Days Update Friday, October 11, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Xander goes to the DiMera Mansion, calling out to Kristen, saying they need to talk. Kristen comes out and says there’s no need to shout as she’s right there. Kristen informs Xander that Dr. Rolf is more confident than ever that his adjusted formula will cure Sarah’s paralysis. Kristen then asks if Xander and Sarah spoke with EJ about Brady’s case. Xander confirms they did and that Sarah told EJ that she was mistaken in identifying Brady, so he asks if they can have the serum.

Eric goes to the Kiriakis Mansion and tells Sarah that he needed to talk to her. Sarah assumes it’s about Brady and says she should’ve come to him after coming forward. Eric wants her to be honest as he asks if Brady is innocent and she’s covering for Fiona which Sarah questions. Eric then asks if Fiona was the driver who hit her.

Fiona runs in to Sophia in the town square. Sophia asks if Fiona will be heading back to the Bistro for their lunch special. Fiona thinks back to drinking at the bar and hoping that Eric bought her story. Fiona then informs Sophia that she’s not heading to the Bistro. Sophia says that’s too bad as she was going to update her on her love life. Sophia tells Fiona that the guy she likes broke up with his girlfriend.

Holly arrives in Paris and calls Maggie to tell her that she’s arrived safely. Maggie asks if Holly has seen her mom. Holly says not yet but they are meeting at a café in awhile for their big talk. Maggie wishes her luck and acknowledges that it won’t be easy. Holly states that she has to confront her about lying to her for her entire life about Eric being the one who killed her dad.

“Abigail” tells Chad that she has to be honest with him. Chad asks about what. She thinks back to talking to Mark about lying to Chad and not having a choice. “Abigail” then tells Chad that she doesn’t think it’s a good idea to be intimate just yet. Chad says that’s fine and they can wait as long as she wants. She clarifies that she doesn’t want to wait that long as she thinks there’s something they should do first. “Abigail” then asks Chad what if they got married which surprises Chad.

Xander asks Kristen to take him to Dr. Rolf because Sarah needs this serum. Kristen stops him and says she needs details about what EJ said when Sarah recanted her story. Xander asks why that matters since Sarah told him that she was wrong to identify Brady and that’s what Kristen wanted. Kristen questions EJ just accepting it. Xander points out that without Sarah’s ID, EJ has no case. Kristen asks if EJ said he would drop the charges. Xander hopes he’s doing that as they speak and asks to be taken to Dr. Rolf. Kristen stops him and says she will call EJ to ask him if he’s dropping the charges. Xander asks if that can’t wait since every second they keep the serum from Sarah is another second she suffers. Kristen calls EJ, but Xander takes her phone and hangs up. Kristen questions what he’s doing and then accuses him of lying to her.

Sarah questions Eric thinking Fiona hit her and where this is coming from. Eric asks her to just answer if Fiona was the hit and run driver. Sarah says of course not and questions where she got this idea. Eric reveals that he saw Sarah and Fiona in the park yesterday and he overheard them talking about keeping a secret. Sarah swears it had nothing to do with Fiona being the hit and run driver.

Fiona asks Sophia what happened with the guy she likes and his girlfriend. Sophia says she wasn’t treating him right and they got in a huge fight. Fiona asks if Sophia had anything to do with the fight. Sophia responds that she didn’t have to do a thing as she messed it up all on her own.

Maggie tells Holly that this isn’t going to be an easy conversation for her or Nicole, but she hopes Holly finds it in her heart to forgive her and understand why she kept the truth from her for so long. Holly says they will see. Maggie says she loves her and they will talk soon as they hang up. Holly looks around, wondering where Nicole is.

Sarah assures Eric that she and Fiona weren’t talking about her accident when he overheard them. Eric asks what they were talking about then. Sarah thinks back to talking to Fiona about her lying to the police when she identified Brady as the driver to stop Xander from killing him. Sarah then tells Eric that she’s sorry that she can’t say, but it had absolutely nothing to do with Fiona being the driver that hit her. Sarah adds if that were the case, she wouldn’t cover for her. Sarah guesses Eric doesn’t believe her and understands it’s hard to accept that Brady did it, but questions how one overheard conversation convinced him it was Fiona. Eric reveals it was more than just that one conversation.

Fiona sits with Sophia and asks her to tell her all about this breakup. Sophia asks if she’s sure she doesn’t have somewhere to go. Fiona says she’s grateful for the distraction and asks what the girl did to mess everything up. Sophia tells her that she went through his dad’s things and got caught, so they fought and she told him it’s over just like that. Sophia mentions Holly saying that she and Tate deserved each other and stormed off. Fiona stops her to question when she realizes she’s talking about Holly and Tate.

Tate comes across Maggie sitting outside the Brady Pub with Victoria. Maggie invites him to sit. Tate asks how Sarah’s doing. Maggie says she’s doing alright and getting used to her new reality. Maggie thanks him for asking. Tate says he feels really terrible about what happened to her and Brady does too. Maggie says she knows Brady does. Maggie knows it must be difficult for Tate with his mother in prison and his father heading there too. Tate feels wrong to feel sorry for himself when Sarah’s in a wheelchair. Maggie says he’s allowed to feel that way. Tate feels like he’s losing everyone he cares about with his mom and dad. Maggie asks about Holly. Tate is surprised that Holly told her they broke up and notes that she wasn’t in school today, so he asks if she’s okay. Maggie responds that she is okay and then reveals that Holly is in Paris which surprises Tate.

