Days Update Thursday, August 8, 2024

Days of Our Lives Update


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Update written by Joseph

Tate and Holly walk through the town square. Holly tells Tate to find somewhere to stay hidden while she goes to buy them tickets for the Smith Island ferry. After Holly walks away, Brady walks through the town square and bumps in to Tate and is shocked as he questions what the hell he is doing back in town.

Andrew massages Paul in their room at the Salem Inn, noting that he is very tense. Paul talks about how he thought his dad was in Greece, only to find out he was attacked and being held in Missouri of all places. Andrew calls it crazy and knows he’s anxious to hear from him but at least they know John is okay.

John returns home to Marlena. They embrace as Marlena says she’s so glad to see him. Marlena asks why he didn’t call as she would’ve picked him up at the airport. John says his flight landed earlier so he just wanted to get home and surprise her. Marlena asks where Jack is. John explains that Jack stayed behind with Chad because they are still looking for answers about Abigail.

In Poplar Bluff, Missouri, Chad shows Abigail’s bracelet to Jack, who questions how that can be and if she was wearing it the night she died. Chad says he can’t remember for sure even though parts of that night have stuck with him so much. Chad says he’s just drawing a blank. Jack apologizes and says he understands. Chad insists that Abigail was wearing the bracelet the night she died and that’s no other explanation. Chad declares that this proves the woman in the video is Abigail and he’s not leaving until she comes back. Jack reminds Chad that they just found John in this room 24 hours ago and when the people responsible for that come back, they will be sitting ducks. Chad points out that they haven’t come back yet and he doesn’t care if it leads them to Abigail. Jack states there’s another explanation about the bracelet, reminding Chad that Leo stole some jewelry from Abigail and sold some of it to Clyde, who gave it to Nancy, which was why he was a suspect in Abigail’s murder. Chad asks where he’s going with this. Jack points out that Clyde may have held on to the bracelet and left it there for Chad to find as proof to perpetuate a hoax and make them think that Abigail is still alive. Jack says he’s sorry but they have to be clear-headed about this. A woman appears outside the door as Jack tells Chad the the bracelet doesn’t necessarily mean that Abigail was ever there.

Marlena tells John that she has a million questions but is sure he doesn’t want a third degree. John stumbles back so Marlena grabs onto him and asks if he’s alright. John claims he’s fine but Marlena says after all he’s been through, she thinks he should get checked out. John decides she’s the doctor, so Marlena walks him out of the house.

Andrew encourages Paul that John will call as soon as he’s home and it will all be over now. Andrew assures that John will be fine and that Marlena told him not to worry. Paul responds that it’s not just about John, but Brady too, as he wishes he knew what was going on with him.

Brady questions what Tate is doing here when he’s supposed to be at lacrosse camp. Tate calls it a long story. Brady says it better be a good one. Tate suggests they get lunch but Brady says they are going to deal with this right now. Brady guesses that Tate is here to see Holly. Holly sees them from a distance and is shocked. Sophia approaches Holly and asks why she’s lurking back here. Sophia then sees Tate and suggests they go say hello but Holly says no and pulls her away. Brady tells Tate that he already knows what’s going on and tells him to just admit he came to see Holly. Tate says obviously not since he forbid him from seeing her. Brady argues that never stopped him before and questions what other reason he’d have to come home from lacrosse camp. Tate brings up his mom and reveals that Theresa had to be the one to call him from Andrew’s phone while in police custody, to tell him that she’s going to prison. Brady then apologizes. Tate responds that he’s sorry too but he thinks it’s great that they ran in to each other, so Brady can tell him why he didn’t hear it from him.

Andrew asks Paul about something going on with Brady. Paul tells him about Brady struggling with his sobriety. Andrew thought Paul said he was going to meetings. Paul says that’s what he told Marlena, but he didn’t tell her that he caught Brady with a drink in his hand. Andrew asks if he thinks he should’ve told Marlena. Paul says he doesn’t know as he doesn’t want to worry Marlena, but wonders if he’s making too much of this. Andrew notes that Paul said he saw Brady with the drink in his hand, but he didn’t drink it, so he feels there’s nothing to tell Marlena. Paul tells Andrew that he’s right and jokes that he’ll never say that again as they kiss.

