Interview with Lucian-River Chauhan, Abigail Pniowsky and Barry L. Levy

TV Interview!


actors Lucian-River Chauhan and Abigail Pniowsky and creator/EP Barry L. Levy of "Me" on Apple TV+

Interviews with Lucian-River Chauhan, Abigail Pniowsky and Barry L. Levy of “Me” on Apple TV+ by Suzanne 6/26/24 and 6/27/24

This is a fun superhero series with some teenage angst that is very realistic and honest. The actors do a phenomenal job (both young and old). I was glad to interview both the two lead actors, as well as creator/executive producer Barry L. Levy. I hope you can check out this cool new show that premieres July 12th!

Barry L. Levy

Suzanne:  How did you come up with the idea for this show?

Barry: Absolutely. So I have three kids. I have a son named Ben, just like the lead in the show.

Suzanne:  Okay.

Barry: And my oldest are identical twin daughters…

Suzanne:  Oh!

Barry: And then, a couple of years younger, is my son. And so he was always a little tall for his age, and it looked like triplets.  but it was never quite triplets, right?

Suzanne:  Right.

Barry: And he could never figure out who he was supposed to be, because he couldn’t be them. And so it became a conversation… It became a bedtime story. And then it became the story we started working on as a family of, “Who does Ben want… if he could be anyone, who would he want to be in that, if he could be anyone transformed into… {by] shapeshifting?” And that’s really where it came from. And then this series, it’s not traditionally the kind of work that I do, but it was something that I could do as a love letter to my family,  and really capture their lives.

I’m glad that you looked down at a pet because I swear to God, mine is going to drive me nuts. [Laughs]

Suzanne:  Oh, mine has the “zoomies” at the moment. I forgot to give her allergy medicine this morning, I just realized…

Barry: That’s funny.

Suzanne:  So that’s great. And your son doesn’t mind that he’s, sort of, the subject of your show?

Barry: I think he’s gone through the whole roller coaster (of emotions), but once he got to meet River, when we were shooting, I think he felt like he was in great hands. And it just changed everything.  It really sort of put it to life, and I think (he felt that) it ceased to be him, and it started to become  the character that River had created, and that really was freeing for everyone.

Suzanne:  Oh, that’s great.  Yeah, the casting is great. The kids are awesome. And the adults… it’s just all really, really great.

Barry: Thank you.

Suzanne:  And I think it’s the kind of story that anyone can relate to, no matter what their age, because  we all were that age at one point, right?

Barry: Yep.  Well, we tried to find ways to sort of bring in a show that would be for the whole family, so that there are elements for parents, and there are things that are nostalgic, but there are also other elements of it that are really contemporary and speak to another generation.

Suzanne:  Good. Yeah. Well, I think it worked.  Are you the sole writer of the series, or are there other people who work on it with you?

Barry: So, I wrote four episodes.  The rest of the episodes were written by the staff.  So what had happened was that I was hired to write a pilot. They liked it. They wanted  some more, so I wrote a second.  And then, while we were building the room, I wrote a third to kind of get us going.  And then we actually went back over those first three and made sure that we were really happy with what they were and built it all the way through ten (episodes), together in a room. So that was great.

Suzanne:   I haven’t finished watching them yet because I’m moving (as I mentioned), but I like what I see so far.  Are you already planning ahead for season two?

Barry: I mean, I certainly planned for season two well before we had a season one. So,  we’ll have to see how audiences receive it, but I’m hopeful, and I’m excited for it.  I would love the opportunity.

Suzanne:  Yeah, I hope so.   You know, it struck me as funny that it’s on Apple. To me, it seems like something that would have been on the old ABC Family Network (struggles to remember the new network’s name) because it’s so kid-friendly, family-friendly, and science fiction.  They had a lot of shows like that in the past.

Barry: Yeah. Interesting. Freeform, right? Freeform.

Suzanne:  Yes. That’s the name. Yes. Is this your first time as showrunner?

Barry: It is, it is. I had run the writer’s room on another series, a few years back, and I really enjoyed it.  I didn’t expect that I would enjoy it and find it as rewarding, but it was (working with) a really gifted showrunner, in that regard. [I realized] “Ooh, this is, this is really exciting.  I’d love to do this.” And so here, here I am.

Suzanne:  Well, that’s good.  Were there any challenges in shooting the first season that you didn’t foresee?

Barry: I mean, there are always challenges. I think for us, trying tounderstand what everyone could do…because,  the truth is, we recognized from the table reads the weeks before production that this cast was so much  more on the ball than we ever could have imagined, and that we had to go back and write a lot of new material and sort of deepen things.  Ultimately, it paid [off in] dividends. But the challenge was making sure that we could give everyone their just desserts, and what it felt like, what’s going to make the show go.

Suzanne:  Right. And I was impressed by River, especially, at such a young age. I mean, how old was he when you started?

Barry: I think he was 13.

Suzanne:  Yeah.

Barry: Something like that.

Suzanne:  Yeah. It’s amazing. He seems like he’s got everything down.

Barry: Yeah. It’s also his personality. He’s so emotionally generous, and friendly.  I gather you, you may see that for yourself if you get to talk to him, that he seems like an old soul.  And I think we saw that (before we started). When I watched  the movie he did with Riz Ahmed,  Encounter, it was so clear that there was this sort of depth to him, and in his eyes, that we just knew [that] “This kid is incredible. We have to work with that.”

Suzanne:  And,  before you cast him, were you always looking for a particular,  ethnicity, or did it not matter?  Or were you going to cast whomever you thought was great?