Chad questions “Abigail” wanting to get married. She says she knows it’s sudden but talks about her feelings for him coming back. Chad points out that she’s not ready to be intimate. She says they are still sort of strangers in a way even with the feelings. She says she wants to remember their love and life together, so she thinks maybe getting married could make that happen. Chad questions her thinking that getting married will help get her memories back. She knows it’s wishful thinking but points out they are in Paris and brings up her wedding vows memory coming back. She feels like recommitting to him in Paris might be the jolt she needs to have memories come flooding back. “Abigail” then asks Chad if he will marry her.

Tate questions Maggie saying that Holly is in Paris. Maggie explains that Holly wanted to see her mother but Nicole couldn’t fly because Jude had an ear infection. Maggie adds that Holly needed to confront Nicole about her father’s death. Tate comments that it really sucks that Eric and Nicole lied to her all these years about what really happened. Maggie states that Nicole was trying to protect her and they all just went along with it. Tate gets why Holly is hurt by that but argues that it doesn’t excuse what she tried to do to his dad which Maggie questions, so Tate realizes that Holly didn’t tell Maggie why they broke up. Tate informs Maggie that it all started when he caught Holly digging through Brady’s stuff in his room as she was trying to help EJ find dirt to send Brady to prison. Tate says he confronted her and she got really defensive, then when Sophia tried to stick up for him, Holly physically attacked her.

Fiona questions Sophia talking about Holly and Tate. Sophia asks if Fiona knows them. Fiona says she just happens to live in the same house as Holly, explaining that Maggie’s daughter is married to her son. Sophia calls it a small world and brings up when Fiona ordered a martini at the Bistro. Fiona cuts her off and orders her to forget that she ever ordered a drink.

Kristen questions if Xander really thought she was stupid enough to just take his word for it. Xander argues that they did as she asked and told EJ that Sarah recanted but he refused to listen, so it’s EJ’s fault and not theirs. Kristen questions if EJ is not dropping the charges then. Xander confirms that EJ said he will use Sarah’s original statement to put Brady away and that there’s nothing they can do about it. Kristen disagrees that there’s nothing. Xander insists that they already tried really hard to talk him out of it. Kristen suggests going public and have Sarah post the truth on social media and tell the Spectator that she admited she was wrong about naming Brady as the hit and run driver, so the world will know EJ is hellbent on prosecuting Brady for something he didn’t do. Kristen adds they could go straight to Paulina since she doesn’t want another scandal and they can make it clear that EJ has gone rogue, ignoring that his own eye witness has taken back her statement. Xander responds that he’s sorry but they can’t do that.

Sarah questions Eric accusing Fiona of running her over and lying about it. Eric asks if she knew that Fiona and Brady were sleeping together. Sarah confirms that Fiona admitted it to Xander as they didn’t know who each other were and that it didn’t last very long. Sarah questions why that matters. Eric then reveals that Fiona and Brady were together on the night of Sarah’s accident.

“Abigail” comments on Chad not giving her the rousing “yes” that she was hoping for. Chad assures that he wants to be married to Abigail more than anything but he thought when they got married, it would be with their children and families. “Abigail” says it would be that way in a perfect world but they can go home to Salem to share the good news and announce that her memories came back. Chad asks what if it doesn’t happen. “Abigail” promises that she will keep her word and tell the children the truth. Chad says he can hardly remember a time that he didn’t love Abigail and want to be married to her. “Abigail” asks if that’s a yes. Chad then says if she wants to get married, they will get married one last time as they kiss.

Maggie questions Tate saying that Holly slapped Sophia, arguing that it doesn’t sound like her. Tate insists that’s what happened. Maggie feels that Holly must have been provoked. Tate assures that all Sophia did was call Holly out for snooping on Brady and that she also might have mentioned having feelings for him. Maggie calls that provocative. Maggie doesn’t believe that Holly would hit Sophia because she knows her granddaughter but she doesn’t know Sophia. Tate points out that he knows Sophia and she’s actually been a pretty good friend to him. Maggie questions how good and if Sophia’s feelings for him are mutual. Maggie then gets a call from Holly.

Fiona warns Sophia again not to say a word about the martini. Fiona explains that her son and his family believe that she’s sober so if they found out otherwise, it would be a disaster. Sophia doesn’t see the big deal but Fiona insists it’s an enormous deal. Fiona makes Sophia swear that if anyone asks, she has only ever served her water. Fiona warns that she is not some teenager she can mess with and threatens Sophia to keep her mouth shut or she’ll be sorry.

Sarah questions Eric saying that Brady was with Fiona on the night of the accident, admitting that Fiona never mentioned that. Sarah asks how he knows. Eric explains that the waiter at Small Bar told him that Fiona and Brady left together and then Fiona happened to walk in. Eric says Fiona first said they left separately but when he told her what the waiter said, she changed her story and said she went after Brady to try to persuade him to take a taxi but he doesn’t believe her. Eric adds that he also doesn’t believe Fiona when she said she hadn’t had a drink all night.