Marlena brings John to the hospital. John questions if this is really necessary since he got a clean bill of health in Poplar Bluff. Marlena feels it won’t hurt to get a second opinion. John promises it will be the same and that he’s perfectly fine. Marlena says she’s not fine as she has a million questions so maybe he can answer a few. Marlena wants to know who attacked John in Greece and then she wants to know why he was held so many miles away in Missouri.

Chad and Jack hear a noise at the door so they rush out the door and catch a woman outside.

Holly drags Sophia to outside of the Brady Pub and complains that she knows damn well that she and Tate can’t be seen together. Holly argues that she has apologized and taken her shifts at the Bistro. Holly tells Sophia that she’s held up her end of the deal, so she doesn’t have to be a bitch about it. Sophia argues that she can’t blame her for being upset when she hasn’t even got paid yet, reminding her that Holly does the work but she gets the money. Holly argues that it’s only been a few weeks and she just got her first paycheck which she hasn’t deposited yet. Sophia guesses that’s understandable. Holly says that’s good because she has to get back to Tate. Sophia stops her and asks what about tips.

Tate argues to Brady that with his mom going to prison, he thought maybe he would hear from his father. Brady apologizes and says he hasn’t had the time. Tate says to give him a break since Theresa called him days ago about this. Brady says he’s been busy which Tate questions being his excuse. Tate asks what could possibly be more important than telling his son something that completely changes his life. Tate complains about how upset and sad that makes him. Brady stops him and says he’s right that there’s no excuse and he should’ve called him. Brady admits he’s been a little messed up lately. Tate asks if it’s about Theresa. Brady explains that when she came back to town, he hoped she really committed to turning her life around and becoming a better person, so he was terribly disappointed that she lost her way again. Tate guesses that Brady still loves her. Brady responds that he’ll always care about her and they will always be in each other’s life because of Tate. Tate asks if that’s the only reason. Brady wants to change the subject but Tate feels he has a right to know how Brady feels about Theresa. Brady responds that he’s been upset that she’s been so self-destructive. Tate doesn’t think he was thinking of him when he didn’t tell him. Brady admits he has no excuse, but tells him that he’s in a constant state of anxiety about Rachel. Tate asks what’s going on with Rachel. Brady complains about Kristen having full custody, so he’s deprived of seeing her on a regular basis and then he beats the crap out of himself for letting himself getting involved with two women who are so screwed up and how that could affect his kids. Brady apologizes for saying these things and sounding like it’s self pity. Brady tells Tate that he’s just overwhelmed and struggling so he’s sorry. Tate says he gets that it’s a lot and he thinks Brady is being too hard on himself. Tate calls him a great person and says a lot of people make bad decisions, joking that half the movies he watches is about people in miserable relationships. Brady feels bad sometimes for his kids because their parents are together and their moms are messed up. Tate suggests he just come back from camp for good so they can hang out and go through this tough time together as he thinks it would be best for both of them if he comes home.

Paul and Andrew lay in bed after having sex. Andrew asks if that took the edge off. Paul confirms he’s feeling less tense. Paul tells Andrew how much it means to him that he’s always there for him, even when he’s struggling with his own stuff. Paul knows Andrew is worried about Theresa. Andrew thinks he will be until the deal comes through. Paul asks if EJ agreed to give Theresa a reduced sentence for agreeing to confess to Victoria’s kidnapping. Andrew says he remains worried that EJ will renege on the deal. Andrew then gets a call from EJ and asks if he’s signed off on Theresa’s deal.

John wishes he had answers for Marlena but says he had no idea who attacked him as he was at the cemetery at Catarina’s grave when he got hit from behind. John adds that he didn’t see anything and the only person from Greece who has been after him was Konstantin and he’s dead. Marlena suggests maybe it wasn’t somebody from Greece, asking why they would bring him all the way to Poplar Bluff. John admits it crossed his mind, especially when Jack and Chad showed up looking for Abigail, that maybe it all ties back to her.

Chad and Jack bring the woman into the room to interrogate her as she questions who they are and what they are doing. She says who she is, is none of their business. Jack identifies her as the woman in the video, so she questions if they’ve been filming her. She then questions if they’ve been stealing from her as she notices the bracelet in Chad’s hand. Chad informs her that the bracelet is his wife’s and questions where she got it. She takes it back from Chad, insisting it belongs to her and she doesn’t remember where she got it because she doesn’t remember much of anything.

