Days Update Thursday, October 17, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Tate runs in to Sophia at school. Sophia tells him that she heard some lady was arrested in the hit and run. Tate excitedly confirms that his dad has been cleared. Sophia says that’s amazing and she’s so happy for him. Tate adds that for some reason, Brady is still in jail and hasn’t been released yet.

Brady remains in his jail cell as EJ arrives and says he brought him some company in Fiona.

Sarah joins Xander in the living room of the Kiriakis Mansion. Xander questions how he could be such a gullible fool. Sarah argues that they all thought Brady was guilty while Xander complains about Fiona being the cause of it all. Xander declares that he of all people should’ve known better. Xander calls his mother a drunk, a liar, and heartless as he remarks that he should’ve known she would never change.

“Abigail” questions Mark saying what Clyde told him to do being not important. “Abigail” decides she doesn’t need to know but trusts that he will take care of it, while she will marry Chad. She adds that as soon as she’s Chad’s wife, she will have access to the DiMera investment accounts and will get the money to Clyde. She says she will let him know when it’s done as she hangs up.

Chad looks at his old wedding photo of he and Abigail while he puts his phone down, missing a text from Kayla that says “She’s not Abigail”.

“Abigail” prepares to put on her wedding dress and tells herself that she can do this for her mom.

Holly joins Chad at the apartment. Chad tells her that “Abigail” is just getting ready and that they are so glad to have Holly as the maid of honor and witness. Holly says she’s grateful and excited to be a part of their wedding. Chad asks how it went with Nicole. Holly says things are still awkward but at least they are talking. Chad recalls losing his mom when he was around Holly’s age and he wishes he spent more time with her and been a better son. Chad encourages that fixing her relationship with her mom is important. Holly remarks that it’s at least one relationship in her life getting fixed.

Sophia questions Brady still being in jail. Tate has no idea as he hasn’t been able to talk to him yet, but he’s so relieved that he’s innocent. Tate talks about being happy for his whole family. Sophia assures that he’ll be home soon. Sophia asks about the suspect who actually hit Sarah. Tate informs her that it was Xander’s mom, Fiona, which shocks Sophia as she declares that she knows that bitch.

Brady is surprised to see EJ as he didn’t think EJ escorted prisoners to lock up. EJ says Fiona needed to be brought down while he and Brady have unfinished business. Brady says he wasn’t expecting his grand apology until he was officially released, but he’s ready for it. EJ reveals that he’s not here to apologize or to release him. EJ says they have a possible culprit but the finger has been pointed at both Brady and Fiona, so he figured he’d let them hash out their versions of the truth. EJ tells them to have fun and exits, leaving Brady and Fiona in opposite cells. Brady yells at Fiona to look at him. Fiona asks if they really have to do this. Brady recalls first thinking she was kind, fun, and misunderstood but questions how he could’ve been so wrong. Brady brings up the night and the morning of the accident when he called Fiona in a panic because he thought he hit Sarah, but she told him not to turn himself in. Brady says that Fiona made him feel innocent when she knew he was, but she hung him out to dry and questions how she could do that to Sarah.