Barry: It was entirely open.  The casting director is a near and dear friend, Josh Einstein. He had done, “This Is Us,” “Love Victor,” and a lot of different shows. We said we needed performers who could carry a real emotional depth.  And I think, even in the pilot, you see that, and what we found was extraordinary. And then the question, once we found River, was, who really felt like they could be the sibling to him? And Abby was just incredible.

Suzanne:  Yeah. She’s great, too.

Barry: Yeah. So we were really blessed there.

Suzanne:  Good. Well, I hope it’s a big success.  I love it when the show is– well, I love science fiction, anyway, but I love it when a show is fun, and it’s got a great cast and interesting characters. That’s… so, you accomplished that.

Barry: Thank you. Thank you so much.

Lucian-River Chauhan and Abigail Pniowsky

Suzanne: All right. How are you two this morning?

River: We’re doing well, Suzanne.

Abby: Good, how are you?

River: Nice to meet you.

Suzanne: Good. Nice to meet you, too. Uh, I love talking about me! (laughs) Bad joke…bad joke. I’m sorry.

River: No, I love it.

Suzanne: I was talking  to Barry yesterday, and he raved about you guys… just raved about both of you, so he seems nice.

River: I have to say, “Thank you for the kind words, Barry.. If you’re watching.”

Abby: Thank you, Barry!

Suzanne: Well, I was raving about you, too, cause I watched a lot of the episode, but you guys did a great job. Definitely.  especially, and I’m sure it sounds condescending, “for your age.” So. Hey, enough compliments. So, what did you each enjoy most about filming?

River:  I think for me, personally, I had never done a show with a bunch of kids that were my age. And so, that was, that was really interesting, to get a chance to experience… because, from the other shows,  it’s a different atmosphere, and, with kids, you get a chance to play around a lot more and have fun. And it doesn’t always have to be so intense all the time. And I think that’s something that was really, really fun for me to experience. I think because I’m actually the only child.  I have never had any sort of a brother-sister experience before, and so I was sort of able to build that and learn about that with Abby.

Suzanne: Oh, that’s great. Abby. What about you?

Abby: Yeah, I have to say, I completely agree with Riv.  It was really fun bonding with all the kids on set, and especially bonding with Riv.  Creating that dynamic… It was really cool, and I feel like at the end of the day,  you, sort of, went home tired, but with a smile on your face. There was a lot of laughter on set.

Suzanne: That’s good Yeah, I’m sure you’ve heard the saying before: it’s not work if you love it.

River:  Exactly. Yep.

Suzanne: And what would you say was the most challenging part of doing the show?

River:  Ooh.  I think, because we were filming in the middle of COVID 19. I think that was probably the most challenging.  We sort of had to take all the precautions necessary, like testing every day, and wearing masks all the time, which definitely got annoying.  But in hindsight, I’m kind of glad that we did do that because it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Suzanne: Abby?

Abby: I would say, probably, that we filmed by location (rather than in sequence), so we were kind of jumping between different episodes. So I think really staying present in the episode [and] understanding how I’m feeling between each episode, especially with the dynamic with Max and Ben, was really…it was a little difficult for me, but it was a nice challenge. I liked it.

Suzanne: Okay. And  before you filmed this, were you a fan of superheroes, and comic books, and that kind of thing?

River: Oh, yeah.

Abby: …A fan. .

River: Oh yeah, . Uh, I’m a, I’m a big superhero guy. I mean , a personal superhero that I really look up to is “The Flash.”  I love all things Flash , and  his superpower is also really cool.  So that would be a superpower [that] if I were to get one… that would be the one that I want. But no, I’m a big fan of watching  superhero shows, and origin stories.  But I think, with this one, it’s a little bit different because you get a chance to see it from a kid’s perspective, and not only just [with] the superhero aspect, but also something much deeper, like the relationship between Ben and Max.

Suzanne: What about you, Abby? Were you a fan of that kind of thing before?

Abby: Yeah, I think that superheroes are really cool.  My personal favorite is Spider-Man. Uh, love him. Love the guy. Um, but I agree with Riv. I think that this one is a little bit different… that the superpowers are a big point in the story, but they’re not the only plot point.

Suzanne: Sounds like we got a little Marvel-DC competition going on here, though.  (Laughs)

Have you heard anything about whether they would maybe make this into a real life comic book?

River: No, but now that you mention it, that Is like, like just, that just blew my mind, actually. Wow. That would be so cool.

Suzanne: They’ve done it with a few other shows. I can’t think of most of them [off the top of my head]. I know they did it with the character Nia from the “Supergirl” TV show. And I think she wrote part of it as well. She has her own comic now. So yeah, it can happen. Definitely.

River: Yeah,  we’ll see. You never know what’s going to happen.

Suzanne: That’s true. We’ll put that out. I thought of that when I was talking to Barry. He could probably get it done.

River: Hey, you never know. You never know. I think it would be interesting to write it too.  I’ve never actually written anything before.  but   it would be pretty interesting to get a chance to learn from, from Barry if he’s, if he’s up to that.

Abby: That’s what I was thinking.

Suzanne: All right. Okay. Well, thank you guys so much.


MORE INFO: Official Site    Trailer

Key art for "Me" on Apple TV+

“Me” follows a 12-year-old kid named Ben who is in the throes of middle school (complete with bullies, crushes and school dances!) as he adjusts to a newly blended family AND the realization that he has super powers. Throughout the 10-episode season, Ben goes on a journey of self-discovery and learns what having super powers truly means. He finds an ally in his stepsister, Max, who helps him harness these powers and uncover the secrets behind the mysteries and tragedies of his community … all while he tries to come to terms with what it means to be Ben.

