Days Update Monday, September 30, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Johnny has a nightmare about filming Alex and Chanel’s love scene where they won’t stop kissing after he says to cut, then he wakes up in a panic.

Chanel goes to Paulina’s home to use her shower, telling her that Johnny is crazy jealous of Alex and she’s not going to put up with it.

Alex goes to Stephanie’s apartment, causing Stephanie to remember dreaming about Alex. Stephanie asks if everything is okay. Alex says he just felt bad for keeping her up late, so he brought her coffee. Alex feels like he barely slept as he spent the night stressing about the show, which is why he came back as he needs some advice from a communications pro about how to tell his producers they are making a big mistake.

Abe joins Kate at the Body and Soul studio. They talk about today being the first day of shooting. Kate tells Abe that Roman talked to Kayla about using the hospital as a set and she’s on the case. Abe says he first has some not so good news as one of their lead actors is causing problems, so they need to come up with a solution soon.

Bonnie goes to Leo’s room at the Salem Inn. Leo says he didn’t sleep last night so it’s not a good time. Bonnie demands to know where her rewrites are that she asked for, saying there is no way she’s doing Hattie’s new scenes. Leo informs her that he didn’t rewrite anymore or change any of Hattie’s scenes.

Hattie goes to the Brady Pub which is set up as a shooting location for Body and Soul. Roman greets her as Hattie excitedly talks about doing a real television show in the Pub. Hattie declares they will be putting on a real, live soap opera.

Bonnie questions Leo not making any of the changes she asked for. Leo suggests she be professional, learn the part as written, and think about how lucky she is to be a working actor. Bonnie guesses Hattie got to him to convince him not to make the changes. Leo says that Hattie had nothing to do with it, but Abe told him not to make the changes and he is his boss so he defers to him on all matters related to Body and Soul. Bonnie tells Leo that doesn’t work for her.

Abe informs Kate that Bonnie is not Hattie’s favorite person. Kate says the feeling is apparently mutual and talks about when they both picked the same dress for the photoshoot. Abe tells Kate that Hattie gave him the ultimatum that either Bonnie goes or she goes. Kate admits she was afraid that was going to happen and asks Abe’s thoughts on that. Abe has no doubts that Hattie was serious, so they have no choice but to lose one or the other.

Stephanie asks what Alex needs to talk to Abe and Kate about. Alex explains that last night, he and Chanel got their new pages for the scenes they are filming this week including Faith and Arrow’s first sex scene. Stephanie asks what the problem is. Alex argues that the sex scene on the first week of the show doesn’t make sense since they are supposed to be star-crossed lovers so it is supposed to seem like they hate each other and everything is getting in their way of being together. Alex questions who will want to keep watching if they are already together. Stephanie calls that an excellent point and asks if she talked to Chanel about it. Alex confirms that he has and she actually agreed with him for once.

Chanel tells Paulina about her argument with Johnny about her and Alex and how insulted she felt when Johnny brought up her past with Alex. Chanel feels Johnny doesn’t trust her and that’s hurtful. Paulina responds that she gets why Johnny is jealous and she doesn’t blame him.

Kate asks if Abe really thinks Hattie will quit if they don’t fire Bonnie, wondering if it’s possible that she’s bluffing. Abe asks what Kate thinks. Kate admits she doesn’t think it’s a bluff. Abe states that Hattie is holding all the cards here and they have to face that Charlemagne is the star of the show. Kate questions if she is or if she’s just Abe’s favorite character. Abe brings up the research that audiences love her. Kate argues that Cassandra is popular also. Abe says the fans love it when they are sparring, but Hattie is threatening to quit. Kate guesses it makes more sense to fire Bonnie which Abe agrees with. Kate says to imagine what they could do on the first day of taping after the mess at the photoshoot.

Hattie tells Roman that the Pub looks great. Roman talks about Body and Soul being on a tight budget and offering the Pub as a favor to Kate. Roman understands Kate will use his staff as extras so they won’t miss any days of pay. Hattie calls it a win-win all the way around, adding that she’s getting a pretty big win herself thanks to Abe.

Leo admits to Bonnie that he made some changes for Hattie but that was it for rewrites, arguing that they don’t have time to keep reworking scenes like a movie. Leo says they are under the gun time wise and have to produce an entire show in one day. Bonnie says she knows how everything has to go so fast so Leo says she should understand then. Leo then brings up the problems that Johnny is having, arguing that hot young couples have sex and fall in love on soap operas all the time and that’s what the audience is tuning in for. Leo remarks that Johnny is just going to have to grin and bear it.