Brady tells Tate that he’s done it again as now Tate’s feeling sorry for him because he’s made this about himself again. Tate says he’s not feeling sorry but understanding what he’s going through and he wants to be there for him. Brady argues that he’s supposed to be the responsible dad while Tate is supposed to be the heartbroken one since he wasn’t there for him. Tate understands Brady is going through a lot. Brady feels he should’ve been more sensitive to his needs and he wants to be a better dad. Brady tells Tate that he loves him and that he means everything to him as he just wants his life to be good. Tate says he loves him too and wants the same for him. Tate adds that they are both dealing with a lot, so he thinks it would be better if they were together so they could help each other through this. Tate says they need each other after everything that’s happened this summer and repeats that he thinks it would be best for him to come home. Brady says he hears him but he doesn’t think it’s a good idea that he come home.

Holly gives Sophia her tips. Sophia remarks that she must really like Tate if she’s willing to work this hard so she doesn’t rat them out. Holly assures that she does really like Tate which is why she didn’t appreciate Sophia pulling that stunt earlier. Sophia asks if Holly and Tate have done it yet. Holly calls it none of her business but admits they haven’t, so Sophia questions what they are waiting for.

Tate questions Brady saying no and argues that he already feels better and less upset after their conversation. Brady says he feels the same but he thinks they should stick to video chats and that Tate should stay at camp. Tate complains that it isn’t the same but Brady encourages him that camp is a good experience and he sounded like he’s been having a good time. Paul and Andrew come out of the Salem Inn and greet them. Paul says he thought Tate was at camp. Brady explains that Tate was worried about Theresa, so he came home. Andrew then reveals that he spoke to EJ and he agreed to the deal, so Theresa will only have to serve six months but she is being transferred to the prison immediately. Tate asks if he can see her before she goes. Andrew says he was heading to the police station now and invites Tate to come with him which Tate accepts. Tate tells Brady they will continue their conversation later and he loves him. Brady hugs him and says he’s sorry about his mom as Tate then walks off with Andrew. Paul then informs Brady that Tate is dealing with enough, but he just got a call from Marlena that John is in the hospital.

John tells Marlena that it’s too much of a strange coincidence that all of the evidence Jack and Chad used to track down Abigail led them to him. John questions how Abigail could still be alive and recalls the way Chad described finding Abigail. John tells Marlena about the video of the woman but they couldn’t see her face, so t could’ve been anybody.

Chad questions if the woman is saying she lost her memory. She explains that she was in a bad accident a couple years ago and when she woke up, she couldn’t remember what happened or much of anything. She talks about having images of what must be memories but nothing concrete and her face was so messed up that she had to have surgeries so she doesn’t even know if this is what she looked like. Jack asks if she has any ID or anything that could lead her to who she could be but she says no. She adds that the doctors did their best to reconstruct her face, but ever since she feels like she’s been living someone else’s life as she looks in the mirror and doesn’t know who she is. Chad responds that they might and explains the situation. She questions really thinking she could be this Abigail person. Jack calls it hard to believe but says she could be his daughter and Chad’s wife. Chad notes that they lost her a couple years ago which lines up with when she lost her memory. She argues that she was in an accident and wasn’t stabbed. Chad asks how she knows if she doesn’t remember. She says there was a man at the hospital when she woke up who told her everything. Chad asks if his name was Clyde. She confirms that it was.

Sophia questions Holly having a romantic hideaway but not having sex yet and asks what’s wrong with her. Holly argues that nothing is wrong with her or Tate and they don’t get that much time since she’s working Sophia’s shifts at the Bistro. Sophia argues that if they wanted to do it, they would so she suggests maybe they don’t want to or that Tate’s gay. Sophia points out that Tate does have a gay uncle so maybe he has the “gay gene” but Holly insists that he’s not gay. Sophia mocks her having a problem with gay people. Holly says she doesn’t but she knows her boyfriend isn’t. Sophia points out that he did get them a hotel room on prom night, but maybe he just changed his mind about her. Holly argues that Tate is just going through a lot right now like his mother going to prison. Sophia guesses that would be a mood killer and jokes that he’s probably not thinking about sex unlike any other teenage boy, so she suggests that Holly will have to make the first move. Holly stops her and asks why she’s being like this, telling her that what happens between her and Tate is none of her damn business as she storms off back to the town square.