Cast & Crew

  • Lucian-River Chauhan
    as Ben Vasani
  • Abigail Pniowsky
    as Max Davis
  • Dilshad Vadsaria
    as Elizabeth Vasani
  • Amanda Reid
    as Carter Kennedy
  • Barry L. Levy

    Executive Producer


    Story By

  • Michael Dowse

    Executive Producer


  • Amy Welsh-Hanning

    Executive Producer

  • Eben Russell

    Executive Producer

Lucian-River Chauhan and Abigail Pniowsky of "Me" on Apple TV+LUCIAN-RIVER CHAUHAN


Lucian-River Chauhan can currently be seen in the recurring role of Teo in the Netflix series AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER based off the hugely successful graphic novel of the same name. He will also next star as the title role in the Apple+ series ME which follows his character Ben as he navigates the complexities of 6th grade. The series will premiere this year. River was named a “must see performance” by EW for his lead role opposite Riz Ahmed in the Amazon feature ENCOUNTER from director Michael Pearce which premiered last year at Telluride and TIFF to rave reviews. The Hollywood Reporter also highlighted his performance in the film saying, “the astonishingly good Lucian-River Chauhan, who plays Malik’s adolescent son, Jay” and Screen International said “Both of the boys cast as Malik’s sons are impressive, but Chauhan, who plays the older Jay, is quietly remarkable.” Previously he recurred on the hit CBC series HEARTLAND for two seasons. He is also fluent in French.



Abigail Pniowsky is sixteen years old and has already built an impressive body of work. She will next be seen as the female lead of Apple TV’s first YA series, ME. She recently shot the lead role in the independent feature, AMERICAN BABY. Abby began her TV career as a lead in the Universal / Syfy show CHANNEL ZERO alongside Fiona Shaw and Paul Schneider. She appeared as a series regular opposite Kyra Sedgwick in the ABC series, TEN DAYS IN THE VALLEY. On the big screen, Abby played opposite Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner in Denis Villeneuve’s Oscar winning ARRIVAL, for which Abby attended both the Venice Film Festival and TIFF. She also starred opposite Yvonne Strahovki in the feature HE’S OUT THERE and opposite Heather Graham in THE REST OF US, which had its premiere at TIFF as well.

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

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Review of “The Flash: The Ninth and Final Season” [Blu-ray]

DVD Review!


The Flash: The Ninth and Final Season” Review by Suzanne 8/22/23

This is one of my favorite TV series, and I’m still in mourning that it ended. However, this season was so great that it almost makes up for it. I just wish the whole series had been as good as season 9. The writing was excellent this whole season, and they really pandered to long time fans (in a good way) by bringing back so many favorite characters like Hartley and Wally (but not Ralph, unfortunately), as well as other Arrowverse characters (especially Oliver). It would have been really nice to see Kara again, though.

The only drawback to the DVD is that there aren’t enough features. There is just the gag reel, some deleted scenes, and an entertaining featurette, “The Flash: The Saga of the Scarlett Speedster,” which is about the legacy of “The Flash” from comic books and TV series (it oddly never mentions the movies). I guess we’ll have to buy the complete series set to get more.

“The Flash” Season 9 delivers an exhilarating and satisfying conclusion to the beloved series, taking fans on an emotional rollercoaster through time, alternate realities, and the very essence of heroism. With a gripping narrative, impressive character development, and the return of familiar faces, this season proves to be a worthy and thrilling final chapter.

The ninth season kicks off with a bang, as Barry Allen faces off against a trio of formidable adversaries: Red Death, Bloodwork, and Cobalt Blue. The stakes are higher than ever as Barry navigates through time loops, alternate timelines, and his own past mistakes. The writers skillfully weave together complex storylines that keep viewers engaged and invested in the characters’ fates.

One of the standout aspects of this season is the exploration of destiny and choice. Barry’s struggle with fate versus free will is beautifully portrayed as he grapples with the idea that some events are predetermined while others are shaped by his decisions. This theme resonates not only with Barry’s journey but also with the overall conclusion of the Arrowverse, creating a profound sense of closure for fans who have followed these characters for years.

The return of familiar faces, including Jay Garrick and Eddie Thawne, adds a nostalgic layer to the season, tying up loose ends and providing heartfelt moments of reflection. The interactions between characters, especially the poignant moments between Barry and Eddie, tug at the heartstrings and remind us of the deep connections that have been built over the course of the series.

The action sequences are as electrifying as ever, showcasing Barry’s super-speed in creative and visually stunning ways. The battles against the season’s antagonists are epic and well-choreographed, creating moments of suspense and awe. The use of the Negative Speed Force as a central plot element adds a unique and intriguing dimension to the superhero dynamics.

The character growth throughout the season is commendable, particularly for supporting characters like Chester and Allegra, who step into their own as heroes. The relationships between characters are given the spotlight, leading to heartwarming resolutions and growth that feel earned and authentic.

The narrative structure, divided into “Graphic Novel” storyline arcs, keeps the pacing engaging and the momentum flowing. Each arc contributes to the overarching plot while also delving into character-driven moments, ensuring a well-rounded viewing experience.

In its final episodes, the season delivers a powerful message about legacy and the impact of a hero’s choices. The decision to introduce new speedsters in the closing moments of the series not only encapsulates the essence of “The Flash” but also leaves the door open for future stories and possibilities.

