Days Update Thursday, September 5, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Sarah goes to her room where Maggie is waiting. Maggie says she wanted to talk to her about decorations for Victoria’s first birthday party tomorrow but Sarah thinks Maggie wanted to help her get back in the bed. Maggie admits her concerns with Sarah still getting used to the wheelchair. Sarah assures that she feels confident that she can do it. Maggie holds back from helping her while Holly looks in to the room as Sarah moves herself onto the bed.

Fiona joins Xander in the living room. Fiona almost reaches for the alcohol but pours a water instead as Xander asks about Victoria. Fiona says she’s in the kitchen with Bonnie getting ice cream. Xander assumes that Fiona is settling in okay at the Kiriakis Mansion. Fiona confirms that she is and wonders why Xander ever moved out. Xander responds that Victor was a less gracious host than Maggie. Justin walks in and greets them, noting that Bonnie told him they had moved in and asks about Sarah. Fiona says that she’s resting right now. Justin offers he and Bonnie’s help if Sarah needs anything but Xander responds that what Sarah needs is for Justin to fire his client.

John finishes a call with Belle as he sits at home with Marlena. John tells Marlena that he told Belle about Brady and she even offered to come home to represent him, but he told her that Justin is all over it. John adds that Paul also offered to come home for moral support as he just wants to be there for all of them.

Tate goes to the police station to visit Brady in the interrogation room.

Xander questions how Justin could offer to defend the man who nearly killed Sarah. Justin argues that he loves Sarah but Brady is family too and everyone deserves a defense. Xander argues that driving drunk is not just a mistake but a crime. Xander adds that after running Sarah down, he just went on his way and didn’t even bother to check if she was dead or alive. Justin gets that Xander is suffering. Xander argues that Sarah may never walk again so he doesn’t think Brady should ever see daylight again. Xander remarks that scum like that should be locked up with the key thrown away. Fiona cuts him off and tells him that it was an accident.

Sarah insist to Maggie that she can do it but Maggie insists on helping her. Holly comes in and tells Sarah that she can help too if she lets her which Sarah allows so Maggie and Holly help Sarah in to bed. Sarah thanks them and jokes about not knowing where she gets the stubbornness from. Maggie encourages her being strong and determined. Holly tells Sarah that she’s really sorry, insisting that she is to blame since if the cabin key was where it was supposed to be, she wouldn’t have to go look for it. Sarah assures that the search for the key is not what put her in the wheelchair and that there’s only one person to blame which is not Holly.

Brady didn’t expect to see Tate. Tate responds that he just needed to see how he is if that’s okay. Brady says it’s fine but that Tate must pretty ashamed of him. Tate responds that he’s not and that he feels bad for him. Tate wants to understand how this happened. Brady says it starts with one drink and then it leads to a couple more. Brady states that he’s an alcoholic and sometimes it’s very hard for him to stop. Tate asks about the accident. Brady tells him that he doesn’t remember because that’s how drunk he was. Tate questions why he even relapsed in the first place as he doesn’t understand what happened to make him start drinking again.

John tells Marlena that he talked to his dad this morning to fill him in on what’s going on. John says he’s upset for all of them and sad that Brady fell off the wagon and about the accident, so he wanted to know if he could do anything to help. Marlena calls him such a kind man. John appreciates everyone’s offer but talks about the phone calls to update everyone about Brady being a lot. Marlena says luckily, he has her to help him, assuring that she’s right here for him and they are going to get through this together as they hug.

Holly tells Sarah that she can’t just let her off that easy since the only reason she had the cabin key was because she was lying to everyone just so she and Tate could spend time together. Sarah tells Holly that she’s allowed to feel guilty for lying but not about what happened to her. Sarah repeats that the only person to blame is the driver who hit her. Sarah asks if she’s getting through to her at all. Holly guesses a little and thanks her for being so kind to her, but she still wishes she could go back in time and leave the key where it was meant to be. Sarah talks about lives being changed forever in one moment and they have no control over what happens to them, so all they can do is try to handle the circumstances the best they can. Maggie encourages being grateful that Sarah is getting stronger every day. Sarah admits it’s not as fast as she’d like but she’s getting there. Holly thanks God for that.