Kristen questions why Xander can’t go to the press or to Paulina to tell the truth and force EJ’s hand. Xander explains that EJ is threatening to prosecute Sarah for making a false statement. Xander declares he won’t let EJ lock Sarah away for perjury while she’s still recovering from this accident. Kristen doesn’t believe a judge would put Sarah behind bars for that. Xander worries that EJ has a lot of connections and deep pockets. Kristen says this isn’t right. Xander argues that they tried and pleads with Kristen to give him the serum even though she didn’t get the outcome she wanted, pointing out that Sarah deserves a chance to walk again.

“Abigail” thanks Chad for agreeing to get married. Chad says if he would’ve known, he would’ve bought her a ring. “Abigail” says she doesn’t need one but she will need something to wear. Chad gives her his credit card and tells her to go buy a dress while he makes some calls to find someone to marry them. “Abigail” says it sounds like a dream as they kiss and she then exits.

Maggie tells Tate that she has to take the call so Tate says he’ll see her around and walks away. Maggie answers Holly’s call. Holly informs her that she just talked to her mom and admits it went better than expected as Nicole just apologized a bunch and seemed pretty sincere. Maggie asks where she is now. Holly explains that Nicole had to go home to relieve the babysitter and she needed time alone to think, but they have plans to meet again tomorrow. Maggie asks how she’s feeling now. Holly says she’s relieved and still processing. Maggie says she will be for quite some time and hopes she can let Nicole help her and maybe Eric too. Maggie asks where Holly is staying tonight. Holly says that Nicole booked her a hotel room near where they live. Maggie tells her to call anytime if she wants to talk. Holly thanks her for the support and says she loves her. Maggie adds that her father would be so proud of her as they hang up.

Fiona asks Sophia if they have an understanding. Sophia tells her to chill out as she already swore not to tell anyone how much she loves a dry martini because she’s not a snitch. Fiona then walks away while Sophia calls her a bitch.

Sarah tells Eric that Fiona doesn’t drink. Eric says that’s what she claims but he guesses it’s all a moot point since Sarah remembered seeing Brady that night. Eric decides he should go and apologizes for barging in and accusing her of lying. Sarah says it’s okay. Eric acknowledges that she’s been through so much and he can’t imagine how hard it’s been for her. Sarah knows it’s a struggle for Brady as well and that he’s feeling incredibly guilty and he has to go to jail. Eric admits it’s been really tough. Eric worries for Brady’s kids not wanting to lose him. Eric tells Sarah to take care and exits.

Kristen tells Xander that she’s sorry but it’s no can do on the serum as a deal is deal. Xander questions if she has no heart, arguing that she owes Sarah after everything she’s done to her. Kristen calls it a simple transaction if he gets the charges dropped, he gets the serum. Xander complains that EJ is the only person who can do that and he refuses. Xander continues pleading with her that Sarah needs to be able to walk again and take care of their little girl. Kristen argues that she has a little girl too and her father is looking to spend a decade behind bars. Kristen suggests Xander try harder to make that not happen. Kristen says she wants Sarah to walk again but she’s not running a charity. Xander grabs her arm but Kristen warns him that she’s his only link to that serum. Xander remarks that the DiMeras aren’t the only ones capable of the unthinkable. Xander asks if she’s checked on Rachel lately, reminding her of what he’s capable of. Xander suggests Rachel could disappear from the playground, never to be seen again. Kristen warns him to tread lightly when it comes to making threats about the people she loves. Kristen adds that if Xander touches a hair on Rachel, she will make sure that Dr. Rolf disappears with the serum that will cure Sarah’s spinal cord. Xander then storms out of the mansion.

Chad looks at he and Abigail’s old wedding photo, then he gets a call from Steve.

“Abigail” calls Mark and tells him that she has news. Holly then walks by behind her at the café in Paris.

Tate finds Sophia in the town square and tells her about running in to Holly’s grandmother. Tate says it turns out that Holly wasn’t in school because she flew out to Paris. Sophia calls that great news as maybe she and her mom can work things out. Tate is surprised Sophia cares. Sophia claims that Holly is still her friend. Tate points out that even though Holly attacked her. Sophia states that just because they like the same guy, doesn’t mean she wants her to be miserable. Sophia admits she wouldn’t hate it if Holly decided to stay in Paris, so she could have Tate all to herself.

Xander joins Maggie outside the Pub. Maggie says she and Victoria were just heading home and asks if everything is alright. Xander reveals to Maggie that Kristen has a cure for Sarah’s paralysis but she’s refusing to hand it over.

Kristen talks to the portrait of Stefano, remarking that they both know he would’ve done much worse to get what he wants from his opponent. Kristen hopes that she motivated Xander enough to help Brady get out from under those charges.

Sarah goes to her bedroom and thinks back to Eric questioning her about Fiona. Sarah tells herself that it can’t be but then she has a flashback to the hit and run. Fiona then enters the room.

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