Overall, “The Flash” Season 9 is a captivating and emotional journey that celebrates the show’s legacy while delivering a fitting and memorable conclusion. With its intricate storytelling, exceptional character development, and pulse-pounding action, this season is a must-watch for fans of the series and the Arrowverse as a whole.

Visit our Flash Page

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cast pic from "The Flash Season 9" promo on The CWTHE FINAL RUN!



BURBANK, CA (June 1, 2023) – The fast-paced DC Super Hero drama ends its nine-season run as The Flash: The Ninth and Final Season arrives on Blu-rayTM Disc and DVD on August 29, 2023. The action continues through all 13 episodes of the final season along with brand-new bonus content. The season is also available to own on Digital via purchase from digital retailers.

Also available on August 29, is The Flash: The Complete Series on Blu-ray Disc and DVD, which includes 184 episodes from the exhilarating DC series along with hours of bonus content from all nine seasons in one complete set.

After defeating the Reverse Flash once and for all, the ninth season of The Flash picks up one week after their epic battle, and Barry Allen aka The Flash and Iris West-Allen are reconnecting and growing closer than ever. When a deadly group of Rogues descend on Central City, led by a powerful and unknown new threat, The Flash and his team including Meta-Empath Cecile Horton, the light-powered meta, Allegra Garcia, brilliant tech-nerd Chester P. Runk and reformed cryogenics thief Mark Blaine, must once again defy the odds to save the day. But as The Rogues are defeated, a deadly new adversary rises to challenge Barry Allen’s heroic legacy. In their greatest battle yet, Barry and Team Flash will be pushed to their limits, to save Central City one last time.

The Flash stars Grant Gustin (ArrowGlee), Candice Patton (The Game), Danielle Panabaker (Sky High, Friday the 13th), Danielle Nicolet (Central Intelligence), Kayla Compton (Making Moves), Brandon McKnight (The Shape of Water) and Jon Cor (Shadowhunters). Based on the characters from DC, The Flash is produced by Berlanti Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television, with executive producers Greg Berlanti (Arrow, Supergirl, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, Riverdale), Eric Wallace (Teen Wolf, Z Nation, Eureka), Sarah Schechter (Batwoman, Riverdale, Black Lightning, Supergirl), Jonathan Butler, and Sam Chalsen (Sleepy Hollow).


  • The Flash: The Saga of the Scarlett Speedster (featurette)
  • Deleted Scenes
  • Gag Reel

The Flash: The Complete Ninth Season and The Flash: The Complete Series will be available to purchase August 29, 2023 on Blu-ray Disc and DVD both online and in-store at major retailers. The series is also available now to purchase Digitally from Amazon Prime Video, AppleTV, Google Play, Vudu and more.

Pricing and series information:

The Flash: The Ninth and Final Season

Includes 13 one-hour episodes:

  1. Wednesday Ever After
  2. Hear No Evil
  3. Rogues of War
  4. The Mask of the Red Death, Part 1
  5. The Mask of the Red Death, Part 2
  6. The Good, the Bad and the Lucky
  7. Wildest Dreams
  8. Partners in Time
  9. It’s My Party and I’ll Die if I Want To
  10. A New World, Part 1
  11. A New World, Part 2
  12. A New World, Part 3
  13. A New World, Part 4

PRODUCT                                                      SRP

Blu-ray Disc                                                    $29.98 SRP US ($39.99 in Canada)

DVD                                                                $24.98 SRP US ($29.98 in Canada)

Blu-ray Audio: English DTS 5.1

Blu-ray Subtitles: English SDH

DVD Audio: English (5.1) DD

DVD Subtitles: English SDH, Latin Spanish​

Blu-ray and DVD Presented in 16×9 widescreen format

Run Time: Approx. 13 hours

About Warner Bros. Discovery Home Entertainment

Warner Bros. Discovery Home Entertainment (WBDHE) distributes the award-winning movies, television, animation, and digital content produced by Warner Bros. Discovery to the homes and screens of millions through physical Blu-ray Disc™ and DVD retail sales and digital transactions on major streaming, video-on-demand cable, satellite, digital, and mobile channels.  WBDHE is part of Warner Bros. Discovery Content Sales, one of the world’s largest distributors of entertainment programming.

About DC

DC, part of Warner Bros. Discovery, creates iconic characters and enduring stories and is one of the world’s largest publishers of comics and graphic novels. DC’s creative work entertains audiences of every generation around the world with DC’s stories and characters integrated across Warner Bros. Discovery’s film, television, animation, consumer products, home entertainment, games, and themed experiences divisions, and on the DC Universe Infinite digital comic subscription service. Learn more at

Proofread and Edited by Brenda

The opinions in these articles are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of TVMEG.COM or its other volunteers.

Photo from The CW site for "The Flash"

Review of “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow – The Seventh and Final Season”

DVD Review!

"DC's Legends of Tomorrow - The Seventh and Final Season" DVD cover

“DC’s Legends of Tomorrow – The Seventh and Final Season” Review by Suzanne 7/20/22

I love this show and never miss it! I’m still very disappointed that it was canceled. I try to console myself with the fact that 7 seasons is a long time for any TV show, let alone one that is about superheroes and people who can do magic. What set this show apart from the others in the Arrowverse is the comedic tone they developed around season 3.  Now, personally, I loved the show before it became more of a comedy, and I preferred it more as a regular superhero show. I know I’m in the minority on this, though. Also, I really loved Rip Hunter, and the actor who played him (Arthur Darvill), so I was sad to see him go. This show has always had many characters coming and going. I think that may be one of the reasons that it’s been so low-rated. I think it was especially hard after Ray Palmer left because he was such a great character.  I was very happy when they brought in Constantine, though, as I love that character. I had watched his one-season NBC show, and so it was a great joy when they brought the same actor in to play him (Matt Ryan). I really wasn’t too fond of what they did last season and this season with Constantine and the actor, even though it did keep the actor around longer. At any rate, I did love the show and was sad to see it canceled, despite all of the changes.

