GH Short Recap Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps


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Recap written by Eva

Sam takes Kristina to the hospital so she can get some help to deal with her grief over losing baby Irene whom she calls Adela. Felicia tells Kristina all the options that the hospital offers to deal with grief and Kristina decides to go to a grief support group. Kristina also decides to talk to a specialist in post-partum depression.

Sam tells Dante that since she is a trained diver she is going to dive in the river and find the gun that Alexis threw in the river.

Ric has an independent lab run a test on Heather’s blood for cobalt poisoning and the independent lab test show the level of cobalt poisoning is dramatically lower than the test that was run at General Hospital. Ric shows the two test results to Elizabeth and she advises Ric to do another test to verify which of the two test results are correct.

Sonny hires Martin Grey to defend Alexis.

Alexis arrives at Pentonville and is put in a cell with Heather.

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