Tate asks if Brady started drinking again because of Theresa. Brady clarifies that he’s not blaming her since he’s responsible for his own actions, but when he saw Theresa marrying Alex, he didn’t like it as he did think there was a chance they could get back together and when he realized that wasn’t going to happen, it hit him hard so he went to the Pub and went downhill from there. Tate points out that Theresa’s wedding was weeks ago. Brady admits that he’d been drinking the whole time. Brady reminds Tate of when he sent him back to lacrosse camp and how it seems they were both lying to each other that day, but his lies were worse because the consequences were tragic and cannot be undone. Brady talks about being right in the middle of his addiction, so he didn’t want Tate to see how bad he had become. Brady thanks Tate for not being ashamed of him, but says he’s ashamed of himself.

Xander questions if Fiona is defending Brady, arguing that she doesn’t even know him. Fiona says she’s not, but she’s been told that Brady is an alcoholic and has a disease like she does and it’s not like he meant to hit Sarah. Justin agrees, so Xander complains that Justin has made it clear whose side he’s on. Justin argues that it’s not about taking sides, but about having compassion for someone who made a terrible mistake and is incredibly remorseful about it. Justin repeats that Brady is a member of the family and brings up that the family didn’t write Xander off when he held Bonnie hostage in the shed. Xander argues that Justin wasn’t rushing to represent him back then like he’s doing for Brady. Justin remarks that Xander is lucky he doesn’t need legal representation now after nearly choking Brady to death. Xander declares that Brady better hope he doesn’t get another chance because if he does, he’s going to break his neck.

John thanks Marlena and says he needed that. Marlena says she did too. John declares it’s now time to go talk to his son. Marlena asks if he’d like some company but John feels he should handle this on his own. Marlena tells John to tell Brady that she loves him. John says he will as he then exits.

Brady tells Tate that he’s now heard it all and it’s okay if he wants nothing to do with him anymore. Tate asks how he can even say that when he’s his dad. Tate brings up that Brady didn’t turn his back on him when everyone blamed him for Holly’s overdose and even tried to take the fall for him. Tate says he feels bad for what’s happened to Sarah but there’s no way he’s turning his back on Brady. Brady asks if Tate isn’t pissed that he tried to keep him and Holly apart. Tate insist that he only cares about being there for him. Brady tells Tate that Theresa may not be the only one that’s going to be in prison. Tate questions if Brady would go to prison for an accident. Brady responds that drunk driving and hitting someone is not an accident but a horrible crime as he could’ve cost Sarah her life. Tate is thankful that he didn’t and encourages that Sarah will forgive him in time because she’s a doctor and gets that he has a disease. Tate believes everyone will forgive him as he already has. They hug until an officer comes in to tell Tate his time is up. Tate tells Brady that he loves him and then exits.

Maggie asks Sarah if she can get her anything. Sarah says she’s good and wants to check on Victoria. Maggie says not right now since Bonnie has her in the kitchen, tasting ice cream. Sarah laughs about Bonnie being so good with her. Maggie talks about Victoria being at the pool and comments that she will be walking soon. Maggie then apologizes as Sarah knows it will be impossible for her to keep up with Victoria or walk next to her. Sarah encourages that she will find a way and she’s glad Victoria is growing up. Sarah says she’s lucky to have a wonderful husband and beautiful daughter, so the wheelchair won’t stop her from being the best mother and wife she can be. Maggie says she’s so proud of her. Sarah is proud of Maggie too for always being so strong despite all the losses she’s suffered. Sarah reminds her that tomorrow is Victoria’s first birthday party.