I’m very glad to get this DVD set, so I can re-watch the episodes any time I want. Also, it has a few great features, such as highlights from the SDCC panels, unaired scenes, gag reels and a feature spotlighting the show’s 100th episode. I think you will love it, too. Make sure you go back and watch the first 6 seasons, though, or you may not appreciate this season as much.  There’s no question in my mind that what really made this show great was actress Caity Lotz, who played Sarah, the heroes’ leader throughout most of the series.  One final warning: The series does end on a bit of a cliffhanger. It’s nothing that would ruin the series, though. I like it when you can picture the show’s heroes continuing on long after the TV series is dead, and this finale does that (as “Supergirl” also did).

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BURBANK, CA (May 10, 2022) – Everyone’s favorite Super Heroes need to get back to the future as Warner Bros. Home Entertainment releases DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: The Seventh and Final Season on Blu-ray and DVD July 19, 2022. DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: The Seventh and Final Season features all 13 epic episodes with special features including deleted scenes and a gag reel. The set is priced to own at $24.98 SRP for the DVD ($29.98 in Canada) and $29.98 for the Blu-ray ($39.99 in Canada) and is also available to own on Digital via purchase from all major digital retailers.

After saving the planet from an alien invasion last season, the Legends deserve a break. Too bad their time travel ship, the Waverider, gets blown up by a second Waverider…meaning the Legends are now trapped in 1925 Odessa, Texas! The only way to get home, and get payback on their mysterious new enemy, is to journey across the country to an early pioneer of time travel, who might just be their only hope of returning home. But with no Waverider, no way of knowing how they’re impacting the timeline, and a time-traveling foe hunting them, this will be the toughest mission yet for the Legends.

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow stars Caity Lotz (Arrow, Mad Men), Tala Ashe (Smash, The Carrie Diaries), Jes Macallan (Mistresses, Shameless), Olivia Swann (Doctors), Adam Tsekhman (The Twilight Zone), Shayan Sobhian (The Chosen), Lisseth Chavez (Chicgago P.D.)  and Amy Louise Pemberton (Arrow, Suspense), with Nick Zano (What I Like About You), and Matt Ryan (Constantine).

Based on the DC characters, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow is produced by Berlanti Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television, with executive producers Greg Berlanti (Batwoman, The Flash, Supergirl, Black Lightning, Riverdale)Phil Klemmer (Chuck, Political Animals), Keto Shimizu (Arrow), James Eagan (Ash vs. Evil Dead), Ray Utarnachitt (The Tomorrow People) and Sarah Schechter (Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Black Lightning, Riverdale).


  • Gag Reel (Exclusive to Blu-ray and DVD)
  • Deleted Scenes (Exclusive to Blu-ray and DVD)
  • Captain at the Helm: DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 100th Episode


  1. The Bullet Blondes
  2. The Need for Speed
  3. WVRDR_ERROR_100<Oest-of-th3-Gs.gid30n>NotFound
  4. Speakeasy Does It
  5. It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Scientist
  6. Deus Ex Latrina
  7. A Woman’s Place is inthe War Effort!
  8. Paranoid Android
  9. Lowest Common Demoninator
  10. TheFixed Point
  11. Rage AgainsttheMachines
  12. Too Legit to Quit
  13. Knocked Down, Knocked Up


DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: The Seventh and Final Season is available to own on Digital. Digital purchase allows consumers to instantly stream and download all episodes to watch anywhere and anytime on their favorite devices. Digital movies and TV shows are available from various digital retailers including Amazon Video, iTunes, Google Play, Vudu and others.


Street Date: July 19, 2022

BD and DVD Presented in 16×9 widescreen format

Running Time: Feature: Approx. 546 min

Enhanced Content: Approx. 79 min


Price: $24.98 SRP ($29.98 in Canada)

3-Discs (3 DVD-9s)

Audio – English (5.1)

Subtitles – English SDH


Price: $29.98 SRP ($39.99 in Canada)

3-Discs (3 BD-50s)

Audio – DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 – English

BD Subtitles – English SDH

About Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, Inc.

Warner Bros. Home Entertainment (WBHE) brings together Warner Bros. Entertainment’s physical and digital distribution businesses in order to maximize current and next-generation distribution scenarios. An industry leader since its inception, WBHE oversees the global distribution of content through packaged goods (Blu-ray Disc™ and DVD) and digital media in the form of electronic sell-through and video-on-demand via cable, satellite, online and mobile channels. WBHE distributes its product through third party retail partners and licensees.