Xander talks to Sarah about how Fiona has disappointed him for his whole life. Xander says Fiona abandoning him was the best thing that could’ve happened to him, but when she showed back up in Salem, he forgot about it all and turned back in to a stupid little boy who wanted his mom. Sarah tells him that she’s so sorry since she encouraged Fiona to come to Salem. Xander understands her heart was in the right place. Xander brings up Fiona first showing up at their wedding and revealing that he was Victor’s son and heir, he finally felt so vindicated. Xander adds that Fiona worked herself in to their lives and he let himself see what he wanted to see, believing Fiona had become someone he could trust. Sarah says she saw her that way too since Fiona was very good at playing that part. Xander complains that he should’ve seen through it because he knows how she was when she abandoned him. Xander questions how he couldn’t see that Fiona was the same heartless drunk she’s always been. Sarah argues that it wasn’t obvious and she hid it really well but Xander insists that he should’ve known. Xander talks about trusting Fiona with their daughter and questions what he was thinking. Sarah encourages that Fiona never hurt Victoria but it breaks her heart that Fiona hurt him. Xander says all Fiona did to him was remind him of how awful she is, but points out what she did to Sarah. Xander declares that Fiona hurt Sarah worse than anyone else because he stupidly wanted to believe she had changed, which allowed this to happen so he will never forgive himself. Sarah encourages that he had nothing to do with her accident but Xander repeats that he should’ve known Fiona wasn’t sober. Xander talks about Fiona passing down her wretched genes to him and how he was so enraged that he was going to kill Brady and Sarah had to lie to the police to save him. Xander worries about Sarah but she assures she won’t be arrested for perjury since she remembers everything now. Sarah brings up that Fiona confessed to them but Xander wonders what she’s saying to the cops. Xander remembers Jada showing up to arrest Fiona before they called 911 and wonders how she could’ve known. Sarah guesses it was Eric since he was grilling her about the accident, so he must’ve gone to the police. Xander declares that they need to go set the record straight and get Brady released, not only because he doesn’t deserve to be there but also because it’s the only way that Kristen will give them Dr. Rolf’s serum to heal Sarah’s injuries which is the priority. Xander adds that after Sarah’s all better, they will make his mom pay for what she has done.

Fiona tells Brady it was the last thing she wanted for him or Sarah. Brady questions why she drank and drove, then hit Sarah and leave her on the ground, why she didn’t speak up when he was arrested, and what he did to deserve this. Fiona insists that he didn’t deserve this but he at least deserves to understand that she wasn’t drunk that night, just tipsy, so she thought it would be safer for her to drive him home instead of him getting behind the wheel. Brady remarks that it would’ve been safer to get a cab. Fiona thought it would be okay and says that night was so dark, Sarah appeared out of nowhere, and it all happened so fast. Fiona cries about how she panicked after hitting Sarah because she knew if Xander found out, it would be the end of their relationship forever. Brady questions Fiona deciding to ruin his life instead. Fiona explains that Brady was passed out in the seat next to her, so she waited for help to arrive for Sarah and then they were gone. Fiona says her mind was racing, her world was about to end, and Brady was blissfully ignorant so the idea started formulating in her mind. Fiona talks about researching Xander’s Salem family and knowing that Maggie had been framed in a similar manner which is where she got the cruel and terrible idea to drive Brady home, then put him in the driver’s seat. Brady argues that Fiona put him in a guilt ridden Hell until he found out the truth. Brady declares now it’s Fiona’s time to suffer in Hell.

Tate questions how Sophia knows Xander’s mom. Sophia talks about how she used to come in to the Bistro and she was really nice at first and seemed like she just wanted someone to talk to. Tate asks what they talked about. Sophia admits they talked about Tate since Fiona asked if she was dating anybody. Tate questions what she told her about him.

Chad guesses Holly is referring to Tate and asks if she regrets breaking up with him. Holly says they weren’t together that long and were kind of always a hot mess. Chad asks if she misses him. Holly admits she kind of does but says she’ll get over it as there are plenty of other guys out there. Chad asks if that’s really what she wants. Holly admits it’s not but says even if she could forgive Tate for taking his dad’s side, she’s not sure that Tate could forgive her after catching her going through Brady’s briefcase. Holly adds that her ex-best friend Sophia is making moves on Tate and she’s pretty sure he’s in to her too. Holly decides that’s enough about her sob story and changes the topic to Chad getting married in the most romantic city in the world. Holly says she’s excited and honored to be a part of it as she can’t wait for Chad and “Abigail” to fall in love all over again. “Abigail” then comes out in her wedding dress.