Chanel questions Paulina not blaming Johnny for being jealous and asks if she thinks she actually wants to have a sex scene with Alex. Paulina brings up Chanel’s past fling with Alex, so she doesn’t blame Johnny for thinking Chanel could still have an attraction to Alex and seeing this as a hall pass type situation. Chanel argues that Johnny is the one who urged her to take this job and a job is exactly what this is. Paulina thinks Chanel needs to keep telling him that since he obviously needs some reassurance. Johnny then shows up at the door.

Stephanie tells Alex that if he and Chanel both have a problem with the scene, the best way to have it changed would be to work together. Alex agrees and decides to text Chanel to suggest they meet at Kate’s office. Stephanie gets a call from Jada and steps aside to answer it, asking what’s going on. Stephanie says she hasn’t seen the news and asks what she means that they were wrong. Stephanie is shocked and thanks Jada for telling her. Stephanie says they will talk later and hangs up. Alex asks if everything is okay. Stephanie cries that she can’t believe it as she informs Alex that Jada just told her that Everett didn’t kill himself, but he was murdered.

Abe tells Kate that he’s open to all options. Kate says to play devil’s advocate, if they give in to Hattie’s ultimatum and fire Bonnie, she thinks they are setting a dangerous precedent and letting one actor fire another so she worries about how long it could be before Hattie demands creative control. Abe suggests they could make it clear that it’s only one time. Kate asks about when the other actors find out and start making their requests. Abe admits she’s right that they can’t let that happen and they can’t let production be derailed by two angry actresses. Kate agrees that they need to nip it in the bud before it all gets out of control.

Bonnie tells Leo that she feels for Johnny as she has tangled with jealousy as well. Bonnie argues that she wants to protect her character Cassandra, so she will not have her humiliated by Charlemagne. Leo admires and appreciates her dedication to her craft, but says she has to take it up with Abe and Kate. Bonnie decides she will on the set today. Leo says he supports whatever decision they make as he hurries Bonnie out the door.

Stephanie informs Alex that it wasn’t Everett who stabbed Rafe and he didn’t die by suicide as it was Connie who attacked Rafe and poisoned Everett/Bobby, then forged the suicide note. Stephanie can’t believe she invited Connie to Everett’s funeral when she’s the one who killed him. Stephanie cries that every time she thinks she’s starting to heal, it’s like losing him all over again. Alex says he’s so sorry and hugs her as she cries. Alex tells her it’s okay. Stephanie says she’s sorry and that he should go since he needs to talk to Kate. Alex asks if she’s sure she’s okay. Stephanie responds that she’ll be fine and that she should call Jada back. Stephanie wishes him luck with his conversation. Alex thanks her and tells her to call if she needs anything. Stephanie says he’ll be working but Alex says that doesn’t matter as she is more important. Alex tells her that he will see her on set as he then exits.

Chanel asks what Johnny is doing there. Johnny says he got her note and questions her moving out of the house after one fight. Paulina asks if that’s what is happening here. Chanel argues that she just came to take a shower. Johnny thinks it’s about more than that. Chanel explains that she thought they could use space after last night. Johnny tells her that she was right in everything she said, admitting he overreacted. Johnny knows the photoshoot was all just part of the job, but when he saw her with her hands all over Alex, it brought up a lot of stuff that he didn’t know was there and he lost it for a second. Johnny tells Chanel that he’s truly sorry and asks if she can forgive him.

Roman sits with Hattie at the Pub and they go over her lines for Body and Soul. Roman jokes that it’s some pretty steamy stuff. Bonnie then enters, so Hattie questions what she’s doing there. Bonnie responds that she works on this set but Hattie argues that she’s supposed to be fired.

Chanel has Johnny promise not to get freaked out again and that he’s okay with her being an actor with a love interest. Johnny says he just wants her to shine. Chanel guesses she can forgive him. Paulina is relieved as Johnny hugs Chanel. Chanel then informs Johnny that he won’t have to direct her and Alex in a love scene this week as they are going to talk to Kate about it being too soon for Faith and Arrow to have sex. Johnny says if that’s what she wants. Chanel reiterates that he won’t have to worry about directing them in a sex scene any time soon.

Alex goes to the Body and Soul studio and asks Kate if she has a minute. Alex mentions that he wanted to wait for Chanel but she’s not around, so Kate tells him they don’t have time to wait. Alex brings up the love scene but Kate tells him to grow up, arguing that he and Chanel both said they could get past their history. Alex says it’s not that. Kate brings up the heat at the photoshoot and questions what the problem is. Alex explains that Faith and Arrow are supposed to be star-crossed lovers so he questions them already having sex at the beginning of their story. Kate says they wanted to start the show with a bang. Alex thinks they should hold off on that and make the viewers wait. Alex says if it’s okay, he and Chanel would like to not do that scene.