Justin says he needs to go check in with his office. Xander hopes that they lost Brady’s paperwork. After Justin exits, Xander questions how he can do this to them and defend the swine that left Sarah for dead. Fiona assures Xander that she’s 100% on his side. Xander talks about how supportive she’s been and says he doesn’t know what they would’ve done without her. Fiona assures she’ll always be there. Xander invites Fiona to come with him when he goes to check on Sarah so they exit together.

Eric surprises Marlena at her door. Marlena hugs him and says she’s so glad to see him. Eric says he’s missed her so much. Marlena talks about missing him and Jude, thanking him for all the pictures and videos. Eric tells her that Jude and Nicole are doing well, adding that John and Marlena will have to plan a trip to Paris to come see them. Marlena thanks Eric for coming to them. Eric responds that there’s no way he was going to stay in France while his brother’s in trouble.

John goes to visit Brady in the interrogation room and tells him that everyone who loves him is there for him. Brady remarks that maybe they should go see Sarah and then see how they feel. John says they are capable of caring about him and Sarah. John assures that Brady won’t be in here long because Justin will get him cleared of all charges but Brady responds that he doesn’t want to be cleared, he wants to pay for his crime.

Xander goes to check on Sarah, who says she’s going over the list of everything for Victoria’s birthday party. Xander asks what he can do but Sarah says Maggie has it all covered. Fiona joins Xander and checks on Sarah, saying they just want to focus on making things easier for her. Xander remarks that some of them have been doing a better job than others, since he just tried and failed to get Justin to drop Brady as a client.

Justin finds Maggie in the living room and says he was about to call her. Justin informs her that Xander wasn’t too happy about him taking Brady’s case and actually asked him to drop it, but he said no. Justin wonders how Maggie feels about that.

Tate meets Holly in the park and kisses her. Holly says she’s so glad to see him as she needed that badly. Holly asks how he is. Tate says he’s okay and just came from seeing his dad at the police station. Tate admits it was awful and depressing as Hell as he feels so sorry for him. Holly questions why.

Eric asks Marlena about Brady drinking for awhile now. Marlena confirms it’s been since Theresa got married since Brady had hopes they would get back together and then his hopes were dashed. Marlena calls it so sad since Brady had been sober for so long and then to drive drunk, hit somebody, and leave the scene. Marlena could never imagine that Brady could be so reckless and cruel as he didn’t even call anyone to let them know that Sarah was lying on the side of the road. Eric calls it hard to believe but says he’s the last one to judge after what he did to Holly’s father.

Tate tells Holly that Brady is in jail and questions why he wouldn’t feel bad for him. Holly argues that’s where he belongs for getting wasted and plowing his car in to Sarah, who is now paralyzed. Holly argues that she just watched Sarah struggle to get herself in to bed and there’s some things she’ll probably never be able to do again. Tate argues that Brady feels horrible and hates himself for what happened but it was an accident. Holly calls it an accident that could’ve been easily prevented because Brady didn’t have to get drunk and drive. Holly states it wasn’t just an accident, it was a crime. Tate argues that Brady wasn’t thinking straight and was upset about Theresa. Holly asks if that’s an excuse and if they’re supposed to feel sorry for him. Tate wishes Holly wouldn’t be so judgmental about this because she knows he feels terrible about what happened to Sarah, but Brady is suffering too. Tate doesn’t know why they are arguing abou when this situation is not black and white. Holly complains that it is exactly that as there’s no grey area and Sarah may never walk again, so she doesn’t know how the hell Tate can defend Brady.

Maggie tells Justin that she doesn’t want him to stop defending Brady in spite of what happened as she will always love him, but she’s profoundly disappointed in him and horrified that Brady could’ve drove drunk, hit her daughter, and then drove off. Justin says it seems a lot of people in the house are struggling with how someone they all love could cause such a tragedy. Maggie says it may be somewhat easier for her to understand since she’s familiar with that disease of Brady’s. Maggie talks about how it lies in wait for that moment of weakness and says the only way to fight is to ask for help and reach out to your sponsor. Maggie cries that she knows she could’ve helped Brady, but he never gave her the chance.

