Days Update Monday, September 9, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

John questions Tate about telling Holly that Eric was responsible for her father’s death. Tate explains that he wasn’t planning to as they were talking about Brady and it just kind of came out. Tate adds that he thought that she knew. John asks how she took it. Tate says she was horrified and he tried to comfort her but she said she just wanted to be alone. Tate says he feels awful. John encourages that Tate didn’t know it would be news to her so he shouldn’t be so hard on himself. John adds that it was bound to come out at one point and be hurtful to Holly. John informs Tate that Eric has just flown in from Paris to be with Brady, so he thinks he needs to give him a heads up about this.

In the park, Holly tells Eric that she didn’t know he was in town. Eric ignores his phone ringing as he tells Holly that he just got in on a last minute decision for Brady. Holly remarks that it makes sense that Eric is there to stick up for Brady, especially after what he did.

In the interrogation room, Brady questions Justin as to what the hell just happened. Justin responds that EJ had no choice but to drop the charges since he has no proof that Brady hit Sarah. Brady insists that he knows that he did it but Justin argues that he said himself that he has no memory of it. Justin says due to lack of concrete evidence, Brady is a free man. Brady complains that he turned himself in because he wants to be responsible for his actions. Brady questions if he’s just supposed to walk out the door like nothing happened. Brady doesn’t like that Justin argued his case without consulting him about it. Justin says he did his job as his lawyer, but Brady says he’s not happy about it and he guarantees that Xander and Sarah won’t be either.

Xander tells Maggie that it’s hard to believe just a few months ago, he and his mom were completely estranged as he was so angry at her. Maggie understands he was holding onto a lot of pain. Xander says that Sarah knew exactly what to do and he’s so glad she did because now Fiona is living with them and helping take care of them. Xander never would’ve imagined he could rely on her like this. Maggie says she’s happy for them and talks about knowing how hard it is to fight demons. Maggie adds that he should be so proud of Fiona. Xander assures that he is as he never thought he’d have his mom back but now is when they need her the most.

Fiona grabs a pillow and says for God to forgive her for what she’s about to do as she raises the pillow over Sarah to suffocate her but stops herself and questions what she’s thinking. Fiona then asks what choice she has, because if Sarah remembers she was driving the car that hit her, then it will all be over and she can’t let that happen.

Xander thanks Maggie for listening and says he’s equally grateful to her. Xander says he should go check on the soup but Justin arrives. Xander calls him his traitorous cousin and tells Justin that he will be at Brady’s arraignment tomorrow because it will bring him great satisfaction to see Brady get what he deserves. Justin then announces that there isn’t going to be an arraignment because EJ decided not to press charges, so Brady is a free man which shocks Xander.

Brady sits outside the Pub as Ava walks by and asks if he’s alright. Brady admits he’s not really and says he just needed some air before going home. Ava jokingly asks if he’s a wanted fugitive but Brady says he’s not in the mood for that. Ava apologizes but admits she thought he would be in jail. Brady responds that he should be, but apparently confessing to a crime isn’t enough to get him where he belongs.

John tries calling Eric but it goes to voicemail and hopes he will get back to him soon. Tate apologizes for making such a mess out of everything. John tells him it’s not his fault as he didn’t know Holly was in the dark about all of this. John asks how Tate found out anyways. Tate explains that he overheard Theresa and Kimberly talking about it awhile back. Tate thought everyone knew so he just assumed that Holly knew what Eric had done.