Sophia asks Tate what the big deal is as she just told Fiona that she likes him but he was seeing someone else. Tate questions if she didn’t say anything else. Sophia asks what else there was to say, then notes that Fiona gave her a huge tip and told her to keep quiet about her drinking a martini which Tate questions. Sophia felt Fiona was being playful like it was an inside joke, but then she ran in to it in the town square and that Fiona freaked out when she said Tate’s name this time and also mentioning Holly. Sophia says Fiona apparently lives with Holly’s family and worried about them finding out about her drinking, so she threatened her. Sophia realizes now that Fiona also didn’t want her family to know that she was probably smashed when she mowed down Sarah.

Fiona tells Brady that she prayed no one would recognize his car and that he wouldn’t be implicated. Brady says he’s starting to understand that her setting him up was her failsafe so the cops wouldn’t find her. Brady questions letting him believe that he was guilty of this for the rest of his life. Fiona claims she fully intended to set the record straight when they thought Sarah would be alright after surgery, but then she was paralyzed and knowing it was all her fault, she couldn’t. Brady argues that she could’ve, but she decided not to.

Xander and Sarah meet EJ in the interrogation room at the police station. Xander tells EJ that they need to make sure EJ releases Brady now that he has Fiona in custody. EJ claims not to see how the two are related. Sarah argues that Brady is innocent but EJ is not so sure about that. Xander argues that Sarah remembers the accident now. EJ brings up Sarah signing a sworn statement before that it was Brady, so he questions which version to believe.

“Abigail” thanks Holly for coming to be part of their day and sends her to get the bouquet from the kitchen. “Abigail” says now all they need is the officiant. Chad recalls getting a text earlier and goes to check it but is stopped by a knock at the door. Chad then answers to see Abigail’s brother JJ Deveraux has arrived and they embrace. JJ comes in and meets “Abigail”, who guesses he is her brother. JJ asks if she remembers him. She says she wishes she did but claims a familiar energy to him. Chad explains that when Abigail’s parents couldn’t make it, he reached out to JJ who was able to make the long flight from South Africa. JJ then reveals that he is a newly ordained minister online, so he’s going to marry them. JJ says he’s excited to be part of this and how he kept thinking on the flight about seeing his sister again and how much that means to him. JJ adds that he’s sorry their parents aren’t there and he knows Jennifer is having a hard time accepting things, but he knows deep down she’s happy for her. JJ declares that he’s so happy to have her back as he hugs “Abigail”.

Xander complains that EJ knows damn well that Brady doesn’t deserve to be behind bars. Sarah repeats that she was unsure of her memory, but she’s sure now that it was Fiona and not Brady. EJ says he’s aware of her changing account of events which makes her no more reliable than a drunken Brady. Xander questions what that means. EJ goes over that Brady couldn’t remember, then he confessed and unconfessed but now claims he can remember not driving. Xander asks what else he needs. EJ talks about being skeptical that Brady’s memory was miraculously restored at the exact time as Sarah’s. Xander asks why they would put this much effort in to believing it’s Fiona, pointing out that he doesn’t want her to be a monster. EJ argues that there must be some reason for Sarah changing her story and for them to suddenly be so desperate for him to release Brady. EJ says until he knows the whole truth, he will do no such thing.

Fiona argues that when Brady’s car disappeared and EJ released him, she was so relieved and she’s so sorry that Xander tried to take the law in to his own hands, but she stopped that too. Brady asks if she wants him to thank her when her son always broke his legs for something she did. Brady recalls thanking her and she threw Sarah’s injury in his face, making him feel like crap for hurting her when she knew it was what she had done. Fiona says she was so close to confessing everything when she came to see him yesterday because the secret had been killing her. Brady says he won’t feel sorry for her. Fiona wants him to know that she cares about him, arguing that they were two lost souls who found each other when they needed somebody. Fiona says she had to pretend to hate him because everyone thought he injured her daughter in law, but the only person she hates is herself.

Sophia apologizes to Tate and says if she knew who Fiona was, she would’ve said something sooner. Tate understands she couldn’t have known. Sophia brings up Holly being awful to Tate and trying to dig up dirt on Brady when he was innocent the whole time. Tate points out that she didn’t know that. Sophia wouldn’t be surprised if Holly comes crawling back to Tate, apologizing, now that she knows Brady isn’t the one who ran over Sarah. Tate doubts it since things didn’t end well, but says they will see.