About DC

DC creates iconic characters, enduring stories, and immersive experiences that inspire and entertain audiences of every generation around the world and is one of the world’s largest publishers of comics and graphic novels. As a creative division, DC is charged with strategically integrating its stories and characters across film, television, consumer products, home entertainment, interactive games, DC UNIVERSE INFINITE digital subscription service and community engagement portal. For more information visit and

About Warner Bros. Discovery 

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Scifi/Fantasy DVD Guide

Page 5 – Scifi/Fantasy

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Star Trek: Discovery DVD coverStar Trek: Discovery – Season One Star Trek: Discovery follows the voyages of Starfleet on their missions to discover new worlds and new life forms, and one Starfleet officer who must learn that to truly understand all things alien, you must first understand yourself. Over 2 hours of exclusive special features, with never-before-seen cast and crew interviews, deleted scenes, and more! Blu-ray

Supernatural Season 13 The exciting journey of the Winchester brothers continues asSupernatural Season 13 DVD cover SUPERNATURAL enters its lucky thirteenth season. Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) have encountered every kind of supernatural threat, facing down monsters, and demons, and gods. Saving people, hunting things, and keeping the world safe. In the show’s twelfth season, the Winchesters were reunited with their long-dead mother, Mary (Samantha Smith) and joined forces with the British arm of the Men of Letters. But things turned from bad to worse, with the return of Lucifer (Marc Pellegrino) and the surprising revelation that the Devil is expecting a child. Now, Sam and Dean find themselves facing a creature of almost unimaginable power… one that could save the world… or destroy it. Mystery Mash-Up: The Making of Scoobynatural (NEW Featurette) -INTO THE APOCALYPSE: A World Without The Winchesters (NEW Featurette) – The Winchester Mythology: Rise of the Nephilim (NEW Featurette) – KANSAS CARRY ON WAYWARD SON: Performance at 2017 San Diego Comic Con – Supernatural: 2017 Comic-Con Panel – Audio Commentaries – Deleted Scenes – Gag Reel

The Librarians Season 4 DVD coverThe Librarians Season Four There can be only one, after all. In Season 4 of The Librarians,; Flynn Carsen (Noah Wyle) receives a dire warning from the past that there can only be one Librarian lest a civil war break out among the Librarians once again. This pushes Flynn to make a dire decision of his own and Eve Baird (Rebecca Romijin) to make a choice she doesn’t want to make. Her hesitancy causes the Library to put the team on trial to decide which one will finally take on the mantle of the one and true Librarian. The trial, however, leads to unexpected consequences that threaten the very existence of the Library itself.
A direct spin-off from The Librarian film series, the TV series features fan-favorite characters and continuity of plot lines with the films.

The Last Kingdom: Season Three Time is running out for King Alfred (David Dawson) to unite the kingdoms. WithThe Last Kingdom Season 3 DVD cover his health failing and the line of succession uncertain, Alfred looks to our hero Uhtred (Alexander Dreymon) to ensure his young son Edward (Timothy Innes) becomes the next king. Meanwhile, dark forces are moving outside the court and when a powerful Danish warlord Bloodhair (Ola Rapace) attacks, Uhtred must lead Wessex’s forces into battle. Uhtred captures Bloodhair’s mysterious lover, the savage sorceress Skade (Thea Sofie Loch Næss), who throws a curse and his world becomes blighted by tragedy. In this dangerous time of treachery and chaos, Uhtred is caught between enemies both Dane and Saxon and confronts a difficult choice – if he deserts Alfred’s cause, the future of the English people will be changed forever.

The Good Witch Season 4 DVD coverGood Witch: Season 4 Cassie Nightingale (Catherine Bell) and Dr. Sam Radford (James Denton) plan their wedding while helping Grace (Bailee Madison) and Nick mend their friendship before they blend their families. Cassie continues to impact the lives of her guests at Grey House and works her special brand of magic with those closest to her as well. This 2-disc set features all 10 episodes from Good Witch: Season Four plus the 84 minute Good Witch movie Spellbound.

Westworld Season 2: The Door  Welcome back to Westworld, the Emmy®-winning dramaWest World Season 2 DVD cover series where the puppet show is over and the newly liberated “hosts” are coming for humankind. In Season Two, chaos takes control as Dolores Abernathy (Evan Rachel Wood) takes charge, Maeve Millay (Thandie Newton) is on a mission and the mysterious Man in Black (Ed Harris) is back. A dark odyssey about the dawn of artificial consciousness, the birth of a new form of life on Earth, and the evolution of sin, the series was created for television by Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy, who executive produce alongside J.J. Abrams, Richard J. Lewis, Roberto Patino, Athena Wickham and Ben Stephenson. The acclaimed cast also includes James Marsden, Jeffrey Wright, Rodrigo Santoro, Luke Hemsworth and more.

American Horror Story: Cult DVD coverAmerican Horror Story: Cult Surrender your will to all 11 episodes of the 7th season of one of TV’s most terrifying series. It is post-election 2016, and Ally Mayfair-Richards (Emmy® winner Sarah Paulson*), a Michigan woman plagued by phobias, attempts to find happiness as a restaurateur alongside her chef wife (Alison Pill) and son. But Ally’s family —and her grip on reality —are threatened by the arrival of Kai Anderson (Evan Peters), a politically motivated cult leader who’s plotting an unthinkable mass murder. Also starring Cheyenne Jackson and Billie Lourd, American Horror Story: Cult is a scrumptious scare-fest served up with social commentary, pinky swearing, clown suits and gas lighting. Special Features: FX promos