Eric understands Holly is upset at Brady and has every right to be. Holly questions Eric still being here to defend him. Eric argues that he’s not defending him but supporting him as his brother. Holly argues that Eric knows all too well what Brady did because he’s been in his shoes. Eric asks what she is talking about. Holly then reveals that she knows Eric killed her father. Eric is shocked and doesn’t know what to say. Eric apologizes, saying he really wanted to be the one to tell her. Holly argues that he had 17 years and never said a word about it. Eric says he wanted to talk to her about it tonight. Holly responds that there’s no need to because somebody already beat him to the punch. Eric asks if EJ told her. Holly admits it was Tate, who thought she knew already, but she didn’t because Eric, Nicole, and her entire family lied to her for her whole life. Holly complains that Nicole told her it was just some drunk driver and everyone went along with it to protect Eric. Eric argues that they were protecting her as she was a child and they figured she’d have less questions that way. Holly remarks that Nicole is a manipulator and she played right in to her hands all these years. Holly says over the years, she was so tempted to look it up online but she would hear Nicole’s voice insisting that she wouldn’t want to hear all the gory details and she just believed her. Holly figured there was no point since the monster who killed her father was dead too, but he was living right under her roof.

Tate tells John that he’s worried about Holly because he’s never seen her this upset and wonders if he should’ve left her alone. John encourages him to give her time and she’ll reach out when she’s ready. Tate is unsure since she was really furious with him. John argues that all he did was tell her the truth that he thought she knew. Tate says there was more to it since they were in the middle of a pretty big fight. John asks what the fight was about. Tate explains that Holly doesn’t like that he’s defending Brady since Sarah is her aunt, so she doesn’t get how he could possibly stand by Brady after what he’s done.

Ava tells Brady that it sounds like he had a good lawyer but Brady says he wasn’t trying to get off the hook as he actually wanted to pay for what he did. Ava guesses Justin made a valid point, otherwise EJ wouldn’t have agreed to his release. Ava argues that Brady can’t be held legally. Brady complains that he’s racked with guilt about what he did to Sarah and it makes it worse that he’s getting away with it. Ava points out that he didn’t do it on purpose. Brady feels every bad decision he made led to the accident, starting with the night he fell off the wagon. Ava feels she’s partly responsible for that then because she was there with him on the night of the wedding and didn’t stop him. Brady says she tried to talk him out of it. Ava says she gave up and joined him. Brady assures her that nothing she said or did could stop him that night, but they didn’t know he’d end up on a month long bender that would end up with him making the biggest mistake of his life.

Fiona tries again to smother Sarah with the pillow but Xander returns with her soup. Fiona tells Xander that Sarah fell asleep while he was gone. Sarah wakes up and asks what’s going on. Xander apologizes as he didn’t mean to wake her but reveals he has some distressing news as Brady is no longer in police custody. Sarah is confused as she thought it was an open and shut case. Xander explains that Justin managed to convince EJ that even with Brady confessing, there isn’t enough evidence to prove he actually committed the crime. Fiona calls that ridiculous. Xander says it’s more imperative than ever now that Sarah positively identify Brady as the driver. Sarah says she tried but it’s still a blur. Xander encourages that she did have that brief flash of memory so maybe if she concentrates really hard, she’ll recall the driver’s face.

Justin comments to Maggie that Xander seemed pretty upset. Maggie is sure he will calm down but jokes that he should lock his door just in case. Maggie repeats that she’s still having a hard time believing that Brady hit Sarah and kept on driving, even though he’s convinced himself he committed the crime. Maggie admits she’s relieved that Justin was able to have the charges dropped. Justin says that Brady is still tortured about what he did and doubts that he will ever forgive himself as he was quite adamant that he shouldn’t have been released.

Ava asks Brady if he just kept on drinking after that night. Brady confirms he did right up to the moment he hit Sarah with his car. Ava feels she should’ve checked on him. Brady asks why since she’s not his sponsor or his mother, arguing that they aren’t even friends as he doesn’t even really know her. Ava still feels she should’ve done more and admits she tried to. Ava reveals to Brady that she came back to check on him because she was worried about him driving, but she realized he wasn’t going to drive when she heard him talking to Fiona.

Fiona asks what Sarah remembers. Sarah says she sees the headlights coming at her, but she cannot make out the face of the driver. Xander knows it’s hard but encourages her to keep trying because if she can ID Brady, then EJ can press charges and put him away for good. Xander then asks if Sarah would just say that she remembers seeing Brady. Sarah questions him wanting her to lie. Xander argues that it wouldn’t really be a lie since he confessed and they all know he did it. Sarah says she’s not going to do that and she really doesn’t like that he asked her to. Xander apologizes and says he’s just so desperate. Xander then brings up Marlena helping people access their memories through hypnosis. Xander suggests they go see Marlena to help Sarah remember.