Holly comes back and greets JJ, saying she’s so glad he could come. JJ says he wouldn’t miss it. JJ talks about being ordained but a novice at the whole thing. JJ says they are ready, so Chad says he just has to put on some music and needs his phone. “Abigail” decides to get it and picks up Chad’s phone, seeing Kayla’s text that says “She’s not Abigail”. Chad asks if she’s okay. “Abigail” claims that Chad’s phone is dead. Chad argues that he had a full charge but “Abigail” says it’s fine and that she has the perfect song on her phone. JJ asks if she’s okay as she looks pale but she insists that she’s fine and is just a nervous bride.

Xander tells EJ that this is ridiculous as they obviously want Brady released because he’s his family and Sarah’s friend, so Sarah feels awful that her false testimony got him here. Sarah argues that EJ can’t prosecute two suspects, so he has to let one of them go. EJ points out that he already had to release Brady once, so he won’t again until he’s 100% certain that he’s innocent. Xander insists that Brady is innocent and Fiona is guilty. Xander questions why the police haven’t taken Fiona’s statement yet. EJ says she is entitled to have her lawyer present. Xander argues that Sarah and Brady remember the accident and offers his own testimony to Fiona confessing to him right after he caught her trying to push Sarah down the stairs. Xander tells EJ that it’s time to let this go as Brady didn’t do it. Sarah argues that she is the victim and Brady’s a victim too, so she pleads with EJ to let him go.

Brady questions Fiona expecting him to believe that she cares about him. Brady argues that if Eric hadn’t been so determined to get to the bottom of this and pressured him to remember that night, the truth would’ve never come out and Fiona wouldn’t have said a word. Fiona starts to cry as Brady declares that he doesn’t want to hear anything from her or see her face ever again and he’s so sorry that he met her.

Tate tells Sophia that he doesn’t know what the holdup is in getting Brady cleared but says what Sophia knows about Fiona might help, so he asks if Sophia is willing to talk to the police about it and possibly testify in court if it comes to that. Sophia agrees, saying she would do anything to help him and his family. Tate thanks her. Sophia calls him a good son and says Brady is so lucky to have him. Tate responds that he’s really lucky to have a friend like her as they hug.

JJ knows this isn’t the most conventional wedding but calls it an honor because he loves them both and grateful to be a part of it. They thank him for doing this while he thanks them for including him. They say they are ready so JJ begins the wedding ceremony. Chad and “Abigail” exchange wedding vows and then they exchange rings. JJ officially pronounces Chad and “Abigail” as husband and wife, so they kiss. “Abigail” wishes she could say her memories came flooding back, but she can honestly say that she feels closer to Chad than she ever has before as they hug.

Xander can’t believe EJ stormed out of the interrogation room without saying anything and wonders if they should’ve told him everything. Sarah insists that they can’t trust EJ with the information that Kristen blackmailed them or that Xander almost killed Brady. Sarah trusts that EJ knows he has to do the right thing, so she prays that’s what he is doing.

EJ returns to the holding cells and informs Brady that today is his lucky day as he announces he’s dropping the charges against him. EJ tells Brady to get the hell out of his sight before he changes his mind, so Brady exits his cell and takes a final look at Fiona.

Tate and Sophia hug until the class bell rings. Tate is sorry that he talked so much that she didn’t get a chance to eat lunch. Sophia says she’ll be okay. Tate thanks her for everything. Sophia tells him to just let her know about talking to the police or testifying and whatever he needs. Sophia says she will see him later and walks away.

JJ pours champagne to make a toast to Chad and “Abigail”. JJ admits he was nervous about seeing “Abigail”, especially after how Jennifer reacted, but now he’s sorry for not reaching out sooner, even if on video chat or the phone. Holly then remembers “Abigail” claiming that she was on the phone with JJ when she first ran in to her, so she questions what JJ means as she believed they just talked on the phone last night.

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