The X-Files: The Complete Eleventh Season Blu-ray NOW FOR THE FIRST TIME ON BLU-RAYTM, THE X-FILES: THE The X-Files Season 11 Blu-ray DVD coverEVENT SERIES AND THE ORIGINAL NINE SEASONS OF THIS ELECTRIFYING SHOW CAN BE YOURS TO OWN! Assigned the FBI s most challenging cases, special agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully (Golden Globe® Winners David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson*) face terrifying danger and bizarre phenomena as they struggle to unravel deadly conspiracies and solve paranormal mysteries. While Mulder grapples to comprehend the paranormal in every case, Scully seeks to solve their mysteries through science alone. As the series progresses, secrets about a vast and horrifying conspiracy unfold, culminating in shocking revelations about aliens, the U.S. government, and humanity itself in the exhilarating The X-Files: The Event Series. Featuring over 25 hours of thrilling extras including documentaries and commentary by creator Chris Carter and the production team as well as special effects sequences, deleted scenes and an in-depth look behind the scenes of The Event Series THIS COLLECTION IS A MUST-HAVE FOR ANY FAN OF THE TRUTH!
*David Duchovny: Actor, Musical or Comedy Series, Californication, 2008; Actor, Drama Series, The X-Files, 1997. Gillian Anderson: Actress, Drama Series, The X-Files, 1997.
Bonus Features: **Includes all episodes from the original nine seasons plus The Event Series; Commentary on Select Episodes by Chris Carter, Cast and Crew; Deleted Scenes; Deleted Scenes with Commentary; Special Effects Sequences; The Truth About Featurettes; Threads of Mythology Documentaries: Abduction, Colonization, Black Oil and Super Soldiers; Behind-the-Scenes Featurette; Character Profiles; Providence Featurette; Making of The Truth; Reflections on The Truth; Secrets of The X-Files; Tribute to The X-Files; Reflections on The X-Files; Interviews with Chris Carter; Season X: An In-Depth Behind-the-Scenes Look at The Event Series; Gag Reel; And Much More!
Product details: Actors: David Duchovny, Jonathan Whitesell, Chris Carter, Gillian Anderson
Directors: Mitch Pileggi; Format: AC-3, Box set, Dolby, DTS Surround Sound, Dubbed, NTSC, Subtitled, Widescreen
Language: English (Dolby TrueHD); Subtitles: French, English, Spanish; Dubbed: Spanish
Region: Region A/1 (Read more about DVD/Blu-ray formats.) Number of discs: 57 Studio: 20th Century Fox
Run Time: 9324 minutes

Batman Animated Series Complete DVD coverBatman Animated Series Complete Season Blu-ray Now in High Definition, all 109 action-packed episodes, 35 hours of crime fighting! The critically acclaimed, Emmy-winning series, that redefined the complex super hero to the Dark Knight that fans love today is now available in a Deluxe Limited Edition Blu-ray set! Also includes collectible Batman, Joker and Harley Quinn Funko Pocket POPS, 7 EXCLUSIVE Lenticular Collector Cards of Original Animation Artwork, plus 2 Bonus Discs of Animated Films Batman: Mask of the Phantasm and Batman & Mr. Freeze: SubZero!

Legion Season 1 Blu-ray Based on the based on the Marvel Comics by Chris Claremont and Bill Sienkiewicz and Legion Season 1 Blu-ray DVD coverfeaturing a powerful, all-star cast — including DAN STEVENS, AUBREY PLAZA, JEAN SMART and RACHEL KELLER — “LEGION” follows the story of David Haller (STEVENS), a troubled young man who may be more than human. Diagnosed as schizophrenic as a child, David has been in and out of mental hospitals for years. Institutionalized once again, David spends his time with his chatterbox friend Lenny (PLAZA), a fellow patient whose life-long drug and alcohol addiction has done nothing to quell her boundless optimism that her luck is about to change. But a startling encounter with a new patient (KELLER) forces David to confront the shocking possibility that the voices he hears and the visions he sees may actually be real. A haunted man, David escapes from the hospital and with the help of a nurturing but demanding therapist (SMART) and her team of specialists’ unconventional methods, David embarks on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery that leads to a new world of possibilities…and a new level of unexpected danger.
BLU-RAY AND DVD BONUS FEATURES INCLUDE: Deleted Scenes; Fractured Reality: A Different Kind of Hero;
Featurettes: Uncanny Romance; Production Design; Powers; Make-Up (Making the Devil with the Yellow Eyes); Visual Effects; Costume Design and Locations.
Street Date: March 27, 2018; Screen Format: 1.78:1
Audio: English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, Spanish Dolby Digital 2.0, French DTS 51
Subtitles: English SDH, French, Spanish; Total Run Time: 409 minutes

Game of Thrones Season 1-7 DVD coverGame of Thrones: The Complete Seasons 1-7 (BD + Digital) George R.R. Martin’s best-selling book series `A Song of Ice and Fire’ is brought to the screen as HBO sinks its considerable storytelling teeth into the medieval fantasy epic. It’s the depiction of two powerful families – kings and queens, knights and renegades, liars and honest men – playing a deadly game for control of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, and to sit atop the Iron Throne. Martin is credited as a co-executive producer and one of the writers for the series, which was filmed in Northern Ireland and Malta.

Preacher Blu-ray Season 3 Fulfilling a promise to his deceased father, one-time outlaw Jesse Custer returns home Preacher Season 3 Blu-rayto West Texas to take over his dad’s church. Jesse’s mission, however, becomes twisted when his body is overcome by a cryptic force that unleashes within him a highly unconventional power. Together with hell-raising ex-girlfriend Tulip and Irish vagabond Cassidy, the preacher-in-training embarks on a journey to find God in a world inhabited by holy, hellish, and everything-in-between characters. The darkly comedic “Preacher” is based on Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon’s popular 1990s comic book franchise of the same name. Season 3 sees Jesse, Cassidy and Tulip return to Angelville, the Louisiana Plantation where Jesse was raised and where old grudges and deadly obligations await them. With the help of his friends — and a few enemies — Jesse will need to escape his past… because the future of the world depends on it.