Paul and Brady go to the hospital to see John. Brady asks what happened. John explains that Marlena just thought he should get checked out again but he’s doing a lot better now seeing them. Brady says they’re just glad to have him home while Paul adds that they were really worried about him. John says that what’s important is they are all together now. John says he’s fine and wants to catch up. John asks Paul about Andrew. Paul says he’ll be glad to know John is okay. John asks about the grandkids, Rachel and Tate. Brady responds that Rachel is fine but there’s a lot to talk about with Tate.

Andrew and Tate go to the police station. Tate thanks him for everything he’s done for Theresa. Andrew knows this has been hard for him as it has been for him, knowing his sister is going through such a rough time. Andrew says Theresa has gotten in a lot of trouble but deep down, she’s a really good person and she loves Tate. Tate responds that he loves her too. Andrew goes to see if they are ready in the interrogation room. Tate then gets a call from Holly, who asks where he is. Tate responds that he’s actually at the police station. Holly asks if Brady had him arrested. Tate says no, so Holly asks if he figured out why he’s here and if they are busted. Tate explains that he told Brady that he came to see Theresa, which now is true as he’s at the police station to see her before she gets sent to prison. Andrew then comes out and tells Tate that they are ready for him, so Tate tells Holly that he has to go and hangs up as he heads in to the room.

Chad has the woman confirm Clyde’s photo. She explains that he told her that bad people caused her accident and might still be after her so he brought her here to hide out and then he disappeared and had a friend take care of her, which they confirm was Rebecca Goldman. Chad tells Jack that it could be her. She adds that she said Clyde would come back but then she disappeared and she got tired of waiting, so she went looking for them. Jack points out that is why she wasn’t there when they found John. She questions who John is. Chad says that’s not important and that what’s important is she doesn’t believe a word that Clyde Weston says. Chad explains that Clyde led him to a video of her pacing around the room and told him that she was his wife, who was still alive. She asks how they know Clyde isn’t lying to them. Jack admits they don’t and now Clyde is in solitary prison so they can’t talk to him. Chad adds that there’s another way for them to find out who she really is and asks her to come home with them.

Brady calls Tate from the hospital and asks if he made it to the airport. Tate is in the town square but claims he’s at the airport now. Brady tells him to have a good time and promises to be much more sensitive to what he’s going through. Tate responds that Brady’s going through a lot too. Brady tells him to text him when he lands as they hang up. Holly joins Tate in the town square and asks how he’s doing. Tate calls it a crazy day but says he’s alright and just glad that he got to say goodbye to his mom. Tate says it was hard as he didn’t know what to say before his mom goes to prison for six months. Holly encourages that Theresa knows he loves her. Tate thanks her and says now Brady thinks he’s on his way back to camp. They talk about it being a close call. Holly tells him about her run-in with Sophia, who was being really mean but she handled it. Holly says she’ll tell him all about it on the ferry. They walk off together and then Sophia walks in to the town square and watches them go.

Paul joins Andrew at the police station and asks where Tate is. Andrew says he just left but at least got a chance to say goodbye to his mom. Paul is sure that was very tough for him and asks if Andrew wanted to spend more time with Theresa. Andrew informs him that the prison transport just left too. Paul asks how he’s feeling. Andrew says he’s okay and asks about John. Paul says he’s okay too. Andrew says now at least he can stop worrying about him. Paul says he’d feel a lot better if he knew what happened to him.

John tells Marlena that it was good to see his sons. Marlena says she can tell he feels stronger. John asks why she looks so worried then. Marlena responds that she’s worried because she still doesn’t know how John ended up in Poplar Bluff. John responds that they’ll figure it out at some point unless Jack and Chad get to the bottom of it first.

The woman laughs off and questions Chad and Jack expecting her to just come with them to Salem. Chad responds that they have a plane waiting. She asks how she knows this isn’t some trick and that they aren’t the ones that Clyde warned her about. Jack swears that they mean no harm. Chad argues that this isn’t a joke to them as Jack lost his daughter and he lost his wife. Chad asks if she doesn’t want to know who she lost and promises they aren’t going to hurt her as they just want to help her figure out who she is. She then agrees to go, but warns Chad that if he lays a finger on her, he’s a dead man as the three of them exit.

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