Days Update Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Steven tells Julie that her faith in him means the world to him. Julie points out that Doug was transformed, so he can be too. Julie talks about Doug getting out of prison, coming to Salem, meeting their family and being determined to change his life which he did. Julie states that Doug had an exceptionally kind heart and Steven has those qualities too. Steven says she does too. Julie tells him that she loves him and is so glad he’s here as for a minute, she forgot about the memorial. Julie asks Steven if he will be able to attend. Steven assures that he wouldn’t miss it. Julie thanks him and says she’ll do better because he’s there. Steven knows how difficult this time is for her, so he wants her to know that he’s always there for her. Julie tells him the same and that all he has to do is ask. Julie thanks him again for being there, saying it means a lot.

In the town square, Marie remarks that she would count herself lucky if she never laid eyes on Liz Chandler again. Liz then approaches and guesses today is not her lucky day. Liz tells Maggie it’s good to see her but gathers Marie is not that delighted to see her which she confirms. Liz remarks that she thought the world of Marie’s parents, but couldn’t stand her.

Julie tells Steven that she’s glad he climbed through the window on his way to the memorial service. Julie talks about being so excited to take him downstairs and introduce him to his family.

Ciara opens Alice’s time capsule which shocks Jennifer, Lucas, and Shawn as they prepare to see what’s inside.

Liz mocks Marie holding a grudge over Neil after all these years. Marie mocks that Liz isn’t going to shoot her again in another jealous rage. Liz argues that was decades ago and that she knows damn well that it was an accident. Marie complains that Liz slept with her husband in their bed and when she came home, she shot her. Liz brings up that she went to prison over it until Maggie shouts that’s enough.

Belle sits with Marlena at home and gets emotional after listening to Liz Chandler’s song “Friends and Lovers”. Marlena is sure it reminds her of when she and Shawn first got together. Belle confirms that knowing she’s going to see Shawn today is bringing up a lot of emotions. Belle wonders if she should’ve told him she was coming. Marlena think he will be glad to see her. Belle hopes so but says she will keep her distance to let him have his time with his family.

Jennifer, Lucas, Shawn, and Ciara go through the time capsule which includes letters that Tom and Alice wrote each other, the deed to the Horton Cabin on Smith Island, and various souvenirs. Julie comes in and is happy to see Shawn, Ciara, and Lucas. Julie hugs them and says she missed all of them. Ciara says she was proud to be Doug’s granddaughter. Julie thanks them for coming. Steven then walks in, so Julie introduces him to the room.

Lani finishes a call with Chanel, checking in on her and Johnny watching the kids. Lani tells Eli that the twins have been on their best behavior for Chanel and Johnny. Eli says he’s so grateful for them to watch the twins so he could have the time to be there for his Grandma. Lani talks about how close Eli and Julie are even though he found her as an adult. Eli comments on being so lucky and talks about Julie being surrounded by her loved ones.

Steven meets Ciara and comments on how much she looks like Hope. Ciara takes that as a compliment and tells Julie how much Hope wanted to be there. Julie tells her that they spoke on the phone last night and agreed that Hope is where she needs to be with Bo. Julie introduces Steven to Shawn. Steven says he’s heard so much about him and then comments on Jennifer being so grown up as they hug. Jennifer then introduces Lucas to Steven. Jennifer reveals the time capsule which Julie is shocked to see has been opened. Julie joins them in looking through the contents. Julie calls it the Days of their Lives in a box. Julie then finds her grandma Alice’s diamond necklace inside and says she always wondered what happened to it. Julie says she’d love to go through everything with them but it’s time to go to St. Luke’s to honor her husband with a memorial and to say goodbye, so they all exit the house together. Steven stops and looks back at the time capsule before then exiting.

