Days Update Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Johnny has a nightmare about walking in on Alex and Chanel kissing in the studio, then wakes up calling Chanel a cheating bitch in a panic on the couch in the living room of the DiMera Mansion.

Alex and Stephanie wake up in bed together. Alex says so much for that not happening again.

Steve talks with Kayla at the hospital. Kayla comments on having the best team there is. Steve responds that he hopes that team doesn’t include Dr. Mark Green.

Mark sits in the town square, on the phone with Clyde. Mark says he hasn’t left yet but is on his way to the airport. Mark declares that he gets that if he ever wants to see his mother again, he has to fly to Paris and kill Chad DiMera.

In Paris, “Abigail” gets emotional while looking at a photo of Chad and Abigail, tearfully commenting on how lucky Abigail was to have a man love her like Chad does. She starts to cry about doing this to Chad. Chad then returns to the apartment with flowers for her.

Chanel texts Alex that she needs to talk to him in private. Johnny comes in and asks if he’s interrupting. Chanel claims she was just texting Felicity. Chanel points out that Johnny didn’t come to bed last night. Johnny says he just got so busy and passed out on the couch. Chanel talks about being so exhausted and getting a full night’s sleep. Johnny asks about her back. Chanel says it’s still a little stiff but she’s feeling better. Chanel comments that she still can’t believe tying her shoe is what took her out. Johnny thinks back to walking in on Alex having sex with Stephanie but believing it was Chanel.

Kayla questions Steve having a problem with Mark. Steve says he knows how much Kayla respects him and that she trusted him to run the DNA test on “Abigail”. Steve states that his issue with Mark is that test because it looks like Mark lied and faked the results.

Mark questions Clyde not hiring a professional to take out Chad. Mark repeats that he understands what happens if he doesn’t cooperate but worries about what if he gets caught or he fails when his younger brother and sister depend on him. Mark complains about Clyde advising him to just not get caught. Mark adds that he doesn’t intend to tell his sister anything because she’s busy wedding planning.

Chad asks “Abigail” if something’s wrong. She says she’s just feeling a lot and talks about the photo of Chad and Abigail on their wedding day. Chad encourages that they will be as happy as they were then. “Abigail” says she wants that with him, but declares that she’s not her.

Stephanie gets out of bed and complains about being unable to find her things. Alex asks if she’s alright as she seems jumpy. Stephanie reminds him that they agreed not to do this anymore. Alex says things happen while Stephanie says that mistakes happen. Stephanie thinks it’s best for both of them if they forget this happened as she exits the room.

Johnny asks if Chanel wants to drive to set together, but Chanel says Kate postponed all her scenes until tomorrow to make sure her back is healed. Johnny is surprised and says he hadn’t checked his e-mail. Johnny guesses that means he gets more time to prepare for directing her and Alex in bed. Chanel asks if he’s sure he’s still okay with that since he brought it up. Johnny says of course and that he was just joking. Chanel asks if he’s sure he’s not jealous. Johnny insists that there’s nothing to be jealous of since it’s all not real. Chanel agrees that it’s just part of the job. Johnny questions where Chanel is off to if she’s not going to the set. Chanel claims she’s just going to the Bakery to check in with Felicity.

Kayla questions Steve thinking Mark faked the test results. Steve brings up how he had a feeling something was off about “Abigail” since the moment Chad and Jack found her. Kayla says she knows but she thought he let it go. Steve says he couldn’t let it go with all the warning signs. Steve brings up “Abigail” lying to Stephanie and Jennifer’s reaction to seeing her. Steve informs Kayla that he asked Mark to rerun the DNA test. Kayla argues against doing that without “Abigail’s” consent. Steve explains that he didn’t need it as he told Mark that he had new samples from Abigail and Thomas but it was really he and Kayla’s, but Mark told him that they were a perfect match for mother and son.

Mark tells Clyde he has to go so he doesn’t miss his plane, but he needs Clyde to assure that the minute Chad is taken care of and “Abigail” transfers the funds, he lets their mother go. Mark mocks taking his word for it and hangs up as Felicity joins him. Mark tells her that there’s something he needs to talk to her about. Felicity asks if it’s about “Abigail”.

Chad questions “Abigail” saying she’s not her. She clarifies that she has a different face and doesn’t have those memories, so the woman in the photo is not the same woman he’s marrying today. Chad talks about not being the same either as they’ve been through a lot since then. Chad declares that none of that matters other than her remembering that they love each other. Chad adds that she wanted to get married today to remember the rest, then asks if she’s having second thoughts.

Mark asks why Felicity thinks he wants to talk about his patient “Abigail”. Johnny comes by and greets them. Johnny says he’s sorry to bother them but he’s looking for Chanel. Felicity mentions that she’s not in the Bakery and she hasn’t seen her yet.

Stephanie tells Alex that she should get to the office as she needs to check on promotional materials for Body and Soul, then she has a meeting at the mayor’s office. Alex calls it a busy morning and asks if she’s sure she doesn’t have a minute to eat. Stephanie insists that she should go and says she’ll see him. Stephanie then goes to leave Alex’s apartment as Chanel arrives at the door.

