family. Steve thought another test might give Kayla and everyone some peace of mind and end the whispers. Mark decides he’d be happy to and mentions still having the original samples. Steve reveals he has new samples from “Abigail” and Thomas. Mark says he has time now so he’ll take them to the lab now. Steve asks him to put a rush on it, so Mark says he’ll get them back to him shortly.

Holly asks if Chad is serious and if she won’t be in the way. “Abigail” asks if it’s a good idea with the wedding. Chad points out that they need a witness for the wedding and “Abigail” will need a maid of honor, so Holly can serve double duty.

Xander asks Maggie if she hates him. Maggie responds that she could never hate him, but he is his own worst enemy. Maggie tells Xander that his need for revenge ends up hurting him and the people he loves. Xander says he knows that now, but he doesn’t know how Sarah will ever be able to forgive him. Maggie offers to help by going to talk to Kristen and appeal to her as a mother, so maybe she can convince her to give Sarah the cure. Xander worries that Kristen doesn’t have a heart. Maggie feels she has to try. Xander says it seems like Maggie is always fixing problems that he creates. Maggie says he knows how she feels about him, but she’s doing this for Sarah as she then walks away. Xander sits down with Victoria and says it looks like he’s got them into another fine mess.

Eric tells Brady to think about Fiona realizing that she hit her own daughter in law, panicking, then seeing Brady slumped over in the passenger seat. Brady questions the idea of Fiona dragging him in to the driver’s seat. Eric argues that desperation makes people do things. Brady insists that Fiona wasn’t driving and calls it wild speculation. Eric argues that Brady doesn’t know so he can’t tell him whether or not Fiona was driving. Eric pleads with Brady to search his brain. Brady then remembers Fiona waking him up and telling him that she hit someone.

Fiona asks Sarah how she was supposed to know that Brady would turn himself in. Sarah argues that he did that because he’s a decent human being who wanted to do the responsible thing for something that Fiona made him think he did, which she calls a foreign concept to her. Fiona says she was sure Brady would be cleared after his lawyer worked his magic since his confession was useless if he couldn’t remember, but then Sarah went and identified him. Sarah argues that was to stop Xander from killing him which he never would’ve done if they didn’t think Brady was the one driving. Sarah can’t believe that she told the police that Brady is guilty and now he’s going to spend 10 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. Sarah declares that she can’t let that happen even if EJ puts her in prison for perjury, she has to tell everyone the truth about what Fiona did. Fiona tells her that she’s sorry but she can’t let her do that.

Mark returns to Steve with the DNA test results which Steve notes was fast. Mark tells Steve that the results are conclusive and that “Abigail” and Thomas are a perfect match as the samples are definitely mother and son. Steve thanks him and says he really appreciates this as he knew Mark was the guy to ask. Mark says anytime as he then exits. Steve then comments to himself, revealing that he gave Mark DNA samples from himself and Kayla, not Abigail and Thomas. Steve declares that it’s just as he suspected, that Mark faked the original test results, and that whoever that woman is sure is not Abigail.

Chad tells “Abigail” that Holly is all settled in the guest room. “Abigail” says she thought it would just be the two of them. Chad talks about feeling bad with everything going on with Holly’s mother and her staying at a hotel. “Abigail” claims she was worried about her too which is why she brought her here. Chad promises that tomorrow will be a perfect day since they are getting married as he hugs her.

Brady informs Eric that he remembers. Eric asks what he remembers and what he sees. Brady tells him that Fiona was in the car and he was, but she was behind the wheel. Brady remembers Fiona saying she thought she hit somebody. Brady declares that he didn’t do it, he wasn’t driving the car, and he didn’t hit Sarah so he’s innocent.

Sarah questions what Fiona is doing. Fiona responds that she’s doing what she has to do because she’s the only one who knows the truth. Sarah argues that Eric knows too but Fiona disagrees. Fiona tells Sarah that she’s about to have a terrible accident as she wheels her out of the bedroom while Sarah yells for her to stop. Fiona declares that somebody will find her at the bottom of the stairs and they will just think that she lost control of her wheelchair, but no one will be the wiser. Xander then appears and says except for him as he stops her.

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