John tells Tate that he can’t blame Holly for how she feels since Sarah is her aunt and given that her father was taken from her in similar circumstances, he’s sure she has very strong opinions about drunk drivers. Tate gets that but questions if he’s not supposed to stand by his own father. Tate acknowledges that what he’s done is terrible and wrong, but he’s in Hell about it so he can’t turn his back on him when he needs him the most. John understands and says he loves Brady no matter what, so they are all in this together. John has a feeling there’s a hell of a lot more to this story. Tate asks what he means and if he thinks it’s possible that Brady is innocent.

Eric tells Holly that he and Nicole hated that they had to lie to her, but Daniel died before she was even born. Holly complains that Eric was already living with Nicole by the time she was old enough, accusing him of stealing Daniel’s life. Holly says it makes her sick to even look at him. Eric says it wasn’t planned like that. Eric says that they were a family and Nicole didn’t want to ruin that. Holly asks if it’s Nicole’s fault then. Eric admits he didn’t want her to know what he had done either. Eric tells Holly that he loves her like his own daughter, so he was afraid that if she knew the truth, it would’ve ruined their relationship. Holly tells him that he was right because she truly hates him. Holly calls him a hypocrite for lying to her forever when she grew up idolizing him. Holly talks about coming to him for help and advice because she thought of him as her dad and she thought she was so lucky, but she would still have her real father if not for him. Holly asks how Nicole could ever get past what he did. Eric says she didn’t and that it took years because Nicole was as mad at him as Holly is and rightfully so, but she eventually found it in her heart to forgive him. Holly tells him not to expect her to, because she’s never going to forgive him for what he did.

John tells Tate that he’s not saying Brady is innocent, but he doesn’t remember anything about hitting Sarah, so there could be mitigating factors that played in to the accident. John knows he would feel a lot better if he knew everything that happened that night. John encourages Tate not to feel guilty about standing by his father since he loves him just like he does and nothing would ever make him stop. John tells Tate that the same goes for him.

Maggie tells Justin that she appreciates Brady wanting to take responsibility for what happened and she has compassion for him, but questions knowing that he’s free and that they might run in to him. Justin knows the situation is very difficult. Maggie says it would be easier if she could just write him off forever, but she can’t because he’s family. Justin points out that Xander certainly doesn’t feel that way and wants to make sure Brady goes down. Maggie worries about the family imploding. Maggie turns to the portrait of Victor on the wall and says she can only imagine what he must think of this, adding that she wishes he was there.

Brady questions Ava eavesdropping on him. Ava explains that it was not on purpose as she just wanted to check on him, but then she realized he was walking back to the Salem Inn with Fiona. Brady makes sure she didn’t tell anyone about that. Ava says she was just relieved he wasn’t going to drive. Brady says at least not that night. Ava repeats that she should’ve done more. Brady assures that none of this is her fault but says if she wants to do him a favor, she can not tell anyone that she saw him with Fiona. Ava agrees not to and asks if she’s married or something. Brady then reveals that she’s Xander’s mother which shocks Ava.

Fiona thought hypnosis was just a silly parlor trick. Sarah says there is strong medical research that proves hypnosis can be very effective when done by a professional. Xander calls Marlena the best. Sarah agrees that she has helped many patients. Fiona questions if it would hold up in court if Marlena did help Sarah remember. Xander thinks it would be all the evidence that EJ would need to put Brady away. Sarah notes the one problem is that Brady is Marlena’s stepson, so she doubts she will help them put him behind bars. Xander states that Marlena is a woman of integrity and doesn’t think that would get in the way. Fiona then questions if Xander is sure since he shot Marlena. Xander stops and questions how she knew about that. Fiona flashes back to Brady telling her about it.