Outlander: Season 3 Ornament Limited EditionOutlander Season 3 DVD cover The third season of Outlander picks up right after Claire travels through the stones to return to her life in 1948. Now pregnant, she struggles with the fallout of her sudden reappearance and its effect on her marriage to her first husband, Frank. Meanwhile, in the 18th century, Jamie suffers from the aftermath of his doomed last stand at the historic battle of Culloden, as well as the loss of Claire. As the years pass, Jamie and Claire attempt to make a life apart from one another, each haunted by the memory of their lost love. The budding possibility that Claire can return to Jamie in the past breathes new hope into Claire’s heart … as well as new doubt. Separated by continents and centuries, Claire and Jamie must find their way back to each other. As always, adversity, mystery and adventure await them on the path to reunion. And the question remains: when they find each other, will they be the same people who parted at the standing stones, all those years ago?

The Handmaid’s Tale: Season 2  The Handmaid’s Tale is an American dystopian drama web television series The Handmaid's Tale Season 2 DVD covercreated by Bruce Miller, based on the 1985 novel of the same name by Margaret Atwood. It was ordered by the streaming service Hulu as a straight-to-series order of 10 episodes, for which production began in late 2016. The plot features a dystopian future following a Second American Civil War wherein a totalitarian society subjects fertile women, called “Handmaids”, into child-bearing servitude.
The first three episodes of the series premiered on April 26, 2017; the subsequent seven episodes aired on a weekly basis every Wednesday. In May 2017, the series was renewed for a second season which premiered on April 25, 2018.
The Handmaid’s Tale has received widespread critical acclaim and its first season won eight Primetime Emmy Awards from thirteen nominations, including Outstanding Drama Series. It is the first show produced by Hulu to win a major award as well as the first series on a streaming service to win an Emmy for Outstanding Series.[3] It also became the first streaming series to win the Golden Globe Award for Best Television Killjoys Season 2 Blu-ray DVD coverSeries – Drama. Elisabeth Moss was also awarded the Golden Globe for Best Actress.

Killjoys: Season Two Blu-ray The galaxy’s most bad ass bounty hunters are back in Killjoys: Season Two. It’s now up to Johnny and Dutch to rescue a kidnapped D’avin. As our trio continues to hunt deadly warrants threatening a bloody, multiplanetary war – they face old enemies, the tyrannical Company and the mysterious agenda of Khylen, Dutch’s former mentor.

Arrow Season 6 DVD coverArrow: The Complete Sixth Season After last season’s emotional showdown between Oliver Queen and Adrian Chase, the focus shifts into uncovering the fate of each and every member of Team Arrow – with their futures left hanging precariously in the balance. Having finally solidified and strengthened his crime-fighting team, the Green Arrow might be forced to rethink his relationships with his “family” in Season 6. Blu-ray  More Arrow DVDs!

The Flash Season 4 DVD coverThe Flash: Season 4 Last season, Barry Allen aka The Flash (Grant Gustin) used his extraordinary abilities to travel back in time and save his mother’s life, and inadvertently created an alternate timeline known as Flashpoint. The phenomenon not only gave birth to the villainous God of Speed known as Savitar, but changed the lives of Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) and Wally West (Keiynan Lonsdale) forever. With the help of his adoptive father, Detective Joe West (Jesse L. Martin), his fiancée Iris West (Candice Patton), and his friends at S.T.A.R. Labs – Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes) and Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanaugh) — Barry continues to protect the people of Central City from the meta-humans that threaten it. But first, he’ll have to escape the Speed Force – an extra-dimensional entity teeming with unknown dangers – that Barry sacrificed himself to in order to save Central City. Blu-ray

Supergirl Season 3 DVD coverSupergirl: The Complete Third Season As Superman’s cousin, Kara Danvers (aka Supergirl) balances her work as a reporter for CatCo Worldwide Media with her work for the Department of Extra-Normal Operations (DEO), a super-secret government organization whose mission is to keep National City – and the Earth – safe from sinister threats. At the DEO, Kara works for J’onn J’onzz (David Harewood), the Martian Manhunter, and alongside her sister, Alex, and best friend, Winn Schott (Jeremy Jordan). Also in Kara’s life are James Olsen (Mehcad Brooks), a photo journalist who moonlights as Guardian, a masked vigilante, Lena Luthor (Katie McGrath), and Mon-El of Daxam (Chris Wood), whose planet was ravaged by Krypton’s destruction. In season three, Kara and team will come up against a new threat in the form of DC Worldkiller, Reign. Blu-ray

DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 3 DVD cover

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: The Complete Third Season
After defeating the Legion of Doom, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow face a new existential threat created by their actions at the end of last season. By revisiting a moment in time they’d already participated in, they’ve essentially fractured the timeline and created anachronisms all across time! Our team must find a way to return all the anachronisms to their original timelines before the time stream falls apart. But before our Legends can jump back into action, Rip Hunter and his newly established Time Bureau call their methods into question and disband the team. Challenging the Time Bureau’s authority, they recruit a hacker from the future, Zari Tomaz (Tala Ashe) and continue their time travelling shenanigans, while insisting that however messy their methods may be, some problems are beyond the Bureau’s capabilities. Some problems can only be fixed by Legends. Blu-ray

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