Maggie asks Liz and Marie to let bygones be bygones and focus on the fact that they are all together to celebrate Doug which they agree to do. Maggie calls it mature of them to let go of grievances from the 80s and proposes a truce. Liz and Marie agree to do it for Doug and shake hands. Marlena and Belle then approach. Marlena greets them and introduces them to Belle. Belle tells Liz that she’s a huge fan of her music. Marlena guesses they will see them at the service. Marlena stops to tell Liz that it’s good to see her and Marie are getting along so well. Marie says she wouldn’t go that far as Marlena walks away with Belle.

Marlena and Belle arrive outside St. Luke’s for the memorial. Belle greets Shawn and tells him that she just got in from Hong Kong. Julie arrives with Steven and introduces him. Julie thanks them all for coming. Marlena tells Julie that the priest is ready to start whenever she is. Julie takes her seat next to Maggie and Marlena as the priest begins the memorial service. The priest begins by calling Shawn up to read scripture from the book of John. After Shawn finishes, the priest calls up Ciara to read one of Doug’s favorite poems, “Gone From My Sight” by Henry Van Dyke. The priest then calls on Julie for the eulogy. Julie reads about Doug’s life, things he accomplished, and their life together. Julie talks about how everyone spoke about Doug’s kindness and says Doug saw something wonderful in all of them as she finishes and takes her seat. The priest announces they will close the service with Liz Chandler leading them in one of Doug’s favorite songs. Liz goes to the podium and says she would not have the career she’s had if not for Doug, so this one’s for him. Liz sings “Always” by Irving Berlin and everyone joins in singing along. Liz thanks them all and says that was beautiful as Julie looks at the portrait of Doug with a smile. Julie hugs Marie and tells her it was so wonderful that she came. Julie tells Liz that her singing was beautiful and perfect. Liz and Marie agree that Doug was the best. Abe and Paulina come over to Julie and tell her it was a wonderful service for a wonderful man. Julie thanks them. Steve and Kayla come over and assure they are there for anything she needs. Julie declares that she lost the love of her life today, but she feels love all around her from all of them. Jennifer reminds Julie that they have to go to the cemetery and offers to walk with her. Julie says she’ll be right there as everyone heads to the cemetery. Julie stays behind at the portrait of Doug and holds back tears before heading to the cemetery.

Marlena and Belle return home, talking about what a service it was. Marlena says she always knew how much Julie and Doug loved each other and how much Doug loved his family, but she did not know about Doug’s history in the navy. Marlena calls Doug a legend and asks if Belle was able to reach Shawn. Belle says she wanted to give him space to be with his family. Marlena reminds Belle that she’s his family too. Belle says he was grieving his grandfather and she doesn’t think he wanted to talk to her. Marlena doesn’t believe that, assuring that Shawn still loves her. Marlena decides she’s going to try to reach Shane to see if he can contact John to let him know that they’ve lost Doug. Belle sends her love if she does reach John. Marlena then heads to her room. Belle sits down on the couch until there’s a knock at the door and Shawn arrives.

Abe and Paulina sit together at home. Paulina says she could just picture Doug’s reaction to his memorial service and how proud he would be. Eli and Lani come in after putting the twins to sleep. Eli mentions singing the kids a song that Doug used to sing. Paulina proposes a toast.

Steve, Kayla, Jack, and Roman gather at the Brady Pub where they toast to Doug.

Jennifer, Lucas, Ciara, and Marie return to the Horton house. Jennifer comments on Liz singing so beautifully. Marie asks about the time capsule. Ciara tells Marie about Alice’s diamond necklace that had been locked away for over 60 years. Ciara goes to the time capsule and says she could’ve sworn that Julie put the necklace back in the box. Jennifer confirms that she did but Ciara reveals it’s not in there and questions where it could’ve gone.

Steven sits at the Tom and Alice plaque in the town square. Steven comments on who knew the treasure that Alice was holding in the house. Steven admits the old him might have been tempted by that diamond necklace, but he’s a changed man.

Julie sits at the cemetery, crying over Doug and says all she ever wanted was to be his wife, so she questions what to do now. Julie is then approached by a young man, who introduces himself as Doug Williams.

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