Justin tells Maggie that there is a chance that this isn’t over since EJ wasn’t happy about dropping the charges and is still determined to find a way to prosecute, which means finding evidence. Maggie thinks that will be hard without the car. Justin confirms EJ would need something more like an eye witness and asks if Sarah remembered seeing Brady that night. Maggie says no but Xander says she had a hasty flash of memory of the accident, but can’t identify the driver yet. Maggie encourages that maybe she will eventually.

Xander questions how Fiona knows that he shot Marlena. Fiona claims that after arriving in town, she decided to do some internet sleuthing to catch up on his life and it turns out she missed quite a lot. Xander says he can’t change who he was but assures that he’s a better man now because of his love for Sarah and that’s why he wants to make sure that Brady pays for what he did to her. Xander decides it’d be better if Sarah makes the appointment with Marlena since Marlena might not care for him, but she’ll do anything for Sarah. Fiona thinks Sarah should focus on her recovery. Sarah agrees and suggests letting it go which Xander questions. Sarah says she’s upset about what Brady did but prosecuting him is not going to help her walk again. Sarah adds that it was an accident. Xander argues that hitting her may be an accident, but leaving her to die in the street was a choice. Xander complains that they all live in this city and Brady is a danger to everyone. Sarah then decides that since she has a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, maybe it wouldn’t hurt to see Marlena too, leaving Fiona worried.

Ava didn’t realize that Xander’s mother was in town. Brady explains that she came in for Xander and Sarah’s first attempt at their wedding, but that first night at the Pub, he definitely didn’t know who she was. Ava laughs as she asks if Brady slept with Xander’s mother. Brady insists that they don’t want people to know they were involved. Ava asks if it was serious. Brady assures it was casual as they had a little connection, but now that he paralyzed her daughter in law, he thinks it’s best that Xander not know about it. Ava agrees not to say a word. Brady says he’s heading home. Ava stops him and acknowledges that they barely know each other, but says if he never needs to talk, he knows where to find her. Brady then walks away.

John tries turning on a baseball game to take Tate’s mind off things but Tate says he can’t stop worrying about Holly. John suggests checking in with her to let her know that he’s thinking about her. John is sure she will appreciate just knowing he’s there for her if she needs him.

Eric tells Holly that he’s not expecting her forgiveness, but he wants her to know how truly sorry he is. Eric states that her father was a good man and his friend and he loved him. Holly responds that she never got the chance to love him and that’s because of Eric. Holly then storms off, leaving Eric in tears. Eric sits down on the bench and thinks back to talking to Sarah years ago about how one day Holly would ask about what happened to her father and she might hate him for it. Eric then pulls out his phone and calls Nicole. Eric says he didn’t mean to wake her, but there’s something she needs to know.

Holly goes home in tears as she runs in to Maggie, who asks what’s wrong. Holly informs her that she just found out who really killed her dad. Maggie hugs Holly as she cries.

Tate tells John that he just sent Holly a message that he’s there if she wants to talk, but she still hasn’t read it. John is sure Holly will take him up on it when she’s ready. Brady then comes home, shocking Tate and John. Tate asks what he’s doing here and John asks what this means. Brady announces that Justin convinced EJ there wasn’t enough evidence against him, so he dropped the charges. Tate and John are thrilled as John hugs Brady.

Justin goes to the Brady Pub and questions the Pub being closed already. Ava is inside and informs him that Roman gave everyone the day off. Justin says that’s too bad as he was craving one of his burgers. Ava says she was just about to make herself one and offers Justin one too which he says would be nice. Ava mentions that she heard Justin did something nice for one of his clients today. Justin responds that nobody seems too happy about it, including Brady.

Fiona takes Sarah’s soup to go heat it up. Xander tells Sarah that he knows physical recovery is her top priority but making sure Brady is held accountable for what he did is important too. Xander hopes that a hypnosis session with Marlena is just what Sarah needs to unlock her memories of the hit and run. Fiona listens in from outside the door and says to herself that she’s sorry but she can’t allow that to happen.

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