Kayla questions Steve about Mark telling him that their DNA is a perfect match for mother and son. Steve insists it’s obvious that he lied about the test. Kayla doesn’t want to jump to conclusions. Steve declares that there is one way to prove if Mark faked both tests. Steve brings up that Mark mentioned the lab still having the original samples from “Abigail” and Jack. Kayla decides she will rerun the test to prove the authenticity of the original sample and she will do it herself as she walks away.

“Abigail” assures Chad that she still wants to marry him and repeats that she’s just feeling a lot. Chad comments on Abigail always having a big heart and says she doesn’t have to act any certain way. Chad says they are all set and Holly is on her way back from seeing her mom. “Abigail” mentions having her dress and his bouquet. Chad declares that in less than an hour, she will be his wife. Chad then gets a call from Steve.

Stephanie says hi and bye to Chanel as she hurries out. Chanel questions Alex about he and Stephanie. Alex says it just sort of happened, explaining that when Chanel was late to set, he asked Stephanie to run lines with him. Alex insists that he and Stephanie are just friends with occasional benefits. Chanel assures that it’s not her business. Alex asks about Chanel wanting to talk in private. Chanel then reveals that Johnny’s birthday is next week and she wants to throw him a surprise party, so she needs his help.

Johnny questions Felicity about Chanel not being by the Bakery at all. Felicity confirms that she hasn’t been there today. Johnny guesses they got their signals crossed and thanks her as he walks away. Mark asks Felicity again why she brought up “Abigail” before.

Chad decides he doesn’t need the negativity and ignores Steve’s call which “Abigail” questions. Chad explains that Steve called last night and expressed his concern about them getting married, but he doesn’t know or care what his problem is. Chad declares they are getting married and there’s nothing he can do to change that as they kiss.

Steve leaves a message for Chad, telling him that he needs to call him back as it’s extremely urgent.

“Abigail” talks about feeling like she could remember everything they had before and talks about how lucky she is to have an amazing man like Chad. Chad says he’s the lucky one. “Abigail” then goes to get ready for their wedding.

Kayla returns to Steve and announces that he reran the test with the original samples, confirming that “Abigail” and Jack do not match, so there is no way they are related which means whoever that woman is, is not Abigail. Steve says he’s sorry as he knows how much she wanted it to be true. Kayla feels bad for Jack and Chad. Steve says they will deal with that as soon as they can. Kayla acknowledges that this means Mark falsified the results but wonders why.

Felicity tells Mark that “Abigail” reminds her of their mom. Mark says he can see the similarity. Mark tells Felicity that he has to go out of town for a little while as he has business to take care of overseas with their parents estate that he has to clear up. Felicity says she misses them. Mark assures he won’t be gone long but while he’s out of the country, she’s in charge of Aaron. Mark hugs her and says he loves her. Mark adds that there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for her or their family.

Alex questions Chanel wanting his help throwing Johnny a party. Chanel explains that she thought it would be fun to have Johnny’s party on the Body and Soul set since it would surprise Johnny and she doesn’t trust anyone at the DiMera Mansion not to tip him off. They talk about Johnny being so focused on work and on them. Chanel feels that Johnny is still a bit tense about having to direct their love scene. Chanel thought Johnny was over it but she was getting a vibe that he doesn’t fully trust her around Alex and she thinks directing the love scene is still triggering for him. Chanel thought it would be nice to throw Johnny a party on set so he realizes the set is a friendly place. Alex calls her a damn good wife and says he’s there for whatever she needs. Chanel says she will come up with a plan and let him know. Alex says that sounds good as he just wants everyone to feel comfortable too. Alex and Chanel say they will see each other on set. Chanel asks if she can trust Alex to keep this to himself. Alex assures that Johnny will not hear a word about this from him. Chanel says that’s good because her husband is totally clueless. After Chanel exits Alex’s apartment, Johnny then comes around the corner.

Chanel joins Felicity in the town square and tells her that she’s throwing Johnny a surprise party next week, so she asks her to help her with the cake. Felicity informs Chanel that Johnny was just there.

Stephanie goes to the Body and Soul studio where she sees a poster of Chanel and Alex. Stephanie wonders what she’s going to do about Alex. Johnny then arrives, so Stephanie shows him the poster. Stephanie goes to make some calls about where to put them. Johnny then crumples up a poster and tosses it on the ground.

“Abigail” calls Mark and says she will be Mrs. Chad DiMera soon but she’s a complete wreck about it. Mark knows it’s a big step, but reminds her that the second she ties the knot, they get their mom back. “Abigail” says she keeps reminding herself but it’s really hard as she feels horrible about what they are doing to Chad as she’s such a good man that he does not deserve this. Mark questions if she’s starting to have real feelings for Chad. “Abigail” admits that she is as she sees how much he loved his wife and how kind, compassionate, and generous is. She asks how she can’t feel horrible about how they are deceiving him. Mark urges her to stay focused on the job at hand. She assures that everything will be fine. She then remembers that Mark was trying to tell her something yesterday about what Clyde wants him to do, but Mark claims it’s not important.

Steve tells Kayla that Mark and “Abigail” need to be stopped. Kayla calls it awful. Steve says he’s going to contact Jada, but their first priority is stopping Chad from marrying that woman. Steve adds that he tried to talk him out of it yesterday but he wouldn’t listen. Kayla says she will do everything she can to get a hold of him.

Chad looks at his old wedding photo of he and Abigail while he puts his phone down, missing a text from Kayla that says “She’s not Abigail”.

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