John doesn’t understand and questions why Brady would call Justin if he didn’t want to be defended. Brady explains that Jada wanted to do things by the book so he didn’t have a choice. Brady declares that he’s going to plead guilty and suffer the consequences. John asks if he even knows what he’s taking responsibility for. Brady says Sarah being in a wheelchair is a pretty big clue. John argues that there’s no proof that Brady caused the accident and the police have no evidence now that his car is gone. Brady talks about Kristen doing that in thinking of Rachel. John suggests he do the same thing. Brady says his kids are all he’s thinking about as he doesn’t want them to be ashamed of the kind of man that their father is. John argues that Justin defending him is nothing to be ashamed about. Brady insists that he’s doing it and there’s no way to change his mind. John tells Brady that his kids won’t be the only ones heartbroken if Brady is locked up as it will devastate him too. John asks Brady to do it for him.

Sarah understands Xander is angry but points out that Brady is family, so she can understand why Justin wouldn’t want to abandon him. Xander still wants Brady to rot in Hell. Fiona suggests focusing on the positives like Victoria’s birthday. Fiona says she’s there for any help they need. Sarah thanks her. Fiona says that Sarah is like a daughter to her now and she’s terribly sorry that she has to suffer like this which she doesn’t deserve.

Marlena knows Eric still lives with the pain of what happened to Daniel. Eric says there’s not a day that goes by that he doesn’t think about him. Eric adds that since he’s been back, he feels a tremendous amount of sadness and remorse. Eric says that back when he and Nicole were married, they decided that Holly was too young to know the details of the accident that killed her father but they agreed that someday, she deserved to know the truth. Marlena is surprised to learn that Holly still doesn’t know Eric caused the accident. Eric explains that they wanted to wait for the right time and that EJ threatened to tell Holly the truth when Nicole filed for divorce. Eric reveals that he and Nicole decided that he needs to be the one to tell Holly the truth before she hears it from someone else.

Tate tells Holly that she knows that Brady is not a bad person. Holly questions if a good person drives drunk, hits someone, and doesn’t even stop to check if they are dead or alive. Tate repeats that the situation isn’t black and white, arguing that Brady is an addict and has a disease. Holly complains that Brady should’ve dealt with it instead of making someone else suffer. Tate argues that Brady didn’t mean to which Holly complains further about. Tate repeats that Brady wasn’t thinking clearly, had a relapse, and is tortured with guilt. Tate doesn’t know why Holly doesn’t have some compassion for him. Holly reminds Tate that her father was killed by a drunk driver, who probably wasn’t in the right mind either. Tate acknowledges that making it harder for Holly to talk about but points out that was a terrible accident too and that she forgave Eric. Holly then questions what he means as Tate is shocked to realize she didn’t know.

Justin supposes Brady was afraid to call Maggie because he didn’t want to be judged. Maggie argues that Brady knows she wouldn’t do that as sponsors don’t judge. Maggie talks about reassuring Brady that all he ever had to do was call her and she’d be there to get him back on track and prevent him from destroying himself or anyone else and especially from driving drunk. Maggie cries that’s why it’s so hard for her to believe that Brady actually did this.

Brady tells John that he would do anything for him but this. John repeats that he respects Brady’s decision to want to take responsibility but questions how he can do that without having all the facts. Brady states that he got drunk, hit a woman with his car, and left her at the scene so he thinks the facts are pretty straightforward. John says maybe he’s right and everything will turn out as he thinks it is. John asks Brady to not plead guilty until he knows the whole story. John adds that for all they know, there may be mitigating circumstances and a hell of a lot more to this story.

Fiona can’t believe this has happened to Sarah and so soon after she and Xander got married, especially on what was supposed to be one of the happiest nights of her life. Fiona thanks God that it wasn’t so much worse. Sarah then has a blurry memory of the accident. Xander asks her what’s wrong.

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