Abe goes to Leo’s room and says he wanted to talk to him about Bonnie and Hattie. Leo mentions that Bonnie was just there again, demanding rewrites, but he told her that Abe instructed him not to do any more changes. Abe worries that Bonnie will now be waiting for him at the set. Leo asks what he’s going to tell her. Abe responds that he and Kate talked it over, so Bonnie is going to get rewrites but not the ones that she thought she was getting.

Bonnie questions Hattie demanding the producers fire her. Hattie complains that she makes her crazy. Hattie tells Bonnie to be a team player and a good sport. Roman calls Kate as Hattie and Bonnie argue. Bonnie calls Hattie a big pain in the behind while Hattie argues that she’s the star of the show. Roman interrupts their fighting, telling them to drop the egos and be professional.

Paulina brings Johnny coffee as they sit together. Johnny apologizes for bringing her in to their mess. Paulina says it’s okay as she’s just glad they worked it out. Johnny admits he’s not proud of how he acted last night. Paulina admits he went too far but she gets it and says if she saw Abe on set in a bed with someone he shared one with before, it would’ve stirred strong feelings within her too. Johnny says it really did take him by surprise since he is the one who encouraged Chanel to audition for the show and he trusts her. Johnny thought he would be cool with it until he wasn’t. Paulina notes that it is a little bit more complicated than usual because of Chanel’s past with Alex. Paulina reminds Johnny that he is the one that Chanel chose and married, so he should be secure in that and proud of her.

Kate questions Alex and Chanel talking about getting rid of the sex scene. Alex confirms they did at the photoshoot last night. Chanel then walks in and questions Alex already being there as she thought he was going to wait for her. Alex tries to explain but Chanel guesses that he decided to handle it on his own and asks what she missed. Kate tells Chanel what Alex told her about them thinking the sex scene was too soon. Chanel agrees and asks if they can postpone it.

Leo tells Abe that he did not see this coming and asks if he’s sure about this. Abe confirms that he and Kate decided it was the best solution so he needs him to get to work on these new rewrites. Leo reminds him that once this is done, there is no going back. Abe declares this is the hand they’ve been dealt, so they will just have to play it.

Bonnie complains that Hattie is the one being unprofessional while Hattie argues that Bonnie has been telling everyone she’s the best actress who ever lived. Roman continues trying to stop them from arguing, telling them they are being foolish. Roman reminds them how lucky they are to be leads on a TV show and how hard Kate and Abe worked to rescue the show. Roman warns that if they keep this up, they will risk derailing the entire project so they both need to stop the ultimatums. Bonnie blames Hattie but Roman doesn’t want to hear it. Roman tells them that whether they like it or not, they are in this together and the show needs them both. Roman instructs them to shake hands and figure out a way to make this work. Bonnie offers her hand but Hattie declares that Pine View isn’t big enough for the both of them.

Stephanie goes to Paulina’s, who says she’s not even her first or second unexpected visitor this morning. Stephanie wanted to drop off the bios of the members in her new housing task force. Paulina points out that she asked for those awhile ago. Stephanie apologizes for not getting it done sooner as it’s been a tough few weeks personally and she’s been busy with Body and Soul. Paulina admits that she would usually chew her out for letting her down, but because it’s Abe’s show, she can give her a pass. Stephanie mentions it being a lot more complicated than she thought and asks how Abe is doing. Paulina says Abe is fine, but this morning she had to referee an argument between Chanel and Johnny about some steamy love scene. Stephanie mentions that she got an earful from Alex about it. Paulina asks what he said about it. Stephanie explains that Alex didn’t want to do it and was going to talk to Kate about it this morning, so hopefully he and Chanel can work something out.

Johnny joins Alex and Chanel at the studio and asks if they talked to Kate. They confirm they did and said they didn’t want to do the love scene as they believe it’s too soon for their characters, but Chanel reveals that Kate said their arguing just reminded her of how sparks fly when they are together so the love scene is still on.

Kate and Abe meet in the town square. Kate tells Abe that she already put out the first fire of the day and now she’s headed to the set. Kate asks Abe if he talked to Leo. Abe confirms that he did and he was surprised there was no pushback as Leo is making the changes they requested. Abe adds that Bonnie is getting her rewrites as they speak.

Roman declares that he tried and tells Bonnie and Hattie not to kill each other in his restaurant as he walks away. Leo arrives, so Bonnie asks if he decided on the rewrites. Leo reveals that it’s not up to him but he met with Abe and he does have new rewrites. Bonnie says she’s glad they came to their senses but Leo is not sure she will feel that way after reading them. Leo asks her not to shoot the messenger. Bonnie asks what he’s going on about. Leo then shows her the new script leading to Bonnie being shocked to learn that they are killing her character off the show.

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